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Once again, a day after the media spent a whole day whining about Trump tweets, Trump is proven correct.

Despite claims in the left tard media that the videos Trump retweeted could not be verified, at least one of them is verified. Imagine that.

And while multiple media outlets, for example NPR, continue to claim the videos are "unverified" and "have no context" or are of "murky origins" (as the Washington Post wrongly claims), this particular video especially was widely shared and discussed among the world's top Syria analysts and Middle East scholars at the time.

The video was taken in 2013 and shows the Wahhabi cleric and FSA commander smashing the Christian statue in connection with the US-backed group's prior attack on Yakubiya in Idlib province. The book, The Islamic State: Combating The Caliphate Without Borders, authored by counter-terrorism experts Yonah and Dean Alexander, gives his full name as Omar Gharba al-Khojji and like vast numbers of FSA fighters he eventually jointed ISIS (some online sources alternately list his name as Omar Raghba).

The Cromwell

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Former national security adviser Michael Flynn is scheduled to plead guilty to making false statements to the FBI.


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Former national security adviser Michael Flynn is scheduled to plead guilty to making false statements to the FBI.

I thought Flynn is already guilty?!
As matter of fact I thought he was in jail all this time?!
Fucking media will be busy the whole day talking about this shit! WATCH

that’s a good LINE UP I must say?!


The Cromwell

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As part of a plea deal, former national security adviser Michael Flynn has admitted that a senior member of the Trump transition team directed him to make contact with Russian officials in December 2016


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As part of a plea deal, former national security adviser Michael Flynn has admitted that a senior member of the Trump transition team directed him to make contact with Russian officials in December 2016

Who cares?... I mean other than squealing mooonbats?

The Cromwell

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But it is going to cost Trump a fortune.

If you believe that then you will believe that Smokie is a flaming liberal :)

The Cromwell

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Right wingers who whine of unions are just blowing air except for the few in the police, fire, etc unions are pretty much dead.

The Cromwell

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One thing good to see.
Trumps business interests in other countrys with the Trump brand are flopping miserably.

The Cromwell

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What do you mean flopping?

Ohh the owners of a time share kind of condo with the Trump brand name on the building and Trump management in Panama. the occupancy is off by 70% or so.
The time share owners are kicking trumps management team out.
Will tie up with Hilton, Ramada, etc I expect.
some brand that still has respect in the rest of the world.

The rest of the world views Trump as a buffoon and worse.
The only reason that other world leaders show him any respect is because of the position he holds.
They have no respect for Trump.

And I imagine that the their respect for US voters has dropped as well since we elected the fool.
And about 30% of us like him....


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Ohh the owners of a time share kind of condo with the Trump brand name on the building and Trump management in Panama. the occupancy is off by 70% or so.
The time share owners are kicking trumps management team out.
Will tie up with Hilton, Ramada, etc I expect.
some brand that still has respect in the rest of the world.

The rest of the world views Trump as a buffoon and worse.
The only reason that other world leaders show him any respect is because of the position he holds.
They have no respect for Trump.

And I imagine that the their respect for US voters has dropped as well since we elected the fool.
And about 30% of us like him....

I didn’t elect him, voters that voted for him did...I don’t have any respect for trump, but I do respect the office of presidency...
fuck trump n the whole fucking government
They all the same!


The Cromwell

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I didn’t elect him, voters that voted for him did...I don’t have any respect for trump, but I do respect the office of presidency...
fuck trump n the whole fucking government
They all the same!

WE as a country elected him.
THAT is what the rest of the world sees.

I cannot respect the office if I cannot respect the person occupying it.

I OBEY the laws and such, but respect?
My respect must be earned and NO holder of the office of president has earned my respect for decades.

Obedience can be demanded, respect cannot.


Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Ohh the owners of a time share kind of condo with the Trump brand name on the building and Trump management in Panama. the occupancy is off by 70% or so.
The time share owners are kicking trumps management team out.
Will tie up with Hilton, Ramada, etc I expect.
some brand that still has respect in the rest of the world.

The rest of the world views Trump as a buffoon and worse.
The only reason that other world leaders show him any respect is because of the position he holds.
They have no respect for Trump.

And I imagine that the their respect for US voters has dropped as well since we elected the fool.
And about 30% of us like him....

Who the fuck cares what the rest of the world thinks?

If they don't like it, they can quit cashing the the welfare checks we give them.


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WE as a country elected him.
THAT is what the rest of the world sees.

I cannot respect the office if I cannot respect the person occupying it.

I OBEY the laws and such, but respect?
My respect must be earned and NO holder of the office of president has earned my respect for decades.

Obedience can be demanded, respect cannot.

Let me rephrase what I said...
I respect the OFFICE of the presidency but I don’t like trump...
With that being said... I always respect the position but I don’t the person.. is that clear?
Lol, I know it’s confusing!
The position of being a president of the USA is respected by most countries but not the person sitting on it!
I think that’s clear


The Cromwell

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Let me rephrase what I said...
I respect the OFFICE of the presidency but I don’t like trump...
With that being said... I always respect the position but I don’t the person.. is that clear?
Lol, I know it’s confusing!
The position of being a president of the USA is respected by most countries but not the person sitting on it!
I think that’s clear

I on the other hand have no heroes nor idols.
I do not hold objects or positions sacred.
I do not bow to a flag or other object.
I would bow to a person who has earned my respect.
I deal with people.

