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FlavourArt Club ... formally known as the PureVapes thread


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plagiarized snippets from online:

"Vanilla is a powerful “flavor potentiator,” meaning it enhances our ability to taste other foods including chocolate, coffee, fruit, and nuts, and boosts our perception of sweetness.... both pure and imitation vanilla.."

"The active ingredient, ethyl vanillin, is chemically synthesized and marketed as "vanillin." Ethyl vanillin has 3.5 times the flavor intensity of vanilla bean extract."

So I gather the faker, the better.
So does that mean if I add vanillin to my recipe it will enhance the taste better?


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So does that mean if I add vanillin to my recipe it will enhance the taste better?

Some people claim that, but I don't like that cheap vanilla flavor in everything I vape. I'd much rather drink it in my coffee or almond milk, lol!


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Hic, I read a post of yours at the other place taking about using catalan cream for a creme brulee flavor. I used catalan, dulce de leche and brown sugar and while good its just not strong enough. I like pretty strong flavor so I'm thinking maybe adding a vanilla and vienna cream to boost the flavor. Also maybe caramel instead of dulce?


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Thanks HIC. not looking good this year. going to spoil her for sure but we cant find a babysitter. :/ took off friday -monday just incase we can break away. if not we can snuggle by the fire and pretend we are somewhere awesome lol. we have fun all the time anyways. I proposed to her with a bread tie. twisted it into a circle. she went all the way to when we exchanged rings thinking she was only getting that bread tie. maybe she knew I wouldnt do that either I dont know really. we kinda just have each other and the kids but thats plenty for me :)
Ahhh what a great story !!!!! It really sounds like you guys rock as a couple and now a days that is so great to hear. Wish I was there I would babysit for you guys . Better yet ship them up to me in Canada and we can build snowmen and they can help my husband put up more than 2000 lights in our forest . lol Hope you guys have a great time !


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Don't you hate when you crave a cig? All my creativity goes out the window when that happens. I'm vaping about 2% Tuscan with about .5% Black Fire, so I don't have to mix anything complicated. This is pretty good. Anyone else like Tuscan fairly unadorned? It's a little stronger than the Cuban Supreme I usually reach for, but still one I enjoy.

Ive decided that I cant be trusted to mix up any tobbaco juices.

I had a night filled with nightmares. I havent smoked a cigarette since I quite a couple years ago and have never dreamed of smoking them since. Vaping has been very succesfull for me getting me off the cigs. Well, yesterday I thought about starting to mix tobaccos.

So.....Last night I dreamed that I was in a Hotel on vacation with my family, and somehow got cornered by a young female Menataur (Edit: Centaur)o_O, you know, the half horse people (really lol) so I snuck into her room ( I think she was a maid) and before we got down to buisness, my battery went bad.....I didnt have a back up battery with me and didnt want to go back to my hotel room to get one off the charger, so I smoked her Marlboros.....and I couldnt quit lighting them up and smoking them. I woke up in a cold sweat.
I dont know what was more freightning, that my subconsious wanted to smoke cigarettes or that I would be that interested in a Female half human half horse.

Ive decided to stay away from mixing tobaccos and ranches in general. :eek::D
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By the way Wllmc..... Have a great Anniversary weekend wherever you decide to go. How many years has it been ?


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Ive decided that I cant be trusted to mix up any tobbaco juices.

I had a night filled with nightmares. I havent smoked a cigarette since I quite a couple years ago and have never dreamed of smoking them since. Vaping has been very succesfull for me getting me off the cigs. Well, yesterday I thought about starting to mix tobaccos.

So.....Last night I dreamed that I was in a Hotel on vacation with my family, and somehow got cornered by a young female Menataur, you know, the half horse people (really lol) so I snuck into her room ( I think she was a maid) and before we got down to buisness, my battery went bad.....I didnt have a back up battery with me and didnt want to go back to my hotel room to get one off the charger, so I smoked her Marlboros.....and I couldnt quit lighting them up and smoking them. I woke up in a cold sweat.
I dont know what was more freightning, that my subconsious wanted to smoke cigarettes or that I would be that interested in a Female half human half horse.

Ive decided to stay away from mixing tobaccos and ranches in general. :eek::D
Ha! I think the horse one is a centaur. I wouldn't worry about any of it. Dreams are F'd up.


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I know it was not meant to be funny but I couldn't help but to laugh out loud!
Thanks for the morning laugh. :oops:

psst... mixing tobaccos is not the same.
It is not a cigarette nor does it taste like one.
Ha! I think the horse one is a centaur. I wouldn't worry about any of it. Dreams are F'd up.
LOL.... caught me. Poor judgment in telling that story and bad memory of what the damn things are called :D
Maybe I was thinking Menopause/Menotaur.... IDK :rolleyes:


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LOL.... caught me. Poor judgment in telling that story and bad memory of what the damn things are called :D
Maybe I was thinking Menopause/Menotaur.... IDK :rolleyes:
Roman poet Ovid, in his epic Metamorphoses, gives a brief description of Hylonome as well.

