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Sure ya did... You said 'the last 10 years' were great. That's an obamunist delusion.

You can read anything you want into it but I literally never credited obama.

If you can only see the last 10 years fantastic growth as a credit to obama, that's up to you.

The Cromwell

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I never once credited obama. The Fed sets monitory policy.

The rest of that is blather but I did want to clear up you putting words in my mouth.
Ahh but to those with limited reasoning ability if you do not like Trump you must have loved obama.
The way of the dark side. Just black or white and nothing in between.

Hmm kinda describes racism as well...
had not thought about that before...

The Cromwell

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You can read anything you want into it but I literally never credited obama.

If you can only see the last 10 years fantastic growth as a credit to obama, that's up to you.
And the mess that Obama inherited was not due to Bush II at all was it?


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And the mess that Obama inherited was not due to Bush II at all was it?

It’s never the rightards fault...
Obama didn’t do shit for the last 8 years
He led us to a mess that the PRESIDENT IDIOT is dealing with right now!
TAX REFORM.... trump fixed it he will make America great again...
all republican president are the best, they never do anything wrong, they always do what’s best for the country...
They go to war, they destroy countries to protect our freedom then they will spend tax payers money to rebuild what they destroyed...bush jr did very good during his 8 years... he saved wall street, he saved the banks, gave them a lot of money.(TAX PAYERS MONEY) He was a good friend to them, while people fell into a trap n eventually went to foreclosure, but nope that was not his fault it’s was Clinton, he was the reason for the sub prime loaning!
republican presidents are always the best presidents!
All democratic presidents OVER REGULATE and always increase the debt all the time!
Democrats are not good people they are very bad for Washington!?


The Cromwell

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It ain't over till it's over....

Billy Bush is reentering the public eye, and he's starting by sending a message to President Trump.
"Yes, Donald Trump, You Said That" is the headline of Bush's op-ed for The New York Times.

The piece was published online Sunday night, one day before Bush appears on "The Late Show with Stephen Colbert" -- an interview that was arranged just a few days ago.

Bush says he decided to speak out after news reports indicated that Trump has been casting doubt on the authenticity of the so-called "Access Hollywood" tape.

Trump apologized more than a year ago for the so-called "locker room talk" he displayed in the recording. And he never once raised questions about the authenticity of the tape. Neither did anyone else involved. And, on Monday night, "Access Hollywood" reiterated that the tape was 100% genuine.

Ohh I know this means nothing to the Trumpeteers.
It does however mean something to a lot of US citizens.

Several probable meanings.
Choose one or more that apply.
(a) Trump in an ass.
(b) Trump is a liar.
(c) Trump is delusional.
(d) All of the above.
(e) Trump is the wonderful man that will Make America Great Again.
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The Cromwell

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Greenspan's fault.
Lets not forget the greed of unsustainable impractical lending practices by Banks.
And remember how the market was roaring just before it was not....

Lots of things contributed to the major adjustment.
I am sure that all the Wall street bailout money has been repaid to the govt though...


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Trump NOW endorses Roy Moore after first endorsing his opponent.

OMG, stop the press!

What a dumb fuck Trump is to not be endorsing Moore's opponent anymore, after he lost the primary and isn't on the ballot. :giggle:

You hit a home run with that revelation Bobbi. Trump should certainly continue to endorse the guy that isn't running. :kickbutt:

Remember when Bernie Sanders switched enorsements to Hitlery for Pres after losing the Primary instead of continuing to endorse himself when he wasn't on the ballot? Fucking moron.


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Trumps travel ban is absolute bullshit and if you don't realize that you are an idiot. Who's missing from the list to make it meaningful? I'll give you a hint - trump loves them, bannon shills for them and they financed 9/11.



The Cromwell

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Ahh but people forget how the Patriot missile system was proven inadequate during the first gulf war.

The Cromwell

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Richard Nixon once said: "When the President does it, that means that it is not illegal."


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Member For 3 Years
I hope you are right and I am wrong.
Far more people believe as you do than as I do.
My wife believes as you do and I would like to see her rewarded. I fully support her religious pursuits. Heck I took her to church today.
REAL Christians are some of the finest humans around. And I am sure that most if not all religions have SOME fine humans in them.
But those who use religion to justify their wicked actions are the lowest form of life.
Or those who hate another JUST because of their religion are NOT fine/good people.
Of course those that endorse the actions of a group are part of that group.
I've got to agree 100% with you buddy. But, I'll say. Im coming out of a 10 year homeless, ****** addiction. I've seen the worst parts in life. Some of the worst people I've met claimed they believed in God. My old ****** dealer goes to church religiously.

I have also seen some of the most selfless acts. I've saved over 30 people from overdose, saved a random drug addict after he was shot 3 times in the stomach. I've been shot one time stabbed twice. Overdosed and woke up later all tingly. I believe there is something out there we cannot fathom. Weather it be a conscious being, or just simply a force of laws we can't describe.

I hope my higher power permits me with actions of my own self will to never return to that life style. I'd rather just die than have to go through that again.

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The Cromwell

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Less than one-third of Americans approve of the Republican tax plan, Quinnipiac figures show.
The same poll put President Donald Trump's approval rating at 35%, and Gallup's daily tracking poll reported the same percentage.
In the Quinnipiac poll, conducted from Nov. 29 to Dec. 4 -- before the US Senate passed its version of the tax bill in the early hours of Saturday -- almost two-thirds (64%) of people surveyed said the bill would benefit the wealthy most, while just 24% said they believe the middle class would benefit the most.
Twenty-nine percent of Americans approve of the Republican plan, according to the poll.


Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Less than one-third of Americans approve of the Republican tax plan, Quinnipiac figures show.
The same poll put President Donald Trump's approval rating at 35%, and Gallup's daily tracking poll reported the same percentage.
In the Quinnipiac poll, conducted from Nov. 29 to Dec. 4 -- before the US Senate passed its version of the tax bill in the early hours of Saturday -- almost two-thirds (64%) of people surveyed said the bill would benefit the wealthy most, while just 24% said they believe the middle class would benefit the most.
Twenty-nine percent of Americans approve of the Republican plan, according to the poll.

After that ass whooping liberals took last year, the glorious shock on their faces, you'd think libtards would learn not to believe in polls that poll a high percentage of Democrats and low percentage of Republicans and pass it off as representation of Americans.

But,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,no. They are falling for it again. :giggle:

It's a good thing though, I'll run out of liberal tears to sweeten my vape if they ever catch on that their polls are fake.
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Doesn’t matter who does it, working, tax paying people don’t get any benefit...

These are fucking terrible...


The Cromwell

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If the USA moves their embassy to Jerusalem. More terrorist acts will happen in the USA.
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