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Game Over for Rip Tripper, gets called out Live on Mod Envy by Twisted420

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The last time Rip Trippers reviewed a juice was on Jan 20th, 2013 he announced his own line of juices in April of 2013 and has not done a single juice review since.

I'm not a big fan of the whole situation and chose to let my youtube advertising dollars do the talking and have unsubscribed from both Twisted420 and SuckMyMod channels.

Honestly, Matt bored me anyway so I've only watched a couple and I only like twisted's because he is clumsy like me so his gave me a better idea of what it would be like for me to actually build on an atty.


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I'm not even going to tell you what happened to my friend who attended one with a BLU in his mouth.. lets just say he walks a little funny now since he got back.. poor fella .. i mean how can you NOT use something that Stephen Dorff endorses? fucking animals didn't even care..

[URL='']Midniteoyl[/URL] said:
Every vid I have seen of vape meets have been full of douche bags... no thanks.


Well, I wasn't in attendance, but the nyc vapefest photos were the first thing that made me think vapers might be a more interesting group than I'd thought.

But then I got on the forums and of course...realized the truth :p


Custard Junkie
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Well, I wasn't in attendance, but the nyc vapefest photos were the first thing that made me think vapers might be a more interesting group than I'd thought.

But then I got on the forums and of course...realized the truth :p

I'm pretty sure I saw Ron Jeremy (or a look alike) somewhere among those photos lol


Custard Junkie
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[QUOTE "Midniteoyl, post: 339287, member: 2099"]Every vid I have seen of vape meets have been full of douche bags... no thanks.[/QUOTE]

haha I was trying to be nice but I see you caught my drift :)


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Rip doesn't engage people, because he is a SMART businessman. He has built a brand/image and he doesn't open his piehole and destroy it. Besides, I am sure the dude is pretty shy. Maybe he just is NOT a people person. None of it really matters, ya know? Rip didn't deserve the character assassination he got from a useless douche.
that is what really nags at people. hes an introvert entrepreneur through and through, and personally i can 100% relate to that (as im sure some others here can too). he looks at "rip trippers" as a brand more than a person. if people have a problem with that they can bitch and moan all they want but these unfounded accusations of very serious charges is really taking it too far. glad to see the VU community is taking the right stance here (meaning the members)


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that is what really nags at people. hes an introvert entrepreneur through and through, and personally i can 100% relate to that (as im sure some others here can too). he looks at "rip trippers" as a brand more than a person. if people have a problem with that they can bitch and moan all they want but these unfounded accusations of very serious charges is really taking it too far. glad to see the VU community is taking the right stance here (meaning the members)
And he obviously understands that brand is worth something... I would not be surprised to see a lawsuit come out of this one. Actually I will be surprised if one doesn't.


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I doubt you will see any . Nor apologies. But you'll see of bunch of copy and paste reposts just to keep the pot of shit from settling. On a side note, how's everyone's ebola laced ejuice? Mine's yummy.......:)
when you do get some ebola laced e-liquid, remove the cap for 3 days, the virus floats to the top and you can spoon it out and just give it a fling into the street..


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I take a little bit from everyone. I personally don't follow any single person. I believe they all have contributed something as far as reviews and I'm sure all of these guys are making plenty of money to review these device's, RBA's, RDA's and E juices.

Adam the Aussie

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A lot of vapers say Rip does not do honest reviews especially on the liquid he was doing that most say suck! Plus I personally bought a mod because of a review he did that he said it was the best around which SUCKED also. So this thread is in the RIGHT section. @lirruping
LOL, based on that criteria, every reviewer on the planet should be in here, including you Smokie. This is just getting sad now.


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John Q Public

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My wild ass guess.....Twisted thought he had his Deep Throat all ready to come out. Then his witness bailed on him.
The why doesn't really matter. If he thought he had a witness and lost him or he never had the proof to begin with. Doesn't matter. The end result is still no proof. And without proof to back up his very public accusations, Twisted slandered the guy. You don't get to giggle and say, hey. it's just gossip. If Trippers wants to pursue this legally, Twisted is toast.
Twisted would be wise to send Trippers a big ol' humble apology.
Joe owes Tripper an apology too. For giving Twisted a large audience for his slanderous accusations while egging him on.

I have no manlove for Trippers or Twisted. I have no dog in this hunt at all. But right is right.


