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Maybe if you outline where the wife and each of the children currently are, what your current residency status is, what your daughter US status has been in the past and what each of the children's US status has been since they were born.

Also, is there an attorney currently working all this out for you right now?

Maybe one or more of us can help ferret out something useful using our mastery of google-fu if we know everything up front.
They hired an attorney. He was a waste of money. We are in waiting mode.


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Still having migraines, gonna have to go to the doc and see what they think. Ugh.
I have migraines too. I have had every test that exists. They have never been able to find a cause. Only after menopause did they say they were hormone related. However I still have them.


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I actually had migraines every day for a couple of months before the docs finally got a med regimen that started to decrease them to about 12 hours a day and several months to get to say 6-8 hours a day, then every other day... after 2 and a half years I'm now down to 3 or 4 a month and on a couple of daily meds plus an on demand nasal spray called Zomig that is wonderful but puts me to sleep and has one hell of a taste in the back of your throat.


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I just got the Hobo V2.1 clone. I heard it was made for flavor chasers, and man it really does give more flavor than pretty much anything else I've got! But it also hits like crazy hard. I keep building the ohms higher and it still hits like a freight train with huge clouds! Harder than I want it to hit. I didn't hear that in the review I watched.
Nice! I'm hoping to get either a hobo or freakshow for Christmas. Definitely looking for something big on flavor.


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@VapeOn86 I really want to try a Squape Reloaded. I'd be more than happy with the clone by EHPro but have already been bad with money this fall and winter so I'll be waiting for a while.

I just got my VapingWatch vape mail today :) Watch packs his stuff really really well. Nobody should ever be concerned about their packages arriving safely ;)


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@VapeOn86 I really want to try a Squape Reloaded. I'd be more than happy with the clone by EHPro but have already been bad with money this fall and winter so I'll be waiting for a while.

I just got my VapingWatch vape mail today :) Watch packs his stuff really really well. Nobody should ever be concerned about their packages arriving safely ;)

Agreed! The first package I got from VW took me about an hour to open There was a lot of stuff in it, because he wanted me to try all the flavors....but still. My hands were hurting bad! Lol


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Hey to you!

I've been good, but busy. Turns out babies are a lot of work. Who knew?

Joking aside, life is good. Getting ready for my first Christmas as a dad!

How are things with you? Seems like the gig with watch is going well.

Babies are work? Nah... You musta got a faulty j/k My daughter is by far the best, most fulfilling thing ever to happen to me. Also, by far the most Yeah I'm really liking working at Vaping Watch. :)

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Hello e everyone hope y'all are doing well. It really bites not having internet because I miss chatting with e everyone.

Sent from my KFTT using Tapatalk


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oh, I'm here quite often.
Just lurking in the shadows though.


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Hey to you!

I've been good, but busy. Turns out babies are a lot of work. Who knew?

Joking aside, life is good. Getting ready for my first Christmas as a dad!

How are things with you? Seems like the gig with watch is going well.
I still remember my first kid that was so long ago and yet still ongoing


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I have a computer hooked up to my TV as a Windows Media Center server acting as a DVR and frequently run music through it.

Same here. Because of my memory problems while music is playing I turn on a picture screen saver and since I have always been a photographer, family pics play most of the day and yesterday was a big one for pics of my son and daughter as newborns and toddlers.

Love watching the pics and hope that they get reinforced in my brain...


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Babies are work? Nah... You musta got a faulty j/k My daughter is by far the best, most fulfilling thing ever to happen to me. Also, by far the most Yeah I'm really liking working at Vaping Watch. :)
Hahahahaha. Glad to hear things are going well! Being a dad is the best thing that's ever happened to me!


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Question for everyone:
I just won a 26650 mod. I've never owned one before, so I really have no idea what I'm getting into. Does anyone have battery and/or rda recommendations?


Gold Contributor
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Question for everyone:
I just won a 26650 mod. I've never owned one before, so I really have no idea what I'm getting into. Does anyone have battery and/or rda recommendations?
Mnke orange is one of the best batteries as for a dripper it seems to be like 18650 it's all a personal choice but I do like the plume I have built several 26650 plume at the local b&m


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Mnke orange is one of the best batteries as for a dripper it seems to be like 18650 it's all a personal choice but I do like the plume I have built several 26650 plume at the local b&m
Thanks @Thayer! I'll definitely look into the MNKE. I've seen a lot of 18 series rdas that have been made into 26 series, but I wasn't sure if the quality translated well or not. I like the 18 series plume veil a lot. Good to know the 26 series is nice too!


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Mnke orange is one of the best batteries as for a dripper it seems to be like 18650 it's all a personal choice but I do like the plume I have built several 26650 plume at the local b&m
Doesn't the 26 series have a bigger build deck since they are a larger diameter?

