Had a sheer heart moment a minute ago when I first sat down to the computer -- it was off, though I didn't turn it off when I went to bed -- just like Thursday "morning" -- and when I turned it on, the first thing it showed me after "Acer" was "no bootable device" -- OMFG! But the 2nd time, it booted... so I'm not sure what the deal is, but I do know I need to set the bastard not to turn itself off.
In Linux/Unix there's a command called rm. The rm command ReMoves whatever you add as an argument. I.E, rm ~/testfile1.asc will remove the file testfile1.asc, an armored text file in your home directory. Well, in *nix you can assign the commands different fake names or aliases. A parameter of rm is -f so it will forcibly remove the file.
$ rm -f ~testfile1.asc
That removes the file no matter what. When I say removes, it fully removes it and doesn't mask it over with delete. I have even set up my rm command to call another program called shred. Shred re-allocates the data space a file took up, zeros that data out so as to free it for any other files. There's no data forensics that can recover a shred file as it fills in the data space where a file
might have existed. Journal space in *nix sees it all as a file, ergo, where does one file start and another end?
At any given *nix folks remind fresh hackers. "Do not alias rm, your computer will do that for you. You'll wake one morning to run ls which LiSts the files in a directory. Unfortunately the computer will have aliased the followin to ls. $ rm -f / ." That is the command that wipes out the entire hard drive. Why does it do this? Well, it's a roving hacker joke embeded into the systems coding somewhere, is anyone's best guess. Never been able to track it down.
Most swear it's gremlin who is apt to help you by forcing you to keep your software concurrent. "Oh look, you have to re-install everything now. Guess you'll get newer versions of everything too. Score one for security!"
Computers are tools we've made, just like we made guns. Either one can be useful enough or take turn and be deadly. It's not the tool though at fault but the human operator. Inanimate objects have yet to be proven to have intention. Without intent a thing is merely a thing. Things do no harm. It's the humans creating them that visit harm, in making errors, in deliberate intent. I digress though.
Made up a nice 2*24 awg 30 awg Fused Clapton 6 wraps around 3 mm inner diameter. It fills up the Wasp Nano, reading out at 0.30 ohms +/- 0.02. Real good vape on it this morning.
We did extremely well on our two inspections this past week.
The state inspector lady was scared to to inspect us, my house was that wonderfully clean and tidy.
Got word of some bad news this morning. One of wife's aunts died. She had been going to hospital for some heart issues. Her husband was up in OH driving water truck. He's ourfly boy having been Air Force. He is jokingly "Big Ugly", he chuckles and fires back "Big Scary" at me. Me and wife agreed he'll likely be beside himself.
If it's not one thing it's half a dozen more. She said, "hope this doesn't start a trend." I reminded her that life is what it is and naught we can do. I hope too it doesn't trend.
Well, I need to do some brainstorming free writing today. Got three different stories kind of back logged in the mind. Not good to simmer them down like that, or so the therapist thinks.
Besides my wife wants me to write out the story behind the phrase, "home is where the heart is". She thinks I can make it so frightening it'll chill the dead.
Y'all run 'er slow.