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I've been playing WoW since shortly after launch (I missed getting the statue by 3 days :gaah:). I currently have 18 level 100s and a level 103. Just coming back from a bit of a break and taking it easy with leveling.
I just moved to a place where it is difficult. I cancelled my sub and it ran out on the 14th, but if this internet can get me back on, I would love to play with you. have met a couple good peeps on wow. I had 5 lvl 100 s before legion rolled out. My husband had 60s 1n 2005, but I was pregnant and working at the time so I didnt get back into it until recently, he was so addicted when I was pregnant, but now the tables have turned...

I had 3 110s when I stopped to move to the boonies


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I just moved to a place where it is difficult. I cancelled my sub and it ran out on the 14th, but if this internet can get me back on, I would love to play with you. have met a couple good peeps on wow. I had 5 lvl 100 s before legion rolled out. My husband had 60s 1n 2005, but I was pregnant and working at the time so I didnt get back into it until recently, he was so addicted when I was pregnant, but now the tables have turned...

I mostly play horde on Earthen Ring. I have toons on a bunch of servers but I'm primarily on ER or on my alliance rogue Shanksgiving on Wyrmrest Accord.


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Whatever. Just call me the grimm reaper. I have helped 3 go already. Even when the rest of the family doesn't agree with the DNR, I need to step in to do all that. It must be my expertise or something. Nobody should suffer...

Even though, when they stopped the drip my mom had, she didn't wake up at all... I still wonder "what if we jumped the gun?" I know it's stupid, there was really no way she could have come back and been anything like her actual self... but I still wonder that, sometimes. :(



Bronze Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I mostly play horde on Earthen Ring. I have toons on a bunch of servers but I'm primarily on ER or on my alliance rogue Shanksgiving on Wyrmrest Accord.
i started out on perenolde but I am horde mostly. My main is undead male on perenolde. I startred as a human warlock on perenolde, but my hubby deleted her. I have toons on Twisting nether, destromath, and bonechewer


Bronze Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Even though, when they stopped the drip my mom had, she didn't wake up at all... I still wonder "what if we jumped the gun?" I know it's stupid, there was really no way she could have come back and been anything like her actual self... but I still wonder that, sometimes. :(

If she had a Dnr, then stick with it.

When someone is beyond saving, there is no point in torturing them with the needles and tubes. Intubation is especially painful for the ones whos bodies would fail and die anyway.


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What do you play/

I was playing WoW but I may need to do other things if I were to compete. A warlock in WOW can be a good or bad thing depending on the competition and composition of team. It was good with a rogue and any other melee. I really want tp play again, but legion changed a lot of things. Not to mention the bots in pvp
BlackOPS III and Rocket League the latter the most
What do you play/

I was playing WoW but I may need to do other things if I were to compete. A warlock in WOW can be a good or bad thing depending on the competition and composition of team. It was good with a rogue and any other melee. I really want tp play again, but legion changed a lot of things. Not to mention the bots in pvp
Reflex based games RL first person shooters and only against other humans


Bronze Contributor
Member For 4 Years
BlackOPS III and Rocket League the latter the most

Reflex based games RL first person shooters and only against other humans
I prefer fantasy games myself. I don't do black ops and such because if I wanted to go and shoot em up, I just could in real life ( got guns and ammo). With spellls and magic, I can just escape the real life bullshit. I just moved to a place outside city limits and can just shoot my guns when I want. I guess it would be good, but some people have kids around here... Still there are so many shots fired here. Gotta teach my kid where to be...


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I prefer fantasy games myself. I don't do black ops and such because if I wanted to go and shoot em up, I just could in real life ( got guns and ammo). With spellls and magic, I can just escape the real life bullshit. I just moved to a place outside city limits and can just shoot my guns when I want. I guess it would be good, but some people have kids around here... Still there are so many shots fired here. Gotta teach my kid where to be...
I use to be able to do that.:grumpy: Then a school was built next to my property and while its still legal i prefer not to deal with the police showing up at my house. So now i can only target shoot on the weekends.


Bronze Contributor
Member For 4 Years
if only it wouldnt mess with my kids. lol

yep. to be able to bypass the bill of shooting at a range....


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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If she had a Dnr, then stick with it.

When someone is beyond saving, there is no point in torturing them with the needles and tubes. Intubation is especially painful for the ones whos bodies would fail and die anyway.