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So what are the rules for a "pro" reviewer? It seems like they have to

1. Spend their own money to purchase the product anonymously
2. Review the product objectively
3. Provide the information clearly
4. Do it all for free...
5.Obey the reviewers queue groups ruels and hate on Rip ("if you do that, we will send some vendors your way if you are a infamous reviewer")
Seems like a bit much to expect...

I would personally be ok with
1. Receive free sample/donation for review
2. Provide review with facts, but subjective opinion welcom
3. Provide information clearly
4. If they have stake with the vendor, then they don't review the product, but they are welcome to advertise instead
5. PPC advertising ok as well if it is handled by 3rd party i.e. google ads
Fixed the list for you ;)


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My wild ass guess.....Twisted thought he had his Deep Throat all ready to come out. Then his witness bailed on him.
The why doesn't really matter. If he thought he had a witness and lost him or he never had the proof to begin with. Doesn't matter. The end result is still no proof. And without proof to back up his very public accusations, Twisted slandered the guy. You don't get to giggle and say, hey. it's just gossip. If Trippers wants to pursue this legally, Twisted is toast.
Twisted would be wise to send Trippers a big ol' humble apology.
Joe owes Tripper an apology too. For giving Twisted a large audience for his slanderous accusations while egging him on.

I have no manlove for Trippers or Twisted. I have no dog in this hunt at all. But right is right.
A reasonable post. Thank you. Refreshing. Wish we all could stand united against the real enemy. The ban vaping advocating united enemy
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Well.. let's add Smokie to the HALL OF SHAME! only seems fair right!?!?
Sounds like a plan. This is just too much lol. Kind of makes this "Hall Of Shame" pretty meaningless. If I thought it was the moderators and Joe that made up this (vapingunderground) community, I would be pretty bummed about now. Thank god we are the sum of our parts.


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My wild ass guess.....Twisted thought he had his Deep Throat all ready to come out. Then his witness bailed on him.
The why doesn't really matter. If he thought he had a witness and lost him or he never had the proof to begin with. Doesn't matter. The end result is still no proof. And without proof to back up his very public accusations, Twisted slandered the guy. You don't get to giggle and say, hey. it's just gossip. If Trippers wants to pursue this legally, Twisted is toast.
Twisted would be wise to send Trippers a big ol' humble apology.
Joe owes Tripper an apology too. For giving Twisted a large audience for his slanderous accusations while egging him on.

I have no manlove for Trippers or Twisted. I have no dog in this hunt at all. But right is right.

Agreed. I think the best thing we can all do is just not watch their shows any more, I never got anything from Twisted or Suck My Mod personally.


Custard Junkie
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Sounds like a plan. This is just too much lol. Kind of makes this "Hall Of Shame" pretty meaningless. If I thought it was the moderators and Joe that made up this (vapingunderground) community, I would be pretty bummed about now. Thank god we are the sum of our parts.

Yup.. it's a sad day for VU when the leadership handles a situation like this.. and Smokie's latest response really hits the nail on the head.. I expected better from these folks especially when others look up to them in the vaping world

I'm sure we will be shunned for speaking such blasphemy but it really needed to be said..


Custard Junkie
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and here all this time i thought women were the vicious ones. you guys take the cake!

Depends on the situation Kelli haha - I still think this one could go both ways


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Depends on the situation Kelli haha - I still think this one could go both ways

i am not just talking about the lynch mob mentality male posters on this thread, but every other thread about this debacle....and the males that run the site too! just to keep this whole thing going for the questionable purpose of making one guy look bad. they are the ones who look really bad now. the worm has turned. :p


Still here! Just covered up with "life"
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I planned to stay clear of this absolutely unnecessary "crap", but I have a couple of things to say. First of all, I'm a smoker of over 15 years that vaping freed me from. We have apparently lost sight of why we started vaping to start with. This is a new and quickly growing industry and yes, some people are going to find ways to make money in this industry. What's wrong with that? I'm sure the motive of automobile mfg. was not just to make it easier to get from one place to the next and see family and friends more often. I'm certain the automobile industry is in it to make money. I don't know or really care how much money these guys that spend a LOT of time reviewing for the vape community make. At the very least they receive thousands of dollars in juices and hardware. I have no problem with that as long as their reviews are fair and accurate. And, if I, the consumer, feels their reviews are not fair or accurate I can control that...UNSUBSCRIBE, DON'T LISTEN, find someone else. When I listen to a review for a piece of hardware I will normally listen to reviewers I feel most comfortable with and to someone I don't normally follow. I feel this gives me the best chance of getting accurate information. It is a free country and I can choose who I want to follow and who I don't want to follow.

