An ill wind indeed
God damn it - two things I had no intention of doing today: going outside or resuming a running argument with Mr Juicy to just letting go of the junk and selling the good shit to the consignment store
So now I'm doubly mad because this shit woulda been out of here two weeks ago if I'd had my way
A is for the applesauce you eat that tastes so yummy.
B is for the bouncing rubber ball you can toss at a wall.
C is for the contraption which presses shirts.
D is for the driving that you do.
E is for the equinox that happens every year.
F is for the full belly you can get by eating half a plate of fruits and veggies.
G is for the gladness a husband can bring when you let him.
H is for the home you keep with love in mind.
I is for the inner self which gets nourished in silence.
J is the joy held ever close knowing we're all made of stars.
K is the soft kisses of rain dropping on your head and saying "hello".
L is is living, loving, learning, light that we all need to find within ourselves.
M and we share minutes upon minutes in pure togetherness despite all the evils trying to divide us.
N for the noise of little children playing and exploring the rivet.
O is the order in which you put your socks in their drawer.
P for the perfection of a human being ever so imperfect.
Q is the quiet time spent alone, contemplating all manner of riddles.
R the red in the even sky as the sun sets.
S bring shells from along the beaches walked endlessly.
T sees us traveling over moutains and hills.
U is the unity of humanity which is completing soon, thanks to the InterWebs.
V brings victory as truth sets us all free.
W the wild things teaching us it's alright being different.
X the means of seeing about our bones, broken or not, x-rays.
Y you and me, him and her, him and him, her and her, the butterfly people going from him to her or her to him.
Z a zoo filled with our little brothers and sisters.
All these I'm grateful to have in life. This is my ABC song/mantra, each time I need it it changes. I use it when I feel anxious, or need to sleep. I think of what I'm grateful to have and often it lets me become less frustrated, less anxious. It helps with anger too. You might want to try using funny stuff for each letter, in fact I dare you.
You might get a kick out of trying it, or maybe not, but at least consider it. I'm asking nicely as a friend.
If you get through the alphabet once, start again, keep going until you can't keep going.
By then you'll hopefully feel a little better.
This is not a Cognative Behavior Training exercise despite it maybe seeming to be. It is an exercise offered by a religious guru, not the mainstream Western religions though. He was asked how he stayed so blissfully at peace. His response was to list all he was grateful for each night before falling asleep, in alphabetical order.
Yes, I've gome through quite a number of CBT courses, getting so familiar with CBT I ought to soon have a masters or doctoral degree in it. *chuckles* I first met up with it in elementry to juniour high school. At the time such stuff was considered "negative" as in being thought of as brainwashing. Well, it is in one sense yet it also isn't. No one can control your mind but yourself, unless you allow otherwise. Always recall that, along with it isn't the incident but our response to it that matters. We're always able to make a choice how to respond.
Well I need to scoot, nature call.