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Brazile writes she was haunted by murder of DNC Seth Rich, and feared for her own life, shutting the blinds so snipers could not see her

— MATT DRUDGE (@DRUDGE) November 4, 2017


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Election day eve today.

The libtards were so,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,confident this time last year. :teehee:



The Cromwell

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Well even North Korea is finally right about something.

North Korea says US should oust President Trump from power

The Cromwell

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36% SAY that they believe Trump is doing a good job as president.
I think some of them are lying :)


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Rocket Man
Rocket Fella
Rockefeller - The true power behind North Korea (Also Disney is a Rockefeller)

Gotta give Trump props on the nickname. He was throwing it in their faces the whole time!

The Cromwell

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Explain to me why the fuck gas prices went fucking up?!

Umm because the ones gambling on gas price futures wanted to make more money?

Why I think that if you buy futures you MUST take delivery of the commodity you bought.
Remove the gamblers and keep the actual purchasers of the products in the futures market.


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Umm because the ones gambling on gas price futures wanted to make more money?

Why I think that if you buy futures you MUST take delivery of the commodity you bought.
Remove the gamblers and keep the actual purchasers of the products in the futures market.

The last time I saw prices this high was 2015... the fuck!!


The Cromwell

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Might be the trouble in Saudi Arabia.
Trumps friends seem to be misbehaving over there.


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Wtf is going on with all these sexual abused reports? What’s the goal here?



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A lot of them folks been grabbing vaginas for a long time! But I wonder why all these shit coming out NOW


The Cromwell

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There is a time for everything.
Apparently the time for grabbing them by the pussy is over.

The Cromwell

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Breathing in Delhi air equivalent to smoking 44 cigarettes a day

Defund the EPA make us more competitive in the global market!


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Sanders argued that "the [Democratic] party cannot remain an institution largely dominated by the wealthy and inside-the-Beltway consultants."

He added, "It must open its doors and welcome into its ranks millions of working people and young people who desperately want to be involved in determining the future of our nation."
So in other words, they should do what Trump did to win the presidency?

Now the real question is: Can they succeed with such a strategy? Working-class people generally prefer jobs over hand-outs. Working-class people don't want their guns taken away. Many working-class people are turned off by "liberal" identity politics that try to grant special rights to every minority group out there.

Trump understands this. But I doubt the DNC does.

The Cromwell

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Now the real question is: Can they succeed with such a strategy? Working-class people generally prefer jobs over hand-outs. Working-class people don't want their guns taken away. Many working-class people are turned off by "liberal" identity politics that try to grant special rights to every minority group out there.

Trump understands this. But I doubt the DNC does.
No they cannot succeed. All the other considerations aside they are too deep in the corporate pockets.
The working class is now just a way to increase profits for the upper class.

LOL Trump is delusional. He may have a few good talking points but he is delusional and out of touch with the reality of the average American. As is most of out government leaders, but he leads the pack.

The Cromwell

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Was Draft Doger Trump in Vietnam on Veterans day?

Ohh well I am sure that he praised all the Americans that gave their lives over there.

The Cromwell

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Naval Criminal Investigative Service spokesman Ed Buice confirmed to CNN last month that the NCIS was investigating whether two members of the Navy's elite SEAL Team Six killed Army Staff Sgt. Logan J. Melgar.

The Cromwell

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Trump picks former pharma exec, ex-Bush official to lead HHS department

He previously served as HHS general counsel and deputy secretary for President George W. Bush. Following his time with the administration, he worked for pharmaceutical giant Eli Lilly & Co. and became president of Lilly USA in 2012. As part of his role at Lilly USA, Azar was on the board of directors for the Boards of the Biotechnology Industry Organization (BIO), a drug lobbying group. He left Lilly USA and BIO in January.
During Azar's tenure leading Lilly, the company was accused of routinely increasing drug prices.
In an October letter, Reps. Raul Grijalva, D-Arizona, Mark Pocan, D-Wisconsin, and Jan Schakowsky, D-Illinois, wrote that under his leadership, Azar's company fought "against federal and state legislation to increase drug pricing transparency." And a lawsuit filed in Massachusetts in early 2017 alleges that the company shot up prices on insulin "in near lock step" with two other pharmaceutical manufacturers, according to The New York Times.

The Cromwell

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In the USA our politicians are not bought.

They are just rented for individual issues.
More money in it for them that way.


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Now the real question is: Can they succeed with such a strategy? Working-class people generally prefer jobs over hand-outs. Working-class people don't want their guns taken away. Many working-class people are turned off by "liberal" identity politics that try to grant special rights to every minority group out there.

Trump understands this. But I doubt the DNC does.
I'm not so sure....the crony capitalists have destroyed capitalisim in America..the ability for a working class person to start a bussiness have been severly curtailed. With the massive invasion of immigrants into the country the real wages of the working class have plummeted to the point there is no chance for upward mobility and we have created a serf class ...the burgouise love this, they work for the multinationals, and Silicon Valley and they feel they are entitled to exploit the poor by ignoring the immigration laws and love the idea that their dollar goes farther on the backs of their own countrymen who they demonize as worthless white deplorables whose existence should be ended... the college educated now think they are entitled to an inexpensive domestic staff...I think this current trend almost gaurantees that America will become socialist within 10 the last century the only thing that kept communisim from spreading into the West was the fact that the workers saw the very real chance for upward mobility under take the chance for upward mobility away from them by manipulating the labor resource so that wages plummet.....the worker will no longer find capitalisim worth saving.....if you are going to be poor regardless..why be poor and work.....when the people see both parties bleeding them dry, they will have no reason not to bleed those above them dry

They will take hand-outs because there is not enough jobs that will provide them with the money for housing,food and medical attention...they will vote socialist because they know, that there is no earthly reason why someone living in the richest country in the world should have to work two jobs just to be dirt poor.they know they are being exploited...and they may not believe in the promises of Socialisim,but they will take the handouts that keep the wolf from the door..and in the end the same guys that own the corporations will run the new socialist goverment, and we will have a replay of what is going on in fact we are not to far behind them.....
Report: Americans Without College Degrees Worse Off than 40 Years Ago
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