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Ahh but look at the viewer numbers.
Fox is the most mainstream of them all.


That's like saying ONE flock consisting of 20 chickens is more than 10 flocks consisting of 15 chickens each.

In your world of math, 20 is greater than 150(10X15=150). Which is, of course, fucking ridiculous.

The Cromwell

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Kentucky House Speaker Jeff Hoover (r) is accused of sexually harassing a woman on his legislative staff, according to a report from the Courier-Journal. The paper reports he's also reached a confidential settlement with that woman.

The paper has copies of sexually suggestive text messages exchanged between Speaker Hoover and an unidentified woman that date back to March of last year.

The woman told the Courier-Journal that she went along with the harassment at first because another staffer told her she needed to keep Hoover happy to advance her career.

Speaker Hoover reached a confidential settlement with the victim last week, according to the paper.


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From a Fox interview with Trump.
Trump: I'm the only one that matters

In context(I see you left context out), it's a 100% factual statement.

Trump is the only one that matters when setting State Department Policy. That is what the President is elected to do.;)

The Cromwell

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If I said that I am all that matters many here would see that as arrogant and somewhat insane.
However if Trump says it....

The Cromwell

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Not in 100 years have so many former presidents spoken out against the current president.
Congratulations Trump, you 'blowhard' from GHW Bush.

The Cromwell

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Las Vegas mass shooter Stephen C. Paddock, a high-stakes gambler who once boasted of wagering as much as $1 million in a single night, had "lost a significant amount of wealth" in the two years prior to last month's massacre, the city's sheriff said in a recent interview.
Sheriff Joseph Lombardo described Paddock as a narcissist and "status-driven" and said his financial decline "may have a determining effect on why he decided to do what he did."

So Las Vegas may have been partly to blame?
Of course it comes down to the weak human. Just as one cannot blame the guns for killing humans but the humans using them.


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I still don't understand how Paddock pulled that off alone. And the distance he was shooting from? Holy shit.

I was shooting my 223, with a scope, bipod from the prone position in the backyard today at about 85 yards at a fairly large pumpkin and had trouble shooting with any kind of speed. Couldn't imagine doing the same thing with a high caliber automatic rifle. From that height and distance, you can't just spray rounds, you actually need to be very precise and know what you are doing.


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I still don't understand how Paddock pulled that off alone. And the distance he was shooting from? Holy shit.

I was shooting my 223, with a scope, bipod from the prone position in the backyard today at about 85 yards at a fairly large pumpkin and had trouble shooting with any kind of speed. Couldn't imagine doing the same thing with a high caliber automatic rifle. From that height and distance, you can't just spray rounds, you actually need to be very precise and know what you are doing.

I haven't measure it out but my guess is that a couple thousand people is a bit bigger target than your pumpkin.

If you have trouble hitting a target that large, maybe you should sell that .223 to someone that knows how to use it. :giggle:

I don't see spraying what resembles a large parking lot full of people with bullets as a very difficult feat. I'm pretty sure I could hit my barn at that distance and it would take many of my barns to fill the space of the concert.


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I haven't measure it out but my guess is that a couple thousand people is a bit bigger target than your pumpkin.

If you have trouble hitting a target that large, maybe you should sell that .223 to someone that knows how to use it. :giggle:

I don't see spraying what resembles a large parking lot full of people with bullets as a very difficult feat. I'm pretty sure I could hit my barn at that distance and it would take many of my barns to fill the space of the concert.
Wanna buy a rifle?


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The Las Vegas shooting was a false flag operations.....
Every time something like that happened, I asked why?! And fuck the reportings about this dude....
He’s a gambler, sick, depressed, bankrupt,he’s white so he can’t be ISIS! BULLSHIT!

the dude in NYC killed 8 and he’s ISIS
PADCOCK KILLED 60,he’s depressed on psych pills? WOW! Really!

Here’s what I know,
PADCOCK was paid by FFO TO disappear...

100k dollars goes a long way in SOUTHEAST ASIA! JUST FYI!


The Cromwell

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The Jews are Gods chosen.
A Jew wrote that so it must be true?

Not antisemetic. To me the Jews/Israel are just another country/group and deserve to be judged by their actions just Like all other countrys/groups.

Yeah they were persecuted and killed but so did the Europeans treat the natives of the Americas.
The Jews also persecuted and killed a lot in their history.
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The Cromwell

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All senseless killings are horrible whether scattered across our country one at a time or multiple in one place.

