Research, Research, Research and then do it again via different sources a few times. Sounds like you’re trying to go from the Kiddie Pool to the Olympic High Dive.
Don’t just read Ohm’s it, understand it, and learn to apply it to vaping...research the batteries you’re using to find their true rating (wraps and boxes are usually exaggerated, pulse ratings instead of continuous, or flat out wrong), read reviews from different folks on the mod and RDA. Get on YouTube and start researching different coil builds and reviews and tutorials and which coils work best with different setups, RDA’s, types of mods (regulated and unregulated). Never use a coil you don’t know much about, never use an rda you don’t know much about, never use a mod you don’t know much about, never use batteries you don’t know much about.
You need to be sure you know everything that is happening and could possibly happen when you hit that fire button.
Please don’t be another poster person for big tobacco to use against vapers by injuring yourself.
You were smart enough to ask in the forums, but honestly, it sounds like you’ve only dipped your toe in the pool and there is way too much info and most folks won’t want to go over every aspect of vaping or you’ll get flooded and get too much at once. Research a bunch on your own and ask specific pointed questions that don’t involve you not knowing everything about what you’re using and just have some “what if’s” you’d like answered.
Glad to have someone new in the vaping community, but please be a safe new member above all...just gotta remember...
Do things by the book...just be sure that you are the author