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What a Dumbass......

I'd be more understanding if this was a rookie azznik that slipped by the Department's "racist detector", but this guy is a 28 year veteran officer AND a lieutenant to boot. smdh
Administrative leave? Common sense actuarial tables would show that any benefit gained from this guy's continued service is no longer worth any risk to the liability of Cobb County.

He obviously does not exhibit very good judgement or decision making time for him to pack it up

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The Cromwell

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No, Houston was subsidized to flood, by the FedGov, specifically by FEMA's National Flood Insurance Program, without which, many of the homes that are now flooded would never have been built. More details:
With poor local govt planning and TX style of regulating developemnt.
It is mostly a big concrete pad with no place for water to go. Much of the interstates are literally in a hole.


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With poor local govt planning and TX style of regulating developemnt.
It is mostly a big concrete pad with no place for water to go. Much of the interstates are literally in a hole.
So you're suggesting that local government should use "regulations" and "planning" to fix the distortions that were incentivized by the federal government?

How about we just let free markets create the right incentives to begin with, as in discouraging people from building in low-lying, flood-prone areas because they can't afford the insurance there?

The Cromwell

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So you're suggesting that local government should use "regulations" and "planning" to fix the distortions that were incentivized by the federal government?

How about we just let free markets create the right incentives to begin with, as in discouraging people from building in low-lying, flood-prone areas because they can't afford the insurance there?
Because they will be like Wall Street. Too big to fail and will be bailed out by the government too.


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are at it again!!
Are they that stupid to test a nuclear bomb in their own country or WMN thinks we the people are stupider!!


The Cromwell

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The Trump Presidency is troubled and so is the Republican party.
what better than an enemy either real or perceived to give them more control?

I mean you can't say bad things about a war president. It is unpatriotic and unamerican.


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The Trump Presidency is troubled and so is the Republican party.
what better than an enemy either real or perceived to give them more control?

I mean you can't say bad things about a war president. It is unpatriotic and unamerican.
Troubled ? Have you seen the democratic party?

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The Cromwell

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Ohh for the good ol days when hating people was Politically Correct....
Hating Nazi's used to be in high fashion.

Be non prejudiced.
Hate everyone.


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Ohh both are a frickin mess.

However the Republicans are in charge for now.
Or at least they should be :)
They are in charge of looking out for keeping themselves and buddies fat and happy. They are spineless worthless bunch . We elected them to be in charge but they can't fuck themselves up fast enough .......7 fuckin years to come up with a alternative health plan and they didn't put one thought into it .not one !

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The Cromwell

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They are in charge of looking out for keeping themselves and buddies fat and happy. They are spineless worthless bunch . We elected them to be in charge but they can't fuck themselves up fast enough .......7 fuckin years to come up with a alternative health plan and they didn't put one thought into it .not one !

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Most of them only TALKED about getting rid of the ACA.
Only a few actually wanted to get rid of it.


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Trumped talked all that shit about North Korea and now the most he can do...more useless sanctions. Thank God he's a do nothing blow hard otherwise we'd be in some (even more) serious shit.


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Waaay too many moonbat tears in here...
Trump is doing a great job with that barn owl in N. Korea.

Maybe we'll get lucky and President Trump will deport all the whining commies
over to NoKo so they can experience happiness.

The Cromwell

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Don't stand behind him... Stay down wind

BAM crew
I honestly think that he puts out lots more wind in the forward direction.
He is far to plump to put out more wind from the other end.
He would look like a deflated balloon if he did.

And I think you mean up wind?
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He got faced down by a 32 year old man child who runs a hermit kingdom in a constant state of famine.

A hermit kingdom with nuclear warheads and the increased ability to deliver them . This is just a warm up to when Iran can blow up the world . South Korea may have to take one for the planet .

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A hermit kingdom with nuclear warheads and the increased ability to deliver them . This is just a warm up to when Iran can blow up the world . South Korea may have to take one for the planet .

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Iran is going to blow up the world? Are you going by thier track record of invading other countries and starting wars? Oh wait...


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Iran is going to blow up the world? Are you going by thier track record of invading other countries and starting wars? Oh wait...

Like North Korea? Oh, wait. A few years ago the Norks did shell SK.

Trump is doing right by NK. Bush and Obama played all nicey nice and how'd that turn out? It's a fucking shame Bush and Obama did nothing. Obama should have taken them out when they shelled South Korea in 2010. They wouldn't have nukes now.

I'm as antiwar as a person can get without being a complete pussy but the Norks gotta go. Leave Iran alone, Okay. Get out and stay out of Syria, Okay. Leave fat boy alone? No fucking way. It's not like they haven't proven they will attack. Can't let a country like that have nukes.

