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I use to have night terrors. I would wake up in the middle of the night screaming and not realize it the next day. I would see a black shadow figure entering my room but kind of floating. I was never frozen like most people with night terrors. In fact one time i pulled my pistol on this dark figure while sitting straight up in the bed. Finger on the trigger and everything ready to send this thing back to wherever it came, but it went away and i fully woke up. I was actually afraid to go to sleep because it happened every night. Then one night the object entering my room wasnt a black shadow, it was Doc from back to the future hovering over my bed. I havent had one since, like my mind realized how ridiculous that was.

I had that happen once about 15 years ago, and once was enough, lol. Freakiest shit ever. It settled on top of me and was squeezing the breath out of me until I woke up gasping.
I chalked it up to having watched Darkness Falls(I think) like 6 months earlier. Never happened again.

I've lucid dreamed many times, but never on purpose. When I'm having one of those dreams where everything is going wrong, and in progressively weirder/stupider ways, I can just say something like, "Alright. That's enough of this shit", and wake up. I've had many precognitive dreams, but never about disasters or deaths or important things. Just moments that I recognize that I've had in dreams. Deja vu kind of stuff.


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I had that happen once about 15 years ago, and once was enough, lol. Freakiest shit ever. It settled on top of me and was squeezing the breath out of me until I woke up gasping.
I chalked it up to having watched Darkness Falls(I think) like 6 months earlier. Never happened again.

I've lucid dreamed many times, but never on purpose. When I'm having one of those dreams where everything is going wrong, and in progressively weirder/stupider ways, I can just say something like, "Alright. That's enough of this shit", and wake up. I've had many precognitive dreams, but never about disasters or deaths or important things. Just moments that I recognize that I've had in dreams. Deja vu kind of stuff.
I actually had a dream where i was riding my dirt bike (i was a child) and when i woke up i told my grandpa that in the dream the grass was wet and i fell because the bike washed out. I went back to sleep, he left for work and when i woke up it had rained. there was a note on the counter that he wrote that said remember your dream. I disregarded it as being just a dream and rode my dirt bike anyway. I wrecked in the exact same spot as the dream because the bike washed out. I wasnt hurt or anything but it was spooky enough for me to still remember.


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I had that happen once about 15 years ago, and once was enough, lol. Freakiest shit ever. It settled on top of me and was squeezing the breath out of me until I woke up gasping.
I chalked it up to having watched Darkness Falls(I think) like 6 months earlier. Never happened again.

I've lucid dreamed many times, but never on purpose. When I'm having one of those dreams where everything is going wrong, and in progressively weirder/stupider ways, I can just say something like, "Alright. That's enough of this shit", and wake up. I've had many precognitive dreams, but never about disasters or deaths or important things. Just moments that I recognize that I've had in dreams. Deja vu kind of stuff.

I've also had several precognitive dreams, and also dreams of departed loved ones which I'm pretty sure were them reaching back to say "hey, it's ok" so I would stop being so sad.

I don't often "lucid dream,": though I have once or twice, but I often have dreams which are teaching me something, and I wake up right after, so that my conscious mind can remember the dream and the lesson; the last really valuable one was when I *finally* truly let go of my compulsion to drink, after I'd already been sober about 16-17 yrs -- I dreamed I was in a sort of "bar cafeteria" -- go down the serving line, and pick out whatever alcoholic beverages you want; I grabbed several beers, and went to pay... to find that I had no money, and I said to myself "I just can't afford it." BANG! woke up right that instant, remembering "I just can't afford it at all." :D Since then, the idea of drinking hasn't really occurred to me too much. :)



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I lived in a haunted house in 1988.

I lived in one for 2 years around '98-'99. I never saw a thing, but my dad and 2 of my brothers swear they did. They called him Gregory. Never knew why.

My daughter and 2 grand-daughters just moved out of one. Not out of fear. It was just a shithole, lol. My girls and several others all saw a little girl that wasn't there. Again, I never saw her.
Maybe I'm not sensitive to such things, or maybe I have enough problems without seeing ghosts, lol.