@bluraff3 you might want to try to get more info on the size of the actual deck.



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Doesn't the 26 series have a bigger build deck since they are a larger diameter?

@bluraff3 you might want to try to get more info on the size of the actual deck.

Yeah, generally speaking, I think the build decks are bigger. I know there are some out there that are just 26 rdas (ie they don't have an 18 series counterpart). I don't really know much about the quality of these items.


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Yes the build deck is bigger but most are just that bigger and built just the same as the smaller counterparts
I want to get one for my Sigelei 100w.
I like the size of em.
But I only have 18650 mechs and think they would look a bit odd.
But I would definite;y rock one on my Sig:D


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I want to get one for my Sigelei 100w.
I like the size of em.
But I only have 18650 mechs and think they would look a bit odd.
But I would definite;y rock one on my Sig:D

Yeah I was just thinking that I bet I could fit a 26650 RDA on my Sigelei 100 watt. :)


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0.0 a Sigelei 100, now I'm jealous, That's what I want to get myself, but money is preventing a purchase right now....... Christmas and kids means I have no Vape budget till January or later.:(


Bronze Contributor
Member For 4 Years
0.0 a Sigelei 100, now I'm jealous, That's what I want to get myself, but money is preventing a purchase right now....... Christmas and kids means I have no Vape budget till January or later.:(

I hears ya....I have caviar tastes and soda pop budget....dna40 and kayfun 4 are in my sights....way way off in the distance, look like little dots they are so far away....hehe


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0.0 a Sigelei 100, now I'm jealous, That's what I want to get myself, but money is preventing a purchase right now....... Christmas and kids means I have no Vape budget till January or later.:(

Well I do have a Sigelei 100w, but with Christmas and my family, especially my daughter, on top of bills...ugh I don't have any vape budget right now either.


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Well I do have a Sigelei 100w, but with Christmas and my family, especially my daughter, on top of bills...ugh I don't have any vape budget right now either.
Well hell you got the hard part you can get the rda for a little bit of nothing a lot of companies seem to be marking a bunch of 26650 stuff down anymore


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I hears ya....I have caviar tastes and soda pop budget....dna40 and kayfun 4 are in my sights....way way off in the distance, look like little dots they are so far away....hehe
At least you won something on Mod Envy last night. Don't remember what though...

Waiting on a Blue Carbon Fiber FUHattan from 101Vape for my win from a couple of weeks ago.

Just asked them if I could add a couple of things to it to save on shipping charges, so kind of hoping they have not shipped it yet...


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Well hell you got the hard part you can get the rda for a little bit of nothing a lot of companies seem to be marking a bunch of 26650 stuff down anymore
Were you able to replace your Nemesis given all the BF deals?


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Hello Everyone. Hope you are well or getting that way.

Been like a zombie for a few days. Just momentary periods of clarity. Been testifying about Watch's new 'Custard'. Damn, is that stuff fine! I did not imagine that a custard juice could be so full bodied and rich with layered tastes. Thank You Watch for making that my 'mystery' purchase of Black Friday!!

Damn and triple damnation! I slept through the show tonight. Time to readjust my medications. I don't really care for 'drugged' sleep. It sure disproves the whole concept of 'beauty sleep'. I sure as hell don't look any prettier. That is a lost cause, but it might have saved a few mirrors on the off chance it were possible.

Talk at you later, take care...........................................................or not.


Vapor's Dream
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Hey everyone! Hope this finds everyone well, not been around a whole lot had some issues! Potassium dropped, oncologist left me an urgent message to get this med and take double doses, caused some weird side affects,


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0.0 a Sigelei 100, now I'm jealous, That's what I want to get myself, but money is preventing a purchase right now....... Christmas and kids means I have no Vape budget till January or later.:(
Dude, the Sigelei 100w is so fricken bad ass!
I would have been waiting a very long time before I would have been in a position to buy one for myself.
Fortunately I am blessed to have wonderful friends here at VU.
One especially wonderful lady actually gifted me the Sigelei just out of the blue.
Her and I developed a friendship about a year ago on the other forum.
I really look forward to the time when I'm gonna be in the position where I can make such phenomenal PIFs.