They were giving her propofol, so she wasn't aware of the intubation. But that's what I meant, even when the drip was off, the propofol off, she didn't wake -- and apparently it's very short-acting stuff. Her blood pressure was so low, and had been been so low, that she was in organ failure, so even if she had been able to wake, she'd have had extensive brain damage. There was a period of about 15 mins after they turned off the drip before they removed the ventilator, but she never woke, and it's probably merciful that she never did. I'm pretty sure that whatever her body was doing or having done to it, *she* was already gone.



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Well since talking about blood. I have ab-, the rarest blood type.
I use to blow stuff up for the government.
I make lots of cool stuff out of copper and wood.
I can wiggle my ears.
I can whistle so loud it makes people sick to their stomach.
I home brew.
I don't know what else I'm pretty boring.


Bronze Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Well since talking about blood. I have ab-, the rarest blood type.
I use to blow stuff up for the government.
I make lots of cool stuff out of copper and wood.
I can wiggle my ears.
I can whistle so loud it makes people sick to their stomach.
I home brew.
I don't know what else I'm pretty boring.
I like the whistling. I have done it to get my kid home. people flinch when it it is done. I suck to whistle. It is high pitch and shrilll...


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I generally use two fingers on both hands for the loudest effect. But if it's closer or I'm holding something, one hand with thumb and middle finger is more than loud enough.


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I have 23 guitars and I have no idea where 6 are and forgot who I lent them to or why..


Silver Contributor
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I sleepwalk frequently :( especially after a night of cocktails! Most recently at my wife's 10 year Guards reunion. That was fun waking up in the hotel hallway no glasses and confused as hell/half drunk, least I had some boxers on lolz.


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They actually aren't bad, either. At least the mocha one isn't. My husband saw them while shopping yesterday so he grabbed one to try. We'd never heard of them before.


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I have extreme Lucid dreams and have gone in for sleep studies and been paid for some and they cannot figure out why when I am asleep I have more activity then when I am awake


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I have extreme Lucid dreams and have gone in for sleep studies and been paid for some and they cannot figure out why when I am asleep I have more activity then when I am awake
I use to have night terrors. I would wake up in the middle of the night screaming and not realize it the next day. I would see a black shadow figure entering my room but kind of floating. I was never frozen like most people with night terrors. In fact one time i pulled my pistol on this dark figure while sitting straight up in the bed. Finger on the trigger and everything ready to send this thing back to wherever it came, but it went away and i fully woke up. I was actually afraid to go to sleep because it happened every night. Then one night the object entering my room wasnt a black shadow, it was Doc from back to the future hovering over my bed. I havent had one since, like my mind realized how ridiculous that was.
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I use to have night terrors. I would wake up in the middle of the night screaming and not realize it the next day. I would see a black shadow figure entering my room but kind of floating. I was never frozen like most people with night terrors. In fact one time i pulled my pistol on this dark figure while sitting straight up in the bed. Finger on the trigger and everything ready to send this thing back to wherever it came, but for it went away and i fully woke up. I was actually afraid to go to sleep because it happened every night. Then one night the object entering my room wasnt a black shadow, it was Doc from back to the future hovering over my bed. I havent had one since, like my mind realized how ridiculous that was.
dear god


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For a while i was beginning to think that something was attempting to possess me. Then a quick google and i figured out a lot of people were experiencing similar things
you convinced it wasnt? I had a similar phase and I am not so sure anymore i it was not genuine


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I use to have night terrors. I would wake up in the middle of the night screaming and not realize it the next day. I would see a black shadow figure entering my room but kind of floating. I was never frozen like most people with night terrors. In fact one time i pulled my pistol on this dark figure while sitting straight up in the bed. Finger on the trigger and everything ready to send this thing back to wherever it came, but it went away and i fully woke up. I was actually afraid to go to sleep because it happened every night. Then one night the object entering my room wasnt a black shadow, it was Doc from back to the future hovering over my bed. I havent had one since, like my mind realized how ridiculous that was.
dude.... you didn't have night terrors you are clairvoyant....when I was a kid I saw them too, but they weren't black they were all diffrent kinds of colors.
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Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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I lived in a haunted house in 1988.



Diamond Contributor
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maybe we should start a thread called "ghost stories" where we can all share our expeinces along this line.


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you convinced it wasnt? I had a similar phase and I am not so sure anymore i it was not genuine
Its possible but i thought seeing doc was way too out of the ordinary for any demon. Although as a kid i would watch ghost shows, or shows about possession and I was always terrified that just watching them and questioning whether or not they existed would put a target on me.
dude.... you didn't have night terrors you are clairvoyant....when I was a kid I saw them too, but they weren't black they were all diffrent kinds of colors.
I dont think i can see the future
incubus....through out history people have seen them.
Im a guy so i dont think they were trying to get into bed with me. At least i hope not.

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