Had a buddy of mine come to the house one day and ask me how many days off I had left. I was working 7 days on 7 days off at the time. He was starting a finish carpentry business and asked if I would help him on a job. That turned into a 3 year gig of my working 7 days on helicopters, coming home, then working 5 to 6 days for him as a carpenter and then one day to relax before starting the cycle over again. At the time I was getting paid as much as a top carpenter, under the table just so I would keep working for him and I almost quit helicopters because I liked the work of running trim and installing cabinets and was getting paid more doing that then working on helicopters but 3 years worth I was also burning out on everything.
My buddy loved my work ethics because other guys around my age, I would make it a competition every day of who can run more chair rail or base boards or even crown. I was also sent to do jobs either by myself or take one of the guys with me. There is a outpatient surgery building not far from here that my nephew and me did all of it. Took us a week to blow it out and they loved it.
My buddy loved my attitude. I didnt know a damn thing about finish carpentry when I started with him but my drive and wanting to learn it all is what made me not only a friend but a valuable employee. Kids today dont have a clue. Too many times they got a prize just for showing up and have no drive to be the best they can be. Its sad. very sad. A lot of times I think ol John Wayne would roll over in his grave if he new what these youngsters are like today.
That's very true. My husband and I have a very different attitude to, and appreciation for, house painting -- though only indoor, as that's the only kind I've done. When I was still living at home with my folks, I guess i was about 22ish, I got a wild hair to paint my room; palest pink on 3 walls, deep dusty rose on the 4th, unbroken wall, and the same dusty rose on the outlet and lightswitch covers. My stepfather agreed, but he told me if I didn't do a good job, he would insist that I paint it back ivory, at my own expense. I agreed... and it turned out beautifully, even increased the amount my folks got when they sold that house... though I'd never painted anything. And when I wanted to repaint our son's room, my husband said fine, he'd pay for it, if *I* did the actual painting, he'd even move the furniture and stuff. Y'all saw how nicely that remodel turned out. Because both times I was painting, I took my time, and did a really good job. And I don't mind painting at all, I even enjoy it, though my right shoulder complains more now than it did when I was 22.

But my husband HATES painting... because he's had some jobs doing it, and they want it to be done zip zip zip, no finesse, no pride in a job well done, just "done, done, and on to the next" as Dave Grohl puts it. And that drives him right up the damn wall. Really can't blame him.