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I just wanted to advise anyone considering a purchase from DB Modz to not do so. I have been waiting for him to replace my broken mini Dna20 for over 7 months, and he will not return any calls or emails. I have never been so frustrated with any vendor, and his lack of communication is killing me me.

These are not cheap mods, and understandably, things happen. However, if you warranty a product you make, what good is it if you don't return messages? I can't speak for the quality of the new version 3 dna 30 boxes, but the mini v2 has been a nightmare. I received a tracking number from him for a replacement mod over a week ago, and all I see on usps is electronic shipping info received... Which basically means he printed a label, but hasn't mailed the damn thing. Again, no messages have been replied to, and I'm sure I won't hear back from him anytime soon. I'm out 200 dollars, and nearly 8 months after purchase, my issues have not been resolved. I hate to call the guy out, but this seems to be a big problem with dB modz across the board. I'd hate anyone else in the community to go through this, so be warned. DB Modz... Stay away.
I have the same problem. I found a Facebook page (dB modzs customers service sucks) that was started because he started banning ppl and removing comments on his page.

Chip Chipperson

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Damn man that sucks.. don't feel bad about calling him out - this is exactly what you should be doing and what the forums are for!

that isnt a cheap purchase.. lets find a way to flood this guy with messages.. I will help :)
DB Modz has had my mod since March 29th. He has told me twice (once in may & once in june) that it was fixed and he was sending it back. He never did. He ignores calls, emails, and facebook messages. He blocks people who leave negative comments. I also just read in another post that he is hanging up on the customers that do manage to get ahold of him by phone. IMO he is a thief collecting money and not giving any product in return. I only had my da mini v2 for TWO day before I had to send it back to him. TWO DAYS is NOT worth $240! There has to be something we can do to get our money back. Im trying to get the word out about this joker by posting anywhere I can find. If this dirt bag has stolen from anyone else, please go to the "DB Modz Customer Service Sucks" facebook group page and post your experience so that others will see it and save themselves some money.


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That really sucks!

I know this is probably of no help but can your Credit Card company or PayPal help you out?
I purchased mine thru a local shop. If I do a charge back thru my credit card company then it punishes the store, who did nothing wrong. I have contacted the store though and they have been trying to get a response from DB for me as well.

DB Cigs

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Yeah, that really does suck.
Just to clarify...DB Cigs is in no way, shape form, or fashion affiliated with this DB mods .
Just saying.
Our DB happens to stand for my initials lol


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Im actually going to move this to hall of shame, because yeah, if there is a facebook page dedicated to poor customer service, then this is not a one time thing.

Good call.


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Thanks for the responses and support. Just to update everyone, I have not received any replies from him, and it is nearly a full month since the tracking number (which usps still shows nothing other than "electronic shipping info received" status). I've tried everything.
Regarding PayPal, after 45 days, it isn't their problem. The better business Bureau will log a complaint, but it won't really do much good.

This is past the point of wanting my mod and/or my money back... This is a matter of straight up disregard and disrespect for paying customers.


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Better Business Bureau only takes complaints regarding businesses that are registered with them. They'll note complaints of other businesses and it will be harder for those businesses to get BBB certification which is a paid 'service'. The best you can do is warn others on their behavior. Not specifically vaping related but there's a good blog out there that does cover all types of businesses - http://cautionffdandbv.blogspot.com/ its a good source for getting a bad vendor listed, even if its not a vaping specific group.

BBB is a great idea in its original purpose, not its current use. Those who pay the fee and meet their criteria get the certification but its a high fee to pay just to be listed, when many good businesses aren't listed, because they'd rather put their $ into other parts of the business than a BBB certification that is a moot point in some states.

Keeping an eye out for others who have been swindled by the business, and getting together with a lawyer might be the ONLY recourse against some of the vendors that end up not answering emails or calls. Do make at least one attempt to contact vendor by certified mail, so you have a paper copy of the attempt and proof if its claimed or not claimed. It comes in handy when/if you go after the business using legal means - small claims court may even be in your favor depending on your state. A class action suit if you have enough people who were screwed over...might be an option too.

Not a lawyer - just have experience with some bad outcomes of transactions...sharing experience/advice only - seek legal counsel for actual legal advice.


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Yeah, the BBB isn't the answer. Unfortunately, there isn't much that can be done. Again, since I chose to give him the benefit of doubt and deal with him directly, PayPal basically said, "tough shit", although the rep I spoke with was nice enough to email him and say that they were aware of the situation, and recommend he resolve the issue. However, that didn't seem to do anything. This has been going on since I purchased the mod in January... Horrible communication since day one. Between the wait for the mod itself, having to return it and wait for a fix, and now waiting for a replacement, I have wasted a good 7 months of my life, and I am out 200 bucks. It's not only me, either. There are a lot or people out there that have been screwed in a similar way. I honestly don't think it's malicious, just piss poor business management, and lack of courtesy. I just wish he'd return a damn phone call or email. Hopefully, people will see these posts and think twice before buying from these guys. It's been nothing but a huge headache since day one.


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Still no response from the modder after one month. Tracking number still in limbo, according to the USPS website. Electronic Shipping Info Received basically means that a label was printed. What sucks is that I know there is a package for me just sitting around... And he doesn't have the decency to mail it... Let alone respond to a fucking message. I don't know what else to do other than continuously email and call. I know he's not going to reply... But I have to do SOMETHING. it is now a matter of principle. Fuck the fact that I have been robbed, and I will never see that mod again... It's a lousy feeling, being ignored and blown off. Especially since I see he's still taking pre orders and selling mods at Vaporcon West. Using other people's money to make more money. What bullshit. All the dude needed to do was return a message.


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Question, did you purchase this online, and is the vendor from out of state? If so, you could always contact the FBI. They tend to frown upon wire fraud. :)


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I did buy it online. And yes, the vendor is in Reno, and I am in FL.
I would file with paypal and make them aware of your situation. I had about the same thing with the bay of e with a pre-order that was not the fault of the person that organized the buy but that of the manufacturer failing to have the devices ready at the agreed date. Needless to say the manufacturer finally got everything out way after the agreed upon time and I didn't have the heart to take it out on the guy who only facilitated the buy and withdrew my complaint but both paypal and the bay of e were only waiting for my conformation to pursue. So type it up and send it to paypal cause it takes a few days for them to read and review your claim. Hope things work out for you.


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sucks and there is nothing you can really do.
Too bad you don't live close to the person.
I bet a visit and more would stop this BS....


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Find out what vape meet /convention he will be at around you and bring a big sign and stand in front of him (sign reading scam and rip off) have four or five people doing that and it will scare him straight

The Ocelot

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You might try contacting the Nevada Attorney General's office. I filed a complaint with the Arizona AG against an online retailer (not vape related) in Phoenix and I got my money back.

ETA: You could also contact the vape shops in Reno and tell them what he's done. There are only 4 shops here, someone must know him. I'll bet The Vapory is sure to be familiar with him, they sell high end gear.

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