The bombardment of Yeonpyeong was an artillery engagement between the North Korean military and South Korean forces stationed on Yeonpyeong Island on 23 November 2010.[5] Following a South Korean artillery exercise in waters in the south, North Korean forces fired around 170 artillery shells and rockets at Yeonpyeong Island, hitting both military and civilian targets.[6][7][8]

The shelling caused widespread damage on the island, killing four South Koreans and injuring 19. South Korea retaliated by shelling North Korean gun positions. The North Koreans subsequently stated that they had responded to South Korean shells being fired into North Korean territorial waters.[9]

The incident caused an escalation of tension on the Korean Peninsula and prompted widespread international condemnation of the North's actions. The United Nations declared it to be one of the most serious incidents since the end of the Korean War,[10] and by December 18, former UN ambassador Bill Richardson said tensions had escalated to become "the most serious crisis on the Korean peninsula since the 1953 armistice, which ended the Korean War".[11]


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Like North Korea? Oh, wait. A few years ago the Norks did shell SK.

Trump is doing right by NK. Bush and Obama played all nicey nice and how'd that turn out? It's a fucking shame Bush and Obama did nothing. Obama should have taken them out when they shelled South Korea in 2010. They wouldn't have nukes now.

I'm as antiwar as a person can get without being a complete pussy but the Norks gotta go. Leave Iran alone, Okay. Get out and stay out of Syria, Okay. Leave fat boy alone? No fucking way. It's not like they haven't proven they will attack. Can't let a country like that have nukes.

The bombardment of Yeonpyeong was an artillery engagement between the North Korean military and South Korean forces stationed on Yeonpyeong Island on 23 November 2010.[5] Following a South Korean artillery exercise in waters in the south, North Korean forces fired around 170 artillery shells and rockets at Yeonpyeong Island, hitting both military and civilian targets.[6][7][8]

The shelling caused widespread damage on the island, killing four South Koreans and injuring 19. South Korea retaliated by shelling North Korean gun positions. The North Koreans subsequently stated that they had responded to South Korean shells being fired into North Korean territorial waters.[9]

The incident caused an escalation of tension on the Korean Peninsula and prompted widespread international condemnation of the North's actions. The United Nations declared it to be one of the most serious incidents since the end of the Korean War,[10] and by December 18, former UN ambassador Bill Richardson said tensions had escalated to become "the most serious crisis on the Korean peninsula since the 1953 armistice, which ended the Korean War".[11]

Trump is continuing the same policy as bush and Obama. He has no military option, only sanctions. Only difference is, bush and Obama never went on tv and made empty threats.


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Trump is continuing the same policy as bush and Obama. He has no military option, only sanctions. Only difference is, bush and Obama never went on tv and made empty threats.

How do you know Trump is continuing the same policy? Who says the threats are empty? Who says he has no military options? I think you've been watching too many commentators on TV.

South Korea is fucked. They are fucked now or they are fucked later. It makes no sense to wait any longer or Japan and Guam and the west coast US is fucked right along with the South Koreans. The Norks have nukes. It's only a matter of time before those nukes can reach out past S Korea.

North Korea is not going to go away. Not without some really big bombs planted up their ass.

Bush and Obama never went on TV and made threats. And, North Korea kept on keeping on. Did ya want Trump to do the same shit they did and get the same results? At least he's doing something different. If it don't work, like Obama and Bush didn't work, it's probably time to make the threats real.

Maybe you have a better idea. I'd like to hear it. Bush and Obama said 'please', and that didn't work. What would you have tried? Saying 'please' again? By all means, if you know what will work just blurt it out. I'm all ears. Blaming Trump for doing something new before the war starts seems petty unless you have a suggestion of what else might work.

As a side note. Trumps threats may have been taken seriously if Fat Kim didn't turn on the only tv in the country with liberal media and watch all the pundits say that there is no real military option and the dim Congresscritters whine that Trump was going to get us in a war we don't want, etc, etc, etc. If he watches western tv and I'm sure he does, there is no reason for him to believe we are going to do a damn thing. Half the fucking country and 90% of the media openly undermines the President. But, at least Trump tried something other than kissing ass.
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The Cromwell

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Most of them only TALKED about getting rid of the ACA.
Only a few actually wanted to get rid of it.
congressional Republicans realize that IF they kill ACA combined with Trump they are done for in elections for a while.
ACA is too popular with the people.

The Cromwell

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Trump will be able to blame his not getting the wall built on having so much hurricane damage after Harvey and Irma?
Wait for it.