Has always amazed those around me how I would deal directly with a president of a large corporation the same as I would any other employee.


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Member For 4 Years
stupid people don’t care... that’s a fact!


Have you ever looked at a calendar?

I'll give you and Bobbi a hint as to why nobody outside the libtard media cares.

Trump/Russian collusion to win the election investigation.

1. Election Nov 8 2016.

2. Flynn's Contact with Russia, Dec. 22 2016.

Case closed.


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Have you ever looked at a calendar?

I'll give you and Bobbi a hint as to why nobody outside the libtard media cares.

1. Trump/Russian collusion to win the election investigation.

2. Election Nov 8 2016.

3. Flynn's Contact with Russia, Dec. 22 2016.

Case closed.

There’s no case from the beginning dude...
Like I said
Just enjoy the shit show!


The Cromwell

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LOL, those nations are a major part of our economy.
Heck they own a large part of our industries.

Only an idiot would think that we can pull out of a global economy at this point.
For better or worse we are in it.
We went to debtor nation status under Reagan's watch.

I think it is a mistake but we are pretty much stuck with it for the foreseeable future.


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LOL, those nations are a major part of our economy.
Heck they own a large part of our industries.

Only an idiot would think that we can pull out of a global economy at this point.
For better or worse we are in it.
We went to debtor nation status under Reagan's watch.

I think it is a mistake but we are pretty much stuck with it for the foreseeable future.

Our president is an IDIOT!



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Time, if you think we can seclude ourselves from the global economy and say fuck the other nations, you need to go climb back under your rock.

One nation selling out of our debt (china) would crush us, fuck them? No fuck us. No more disability checks for you, you'll have to go flip burgers.

You and pulse should just put your tinfoil hats back on, continue reading/listening to extreme wack job media and post about it in the shit hole thread.

I hope I have better things to do with my time when I'm in retirement like pulse or unemployed like you. For now, I work towards building a very comfortable retirement and don't waste my time with the stupid political shit you two immerse yourselves in.
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Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Time, if you think we can seclude ourselves from the global economy and say fuck the other nations, you need to go climb back under your rock.

One nation selling out of our debt (china) would crush us, fuck them? No fuck us. No more disability checks for you, you'll have to go flip burgers.

You and pulse should just put your tinfoil hats back on, continue reading/listening to extreme wack job media and post about it in the shit hole thread.

I hope I have better things to do with my time when I'm in retirement like pulse or unemployed like you. For now, I work towards building a very comfortable retirement and don't waste my time with the stupid political shit you two immerse yourselves in.

Who said anything about seclusion, cupcake?

If you didn't catch on to that whole Declaration of Independence thing, we rejected other fucks telling us what we can and can't do in our own fucking country. Everybody else in the entire world, can go fuck themselves if they don't like our President. What the fuck are they going to do, quit selling shit to us? Kick out our military bases that are protecting them? Stop taking our welfare payments? Invade? :giggle:

And you can go fuck yourself too. If you have not figured it out yet, Trump is your President. Whether you like it or not. And just like the rest of the world, you're going to keep working, paying your tax and in general sucking it up because there isn't anything you can do about it. They, like you, might bleat like a sheep being helped over a fence by an ISIS member with his pants down but you're all going to keep doing whatever it is that you do that contributes to the US economy. You are not going to do anything that jeopardizes your own future, and neither is any country.

Fact. Trump is President and neither you nor any country has changed a fucking thing because of it. The US is still a favorite destination for legal immigrants.
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Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Time, if you think we can seclude ourselves from the global economy and say fuck the other nations,
you need to go climb back under your rock.
No more disability checks for you, you'll have to go flip burgers.

You and pulse should just blahhh blah bla....
I hope I have better things to do with my time when I'm in retirement like pulse or unemployed like you.

It appears the major difference between informed conservative voters and you hysterical libbie moonbats
is that the conservatives vote for who is best for the nation.
Liberals vote for who supports their 'victimized' self pity and gives em free stuff at my expense... and fuck the country's future.


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All polargirl gets with her constant virtue signaling is an occasional like from whiskey.


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It appears the major difference between informed conservative voters and you hysterical libbie moonbats
is that the conservatives vote for who is best for the nation.
Liberals vote for who supports their 'victimized' self pity and gives em free stuff at my expense... and fuck the country's future.

Informed conservative?
Don’t make me laugh!
You watch Fox News too much!!
Pussy grabber!



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This will shock ej, coming from a Trumpboy and all, but I will say that so far Trump was very wrong about one thing.

I'm not tired of winning. He said we'd get tired of all the winning but he lied!


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Member For 3 Years
We went to debtor nation status under Reagan's watch.
Nope, it was long before that. Why do you think Tricky Dick bailed on the original Bretton Woods system under which the Dollar was still redeemable in gold (at $35 an ounce!) in 1971?


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One nation selling out of our debt (china) would crush us, fuck them? No fuck us.
Meh. China owns $1.2 trillion in US debt. This is a relatively insignificant amount in the overall scheme of things. And FWIW, the reason they hold that US debt is to keep their own currency from rising in value, which would make them less competitive in the world's marketplace.


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Watch where yields go of they sell out and other nations sell to stop the losses.
We can barely afford out debt as it is, let alone if 30 years went from 3% to 5%
We would be another Greek 100%+ debt to GDP country.
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