On this particular issue, I don't understand who has been appointed either officially or unofficially to call out another reviewer. I am not and have not been a fan of either of these guys (Rip or Twisted) but I respect their right to broadcast. I find it extremely shady that one reviewer calls out another, with flimsy evidence at best, and now as a community we are focused on "sandbox" drama instead of telling smokers how wonderful vaping is so they can have a chance at life. I do not believe they have any right to call out another reviewer!! But, this entire episode will draw way too much attention to both of them and that is SAD!!!!! For the first time since I've been listening to Mod Envy I turned it off Saturday night. I have no interest in this immature drama. There are big issues out there and we are wasting our time with this pitiful crap.

Joe Petner, PLEASE don't let us get this far off track! Please don't give valuable time to "soap operas". Tell us about new hardware, new juice, new places to get reliable vape gear. Make us aware of the many things going on that could adversely affect our freedom to vape. If either of these guys is as "shady" as it has been made out to sound, the community will vote them out. Vote? yes, they won't subscribe, they won't listen, they won't refer others to them.

Finally, this is the end of my rant! And the last I will be saying about this particular issue. I am just very disappointed at some of those I consider leaders in this industry! I wonder how many people smoked cigarettes today because we have been too immersed in drama to tell them about how wonderful vaping has been for us!


Custard Junkie
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i am not just talking about the male posters on this thread, but every other thread about this debacle....and the males that run the site too! just to keep this whole thing going for the sake of making one guy look bad. they are the ones who look really bad now. the worm has turned. :p

Totally agree! I was never a huge Rip viewer..(not for any particular reason either) - but now I will be supporting him simply because of the witch hunt and unmerited bashing that has ensued over the past few days..

I only wish we knew the real reason why this attack was initiated - but I assume we will never find that out..


Custard Junkie
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I planned to stay clear of this absolutely unnecessary "crap", but I have a couple of things to say. First of all, I'm a smoker of over 15 years that vaping freed me from. We have apparently lost sight of why we started vaping to start with. This is a new and quickly growing industry and yes, some people are going to find ways to make money in this industry. What's wrong with that? I'm sure the motive of automobile mfg. was not just to make it easier to get from one place to the next and see family and friends more often. I'm certain the automobile industry is in it to make money. I don't know or really care how much money these guys that spend a LOT of time reviewing for the vape community make. At the very least they receive thousands of dollars in juices and hardware. I have no problem with that as long as their reviews are fair and accurate. And, if I, the consumer, feels their reviews are not fair or accurate I can control that...UNSUBSCRIBE, DON'T LISTEN, find someone else. When I listen to a review for a piece of hardware I will normally listen to reviewers I feel most comfortable with and to someone I don't normally follow. I feel this gives me the best chance of getting accurate information. It is a free country and I can choose who I want to follow and who I don't want to follow.

On this particular issue, I don't understand who has been appointed either officially or unofficially to call out another reviewer. I am not and have not been a fan of either of these guys (Rip or Twisted) but I respect their right to broadcast. I find it extremely shady that one reviewer calls out another, with flimsy evidence at best, and now as a community we are focused on "sandbox" drama instead of telling smokers how wonderful vaping is so they can have a chance at life. I do not believe they have any right to call out another reviewer!! But, this entire episode will draw way too much attention to both of them and that is SAD!!!!! For the first time since I've been listening to Mod Envy I turned it off Saturday night. I have no interest in this immature drama. There are big issues out there and we are wasting our time with this pitiful crap.

Joe Petner, PLEASE don't let us get this far off track! Please don't give valuable time to "soap operas". Tell us about new hardware, new juice, new places to get reliable vape gear. Make us aware of the many things going on that could adversely affect our freedom to vape. If either of these guys is as "shady" as it has been made out to sound, the community will vote them out. Vote? yes, they won't subscribe, they won't listen, they won't refer others to them.

Finally, this is the end of my rant! And the last I will be saying about this particular issue. I am just very disappointed at some of those I consider leaders in this industry! I wonder how many people smoked cigarettes today because we have been too immersed in drama to tell them about how wonderful vaping has been for us!

