I have a slight bulge in one disk, was all the MRI showed, I love the dr that treats my RSD but I called for about four weeks up to about 3 times a week after the nurse left those results on a message. I kept getting the runaround by his staff, I finally told the nurse if I didn't have the family I do I would drive my car off a cliff I hurt that bad!,,,, I finally got in and he said, girl you like to live life on the edge, you surely are not working are you, I said yes, but let me tell you I don't think I can do it one more day. . He was amazed, knowing I teach second grade and have the intervention kids, with so many special needs, that I was able to do it. With my job, you can not just sit down. My kiddos are so needy, I can't sit down, so it's been rough.