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A civilized 66 degrees at my house - what a relief!

Got up to 79 yesterday - thought I was gonna melt
You monster. The weather here is absolutely brutal. Its alternating between heat index 110 and extreme thunderstorms. Our air conditioner is currently in mortal danger

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According to the forecast it will still be 90 deg here at 9:00 PM tonight.

At 8pm, which is approx when we'll be grilling, it should be about 82 here. Not bad! I'm just very glad to see that the rain probability is only 5% at that time. WHEW!



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The idjits up the street have been setting them off all day... I wish they'd wait till it's dark, so they can be seen! :facepalm:



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Mornin fugee's. Hope everyone had a great 4th celebration :)

Rascal and me went to a cook out yesterday afternoon. I should of left his butter ball butt at home because even at 5pm it was still miserable hot outside and he got a lil too hot but we took him inside and he was fine :) He ate way more than he should of. :teehee:

We got home when it was still light and right at dusk I took him out to do his business. Had some people across the street setting off fireworks and Rascal didnt like that too much. We went inside and all the booms and bangs had him glued to my side shaking so I put an arm around him and told him everything will be ok and then turned the TV volume up and all was good in his lil world once again :giggle:


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I think Tuxie may finally be getting more or less used to the noise of fireworks, she didn't react too much except to the super-loud 'cannon' bangs of the really large ones. The worst was that the idiots on the street behind us kept doing it after midnight, the super-loud ones. We called the cops twice, and the 2nd time, my husband was told that fireworks were permitted till 1am. He told them that was flat unacceptable, since it was a work night and he had to get up early this morning. I don't know if they ever sent anyone out, but they did stop at 1am, there was one big one about 12:50, and then no more. Asshats. I hope they had the MOTHER of all hangovers, they fucking deserve it.



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Oh, and it did start to rain, right in the middle of grilling! :facepalm: Thankfully we always use the front for grilling now, so he was able to pull the grill under the porch roof. The steaks were FANDAMNTASTIC! I ate myself silly!



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I think the assholes behind us might have finally run out of fireworks. :bunny: They were firing more of those cannon rounds earlier, when it first got dark, but nothing for a while now. Yay. :D I'm sure our cats are relieved too. :giggle:



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Dang - I can't stop eating these Rainier cherries
Love Ranier cherries!! I can't eat many though cause they will mess up the plumbing if I do. Lol Plus they're kinda pricey here.

Sorry all, I've been busy around here. I did take my car to the mechanic yesterday. Since I knew absolutely nothing about the car I bought I wanted the timing belt and the spark plugs changed. And it needed an O2 sensor. Turns out it was a good call on the timing belt. The one on it had started to split down the middle and one half of it had started running over the tensioner. It wasn't completely split in 2 yet but the mechanic said in probably another month it would've broken and then I would've been looking at a new motor. I'm glad I listened to my intuition on that one!
Now I'm off to get my day started...lots to do cause vacation is almost over. :(


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Mornin fugees :p

Dont know why Bob is pissed at me but last night he sent some bad weather my way. Around 1 am a nasty storm come rolling down on us from the north east. Lots of loud thunder and wicked lightning had me real busy holding someones paw and letting him know he was safe. :D Poor baby was so scared he was trembling.

The Cromwell

I am a BOT
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Mornin fugees :p

Dont know why Bob is pissed at me but last night he sent some bad weather my way. Around 1 am a nasty storm come rolling down on us from the north east. Lots of loud thunder and wicked lightning had me real busy holding someones paw and letting him know he was safe. :D Poor baby was so scared he was trembling.
It was my turn. Yep my bad weather came down from the north here as well. Very unusual...
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Love Ranier cherries!! I can't eat many though cause they will mess up the plumbing if I do. Lol Plus they're kinda pricey here.

I've been buying blueberries since they came into "season," and I recently discovered that the "organic", pricy ones, really are better -- they tend to be a little smaller, and when you bite them, they have a very satisfying "pop" in your mouth, not soft/mushy like the huge other ones.

Bananas sure are shitty this year. About 2/3 of every banana I peel has rot almost or entirely all the way thru it. gGood thing they don't cost much, but I still hate so much waste. I try to eat them fairly often with cereal for breakfast, to help my potassium levels, plus they're great with blueberries. :D



My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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I've been buying blueberries since they came into "season," and I recently discovered that the "organic", pricy ones, really are better -- they tend to be a little smaller, and when you bite them, they have a very satisfying "pop" in your mouth, not soft/mushy like the huge other ones.

