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FlavourArt Club ... formally known as the PureVapes thread


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Well you're no help, lol. :p Smokachino, if you do decide to make that, and can figure out the rest, let us know! It's been a while since I made that, but I do remember liking it.


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Well you're no help, lol. :p Smokachino, if you do decide to make that, and can figure out the rest, let us know! It's been a while since I made that, but I do remember liking it.

Ha ha . . . I know. I'm so confused :confused: I went back and edited my post to try to pin down some flavors folks were getting from it. I may make the clone and go from there, but I'm not holding out much hope LOL
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Ha ha . . . I know. I'm so confused :confused: I went back and edited my post to try to pin down some flavors folks were getting from it. I may make the clone and go from there, but I'm not holding out much hope LOL
Interesting. Ok, after reading your edit... I think it was @kabalm18 that agreed that he, too, gets a buttery taste from the FA Coconut. Same for me. How odd that you typed all that in the observations. Hmmm. Well, having never tried it, I'll have to wait til someone can verify. I tried reading some of those reviews, too, lol. Those are no help either, lol. Sounds yummy, whatever it might be!


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So the White Rabbit Clone I had was originally from ecf, too. I didn't have the brands that it called for so I had to go some FA, some TFA. I've never had the AiV one, so someone would have to tell me what this is missing:

TFA French Vanilla 5%
FA Coconut 2%
TFA Whipped Cream 5%
FA Fresh Cream 1%

This was in a copy of the Ejuice me up calculator I got from someone....Ive never tried it, but here it is regardless.
Looks like all TFA

French Vanilla 12%
Creme Dementhe 7%
Whipped Cream 5%
Sweetcream 2%


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This was in a copy of the Ejuice me up calculator I got from someone....Ive never tried it, but here it is regardless.
Looks like all TFA
Whipped Cream 5%
Sweetcream 2%

Thanks, Thunderball! I'm thinking this one wasn't meant to be a clone of the AiV, as the real thing has no mint in it. As I took my first vape this morning, it smells almost exactly like the coconut pecan frosting on a german chocolate cake. Not strong pecan at all, just a hint. It's funny though, because I was tasting almond in it yesterday. I know lots of people have tried to clone it, and kudos to AiV for creating something so delish. Maybe some juices just weren't meant to be cloned :)


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This was in a copy of the Ejuice me up calculator I got from someone....Ive never tried it, but here it is regardless.
Looks like all TFA

French Vanilla 12%
Creme Dementhe 7%
Whipped Cream 5%
Sweetcream 2%
I remember when I read the post I saw it in, someone had said to sub the Creme de Menthe for Coconut. I thought both sounded pretty good, lol.

@Smokachino... a hint of pecan that was once almond... hmm. Oh my! I think I'll leave that one up to HIC. Sounds really good. I suppose we could try FA Nut Mix, lol.


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So the White Rabbit Clone I had was originally from ecf, too. I didn't have the brands that it called for so I had to go some FA, some TFA. I've never had the AiV one, so someone would have to tell me what this is missing:

TFA French Vanilla 5%
FA Coconut 2%
TFA Whipped Cream 5%
FA Fresh Cream 1%

Going by the name White Rabbit, I surely thought I'd see White Chocolate in it:D


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Alice in Vapeland says it's "curiously indescribable", and it really is!

Don't fall for marketing hype. If they don't extract their own flavorings, they're using the same flavorings we all have access to.
Seeing as how they sell a cake flavor, I'd put a tiny mental question mark by their "diacetyl free" claim - at least if you lump the substitutes into your own definition of "diacetyl." Their flavor profiles indicate they're using lots of TFA flavors, if that's any help.


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Has anyone come across an eliquid or DIY flavor that is similar to Njoy Gold tobacco flavor? Im ashamed to say that I LOVE LOVE LOVE this flavor!:mad: I wont buy it because its friggin $7 for two half dry cartos. Complete robbery. Their Classic tobacco is average price here but its nothing like the Gold tobacco, and nasty at that.

I don't know njoy at all but wanted to say - definitely don't be ashamed! There's still one vendor tobacco I wish I could duplicate. Not that I don't have plenty of others that I can make and enjoy -- I still want that one I can't figure out.


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OK I may have been wrong in saying "rust colored". Definitely an earthy brownish though.
Sorry about the bad picture, but this is what it looks like.


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Don't fall for marketing hype. If they don't extract their own flavorings, they're using the same flavorings we all have access to.
Seeing as how they sell a cake flavor, I'd put a tiny mental question mark by their "diacetyl free" claim - at least if you lump the substitutes into your own definition of "diacetyl." Their flavor profiles indicate they're using lots of TFA flavors, if that's any help.

Just curious, HIC . . . how can you tell they're TFA? They say they use "Premium All-natural Flavors", but I suppose that's open to interpretation.


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Just curious, HIC . . . how can you tell they're TFA? They say they use "Premium All-natural Flavors", but I suppose that's open to interpretation.

Well, treading carefully here.... If you look at their flavor line-up and check commercially-available flavorings... If those are "all-natural" flavors according to their flavor vendor, that narrows it down to flavorings that do not claim to be diacetyl-free. If their flavor provider DOES claim they're diacetyl-free, then it narrows it down to flavors that aren't claimed to be 'all natural.' There are a couple of ways around it: they could extract their own flavorings (I don't think they claim to); they could use flavorings that gum up coils (not a problem I've heard of with this brand); they could use a brand that has no testing for diacetyl whatsoever, and claim to be diacetyl-free because they (aiv) didn't add any. I assumed they wouldn't say "diacetyl-free" unless their flavor provider made that claim, but of course my assumption could be wrong.