I doubt we will hear from Joe on any of these topics.. Which again leads me to believe this was all staged from the get go..


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I went to one vape meet. I found a handful of people who just wanted a get together and a boat load of people who wanted a prick measuring contest with expensive devices and exotic coils. Not my thing.

I've been to a couple of local vape meets of sorts in my area. What I remember most if the stench: half of the guys (and gals) who turned up seemed to be scruffy deadbeats living on benefits in council houses (a lot with obvious mental issues) or 20-something computer geeks who lived in their parents' basement, who sure hadn't taken a shower or changed clothes in a long time. The other half was a nice enough crowd, but most of them seemed to come from the tattoo and body modification scene, and were not from my world at all. I stuck out like a sore thumb with my suit and tie in there.

I stayed there for 10 minutes until I couldn't stand being assaulted by body odors no more. Needless to say, I ain't going back.


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And he obviously understands that brand is worth something... I would not be surprised to see a lawsuit come out of this one. Actually I will be surprised if one doesn't.
Well, prepare to be surprised.

Libel: a published false statement that is damaging to a person's reputation; a written defamation.

Slander: the action or crime of making a false spoken statement damaging to a person's reputation.

What Twisted said is that he he had evidence that Rip was asking for money for positive reviews. And he brought proof of that.


I know that people are trying to twist this all up, but if you read the statement this is CCI saying that a representative from another company came to him and said that Rip had "attempted to receive payments for advertisements/ positive reviews" and that "he had done the same thing to me back before he had done any videos CCI related". In order for Rip to sue him, he would need to prove that the statements from Twisted were unfounded, and they were not.

Now, he could sue Kurt, but that could be really problematic for him as it would require him to make all of his conversations with Kurt and the other named company available for the defense in the case, and make him damaged goods in the eyes of other companies moving forward. I'm sure as far as Rip is concerned, this has worked out for him as good as it possibly could. Sure, you have two vendors saying he asked them to pay him for positive reviews before he reviewed their products, and one might think that would taint his reputation, but it doesn't appear to have done so in this case as people either don't care or aren't smart enough to figure it out. And trust me, I've seen more than my fair share of the latter on this forum. lol


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Well, prepare to be surprised.

Libel: a published false statement that is damaging to a person's reputation; a written defamation.

Slander: the action or crime of making a false spoken statement damaging to a person's reputation.

What Twisted said is that he he had evidence that Rip was asking for money for positive reviews. And he brought proof of that.


I know that people are trying to twist this all up, but if you read the statement this is CCI saying that a representative from another company came to him and said that Rip had "attempted to receive payments for advertisements/ positive reviews" and that "he had done the same thing to me back before he had done any videos CCI related". In order for Rip to sue him, he would need to prove that the statements from Twisted were unfounded, and they were not.

Now, he could sue Kurt, but that could be really problematic for him as it would require him to make all of his conversations with Kurt and the other named company available for the defense in the case, and make him damaged goods in the eyes of other companies moving forward. I'm sure as far as Rip is concerned, this has worked out for him as good as it possibly could. Sure, you have two vendors saying he asked them to pay him for positive reviews before he reviewed their products, and one might think that would taint his reputation, but it doesn't appear to have done so in this case as people either don't care or aren't smart enough to figure it out. And trust me, I've seen more than my fair share of the latter on this forum. lol
I'm not going to get all wrapped up into playing internet lawyer, but I will speak about reality here for a second.

Rip certainly COULD sue Mallard. Sue him for defamation of character. Put it on a jury trial and sue him civilly. A jury does NOT need proof as in what the law says and blah blah blah. They only need to decide if it was LIKELY Rip was defamed. It's all about the lawyer with the most convincing STORY, not the facts.

This happens every DAY. You can sue ANYONE for anything you want.


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That may be true, but it wouldn't hold up in court. This is all a very far cry from libel and slander. Key elements are missing, such as the intent to cause harm. While Twisted was an idiot for thinking he had actual proof, he wasn't just pulling shit out of thin air and fabricating complete lies in an effort to smear Rip Trippers.