Bananas sure are shitty this year. About 2/3 of every banana I peel has rot almost or entirely all the way thru it. Mad qgGood thing they don't cost much, but I still hate so much waste. I try to eat them fairly often with cereal for breakfast, to help my potassium levels, plus they're great with blueberries. :D

Try the organic nananas - even if the skin is bruised the fruit underneath isn’t. Organic bananas are almost nothing like the regular Dole and Chiquita bananas


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Try the organic nananas - even if the skin is bruised the fruit underneath isn’t. Organic bananas are almost nothing like the regular Dole and Chiquita bananas

No shit? I will definitely try them, then! I had passed them up, because they cost more, and I never really thought the "organic" label was really worth the higher price -- I got the organic blueberries the first time only because they were the only ones in the small pkgs, and I seem to be the only one round here who eats them, so I don't want them going to waste -- but the organic blueberries really are better! So I'll definitely try the bananas!

I like so few fruits, I try to get a gracious plenty of the ones I do like. Time to get some canteloupe, too! :)



My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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No shit? I will definitely try them, then! I had passed them up, because they cost more, and I never really thought the "organic" label was really worth the higher price -- I got the organic blueberries the first time only because they were the only ones in the small pkgs, and I seem to be the only one round here who eats them, so I don't want them going to waste -- but the organic blueberries really are better! So I'll definitely try the bananas!

I like so few fruits, I try to get a gracious plenty of the ones I do like. Time to get some canteloupe, too! :)


The only organic veg or fruit I've found consistently disappoints compared to the standard produce is carrots - the ones we get are dull and not sweet at all


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The only organic veg or fruit I've found consistently disappoints compared to the standard produce is carrots - the ones we get are dull and not sweet at all

The only carrots I buy at all are the "matchstick" kind, to add to various casseroles. I don't like cooked carrots at all unless they're so mixed with other stuff I can't taste 'em. :giggle: Can't chew the raw ones anymore dammit. :mad:



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Morning fugee's and of course, GFY :)

I always did like most fresh veggies and fruit but they dont always like me :giggle: Things like Brussel Sprouts I always loved. Smothered down in real butter, I could make a meal out of them and have a few times. Yet with the way my stomach and intestines are after all the surgeries I have had, I cant eat them anymore. The last couple times I had them was the same thing, Massive stomach and intestinal cramps and pain for over a day.

Lately I been having a bad eating disorder. Just about anything I eat, I dont want. I will cook something, take a bite and its not bad. Take another bite and eh, that third bite I am disgusted with it and done. Rascal loves it because he usually gets it then :teehee: I never been one to step on the scale. I see what my weight is at doctors offices and usually care less. This week I stepped on one and have lost 35 lbs since I seen the doc in early June. When I was at the store the other day I seen some fruit and decided to give that a try. So far so good. I bought some nectarines, black and red plums and a few apples. So far they havent disgusted me yet so I can eat them at least lol


My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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Morning fugee's and of course, GFY :)

I always did like most fresh veggies and fruit but they dont always like me :giggle: Things like Brussel Sprouts I always loved. Smothered down in real butter, I could make a meal out of them and have a few times. Yet with the way my stomach and intestines are after all the surgeries I have had, I cant eat them anymore. The last couple times I had them was the same thing, Massive stomach and intestinal cramps and pain for over a day.

Lately I been having a bad eating disorder. Just about anything I eat, I dont want. I will cook something, take a bite and its not bad. Take another bite and eh, that third bite I am disgusted with it and done. Rascal loves it because he usually gets it then :teehee: I never been one to step on the scale. I see what my weight is at doctors offices and usually care less. This week I stepped on one and have lost 35 lbs since I seen the doc in early June. When I was at the store the other day I seen some fruit and decided to give that a try. So far so good. I bought some nectarines, black and red plums and a few apples. So far they havent disgusted me yet so I can eat them at least lol

Sounds like your body is trying to tell you something important....


My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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And if brussels sprouts give you cramps and distress, be super careful with those black plums -- those are prunes in the making, after all. I love them, but I have to peel them or they give me that cramps and distress pkg, every damn time. This is why I get nearly all my fiber from wheat bran -- no cramps and distress.

The cramps and distress sounds a lot like what tomatoes do to my gut. It's horrible! I love tomatoes but after once going to the ER because I thought it was my appendix, the pain was so bad (a year before I felt what appendix pain REALLY feels like!), I leave them completely alone, other than traces of tomato sauce on pizza -- I eat a couple of Beano capsules and scrape most of the tomato sauce out from under the cheese, and usually keep my consumption down to one slice. And no, "white" pizza is NOT pizza, and it will not be passing my lips.



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Thanks you guys. Actually, they did treat me very well. Except for the dil - but that's ok. As a matter of fact, they all took up for me when the dil was rude to me. hehehe. It felt great!!!!

Glad ya had a good time Atchaffy :p Maybe your kid finally learned to never alienate anyone willing to change a diaper :giggle:

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