Looks like we will have 3 different hurricane recovery efforts going on at the same time.
Texas, Florida and maybe more from Irma and Puerto Rico.
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VU Donator
Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
are at it again!!
Are they that stupid to test a nuclear bomb in their own country or WMN thinks we the people are stupider!!


Where else would they test it? The US has tested lots of them in the US. We also took out a few islands while we were at it.


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How do you know Trump is continuing the same policy? Who says the threats are empty? Who says he has no military options? I think you've been watching too many commentators on TV.

South Korea is fucked. They are fucked now or they are fucked later. It makes no sense to wait any longer or Japan and Guam and the west coast US is fucked right along with the South Koreans. The Norks have nukes. It's only a matter of time before those nukes can reach out past S Korea.

North Korea is not going to go away. Not without some really big bombs planted up their ass.

Bush and Obama never went on TV and made threats. And, North Korea kept on keeping on. Did ya want Trump to do the same shit they did and get the same results? At least he's doing something different. If it don't work, like Obama and Bush didn't work, it's probably time to make the threats real.

Maybe you have a better idea. I'd like to hear it. Bush and Obama said 'please', and that didn't work. What would you have tried? Saying 'please' again? By all means, if you know what will work just blurt it out. I'm all ears. Blaming Trump for doing something new before the war starts seems petty unless you have a suggestion of what else might work.

As a side note. Trumps threats may have been taken seriously if Fat Kim didn't turn on the only tv in the country with liberal media and watch all the pundits say that there is no real military option and the dim Congresscritters whine that Trump was going to get us in a war we don't want, etc, etc, etc. If he watches western tv and I'm sure he does, there is no reason for him to believe we are going to do a damn thing. Half the fucking country and 90% of the media openly undermines the President. But, at least Trump tried something other than kissing ass.

Add in the fact that his grandfather fought the US and UN to a stalemate, his father pissed off the US and just ignored them while the US did nothing and he's been doing the same for a few years now. It's like a kid, you threaten to punish him yet never do, he's not going to listen to you. Appeasement works up until the moment the appeased no longer wants to be appeased. I lived in S. Korea. I feel bad for the 30k American troops there that call themselves a "speedbump". I couldn't care less about the Koreans, North or South.

The Cromwell

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Yep, he should of learned that from Obama.
Obama had more than his share of unrealistic rhetoric but Trump seems out to set a record.

Trump learns from now one. He teaches everyone.
Just the way emperors are.


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Short memories.

Fat Kim said he was going to fire a missile at Guam. Trump said fire and fury. No missile was fired at Guam. I call that a success.

North Korea backs down from threat to bomb Guam
North Korea Backs Off From Its Threat to Attack Guam - NYMag
North Korea Backs Off Guam Missile-Attack Threat - WSJ
North Korean ruler stands down on threat to Guam – The Denver Post

I don't recall Trump ever threatening N Korea "if they tested a missile" or "tested a nuke".

The only empty or false rhetoric is the narrative that Trump made an empty threat, unrealistic rhetoric, has no military option, and other such bullshit claims. Fat Kim backed down. Otherwise, had Fat Kim actually fired a missile at Guam like he said he was going to do, I think Trump would have backed up his words with an actual military option that libtards doesn't seem to think exists. Fat Kim must have thought so too.
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The Cromwell

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Hurricane Irma most powerful storm ever recorded in the Atlantic.

Just thought I would get that out there before Trump did :)


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California DREAM (Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors) Act is a package of California state laws that allow children who were brought into the US under the age of 16 without proper visas/immigration documentation who have attended school on a regular basis and otherwise meet in-state tuition and GPA requirements to apply for student financial aid benefits.[1] It and past similarly named legislation have been authored by California State Senator Gil Cedillo.

Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) is an American immigration policy founded by the Obama administration in June 2012. DACA allows certain illegal immigrants who entered the country as minors to receive a renewable two-year period of deferred action from deportation and eligibility for a work permit. The program was formally rescinded by the Trump administration in September 2017, but implementation was delayed by six months to give Congress time to come up with a solution for the population that was previously eligible for DACA.



The Cromwell

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A video from ST. Martin, VI after Irene and PR is going on now.
How much 'Wall Money' will Trump have to give them?

We need more tax cuts so we have more tax money to give them!

The Cromwell

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FEMA could run out of money about the same time that Irma makes landfall. And Jose is a cat 3 now and following Irma.

We need income tax cuts now!


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FEMA could run out of money about the same time that Irma makes landfall. And Jose is a cat 3 now and following Irma.

We need income tax cuts now!

You do understand that if you think the government needs more money there is nothing stopping you from giving them yours, right? Write that check, I promise they'll take it.
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