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Hey @InMyImage how you been doing I'm feeling pretty good today I actually slept almost 5 hours
I think I've finally hit the acceptance stage and feel like I'm starting to turn a corner in a good way.

I got a couple of my meds changed to extended release versions and started using Butrans pain patches and I'm getting more sleep in a 24 hour window, but still only 3-4 hours at a whack, but I'm starting to feel a bit more stablized which is helping a lot.

Still having some balance problems, but since I started using a can after that last bad fall I haven't had any significant spills, just took a hit to my ego initially, but I think I'm over it.


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Contest? I love contests! I would also love to win the Cloupor t8. Thanks Vaping Watch for the great contest and good luck all!
CONTEST!!! I would love to win an ipv2! I have been vaping for 2 years on and off. The last 4 months I have quit the stinkies completely and have been only vaping and this would be an awesome upgrade for me. Thank you for the chance!
CONTEST - from Vapor Watch :D !
Would LOVE to upgrade from my one 30W device so I can use the capabilities available on the IVP2 or Gift cards would be awesome to try juice lines I haven't been able to ! Thanks so much Vapor Watch for this chance !!


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Contest That Cloupour T8 would just fit so nicely in my hand. It would also keep me from getting this green stain on my hand from this copper mod LOL.


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Well things are getting better but it is really quiet in here. I went to a local vape meet and walked away with 3 30ml bottles of 503 Liquid and an Aqua. I had a blast. I was so happy I got a ride and was able to go to the meet. I can't wait for next month.


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Well things are getting better but it is really quiet in here. I went to a local vape meet and walked away with 3 30ml bottles of 503 Liquid and an Aqua. I had a blast. I was so happy I got a ride and was able to go to the meet. I can't wait for next month.
Glad you were able to get out and have a good time. I know that @Damwow enjoyed her day out too.

I have a feeling that @VapeOn86 is going to be seeing "contest" in her sleep!

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Finally got overt bronchitis and stomach bug and now I have a head cold but it's never a bad day/night when your vaping on 1250 and 710 thanks again for the Black Friday deals otherwise I wouldn't have this amazing juice :)


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Contest . I wants that cloupor t8. not so much i wants it. i NEEDS IT. dont question it. just go with it.


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Contest, I love these vping contests give me a chance to get something I otherwise would never get. I need a regulated box mod in the worst way.

Thanks Watch


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Well things are getting better but it is really quiet in here. I went to a local vape meet and walked away with 3 30ml bottles of 503 Liquid and an Aqua. I had a blast. I was so happy I got a ride and was able to go to the meet. I can't wait for next month.
I wish they had vape meets here


Vapor's Dream
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Contest: any of the prizes would be great! Would love to have a box mod!!

Well guys sorry I haven't been too active,my medical situation just keeps getting worse! Was supposed to have the results of the bone marrow cancer test yesterspday, and they couldn't find them! The independent lab that does the test said they mailed the results to my hospital lab, my hospital lab is "looking" for them! Dr then had my blood taken, was so excited the oncology nurse got it the first time!!!, and he ordered a potassium test stat. @VapeOn86 after reading your message I was glad the lab didn't get it done! but I am just so frustrated!

Anyway, thank you again for your generosity @VaporWatch! You are one of a kind! I can't wait until you come back to broadcasting!!!
Contest: I'd like any of the prizes honestly. Been looking out for a decent box mod though. That said, starting at 5pm yesterday, I had one of the best days watching vape shows that I've had in absolute ages. I have more tabs open in chrome, than Chrome thinks I should have :p probably about 50.

Hope you feel better Damwow.

Just Me

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Contest: any of the prizes would be great! Would love to have a box mod!!

Well guys sorry I haven't been too active,my medical situation just keeps getting worse! Was supposed to have the results of the bone marrow cancer test yesterspday, and they couldn't find them! The independent lab that does the test said they mailed the results to my hospital lab, my hospital lab is "looking" for them! Dr then had my blood taken, was so excited the oncology nurse got it the first time!!!, and he ordered a potassium test stat. @VapeOn86 after reading your message I was glad the lab didn't get it done! but I am just so frustrated!

Anyway, thank you again for your generosity @VaporWatch! You are one of a kind! I can't wait until you come back to broadcasting!!!
Awe sweetie let me know if you need to talk to someone I will PM you my Number. I know it sometimes helps to talk to people not in your circle. I will be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.
Good morning everyone!!!


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Wish me luck. Starting out on a sixteen hour road trip from Florida to Maryland. Going to be a long one.


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Contest! I'd love the Cloupor, because it goes to 11.

Also,hi. Murdock is some tasty juice.


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No offense, but I sure could use one of those Visa cards... Santa is really poor this year and none of my close friends vape... :(

Thanks for the chance!!


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would love the Cloupor t8!!


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Wish me luck. Starting out on a sixteen hour road trip from Florida to Maryland. Going to be a long one.
Are you driving straight through? Hell of a time to decide to take a drive up the Eastern seaboard!

Stay safe and remember to put some blankets in the car along with water and some energy snacks. Big storm coming and you don't want to get stuck without a way to stay warm and energized.

Also, do NOT wait to long to fill up once you hit about mid-way. It is far to easy to drain a tank of gas running your heater while sitting stopped because of an accident.


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No offense, but I sure could use one of those Visa cards... Santa is really poor this year and none of my close friends vape... :(

Thanks for the chance!!

@VaporWatch isn't the kind of vendor to be offended by something like that. He has been known to pay a bill for someone, or give out the cash cards every now and again. He just wants to help people and enables @VapeOn86 to experience the joy of helping him do it ;)


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Are you driving straight through? Hell of a time to decide to take a drive up the Eastern seaboard!

Stay safe and remember to put some blankets in the car along with water and some energy snacks. Big storm coming and you don't want to get stuck without a way to stay warm and energized.

Also, do NOT wait to long to fill up once you hit about mid-way. It is far to easy to drain a tank of gas running your heater while sitting stopped because of an accident.
Straight through with a whole house in the back seat. Going home for winter break.


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nice! vapingwatch does great giveaways~
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