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Nothing has changed, just the thread title.


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Every so often I get this feeling that I 'should' do or say something- sometimes it's completely random and off-the-wall but then later I find out it's exactly what someone needed to hear at that time.

I've had this thought running through my head all morning and can't seem to let it go so maybe this is one of those times...

Our Heavenly Father is always there for us and it's easy to feel His Grace when things are going good in our lives.
When things aren't going so well, it can seem He's never been further away.
That's not the case.
He is never more than a prayer away. He extends a loving hand to us all the time but sometimes He wants to know that WE are going to be there for HIm as well.
When we feel that distance, that disconnect, it's actually His way of saying, 'I've reached down and taken your hand many times. To guide. To comfort.To protect. To save. Now it's your turn to reach out. I'm there for you. Are you there for Me?'

For me, to reconnect, the simplest prayer seems to work the best...
God, please forgive my sins and give me the tools to do what You would have me do. Put me where You want me and give me strength. I know that whatever I have to face is part of Your plan for me and I gratefully give myself over to Your Will for I know You love me. Amen.

Don't know if that helps anyone or not but I had to put it out there.
Have a wonderful day!


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I have been doing stations of the cross every Friday night this lent my 9 year old daughter even started going with me .Thanks for this thread Friar .Your simple act has brought me back . It is amazing how a "strangers" thought can effect many beyond his circle .


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Every so often I get this feeling that I 'should' do or say something- sometimes it's completely random and off-the-wall but then later I find out it's exactly what someone needed to hear at that time.

I've had this thought running through my head all morning and can't seem to let it go so maybe this is one of those times...

Our Heavenly Father is always there for us and it's easy to feel His Grace when things are going good in our lives.
When things aren't going so well, it can seem He's never been further away.
That's not the case.
He is never more than a prayer away. He extends a loving hand to us all the time but sometimes He wants to know that WE are going to be there for HIm as well.
When we feel that distance, that disconnect, it's actually His way of saying, 'I've reached down and taken your hand many times. To guide. To comfort.To protect. To save. Now it's your turn to reach out. I'm there for you. Are you there for Me?'

For me, to reconnect, the simplest prayer seems to work the best...
God, please forgive my sins and give me the tools to do what You would have me do. Put me where You want me and give me strength. I know that whatever I have to face is part of Your plan for me and I gratefully give myself over to Your Will for I know You love me. Amen.

Don't know if that helps anyone or not but I had to put it out there.
Have a wonderful day!

Thanks for that @ghost62 :)

Just Me

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Hello all

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Dear God, what is happening to all those I love?

I was just told yesterday a dear friend has been given 4 months to live. He has not even told his family. My heart aches badly.
Last week (I think) I asked for prayers for my great niece. She has found a therapist so I am hopeful she will help her deal with it all but the prayers are much appreciated.
Today I find out my sisters world is falling apart. Her husband is terminally ill and I'll just say that is the easy part of what she is going through. Prayers for her would be greatly appreciated as well.

How much is anyone suppose to handle?? Really?


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Hello everyone...I am grossly out of sync, but in a wee amount of time I shall be gathered back together and resume my posting habits. It has been determined by myself and my advisor, that enclosure is simply NOT going to work. My place is out in the world in obedience to God's plan for me. What I need to do most, is rediscover the obedience I need in order to fulfill that. I lost my way, and desired things for myself which is counter to my work. I will get back on track lol.


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I feel so lost right now. I've made SO many mistakes....I have trusted in the wrong person...ME. Lord, I am trying SO HARD to trust in you....but my faith is not as strong as it needs to be....I do not love YOU enough it seems.

Eric DeCastro

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schedule for my weeks to come are tight. get home around 3:20pm get changed, start to run at 3:30pm, run until 5:00pm shower and get out the door for mass at 5:30pm but it is worth it to worship my Lord and Savior.


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schedule for my weeks to come are tight. get home around 3:20pm get changed, start to run at 3:30pm, run until 5:00pm shower and get out the door for mass at 5:30pm but it is worth it to worship my Lord and Savior.
Yes it is! I cant tell you how many times I have WANTED to sleep in on Sunday's...but I drag my tired butt to Church...sit there in prayer HOPING to stay awake. Then after I take the Eucharist, I feel like I can take on the world! So I do! I feel like a freshly fueled race car, and that I am NOT alone.


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Ok....time to get back in tune with God. I want the Graces that have always been mine for the asking. I know that I have the strength of the Lion of Judah...and I will step out of this shell and TAKE UP MY SWORD and trust in His Will! I am tired of wallowing in my own will, and I will not stand for this ANY LONGER. Bring it world...and bring it hard....Judge me my Father, and judge me hard. I refuse to be broken! SATAN, STOP FUCKING WITH ME...I will NOT LET YOU WIN!!!!!!!


