CONGRATULATIONSIt's my 11th vapeaversary today. I'll always remember it was the Saturday after Thanksgiving 2012 when I had my last cigarette with morning coffee before embarking on a day of struggle. I'd been both vaping and smoking for about six weeks, somersaulting through dozens of flavors when vape sellers were allowed to give free samples. On cold evenings at that time of year I started to look forward to getting home, getting warm, and having a rich, intense vape. I realized I loved vaping far more than smoking, and I was ready to quit the stinkies.
It still was hard for the rest of that day. I wanted a cigarette. The devil on one shoulder was saying "go ahead, have a cig, nobody is stopping you". The angel on my other shoulder was saying "you're doing great, keep vaping, leave the cigarettes, don't put this off another day". When I finally went to bed that night, I knew I was a nonsmoker forever. I had no cigarette cravings the next day, nor ever again.
I've told my story often, but I still see the success of that quit day as a miracle, the technology of vaping as a miracle, and I still love it. Love this forum and this thread. Thank you all for being part of my life.
I know this isn't even close to one of your cakes, but I hope you will enjoy it anyway.