Life is expensive. I'm workin full time and can barely afford to keep myself in DIY juices.
But one thing I do is set aside $10 every week just for vaping and that $40 a month can actually go a long ways toward keeping myself in a very comfortable vaping zone. :D

I feel good about where I'm at right now. Even sold my VV3 the other day. (Hard to say goodbye :()
My only real vaping concerns are being mindful of my need for and my wanting of more batteries and a better charger for said batteries. ;)

Just Me

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Hey everyone! Hope this finds everyone well, not been around a whole lot had some issues! Potassium dropped, oncologist left me an urgent message to get this med and take double doses, caused some weird side affects,
Potassium levels can mess you up, my son gets crazy muscle spasms when his starts to get low. Good luck to you hun, you are still in my thoughts and prayers

Just Me

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Good morning!! Hope everyone had a great weekend! I think my son is coming home today, so long as they don't see any more pulmanary emb. So excited. All I want for Christmas is my family in one place.


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Dude, the Sigelei 100w is so fricken bad ass!
I would have been waiting a very long time before I would have been in a position to buy one for myself.
Fortunately I am blessed to have wonderful friends here at VU.
One especially wonderful lady actually gifted me the Sigelei just out of the blue.
Her and I developed a friendship about a year ago on the other forum.
I really look forward to the time when I'm gonna be in the position where I can make such phenomenal PIFs.

Life is expensive. I'm workin full time and can barely afford to keep myself in DIY juices.
But one thing I do is set aside $10 every week just for vaping and that $40 a month can actually go a long ways toward keeping myself in a very comfortable vaping zone. :D

I feel good about where I'm at right now. Even sold my VV3 the other day. (Hard to say goodbye :()
My only real vaping concerns are being mindful of my need for and my wanting of more batteries and a better charger for said batteries. ;) has the 18650 LG 18650HE2 2500mAh High Discharge Flat Top for $7.50. They were recommened to me by @Nikkita6. Her product reviews cover a lot of regulated mods with a tremendous amount of detail and I value her opinion so I got 3 of them after I won a Wotofo/A-Mod ZNA 30 clone during one of her contests. It is really nice to be able to rotate through them and always have 1 that I know is fully charged.

She also recommends the Nitecore chargers and says the i2 is sufficient, but right now illumn has the Nitecore D2's on sale for $12.95 and those are supposed to be better.

Maybe you can flip the money from selling the vv3 before it goes to something else.


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Good morning!! Hope everyone had a great weekend! I think my son is coming home today, so long as they don't see any more pulmanary emb. So excited. All I want for Christmas is my family in one place.
Glad to hear that he is getting better. I can't imagine going through this kind of hell during the holidays, they are stressful enough as it is.


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Potassium levels can mess you up, my son gets crazy muscle spasms when his starts to get low. Good luck to you hun, you are still in my thoughts and prayers

Yeah they can! You can have a heart attack from low potassium. This is one of the main cause of death for people with Eating Disorders.
@Damwow - I'm really glad you got to take it orally. My potassium was really low when I was in the hospital once and I couldn't keep the pills down, so they gave it to be IV. That is still definitely in my top 5 most painful experiences. They had to hold my arm down and put hot packs on it so the veins would expand... It felt like my arm was trying to break itself for 2 hours straight. I'm pretty sure they could have either diluted it more, or put something numbing in there. Anyway, if you get a choice, always take the


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It's contest time!!!!! :)

Starting Monday December 8th at 3 pm EST and ending Sunday December 14 at 8pm EST.

Prizes: We will be giving away (1) Cloupor T8 -150 watt mod, (1) IPV-2 50 watt mod, (2) $50 Store Credit to Vaping Watch, (4) $30 Visa Gift Cards and (4) $25 Store Credit to Vaping Watch.

How to Enter: There are 4 ways to enter.
1. Visit our Facebook page at and "Like" our page.
2. While you're on our Facebook page, "Share" this ORIGINAL contest post. You must share the original post that is *on* the Vaping Watch Facebook page, or I will be unable to track you "share" and you won't receive an entry.
3. Visit our website at and find a token. Put the token in your cart and checkout with it. Don't worry, it's free. :) If you do not have a Vaping Watch account, you will need to create one before checking out. This will only take a minute or 2.
4. Go to our Vaping Underground "Random Giveaway Thread", at and create a post beginning with the word "Contest" and telling us which prize you'd like to win or anything vaping-related.

Rules: 1. No purchase necessary.
2. One entry per person for each method of entry. (A total maximum of 4 entries)
3. Winners will be drawn randomly on Monday December 15th.
4. Each person may only win 1 prize.
5. Winners will be announced on the Vaping Watch Facebook page, Vaping Underground and by Tuesday December 16th.
6. Have fun!!!!


Smile through the rain
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Contests from @VaporWatch are amazing as always!!!!! I would love to win the Cloupor T8 -150 watt mod or IPV-2 50 watt mod, But no matter weather I win or not I am proud to support you Watch any way I can!! I have shared the posts on FB and I will be sure to mention it this week on our show :) <3
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