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FlavourArt Club ... formally known as the PureVapes thread

Smoky Blue

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if you'd like to repost that recipe.. more than welcome..
I have stashed a bunch and well.. getting to them is going to be painful..


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half a ml a day - really? LOL Well, I get through at least 12ml a day - sometimes more...
Maybe now you can see why I do not want to make bigger test batches?? I do not want to vape the same taste for over 3 days lol:p

Smoky Blue

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Maybe now you can see why I do not want to make bigger test batches?? I do not want to vape the same taste for over 3 days lol:p

that is why i have more than 12 large 4oz bottles.. :p
but i do go thru my juice a lot faster too.. so it's a trade off..


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I am a brat, but to me Vaping is NOTHING like smoking at all :) to me it is just another way for me to get my nic fix;) and I changed brands according to cost after about 30yrs lol


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I hear you, Dixie - and of course I agree - I don't even like tobacco vapes at all:p But half a ml a day? I go through that in about 30 seconds...LOL


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I am still a dual user - remember I have not been having an easy time of it getting the nic to not *cook* in this hot place. But this next month I may actually get to do more vaping than smoking - at least that is my hope as it is a lot cooler in here now. This thread has inspired me to keep trying and so I shall who knows maybe I will become a big vaper myself:cool::D Oh and Kevin at VT says he will make me some 50/50 nic so I will try VT again:)


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I am still a dual user - remember I have not been having an easy time of it getting the nic to not *cook* in this hot place. But this next month I may actually get to do more vaping than smoking - at least that is my hope as it is a lot cooler in here now. This thread has inspired me to keep trying and so I shall who knows maybe I will become a big vaper myself:cool::D Oh and Kevin at VT says he will make me some 50/50 nic so I will try VT again:)

Very glad to hear Kevin will do that! I also like to buy my nic 50/50.


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@Smoky Blue .. The Andromeda Blue which was mentioned today....... Did you post it in the VU forums ? I would like to try it

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if you'd like to repost that recipe.. more than welcome..
I have stashed a bunch and well.. getting to them is going to be painful..
I'll have to post it here when I get home tomorrow night. Out of town now.


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I do about 12-15ml a day. High wattage dripping will flat eat up some juice!


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I've never actually measured it, but I'm probably not more than 4 ml a day. Plus, it's just me so I mix in smaller batches and my nic base lasts a long time. Hubby is a very light smoker and just never took to vaping . . . go figure :rolleyes:


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Most days I apparently vape as much as those using drippers and fancyshiny hardware. I wouldn't have guessed that!


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I only go through maybe 3ml a day. I need to go to dual coils or dripping to keep up with all the recipes!

A small chamber or magma RDA, 1.8ohm closed coil, and wicked with Cellucotton rayon will do nicely. Even when vaped around 8 watts. Ask me how I know? Lots of flavor, large clouds, cool vape, and sucking down the juice. Oh, for the love of DIY.


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Off the top of your heads can anyone think of a shake and vape baccy?

FA Cuban Supreme is one that does not change much as it sits and ages (or spins around on the ceiling fan, simmers in the crock pot, or whatever). It's fine by itself, but I also like making this with it:

Tuscan was another I liked fresh. I have no idea if it changes as it ages and will probably never find out by experience.


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On my days off I vape way more than I do at at work.
Today I've gone through my 10ml test batch of HIC's Mom's Ginger Snaps, yum.
Had some tobacco in between maybe 2ml.
Started testing a 10ml bottle of a new recipe I'm working on, about 3ml gone.
Probably only 7ml on a work day tho.
No dripping, 2 clearos only, 1 for each hand:D
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easily 10ml, probably a couple more on average. With eGo-type batts and single-coil tanks. lol!
(I should probably raise my nic a bit, huh?)
I was told I might like the nic better if I lowered it lol I do not want to go through a bunch daily so I will use 18-20mg tyvm:p


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Work days, I go through 2 mini protanks, a different flavor in each one. Weekends, I catch up in a big way and lose track of how many times I fill. I make an 80pg/20vg base @ 13mg nic. I don't accommodate for flavorings when I mix, so I don't know my nic strength, really. They're all different, but not over 13.


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It does depend on nic strength how much you vape.
I think of vaping totally different than smoking in that respect too.

When I smoked, I smoked a pack to a pack and a half a day.
I didn't want to smoke more for sure even though I did enjoy smoking. (yes, I am one of those)
With vaping, I enjoy it so much more and like the different flavors.
I do vape more so I keep the nicotine down more so I can vape as much as I want.

Even if I get down to 0mg nicotine (no plans to as of now) I will still vape.
I don't keep track of how much I go through in a day but guessing I'd say around 5mls.


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HIC after reading the comments you made on that light cigarette, do you think I could leave out the Oakwood so the vanilla would stand out more - I like vanilla cigs:p to me they are tasty


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Off the top of your heads can anyone think of a shake and vape baccy?

What kind of cig's did you like?

In the FA line some other good ones might include Maxx Blend, 7-Leaves, Shade and Royal. You can mix and vape with FA tobaccos though better to wait a couple days.

Some types of tobacco blends available in vaping include bright fresh cut hay/pine, rich and chocolately, nutty, caramel-vanilla, vanilla, cherry or fruit tobaccos, spicy/exotics, fire/flue cured, clove, dark and mysterious, green cigar-like tobaccos, and stinky (don't ask...). You can also find vapes based on various tobacco leaves such as Brightleaf/Virginia, Burley, Cavendish, Turkish, etc.