In 2013 there were an average of 92 people killed with guns each day in the USA.
And several times that number shot but did not die.


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The Jews are Gods chosen.
A Jew wrote that so it must be true?

Not antisemetic. To me the Jews/Israel are just another country/group and deserve to be judged by their actions just Like all other countrys/groups.

Yeah they were persecuted and killed but so did the Europeans treat the natives of the Americas.
The Jews also persecuted and killed a lot in their history.


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The Cromwell

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What about that was untrue?

One can not support the Jews and yet not be against them because of their religion.
Just because you disagree with what they do does not make one antisemitic.

Now if you are against them BECAUSE of their religion, THAT is antisemitism.


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What about that was untrue?

One can not support the Jews and yet not be against them because of their religion.
Just because you disagree with what they do does not make one antisemitic.

Now if you are against them BECAUSE of their religion, THAT is antisemitism.

The part where you said your not antsemitic

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The Cromwell

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The part where you said your not antsemitic

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since I believe in NO great deity in the sky I am I suppose anti all religions.
But do what you want in your religion as long as it does not impact me with you legislating your religion on me. Or use your religion as an excuse to commit atrocities.

But I am not against Jews because of their religion, no more than any other religion.
I think they are all hosed and demean the only sure life that we have with promises of rewards in the afterlife as long as you do what they say.


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since I believe in NO great deity in the sky I am I suppose anti all religions.
But do what you want in your religion as long as it does not impact me with you legislating your religion on me. Or use your religion as an excuse to commit atrocities.

But I am not against Jews because of their religion, no more than any other religion.
I think they are all hosed and demean the only sure life that we have with promises of rewards in the afterlife as long as you do what they say.

I’m not Jewish Cromwell but I’m Irish Catholic I respect every religion of peace . It is not mans commands you must follow but Gods commands on how to live your life . But we all have free will to do as we please . As far as the afterlife I hope to go to his glory . Maybe being here is our short chance to do right . But I know as much as you as to who is right .

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The Cromwell

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I’m not Jewish Cromwell but I’m Irish Catholic I respect every religion of peace . It is not mans commands you must follow but Gods commands on how to live your life . But we all have free will to do as we please . As far as the afterlife I hope to go to his glory . Maybe being here is our short chance to do right . But I know as much as you as to who is right .

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I hope you are right and I am wrong.
Far more people believe as you do than as I do.
My wife believes as you do and I would like to see her rewarded. I fully support her religious pursuits. Heck I took her to church today.
REAL Christians are some of the finest humans around. And I am sure that most if not all religions have SOME fine humans in them.
But those who use religion to justify their wicked actions are the lowest form of life.
Or those who hate another JUST because of their religion are NOT fine/good people.
Of course those that endorse the actions of a group are part of that group.

The Cromwell

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As he approaches the first anniversary of his election victory over Hillary Clinton, President Donald Trump's approval ratings have hit historic lows.
According to a new Washington Post-ABC News poll, 59% disapprove of Trump's handling of the presidency — the worst of any president at nine months in office since modern polling began. Of those who disapprove, 50% say they do so strongly. Only 37% of those polled approve of Trump's performance in office.
Trump is the first president since Harry Truman to see a net-negative approval at this point in his term, according to The Washington Post. Former President Bill Clinton had the next worst, with a net positive of 11 points.
A record percentage of respondents (65%) do not think that Trump is "honest and trustworthy," up from 58% in April 2017, while a third say he does have these characteristics. Two-thirds say they do not think Trump "has the kind of personality and temperament it takes to serve effectively as president."


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I hope you are right and I am wrong.
Far more people believe as you do than as I do.
My wife believes as you do and I would like to see her rewarded. I fully support her religious pursuits. Heck I took her to church today.
REAL Christians are some of the finest humans around. And I am sure that most if not all religions have SOME fine humans in them.
But those who use religion to justify their wicked actions are the lowest form of life.
Or those who hate another JUST because of their religion are NOT fine/good people.
Of course those that endorse the actions of a group are part of that group.

I 100% agree with that statement, we all known a high holy phony in our life ... people suck bottom line

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As he approaches the first anniversary of his election victory over Hillary Clinton, President Donald Trump's approval ratings have hit historic lows.
According to a new Washington Post-ABC News poll, 59% disapprove of Trump's handling of the presidency — the worst of any president at nine months in office since modern polling began. Of those who disapprove, 50% say they do so strongly. Only 37% of those polled approve of Trump's performance in office.
Trump is the first president since Harry Truman to see a net-negative approval at this point in his term, according to The Washington Post. Former President Bill Clinton had the next worst, with a net positive of 11 points.
A record percentage of respondents (65%) do not think that Trump is "honest and trustworthy," up from 58% in April 2017, while a third say he does have these characteristics. Two-thirds say they do not think Trump "has the kind of personality and temperament it takes to serve effectively as president."

