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lame....across America the war on vaping as been led by Democrats and the few defenders have all been republicans... now that may not suit your party loyalties but it is just the way it is.... if you have a problem with that you may want address that to the DNC instead of expecting the world to ignore the facts......hey while you're at it could you ask them where the buried Seth Rich's body.

The E-Cig Industry's Favorite Congressman Doesn't Even Vape

E-cigarette restrictions to be eased under bill by San Diego's 'Vaping Congressman'

I obviously have no party affiliation. Told you they both do it, gave you an example of a liberal state with a Republican senate. Take it or leave it, I don't care.

The Cromwell

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I obviously have no party affiliation. Told you they both do it, gave you an example of a liberal state with a Republican senate. Take it or leave it, I don't care.
But one is not allowed to not be for one side or the other.
If you are not with me you are against me!
Dark side kind of stuff.


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I obviously have no party affiliation. Told you they both do it, gave you an example of a liberal state with a Republican senate. Take it or leave it, I don't care.

All of em up there are A BUNCH OF GREEDY, SELFISH MOFOKERS!!


The Cromwell

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Trump style job creation?

ASHLAND, Ky. (AP) - Two businessmen plan to redevelop an eastern Kentucky hotel in a move local officials hope will help revive the area's struggling economy.

The Daily Independent reports Jim Nizzo and Andy Spiros purchased the Ashland Plaza Hotel for $3.6 million. The men plan to renovate the hotel and turn it into a 4-star Delta Hotel by Marriott in Ashland.

Nizzo said the plan is to gut every room and build a new restaurant and two cocktail bars. Nizzo said the new hotel will have 152 rooms and will employ between 115 and 125 people. About 800 people in the area lost their jobs last year when AK Steel idled some operations at its plant on the Ohio River

Ashland officials plan to borrow $4.6 million to help with construction costs.
So around 100 Minimum wage to low paying jobs will pay how much in taxes? Probably a further drain on the tax base with food stamps, Medicaid, etc.
And the owners are getting 4.6 million from the taxpayers?

And as far as I know nothing has happened in Ashland to create any more demand for hotel rooms. Quite the opposite it is a bit depressed...


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You stupid much!
Fucking sheepers!



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Trump should worry about Puerto Rico not having power n shit!
Not tweeting about fucking ratings of the nfl
There’s bigger problems out there


The Cromwell

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Trump thinks all the hurricane stuff is over with he has moved on to more important things like insulting people.

And the Steelers did not even play the national anthem!
That has to be unconstitutional!


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The potus said


The Cromwell

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WASHINGTON (AP) - Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price says he's paying out of his own pocket nearly $52,000 to cover the cost of his travel on charter flights taken for government business.

Price is promising to fly commercial from now on, a pledge that comes with his job on the line amid criticism from President Donald Trump and others questioning why he hasn't used cheaper public flights.

Price also is expressing regret for raising concerns about his handling of taxpayer dollars. But he hasn't addressed the matter of the cost for others who flew with him, an added expense that could amount to several hundred thousand dollars.

The House Oversight and Government Reform Committee has launched a wide-ranging investigation into travel by Price as well as other Trump political appointees.


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WASHINGTON (AP) - Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price says he's paying out of his own pocket nearly $52,000 to cover the cost of his travel on charter flights taken for government business.

Price is promising to fly commercial from now on, a pledge that comes with his job on the line amid criticism from President Donald Trump and others questioning why he hasn't used cheaper public flights.

Price also is expressing regret for raising concerns about his handling of taxpayer dollars. But he hasn't addressed the matter of the cost for others who flew with him, an added expense that could amount to several hundred thousand dollars.

The House Oversight and Government Reform Committee has launched a wide-ranging investigation into travel by Price as well as other Trump political appointees.

Time to send Mr. Price back to GA. This assnitz railed for years against government spending and as soon as he is in an Administration position, it's suddenly the "champagne wishes and caviar dreams" travel policy.

The Swamp consumes all, regardless of affiliation.
This is why my scorn is all encompassing for D.C. politics.

The Cromwell

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As I have said all along Draining the swamp just to replace the alligators and snakes with his alligators and snakes.

Wicked Gene

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No intelligent life in the universe that is capable of interstellar travel wants to have any association with humans.
Too primitive and barbaric of a culture.

Humans are just lucky that no other species interested in humans as a food source have found Earth.

Our have they? Maybe this planet is nothing but a huge cattle ranch and we're the cattle.

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Member For 4 Years
And getting approved by the republican Senate. New York just added e cigarettes to the clean air act bill that passed in 03.

In 2016 86% of all tobacco super pac contributions went to the Republican party. You dont think they have a dog in this fight? What about the southern states where it's grown?

And a pack of kools will cost ya 15 bucks in NYC

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Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Trump style job creation?

ASHLAND, Ky. (AP) - Two businessmen plan to redevelop an eastern Kentucky hotel in a move local officials hope will help revive the area's struggling economy.

The Daily Independent reports Jim Nizzo and Andy Spiros purchased the Ashland Plaza Hotel for $3.6 million. The men plan to renovate the hotel and turn it into a 4-star Delta Hotel by Marriott in Ashland.

Nizzo said the plan is to gut every room and build a new restaurant and two cocktail bars. Nizzo said the new hotel will have 152 rooms and will employ between 115 and 125 people. About 800 people in the area lost their jobs last year when AK Steel idled some operations at its plant on the Ohio River

Ashland officials plan to borrow $4.6 million to help with construction costs.
So around 100 Minimum wage to low paying jobs will pay how much in taxes? Probably a further drain on the tax base with food stamps, Medicaid, etc.
And the owners are getting 4.6 million from the taxpayers?

And as far as I know nothing has happened in Ashland to create any more demand for hotel rooms. Quite the opposite it is a bit depressed...

Right on Cromwell fuck those people ! Fuck that town they don’t need jobs those unemployed cock suckers don’t give us any tax money ! Fuck em . Now your makin sense !

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CIA? Again!!!
Wake the fuck up!



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Dang, is that the only photo they have of the alleged murderer?!
So fucking dumb...


The Cromwell

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NRA used to be something besides a political entity around 40 years or more ago.

The Cromwell

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Yeah, that was before "gun control" became a thing with some politicians.

It was also back when people tended to have more common sense.

Fear mongering for political purposes has worked.
Poll of gun owners from 30 years or so ago.
Why do you own a gun?
50 some % for hunting
20 some % for protection

The numbers are flipped now.

The sheeple are scared :)


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LOL planned for months in advance and no motive that we know yet.
There was motive no matter how deranged it might have been.

Trump will splain it all to us.

ITS trending dude...
This midterm election coming up will be very interesting.!!!


The Cromwell

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ITS trending dude...
This midterm election coming up will be very interesting.!!!

Ohh the election will be interesting. Several Republicans are revolting.
Against their party :)
And with Trump leading?

Aside from here and a couple more boards I do NO social media.
Social media will be the cause of the Zombie Apocalypse.


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Ohh the election will be interesting. Several Republicans are revolting.
Against their party :)
And with Trump leading?

Aside from here and a couple more boards I do NO social media.

Oh man....
The Republican Party And the Democrats can suck my dick!
We should boycott the fucking election by not VOTING! Fuck em all!


The Cromwell

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Oh man....
The Republican Party And the Democrats can suck my dick!
We should boycott the fucking election by not VOTING! Fuck em all!

I just wish we had a no confidence option on the ballot to vote for.
I will vote as always but I will likely not vote for all positions that are open.

The Cromwell

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Same thing. If the no confidence option gets more votes than any candidate they have to do it over again in 6 months with different candidates since we rejected those.
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