"In the high woods there was none comelier of all the centaur-girls, and she alone by love and love’s sweet words and winning ways held Cyllarus, yes, and the care she took to look her best (so far as that may be with limbs like that). She combed her glossy hair, and twined her curls in turn with rosemary or violets or roses, and sometimes she wore a pure white lily. Twice a day she bathed her face in the clear brook that fell from Pagasae’s high forest, twice she plunged her body in its flow, nor would she wear on her left side and shoulder any skin but what became her from best-chosen beasts."


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Roman poet Ovid, in his epic Metamorphoses, gives a brief description of Hylonome as well.

"In the high woods there was none comelier of all the centaur-girls, and she alone by love and love’s sweet words and winning ways held Cyllarus, yes, and the care she took to look her best (so far as that may be with limbs like that). She combed her glossy hair, and twined her curls in turn with rosemary or violets or roses, and sometimes she wore a pure white lily. Twice a day she bathed her face in the clear brook that fell from Pagasae’s high forest, twice she plunged her body in its flow, nor would she wear on her left side and shoulder any skin but what became her from best-chosen beasts."

Oh dear lord.... now you have me thinking about that maid again.

Moral to the story: Even happily married men can be pigs .........and have back ups for your back ups.. :D


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Oh dear lord.... now you have me thinking about that maid again.

Moral to the story: Even happily married men can be pigs .........and have back ups for your back ups.. :D
Have you ever heard the dogs motto?? LOL calling men pigs is just an insult to a pig lol:rolleyes::)
Just kidding;)


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Oh, and Happy Anniversary Will and Mrs. C!
You know George Harrison was right, love is all you need.....


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Ive decided that I cant be trusted to mix up any tobbaco juices.

I had a night filled with nightmares. I havent smoked a cigarette since I quite a couple years ago and have never dreamed of smoking them since. Vaping has been very succesfull for me getting me off the cigs. Well, yesterday I thought about starting to mix tobaccos.

So.....Last night I dreamed that I was in a Hotel on vacation with my family, and somehow got cornered by a young female Menataur (Edit: Centaur)o_O, you know, the half horse people (really lol) so I snuck into her room ( I think she was a maid) and before we got down to buisness, my battery went bad.....I didnt have a back up battery with me and didnt want to go back to my hotel room to get one off the charger, so I smoked her Marlboros.....and I couldnt quit lighting them up and smoking them. I woke up in a cold sweat.
I dont know what was more freightning, that my subconsious wanted to smoke cigarettes or that I would be that interested in a Female half human half horse.

Ive decided to stay away from mixing tobaccos and ranches in general. :eek::D
wow maybe ill have that dream tonight


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Question for HIC - I found a recipe for your Black Rum? It uses 1.5 FA Blackberry and I thought you did not like that flavoring??o_O


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After I eat a piece of candy corn, my vape flavors are double mega intense! I'm gonna hafta keep candy corn around.

Haha good reason to eat candy corn!
Food and vape go together for me too. Depending on what I'm drinking or eating will sometimes dictate what I vape.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk


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Oh dear lord.... now you have me thinking about that maid again.

Moral to the story: Even happily married men can be pigs .........and have back ups for your back ups.. :D

I need a maid!

I dreams about plane crashes. Some before they actually happened. That's another story. Rather dream of maid.

<-- with same partner 19yrs. I can dream too. ;-)


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Question for HIC - I found a recipe for your Black Rum? It uses 1.5 FA Blackberry and I thought you did not like that flavoring??o_O

Ah, you found one of my old reviews! Please read:

I am convinced FA made a bad/spoiled batch at one point (at least a year ago), and it was widely distributed. In fact, I'm not sure it's entirely out of the supply chain yet. If you order that flavoring, I'd make it a small bottle and order from a vendor that isn't likely to be sitting on a vast supply of old flavoring.

I don't care for FA Blackberry (or most dark berries) standalone, but I love it in Black Rum. My (offline) notes for that recipe show I liked it best with the lime, whether or not I used coconut. It's great with other dark berries in Bohemian Cobbler. Just that 0.25% in there is enough to taste it. ...I should do more with it...hmm..


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Hic, I read a post of yours at the other place taking about using catalan cream for a creme brulee flavor. I used catalan, dulce de leche and brown sugar and while good its just not strong enough. I like pretty strong flavor so I'm thinking maybe adding a vanilla and vienna cream to boost the flavor. Also maybe caramel instead of dulce?