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dude.... you didn't have night terrors you are clairvoyant....when I was a kid I saw them too, but they weren't black they were all diffrent kinds of colors.
thats called getting into the parents Hallucinogens


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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I lived in one for 2 years around '98-'99. I never saw a thing, but my dad and 2 of my brothers swear they did. They called him Gregory. Never knew why.

My daughter and 2 grand-daughters just moved out of one. Not out of fear. It was just a shithole, lol. My girls and several others all saw a little girl that wasn't there. Again, I never saw her.
Maybe I'm not sensitive to such things, or maybe I have enough problems without seeing ghosts, lol.

It can be very subtle. I never actually saw anything in this house, but I felt A LOT. Cool breezes when there was no earthly reason for any breeze at all. Banging shutters... when the shutters had been removed many years before, when this old farmhouse was first renovated; it had the usual double-thick storm windows that many houses up north have -- but no shutters. Also, when the house was renovated, the landlord, who was a construction framer, tore out all the walls and inspected the entire framework, and he said that like many houses built in the 19th century, it was SOLID, and he had reinforced it further when he removed the original interior staircase to make a separate apartment upstairs. But sometimes, the "rabbit ears" antenna would sway from side to side... when nothing else in the house was moving at all. Our landlady, when I asked her about it, was quite definite: she had been pushed right into the clawfoot bathtub twice, when nobody else was home. The house had been a farmhouse when Pontiac, MI was nothing but farmland, but had become derelict, abandoned, and was used as a "drug house" in the 70s and [early] 80s -- plus the fact that in the 19th century, people didn't really go to hospitals -- they died at home, in bed.

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I worked for a church for a while and ended up walking out one night while i was alone. Even called my boss and she couldnt believe i was scared. I clearly heard doors in the childrens classrooms being pulled on, they were all locked. Another person i worked with said she would hear crying. I wasnt afraid to go back. I have 2 hard rules i live by I dont fuck with the devil and i never do tag teams with blood relatives.


My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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I've also had several precognitive dreams, and also dreams of departed loved ones which I'm pretty sure were them reaching back to say "hey, it's ok" so I would stop being so sad.

I don't often "lucid dream,": though I have once or twice, but I often have dreams which are teaching me something, and I wake up right after, so that my conscious mind can remember the dream and the lesson; the last really valuable one was when I *finally* truly let go of my compulsion to drink, after I'd already been sober about 16-17 yrs -- I dreamed I was in a sort of "bar cafeteria" -- go down the serving line, and pick out whatever alcoholic beverages you want; I grabbed several beers, and went to pay... to find that I had no money, and I said to myself "I just can't afford it." BANG! woke up right that instant, remembering "I just can't afford it at all." :D Since then, the idea of drinking hasn't really occurred to me too much. :)


Several years ago I dreamt I was working in this weird factory type warehouse and my hand was caught in machinery and was getting ground into hamburger.

The pain got very intense and woke me up - in reality, my cat was rabbit kicking my hand hard core :giggle:
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I blew my mind out at a Black Sabbath concert in 1981 taking little orange dots like 20 and would up in a psych ward for 6 months soon after


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I actually had a dream where i was riding my dirt bike (i was a child) and when i woke up i told my grandpa that in the dream the grass was wet and i fell because the bike washed out. I went back to sleep, he left for work and when i woke up it had rained. there was a note on the counter that he wrote that said remember your dream. I disregarded it as being just a dream and rode my dirt bike anyway. I wrecked in the exact same spot as the dream because the bike washed out. I wasnt hurt or anything but it was spooky enough for me to still remember.
Were you waiting to wake up again? Lol


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My Forum Nick is the same as my online gaming nick and I have been using it since 1991


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how the heck ? are you kicking your own ass?

I asked a Doctor, as he was casting my arm, if there was something wrong with me. He thought about it, then replied, "No, you're just overly enthusiastic." Combine that with a complete disregard for personal safety and some stupid decisions and you've got arthritis.