I have to agree his personality needs work for sure , but I always had a problem with his personality, he sure does not help himself, but he has the entire news media hating him every day every hour negative reporting on him ....which has to tell you something about Clinton and Truman .

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The Cromwell

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I try not to be a hypocrite.
I will not play the religion game unless I believe.
Where I live and considering those around me it would be much easier just to play the game...
Around here non believers are persecuted somewhat. Believers or fake believers for the most part are rewarded in may ways in the local society.

Sorry cannot do it.
I am very fortunate that my wife understands and supports my non belief.
She went up for communion today, I remained in my seat.

The Cromwell

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I have to agree his personality needs work for sure , but I always had a problem with his personality, he sure does not help himself, but he has the entire news media hating him every day every hour negative reporting on him ....which has to tell you something about Clinton and Truman .

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He is a person that it is just plain easy to love to hate.
Me, I think he is an arrogant ass and not connected with reality very much at all.
Good comedy material though.


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He is a person that it is just plain easy to love to hate.
Me, I think he is an arrogant ass and not connected with reality very much at all.
Good comedy material though.

Arrogant maybe or that could be misinterpreted as a NY attitude. Either way I believe he loves this country and wants to help Americans....let’s face it you have to have a pretty healthy opinion of yourself to run for President .

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I try not to be a hypocrite.



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I try not to be a hypocrite.
I will not play the religion game unless I believe.
Where I live and considering those around me it would be much easier just to play the game...
Around here non believers are persecuted somewhat. Believers or fake believers for the most part are rewarded in may ways in the local society.

Sorry cannot do it.
I am very fortunate that my wife understands and supports my non belief.
She went up for communion today, I remained in my seat.

Dude... a psychopath killed 26-27 Americans in TEXAS, he’s not ISIS, just lonely fucker according to them...
Guy killed 7! TERRORIST
Aren’t we just talking about it?

Now, let’s ask the question why?!


The Cromwell

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"Try building your cars in the United States instead of shipping them over. Is that possible to ask? That's not rude. Is that rude? I don't think so," Trump told executives from automakers including Toyota (TM) and Mazda (MZDAF) during a trip to Japan on Monday.

The fool does not have a clue.


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"Try building your cars in the United States instead of shipping them over. Is that possible to ask? That's not rude. Is that rude? I don't think so," Trump told executives from automakers including Toyota (TM) and Mazda (MZDAF) during a trip to Japan on Monday.

The fool does not have a clue.

another LOL MOMENT


The Cromwell

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Yeah Toyota has been building cars in KY for like 40 years or so.
I think ALL the Camry's sold here are made there.
And they just opened up an Avalon line there I think.

I think Trumps mental issues are far worse than many think.

It was not rude of him to ask. Stupid but not rude :)


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Yeah Toyota has been building cars in KY for like 40 years or so.
I think ALL the Camry's sold here are made there.
And they just opened up an Avalon line there I think.

I think Trumps mental issues are far worse than many think.

Does he knows American car companies makes theirs in MEXICO!


The Cromwell

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Does he knows American car companies makes theirs in MEXICO!

I would say no. After all he wants to wall off Mexico and charge tariffs on imports.
The guy is pretty much clueless. And clueless people elected him to be our leader.
And continue to support him in spite of his continued display of stupidity.

Intelligence last.
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Because God allowed it to happen?

Apparently you and he have allot in common.

Former classmates of the shooter described him as “creepy” and “weird.” Classmate Nina Rosa Nava write on Facebook that the mass murderer used to rant on the social network about his atheist beliefs. It has also been reported that Kelley’s in-laws attended First Baptist Church, but weren’t there at the time of the shooting.

“He was always talking about how people who believe in God were stupid and trying to preach his atheism,” Nava posted on her Facebook.

One former classmate, Christopher Leo Longoria, replied: “I removed him off FB for those same reasons! He was being super nagtive (sic) all the timd (sic)."

Another Facebook friend of the killer added: “He was weird but never that damn weird, always posting his atheist sh-- like Nina wrote, but damn he always posted pics of him and his baby - crazy."

Who else do we know that rants about people who believe in God all the time, @Arthur ? Bobbi!
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