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Ok....time to get back in tune with God. I want the Graces that have always been mine for the asking. I know that I have the strength of the Lion of Judah...and I will step out of this shell and TAKE UP MY SWORD and trust in His Will! I am tired of wallowing in my own will, and I will not stand for this ANY LONGER. Bring it world...and bring it hard....Judge me my Father, and judge me hard. I refuse to be broken! SATAN, STOP FUCKING WITH ME...I will NOT LET YOU WIN!!!!!!!
No pun intended but HELL YEAH!


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I've disposed of a couple of things I never needed in my life!


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I seriously feel energised

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We all bear a cross . I too have made many mistakes. I work in a correctional facility and often feel the inmates are freer then me . I like them have created my own chains .


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It happens all to easily my brother. But we are always welcome back Home.

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I have already sold most of them to a local party....sorry

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I kept the "forest". What I sold were the ultra high-ends.


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@franciscan I prayed for you at mass yesterday so that God will Bless you.

God bless everyone.
Thank you Eric, that means everything to me. @ghost62 will be your host from here on out, he has been doing a fantastic job, and is more than capable to carry on where I am leaving off. Again, you all have been a true blessing.....for me, and everyone that comes here. God bless and keep you all.


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Franciscan's profile is gone so he won't be getting that tag.
Where ever he travels, I wish him well.


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All my best to you in your travels, dear foggy'll be missed. I hope this message finds you eventually, and that at some higher point on your journey you decide to pop back in now and again.

Eric DeCastro

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I feel so at a loss, but if this is what it takes to become closer to God, so be it. farewell friend and may God Bless you where ever you are.

and to the rest of us may God bless us all in all that we do.


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Thank you Eric, that means everything to me. @ghost62 will be your host from here on out, he has been doing a fantastic job, and is more than capable to carry on where I am leaving off. Again, you all have been a true blessing.....for me, and everyone that comes here. God bless and keep you all.
I'm not sure how to feel about this.
I, of course, have no problem praying for anyone- I'm happy and grateful to be asked. Even accepting stewardship of the thread is fine- I'm here anyway.
My dilemma is that I'm going to miss my friend and could never come close to his knowledge of scripture and how to apply it in our daily lives.
I know only the scantest bit of why Scott chose to back away from the forum, but he is doing what he feels is necessary and, in that, I wish him the best.
It's my hope that soon he'll return.

Today, I have a prayer request-
If @fransican has brightened your day...
If he's comforted you...
If he's inspired you...
If he's befriended you...
If he's shared his knowledge or experience...
If he's touched your life in any way...
Then let's all say a sincere and heartfelt prayer, thanking our Heavenly Father for knowing Scott and wishing him the highest blessings that God can bestow as he pursues his calling.

He may never read these words, but he'll know we prayed.
We'll miss ya, buddy.


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From an Irish book of prayers...

GOD, who art present in every place; Mercifully hear our prayers for those whom we love, now absent from us; watch over them, we beseech thee and protect them in all anxiety, danger, and temptation; teach us and them to know that thou art always near, and that we are one in thee for ever; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Eric DeCastro

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Today is the Solemnity of the annunciation. Jesus was conceived today.

Hail Mary
Full of grace
Blessed art thou amongst women
And blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus
Holy Mary
Mother of God
Pray for us now and the hour of our death. Amen.


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Good morning, guys!

Every so often, I make an offer/request on so I figured I should put it out there for this thread too...
If any of you have a daily prayer or mediation page that you want me to include along with mine, please send me the link and I will gladly add it. Catholic, Jewish, Protestant, etc... doesn't matter.
I, myself, am loosely Pentacostal. Our absent brother never drew lines, so why should we?
This thread is about the power of prayer and faith. Regardless of what we call ourselves, we're all children of God.


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I know he said he was gone but I think he still lurks a little, Franciscan I stumble on this song today after our brief convo last night and it helped me maybe it will help you too whenever you need it



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I'm not sure how to feel about this.
I, of course, have no problem praying for anyone- I'm happy and grateful to be asked. Even accepting stewardship of the thread is fine- I'm here anyway.
My dilemma is that I'm going to miss my friend and could never come close to his knowledge of scripture and how to apply it in our daily lives.
I know only the scantest bit of why Scott chose to back away from the forum, but he is doing what he feels is necessary and, in that, I wish him the best.
It's my hope that soon he'll return.

Today, I have a prayer request-
If @fransican has brightened your day...
If he's comforted you...
If he's inspired you...
If he's befriended you...
If he's shared his knowledge or experience...
If he's touched your life in any way...
Then let's all say a sincere and heartfelt prayer, thanking our Heavenly Father for knowing Scott and wishing him the highest blessings that God can bestow as he pursues his calling.

He may never read these words, but he'll know we prayed.
We'll miss ya, buddy.
That was nice man

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