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Every time I mix up a fresh batch of FA Maxx Blend I plan to let it steep, but I never can.
So, I would say it's pretty much a shake and vape tobacco. ;)


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I know I do not care for nutty baccys or hay like or floral or spicy, black cherry would be the fruit I'd try and I like vanilla too:) TY all for all these great suggestions:D I can not believe I forgot chocolate lol:rolleyes:


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Based on that I'd suggest trying FA Maxx Blend, HG Magic Mix (smooth, well-blended tobacco blend), FA Royal or HG Gold and Silver (both are tasty fruit tobaccos; and maybe cherry), and one of my chocolate favorites -- HG Arabic (strange but true, HG Arabic is a chocolate tobacco). Despite my moniker, oddly enough I don't have a vanilla tobacco flavor to recommend -- open to suggestions. However TFA's RY4-Double is a tasty and well-respected carmel-vanilla tobacco you might enjoy.

Strike FA Royal; though it has a sweet background, I don't think that's cherry. Though wow, that G&S is sure good.
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HIC after reading the comments you made on that light cigarette, do you think I could leave out the Oakwood so the vanilla would stand out more - I like vanilla cigs:p to me they are tasty

Of course you could. In fact, since you like vanilla cigs, I think you might like Cuban Supreme standalone best. See how this sounds to you:
You could add a hint of black cherry to that, too.


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You have made my day, HIC :D I want a baccy I can use while the others that need to steep can. I am going to make a bunch of Chocolate vapes but I will need something for inbetween those lol or I will get burned out hahahaha. I am ordering 12ml of the Cuban Supreme I did not realize it was more of a cig than a cigar. My grand daughter shares her camels which have a nice hint of vanilla in them once in a while and I love them:) This sounds like a good flavor to add even a bit of chocolate to LOL:p


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HIC after reading the comments you made on that light cigarette, do you think I could leave out the Oakwood so the vanilla would stand out more - I like vanilla cigs:p to me they are tasty
That's exactly what I did the first time with his recipe since I had no Oakwood. Great recipe both ways!


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That's exactly what I did the first time with his recipe since I had no Oakwood. Great recipe both ways!
Thank you for telling me - I am sure I will like it standalone but I will make some just for mixing in other tempting flavors:D from the first I have been hoping to find a good nilla baccy vape, I am now chomping at the bit wanting next month to get here LOL:confused::)


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vaping is the only place I have heard "taste is subjective" I cook a lot and watch a lot of cooking shows and reading and not once have I heard "taste is subjective" in food. people may like different thing and some do have more sensitive taste buds than others but our tongues all work the same. we have thousands of taste buds but only 5 sensations. sweetness, sourness, saltiness, bitter and umami . I pick up on sour notes more than for HIC. does that mean my FA pineapple taste different that HIC's pineapple ? no . its the exact same chemicals in the same bottles that we vape. mine is a bit more sour tasting to me but we both get the same pineapple flavor and thats why a recipe works. everyone adjust recipes to suit their favorite taste. maybe I want more pineapple and HIC wants more mandarin in the mix to make our favorite version of the recipe. people do not like the same thing and that is a fact or may explain something different but the flavor doesnt change.
No, the flavor doesn't change! I do know peoples taste buds can differ. For example some Mexican or Thai food is to spicy for me to mouth is literally on fire & then some a good 15 minutes afterwards. If my hubby eats the same thing he looks at me like I'm crazy! HE says it's hardly even got a spiciness to it at all.


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No, the flavor doesn't change! I do know peoples taste buds can differ. For example some Mexican or Thai food is to spicy for me to mouth is literally on fire & then some a good 15 minutes afterwards. If my hubby eats the same thing he looks at me like I'm crazy! HE says it's hardly even got a spiciness to it at all.
OMG I do NOT do Spicy of any kind - poor you:( and thank you for your response - this thread is so awesome!!!:D


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I can't tolerate spicy (heat) like I could when I smoked. I'm way more sensitive to flavor that I ever was since I quit.

Sent from my stupid iPhone because I don't have an Android.


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Bloody ecigexpress. I am trying to place an order for flavours and keep getting the 404 page not found error. I have run out and running out of many of my staples.


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Bloody ecigexpress. I am trying to place an order for flavours and keep getting the 404 page not found error. I have run out and running out of many of my staples.
That is absolutely the worst website I've ever been on. It's very sketchy.

Unfortunately, I make many of my orders from them.

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I order from them a couple of times a month, and while it's slow I've never had any problems!


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Does any one else sell 30ml bottles of fa at a decent price and also sell inawera and tfa too.


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Only place I've found that sell both 30ml bottles AND other those other brands is EcigExpress.


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TFA some are at Bull City Vapor, FA bigger bottles are at Eliquidmart,Inawera I have no idea.o_O
I like Eliquidmart because if you order $50 bucks at a time the shipping is free and no problems :)


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Logout of ecig express, then fill your cart, then log in and order

I've had to do that before ( twice )

Being logged on ecig express on the weekend just seems to be a problem

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Bloody ecigexpress. I am trying to place an order for flavours and keep getting the 404 page not found error. I have run out and running out of many of my staples.

I'm having the same problems, none of the flavoring links are working.
Logged in or out, doesn't matter.

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