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After I eat a piece of candy corn, my vape flavors are double mega intense! I'm gonna hafta keep candy corn around.

When I drink almond milk with Torani French Vanilla syrup and extra sweetener, I get that same effect. It's like sweet vanilla puts my taste buds in high alert. sip, puff, sip, puff, GRIN!


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Can you post a clearer pic? Mine definitely has green floatie things in it.

FA Lime Cold Pressed looks like it contains actual lime juice - with white (I suppose actually light green) bits of lime that mostly sink when you let it sit around. I have a year-old, nearly-empty bottle and a fresh one (one from rts, one from purevapes). Both look like I describe.

If I saw brown, red, or rust stuff that floats, I'd hesitate to use it. You could send a picture to FA and see what they say.


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Thanks for posting this, Huck! I just wish I had the answer lol. Alice in Vapeland says it's "curiously indescribable", and it really is!

Edit: I went and read some reviews, and some impressions are that it tastes like coconut butter pecan frosting, Almond Joy, carrot cake, sweet cream cake with almond, and grandma's pecan pie topped with coconut. Some also say it's buttery, but I'm not getting that from it and AiV claims to use no diacetyl. The flavors also change from vape to vape, so it's really complex and interesting (translation: good luck trying to clone this LOL).

I've read white coconut cake too. I thought it tasted like celery water. I started DIY shortly after that and figured out it was whatever coconut flavoring they use that doesn't agree with me


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Hey all, I know I seldom post here, but try to catch up every now and then. I saw the discussion about White Rabbit (I like the one from AiV) and the recipe came from a contest by AiV. Morri on -that other forum- is the one that came up with it. Percentages aren't listed, and neither is flavoring brand, but here's the link to the post to get all you super mixers started. :)

Morri's White Rabbit
You need to stop by more often :)

Thats a huge help.... I bet it wouldnt take some of our super tasters long to figure that one out if they so wished. Anbody gona take the challenge ? Youd have to buy of bottle of it first though :(


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LOL the hunt is on for the White Rabbit now huh?? There are flavors I would never vape and um er since I do not eat celery that is sure 1 hahahahaha:D Oh and I decided since I um er lust chocolate that my new FA order will include 12ml of cocoa and 12ml of chocolate and more AP lol I know the Swiss Bliss will need to be a ready to mix with other flavors - flavor lol:p any ideas how to make it more milk chocolate??


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LOL the hunt is on for the White Rabbit now huh?? There are flavors I would never vape and um er since I do not eat celery that is sure 1 hahahahaha:D Oh and I decided since I um er lust chocolate that my new FA order will include 12ml of cocoa and 12ml of chocolate and more AP lol I know the Swiss Bliss will need to be a ready to mix with other flavors - flavor lol:p any ideas how to make it more milk chocolate??

I did the same as you are doing now sorta.... I wanted hot chocolate so I used this recipie... and just did not add the irish cream and it is a less chocolaty hot chocolat....sorta like a lighter milk chocolate. I doubled the recipie and it was very good and stil not quite as rich as the Swiss Bliss. Very good.


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I don't know njoy at all but wanted to say - definitely don't be ashamed! There's still one vendor tobacco I wish I could duplicate. Not that I don't have plenty of others that I can make and enjoy -- I still want that one I can't figure out.
To me it taste like a fresh unlite ciggy smells. Do you make any that resemble something like that? Oh how I LOVE that smell!


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I know the Swiss Bliss will need to be a ready to mix with other flavors - flavor lol:p any ideas how to make it more milk chocolate??

Yes, absolutely! Look at the balance of Chocolate versus Cocoa in Swiss Bliss (darker chocolate flavor) versus Nutella and Ferrero Rocher (milk chocolate candy but strong) and that Irish Mocha that Thunderball pointed you to (mild milk chocolate). Also notice in Irish Mocha, TFA Cheesecake is adding the acetyl pyrazine, so it's not there as a separate ingredient, and Vienna is the bit that makes it so mild. So there are a few ways to mess with it, but the basic idea is heavier on the cocoa for darker flavor, heavier on chocolate for lighter chocolate, get ap in there, and optionally Vienna for creamy milk. To me, the coolest thing is that they actually taste better (IMO) than chocolate flavorings that rely on diacetyl/sub ingredients. I like to find ways to avoid those, and I'm really pleased it's possible.


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Hey all, I know I seldom post here, but try to catch up every now and then. I saw the discussion about White Rabbit (I like the one from AiV) and the recipe came from a contest by AiV. Morri on -that other forum- is the one that came up with it. Percentages aren't listed, and neither is flavoring brand, but here's the link to the post to get all you super mixers started. :)

Morri's White Rabbit

Wow! Great find, so thanks a million!! That's really awesome :)


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White rabbit is a very subtle vape. I would just have to buy some and vape it while mixing. I don't know... I'll think on it.

I wonder if that " cake" is vanilla cupcake ?

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I bet it is, and I'm pretty sure I still have some. Kinda bummed about the butter, though. I have some TFA Butter, but put it away when I found out about the diacetyl thing. It's still tempting, though :D


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To me it taste like a fresh unlite ciggy smells. Do you make any that resemble something like that? Oh how I LOVE that smell!

I think this one does: . To me FA Burley is the smell of an unlit cig, which is why I use it so much. Burley is used pretty heavily in American cigs. I understand (from research, not experience) that Canadian cigs use more Virginia tobacco, so if you're used to Canadian brands, you might like heavier Virginia than Burley.

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