Initial impressions on the Lemo 2.
So i got my Lemo 2 finally, and right off the bat i was impressed. First thing i noticed is that the device arrived very clean, i just primed the prebuilt coil, filled the thing with juice and vaped away, no weird vaseline taste what so ever. Secong thing that impressed me was the build quality and how perfectly everything fits together. Third thing was the airflow. Wide open this feels excatly like a Subtank, but this has waaaay more flavor, i can actually taste my juice. And like the original, this thing wicks like a beast. 40w, 80vg and my Lemo is like "Yeah, no prob. Bring it on."
And the best thing of all is the top filling. So simple and so functional. Juice capacity went down from 5ml to 3.8ml, but thats kind of moot point because filling this takes me like five seconds. And this is quite versatile, as i stated above i can vape this at relatively high wattages and get a wonderful vape. But i feel like saving some juice or stealth vaping or whatever, i can close the airflow down to Kayfun level, turn down my watts and still get a wonderful vape. All things considered i think this is a great little tank that outperforms every other tank in the market. And the price of all this? About 40$, including shipping.
This is not just a Kayfun killer, this thing kills everything.