It wouldn't be worth it for Rip to sue. Litigation is expensive, and no one in vaping, not even Rip Trippers, is cashing in enough to be able to afford something like that. What would he hope to gain? While some in this "community" would applaud him, he would probably have a giant dump taken on his head by everyone else, because that's just how things are. And what would he sure Twisted for? Money? LMAO! He'd never see a dime. He might inherit a pimped out truck with a boomin' system, and that's about it.

The ONE guy who all of this really affected has shrugged his shoulders, gave it two minutes of his time, and moved on with his life.


Custard Junkie
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That may be true, but it wouldn't hold up in court. This is all a very far cry from libel and slander. Key elements are missing, such as the intent to cause harm. While Twisted was an idiot for thinking he had actual proof, he wasn't just pulling shit out of thin air and fabricating complete lies in an effort to smear Rip Trippers.

It wouldn't be worth it for Rip to sue. Litigation is expensive, and no one in vaping, not even Rip Trippers, is cashing in enough to be able to afford something like that. What would he hope to gain? While some in this "community" would applaud him, he would probably have a giant dump taken on his head by everyone else, because that's just how things are. And what would he sure Twisted for? Money? LMAO! He'd never see a dime. He might inherit a pimped out truck with a boomin' system, and that's about it.

The ONE guy who all of this really affected has shrugged his shoulders, gave it two minutes of his time, and moved on with his life.

I dont think Rip cares enough to file a lawsuit lol.. and I agree it would be a waste of time and money to get pretty much nothing in the end.. Rip is a big boy - i don't think he needs the courts to settle some shit talking on a vape show and some forums lol - again I think he looks the least shady out of everyone else involved now after certain things have come to light..


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I'm not going to get all wrapped up into playing internet lawyer, but I will speak about reality here for a second.

Rip certainly COULD sue Mallard. Sue him for defamation of character. Put it on a jury trial and sue him civilly. A jury does NOT need proof as in what the law says and blah blah blah. They only need to decide if it was LIKELY Rip was defamed. It's all about the lawyer with the most convincing STORY, not the facts.

This happens every DAY. You can sue ANYONE for anything you want.
And judges dismiss lawsuits every day for not having merit. This one has no merit as far as Twisted is concerned, and that is my point.

John Q Public

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i am not just talking about the lynch mob mentality male posters on this thread, but every other thread about this debacle....and the males that run the site too! just to keep this whole thing going for the questionable purpose of making one guy look bad. they are the ones who look really bad now. the worm has turned. :p

Live by the drama - Die by the drama.
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Men twisted420 is the TWISTED IN THE FREAKING HEAD, HE just wants attention for his e-juices!!


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Men twisted420 is the TWISTED IN THE FREAKING HEAD, HE just wants attention for his e-juices!!
And? Who cares if he's twisted in the head. He is reporting what he was told by Kurt Loeblich. So if Kurt is twisted in the head, that has relevance. Twisted could be mentally retarded and at this point it wouldn't matter, since Kurt has confirmed that he did give him that information.

I think the problem here is too many of you have made it this reviewer vs that reviewer. I don't personally care about any of them. I do, however, like to know if the guy I'm watching is giving me his honest opinion or taking money to report that a device is better than what it actually is. Since there are two sources claiming that before their products were reviewed, they were asked to pay to ensure the review was positive, I think that has to be noted. Now, since in the one case (at least) they didn't buy the review and still got a positive one I know that Rip won't "rip" (pardon the pun) a product just because they don't pay. What I don't know is that he won't praise a product unjustly if someone does take the upfront offer for a positive review.


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The last time Rip Trippers reviewed a juice was on Jan 20th, 2013 he announced his own line of juices in April of 2013 and has not done a single juice review since.

I'm not a big fan of the whole situation and chose to let my youtube advertising dollars do the talking and have unsubscribed from both Twisted420 and SuckMyMod channels.

Honestly, Matt bored me anyway so I've only watched a couple and I only like twisted's because he is clumsy like me so his gave me a better idea of what it would be like for me to actually build on an atty.
And Matt's blonde beard is every bit as annoying as Twisted.


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And? Who cares if he's twisted in the head. He is reporting what he was told by Kurt Loeblich. So if Kurt is twisted in the head, that has relevance. Twisted could be mentally retarded and at this point it wouldn't matter, since Kurt has confirmed that he did give him that information.

