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Bronze Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Sparks NV. Small town. Really? Is this damn package coming via drunken mini van driver?

My FC order has been in Chicago for 5 days now also. Only 2 of them when at ISC

April 24, 2015 , 7:44 pm

Departed Shipping Partner Facility

SPARKS, NV 89441

Your item departed a shipping partner facility at 7:44 pm on April 24, 2015 in SPARKS, NV 89441.

April 24, 2015 , 1:16 am

Departed Shipping Partner Facility


April 23, 2015 , 11:26 pm

Arrived Shipping Partner Facility


April 20, 2015 , 3:15 pm

Picked Up by Shipping Partner

IRVINE, CA 92606


Vapemail Stalker
Silver Contributor
Member For 4 Years
All the Deals blogs are full of Gearbest, Fasttech, etc. deals...always have been but seems like even moreso now....at this point and for some time now, I generally havent bought direct from China so these deals dont interest me...I have no patience at all for the shipping times...at least some of of the blogs tell you who the vendor is before wasting your time and clicking on the link...I suppose some need the money from the clicks so they dont let ya know before...
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Bronze Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Well took my package 3 days from Sparks Nevada to Fishers Ind. I think it's coming from bike route. I've never had a package sent to me from China with such an oddball route. At this rate it should make Cleveland by Thursday and Elyria OH by Sat. Unless they specified no weekend movement......
I ordered my Smowell 50 from gearwell on March 19th and received it today. I am just thankful I only paid $26 for the thing. Its a nightmare to get the end cap pins unscrewed to install a battery The threads are very rough and uneven . The only way I could get any 510 atty was to apply alot of force. It fires but I don't expect it to last very long. Overall I was not impressed with my experience with this company. In the future if I want to order cheap ecig gear from outside the USA I will use Fasttech.


Bronze Contributor
Member For 5 Years
If you ordered the Smowell 50 from fastech it would be the same quality. It's Smowells device not fastech or gearbest. I have had the smowell for a week now. After a few atties have been on and off it loosens up. Yeah screws are a pain but I don't plan on removing too often.
Not sure what to make of how they listed the Noisy Cricket I bought as 3-5 days before shipping, but it's been three weeks and is still processing. Anyone make anything of it? Should I refund and buy elsewhere? I already contacted once and they acknowledged that it's processing really slow for some reason.


Gear Best really sucks! I ordered The Wismec Presa 75W and the Amor Plus tank from them one month ago. The presa arrived in 3 weeks, the tank is still on that slow boat from China. Now I'm wondering if my mod is a clone or authentic:(.
3Fvape on the other hand, was better to deal with> I bought a 40W flask clone from them that went belly up after 2 weeks. I contacted customer service, sent them a video clip showing that the mod was dead!!!! and in 7 days I received a replacement flask and I did't have to send the broken one back to them.



VU Donator
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Member For 4 Years
I've never ordered anything from abroad until recently and it was on accident. I was looking for a silicon sleeve for my Snow Wolf mini and found a really nice one at Vaping Best that looked well made and even had the cool wolf logo on it. Since it was less than $10 w/free shipping I jumped on it and ordered it without really researching the company or reading the shipping policy. After about 5 days of not receiving a tracking number I emailed them and that's when I found out they were based out of China. It finally showed up around 14 days later but was as described and a lot nicer than any of the others I've seen. Despite that and even though it was my dumb fault for not looking into where I was ordering from, I still won't be ordering out of the country again, especially not hardware. In the end it doesn't really matter as I rarely ever use it. The Snow Wolf is just too pretty to cover up with a sleeve and like most silicon sleeves, it makes for a real pain the arse when changing batteries.
Is it common practice for GearBest to process your payment, email you confirmation that the package was shipped, address emails about how long it will take to arrive, and then cancel you order weeks later? I received an image of my package the day I was told it was shipped on the 30th of December. Now today I get an email stating that my order was canceled due to out of stock, mind you the prices are higher now as I purchased during the holiday season.


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Member For 2 Years
Bought a istick TC40 on line and didn't realize until checkout it was not a USA vendor. Shipping said 7 days so I said 'what the heck' and bought it anyway. Turns out it was from the Netherlands and took a month to arrive. Never again!!!!


I forgot
VU Donator
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Member For 4 Years
I've placed a handful of orders with GearBest and have came to the conclusion that IF I am not in a rush for my items and am willing to wait a minimum of one month, then due to the fact that they have great prices, it is worth it.
However, if I want my items fast, I order from VapeNW.
They only charge $5 shipping and I get my order quickly.
Both companies have provided me with tracking numbers.
(Since I am in the US naturally VapeNW gets here faster)
Everything I have ordered from both companies has been to my satisfaction so I have no complaints on that side.
The amount of time it takes to get my order is the only thing that prevents me from buying out of the states.
(Although I can say if they have to separate an order due to availability, GearBest will usually drop the ball and forget about your order for an extra month)
A handful or site I order from do well at updating their page to properly display items that are in stock v/s out of stock, there seem to be more sites that will allow you to place your order and you don't know the item is out of stock until you receive a partial order.
If my two cents helps anyone, great. If not, sorry to distract you from your normally scheduled program.
I ordered the Eleaf Ijust 2 from gearbest. I didn't research their site first, instead I was taken with the fact I could buy the kit and a pack of 0.3 ohm coils for less than $35 with shipping insurance and tracking. I contacted them via Facebook asking if they could tell me a projected shipping date. The customer service rep told me my items were out of stock, even though the website said it was in stock in the Chinese warehouse, and that the items would be back in stock in 10-25 days. I opted to wait it out. Then yesterday I woke up to the news that my item has shipped, which is funny considering what the rep told me. However, more than 24 hours later, there is still no tracking information to be found, even though I paid the $1.99 they asked for. I don't know what their deal is, but hopefully in the next couple days I get something to go on, since I don't know if my order actually shipped or not.

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