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I asked a Doctor, as he was casting my arm, if there was something wrong with me. He thought about it, then replied, "No, you're just overly enthusiastic." Combine that with a complete disregard for personal safety and some stupid decisions and you've got arthritis.
the doctor was wrong if you have had over 60 broken bones you are disregarding your personal safety either you are an Extreme support enthusiast or insane I picture you like jumping out of Roller coasters because its fun ;)


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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the doctor was wrong if you have had over 60 broken bones you are disregarding your personal safety either you are an Extreme support enthusiast or insane I picture you like jumping out of Roller coasters because its fun ;)

Or he may just have more-brittle-than-average bones -- I'm clumsy as HELL, can trip over my SHADOW, run into crap constantly with this or that body part (poor depth perception)... but I've never broken a single bone in 55 yrs of re-enacting some 3 Stooges skit. :D Sprained my ankles a lot, though... usually from falling off my high heels -- so I stopped wearing them. :D



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Or he may just have more-brittle-than-average bones -- I'm clumsy as HELL, can trip over my SHADOW, run into crap constantly with this or that body part (poor depth perception)... but I've never broken a single bone in 55 yrs of re-enacting some 3 Stooges skit. :D Sprained my ankles a lot, though... usually from falling off my high heels -- so I stopped wearing them. :D


Or he may just have more-brittle-than-average bones -- I'm clumsy as HELL, can trip over my SHADOW, run into crap constantly with this or that body part (poor depth perception)... but I've never broken a single bone in 55 yrs of re-enacting some 3 Stooges skit. :D Sprained my ankles a lot, though... usually from falling off my high heels -- so I stopped wearing them. :D



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Scott Caan played my real life character in a movie.

Variety's the very spice of life, that gives it all it's flavour.

-William Cowper


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Hey. I have a question about my blood. If there is anyone in the blood buisness it would be good to know.

I once gave blood when I was young. Unfortunately, while I was giving blood in the van outside of my job, someone stole 300 dollars from my purse. I was so sick after giving the damn blood that it was horrible. I contacted a media thing about it " Help me howard" in S. Florida. To try to get my much needed money back, but nobody wanted a part of that. lol.

It had turned out that I am too light anyway. I was sick for 2 weeks after that incident. I guess I wouldn't donate unless I made 120 lbs at least anyway. I just wish it were different because of my o- blood. But they tell me there could be a problem if something happened to me. I am kinda afraid that I will be screwed again. ,lol

Blod vans are all over the place now and there seems to be a shortage, but I am afraiid now.
You can give give small amounts of blood every three weeks for use for yourself if ever needed ....check into it .

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keyboard player no Bill Ward was the drummer original of Sabbath ;0 that's why they updated the article..the first time it said drummer..
I'm not a BS fan though I did attend one of their concerts once.

A keyboard player..Well in that case, Ouch!


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did you blow out your mind too? :)
Not that particular time.
The time I saw 'It's a Beautiful Day' in concert came close.
I was at the famous Door's concert at Dinner Key Auditorium where Jim whipped it out.
That was a trip..
But I think I had my catharsis, one similar to your experience,
twice (out of hundreds of similar but not quite "talk to God" experiences)
at Crandon Park Beach in '72 and in NOLA at Mardi Gras in '73.


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Not that particular time.
The time I saw 'It's a Beautiful Day' in concert came close.
I was at the famous Door's concert at Dinner Key Auditorium where Jim whipped it out.
That was a trip..
But I think I had my catharsis, one similar to your experience,
twice (out of hundreds of similar but not quite "talk to God" experiences)
at Crandon Park Beach in '72 and in NOLA at Mardi Gras in '73.
you told me about that.. haha


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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I was one of the people out back smoking, in high school. :D 'Course, I also played the violin and submitted regularly to the literary magazine. :giggle: Nobody knew what to make of me THEN, either. :giggle:



Will write reviews for Beer!
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I actually celebrated my 18th birthday at the VIP Penthouse of the Chicago Playboy Club.

Even after all these years and many VIP experiences, believe it or not, I still think it was one of the classiest places I have ever been.


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I've never ridden a motorcycle as either the driver or passenger. Dunno why. I've driven cars (left and right hand drive), trucks, go karts, atv's, golf carts, boats, semi's, tractors, tow trucks, tanks, and even flew a plane once (briefly). Never a motorcycle.

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