You mean TFA's Dulce de Leche? The generous amount of diacetyl subs in that could mute Catalan some. FA Caramel certainly would go well with Catalan; you might like added in equal portions with FA Butterscotch - that gives a pretty bold, strong effect. Vienna Cream will make it sweeter and creamier, adds a little vanilla, but it's not caramel-like. If you want more vanilla, Vanilla Bourbon is the darkest/boldest of the three and goes best with dark caramel-butterscotch.


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Ut Oh I was gonna order the TFA Dulce de Leche - not anymore ty for reminding me some are not the kind I want HIC:( Some recipe called for it can't remember now which 1 I have so many lol:rolleyes:


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I can not figure out how to post an Ebay link so please disregard this post - sorry:confused:


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Ah, you found one of my old reviews! Please read:

I am convinced FA made a bad/spoiled batch at one point (at least a year ago), and it was widely distributed. In fact, I'm not sure it's entirely out of the supply chain yet. If you order that flavoring, I'd make it a small bottle and order from a vendor that isn't likely to be sitting on a vast supply of old flavoring.

I don't care for FA Blackberry (or most dark berries) standalone, but I love it in Black Rum. My (offline) notes for that recipe show I liked it best with the lime, whether or not I used coconut. It's great with other dark berries in Bohemian Cobbler. Just that 0.25% in there is enough to taste it. ...I should do more with it...hmm..

Lol, my FA Blackberry, (a drop on my finger), tasted like Granny's perfume smelled.
The year was 1962 and etched in my memory forever...

Have yet to try it, scared, will have to go easy with it.
My VZ-SC Blackberry I used at 2% and was good, no perfume.
FA may be way stronger though.


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Wow, someone posted this interview with the guys from Evolv in a thread about their latest chip but they go into far more about the industry. You guys should really read this.

For the few of us left with eGos, life has also improved a lot lately. 2200-3200mAh, nothing to mess with (well, variable voltage optional), and some under $8. That leaves more $ for flavorings, more time for mixing. At least that's my rationale for not getting into the shiny stuff, lol.


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For the few of us left with eGos, life has also improved a lot lately. 2200-3200mAh, nothing to mess with (well, variable voltage optional), and some under $8. That leaves more $ for flavorings, more time for mixing. At least that's my rationale for not getting into the shiny stuff, lol.
You may feel like a minority here on the internet but overall I think you are much more likely in the majority of e-cig users. I am an enthusiast and I am interested in the DNA40 board but the stuff that really enlightened me and what I really think everyone needs to read was further down in the interview about juice distribution, big tobacco, the future of the industry etc.


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For the few of us left with eGos, life has also improved a lot lately. 2200-3200mAh, nothing to mess with (well, variable voltage optional), and some under $8. That leaves more $ for flavorings, more time for mixing. At least that's my rationale for not getting into the shiny stuff, lol.
Me, too. I'm pretty happy with my eGo types, loving the Tesla Spider that I got. I do have 2 vv/vw devices, one an eGo-ish type, the other an MVP. I think that's as shiny as I want to go, really. I'm having more fun making liquids.


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Can anyone tell me if TFA Cranberry is red. I ordered cranberry from a Canadian site and it's there own name brand so I'm not sure what it is, but it is red so I am wondering if it's Loranns with food coloring ?


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For the few of us left with eGos, life has also improved a lot lately. 2200-3200mAh, nothing to mess with (well, variable voltage optional), and some under $8. That leaves more $ for flavorings, more time for mixing. At least that's my rationale for not getting into the shiny stuff, lol.

I'm with ya, HIC. I love my Spinners, and see no need to use anything else. I do have a Vamo and a SVD, but they rarely get used. I also got a Stingray clone for about $20 in the event of the apocalypse, but actually have no interest in mechs lol.


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I think the basic test for an eliquid should be the ego + clearo test because of that's what the majority uses. Equip does matter. I wouldn't be surprised to see more juice vendors specifiy liquid for drippinng vs. liquid for tanks/clearos.


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I think the basic test for an eliquid should be the ego + clearo test because of that's what the majority uses. Equip does matter. I wouldn't be surprised to see more juice vendors specifiy liquid for drippinng vs. liquid for tanks/clearos.
And then they will charge different prices - thank goodness I will not have to payo_O


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I'm with ya, HIC. I love my Spinners, and see no need to use anything else. I do have a Vamo and a SVD, but they rarely get used. I also got a Stingray clone for about $20 in the event of the apocalypse, but actually have no interest in mechs lol.

I'm in the eGo-batt-loving clan as well - with mini protanks, I can fit half a dozen in my pocket for plenty of flavour variation when out and about :D Kayfun mini in dripper mode is good too, and pocket-friendly, for when I need to quickly boost my blood-nic levels.

Also dig my Stingray X with Magma for some dripping fun, but damn it's thirsty, and really not practical on the move! I'm going to get another though, and set it up specifically for vaping juices with FA Cocoa in - since that likes to burn, it'll need to run cool.

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