I think the problem here is too many of you have made it this reviewer vs that reviewer. I don't personally care about any of them. I do, however, like to know if the guy I'm watching is giving me his honest opinion or taking money to report that a device is better than what it actually is. Since there are two sources claiming that before their products were reviewed, they were asked to pay to ensure the review was positive, I think that has to be noted. Now, since in the one case (at least) they didn't buy the review and still got a positive one I know that Rip won't "rip" (pardon the pun) a product just because they don't pay. What I don't know is that he won't praise a product unjustly if someone does take the upfront offer for a positive review.
If HE got paid or not I DONT GIVE A CRAP!! I just don't like it when people like twisted,Kurt,matt make a big deal out of it!! It's plain JEALOUSY!!as far as I know all rip trippers REVIEWS are SUBJECTIVE!! what he like U probably will not like,what he wont purchased U PROBABLY PURCHASE!! twisted is RETARDED for creating this DRAMA.. There's more problem in the world that is WORTH talking about, so SHUT THE HELL UP ALREADY AND VAPE ON!!


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If HE got paid or not I DONT GIVE A CRAP!! I just don't like it when people like twisted,Kurt,matt make a big deal out of it!! It's plain JEALOUSY!!as far as I know all rip trippers REVIEWS are SUBJECTIVE!! what he like U probably will not like,what he wont purchased U PROBABLY PURCHASE!! twisted is RETARDED for creating this DRAMA.. There's more problem in the world that is WORTH talking about, so SHUT THE HELL UP ALREADY AND VAPE ON!!
If you don't like it, or don't care, than feel free to ignore it. Do you go to every topic you don't like or care about and tell people to shut up about it? Has it occurred to you that there might be some new vapers out there just learning about devices who might care to know if the guy they are watching is paid to say "it works great" or honestly believes it works great?

I agree, as far as Twisted's end of this goes, he shouldn't care personally and really had nothing to gain from it. I won't lash out at the guy though for simply passing on information that people do deserve to know. My advice to you would be to find threads that you do give a crap about, and quit sweating the ones you don't give a crap about. If you expect the world to shut the hell up about everything you don't care about, you will be sorely disappointed.


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A lot of vapers say Rip does not do honest reviews especially on the liquid he was doing that most say suck! Plus I personally bought a mod because of a review he did that he said it was the best around which SUCKED also. So this thread is in the RIGHT section. @lirruping
I hear what you're saying, SMOKIE. The only issue is that some people may have liked that juice or mod so it still remains a subjective accusation. I tend to jump to conclusions but something as serious as this needs to be viewed from a legal standpoint. It's only fair to all involved. We'll see soon enough. It all comes out in the wash.


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Why the hell did you put a link in here that has nothing to do with the subject but everything to do with internet porn? Thanks a whole lotta crappers, I clicked on it, DB!
Not sure where your browser sent you, heres a pic of the site.
Jail ID 23277
Confined 12/05/2003 01:38pm
Released 12/05/2003 01:47pm


Mallard, Richard Dwayne
Black Male 6' 235 04/19/1984
Hair Black
Eyes Brown
SO# 10523


Mallard, Richard
A-12,386AGG ROBBERY12/05/2003 - Held$15000.00
A-12,385AGG ROBBERY12/05/2003 - Held$15000.00

Booking H

Adam the Aussie

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Why the hell did you put a link in here that has nothing to do with the subject but everything to do with internet porn? Thanks a whole lotta crappers, I clicked on it, DB!
My guess would be someone with moderator privileges changed the link, sad isnt it.


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If you don't like it, or don't care, than feel free to ignore it. Do you go to every topic you don't like or care about and tell people to shut up about it? Has it occurred to you that there might be some new vapers out there just learning about devices who might care to know if the guy they are watching is paid to say "it works great" or honestly believes it works great?

I agree, as far as Twisted's end of this goes, he shouldn't care personally and really had nothing to gain from it. I won't lash out at the guy though for simply passing on information that people do deserve to know. My advice to you would be to find threads that you do give a crap about, and quit sweating the ones you don't give a crap about. If you expect the world to shut the hell up about everything you don't care about, you will be sorely disappointed.[/
Ok I will shut the hell up myself...


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Why the hell did you put a link in here that has nothing to do with the subject but everything to do with internet porn? Thanks a whole lotta crappers, I clicked on it, DB!
For some reason that link opens up a Porn site the first time you click it.. Whiskey is aware of the problem.
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