I'm not buying the dentures story. Trump has implant money.
HES DRUNK DUDE!! Or crack!
I'm not buying the dentures story. Trump has implant money.
Naah psychiatric medications.HES DRUNK DUDE!! Or crack!
Probably just doped up. Apparently there is a history of doping up presidents. Look up Dr. FeelgoodHES DRUNK DUDE!! Or crack!
Naah psychiatric medications.
Maybe he is a pill head like Rush?
Probably just doped up. Apparently there is a history of doping up presidents. Look up Dr. Feelgood
A thought for ya.
The supreme court judged corporations to be individuals right?
Then why do they get more tax breaks and deductions than individual people do?
I am unemployed and I'm a tax TAKER, not a tax payer.
Decietful quote changer.fify
Fuck that. I've slaved since I was 16, paid untold amounts of tax for a bunch stupid policies I wanted nothing to do with. I've been supporting the govt and their nonsense my entire life, when I can't work any longer I expect something in return. Maybe not to starve to death, have access to some kind of health care and oh yeah, some dignity.
Btw - I have a 401k and savings but I don't expect that to be there when I need it.
That was your fault for trusting the government.
Basically, you're saying that since you were forced to provide for others, the next generation should be forced to provide for you. Makes perfect sense.
Shut the help dude....
You don’t pay income tax, you don’t have a say to this! Stop it!!
I've been supporting the opulent life styles of politicians, bankers and other manner of scum against my will and under the force of imprisonment for my entire life. For that, I want access to health care, food and shelter if I can't provide it for myself when I can no longer work. Just a little basic human dignity, no big deal. If I had it my way, we would have universal health care and free higher education for citizens. I guess to a lot of people that makes me a socialist or cuck or whatever but I don't care. This country produces nothing but people and weapons. We might as well invest in the people.
Fuck that. I've slaved since I was 16, paid untold amounts of tax for a bunch stupid policies I wanted nothing to do with. I've been supporting the govt and their nonsense my entire life, when I can't work any longer I expect something in return. Maybe not to starve to death, have access to some kind of health care and oh yeah, some dignity.
Btw - I have a 401k and savings but I don't expect that to be there when I need it.
Ohh the ones in control are. The people are being well programmed.We might as well invest in the people.
If that's your idea of a utopia I don't want to know what the dystopia looks like.I'd like to live in Utopia too.
But, it ain't gonna happen.
If that's your idea of a utopia I don't want to know what the dystopia looks like.
My line of work allows me to see how the other side lives and it's not pretty. 1 trillion for "defense" got approved this year, i think seeing to the care of the elderly isn't too much to ask.
If I had it my way, we would have universal health care and free higher education for citizens.
And here's a dose of higher education for you. Actual classes. Would be other peoples money well spent, I'm sure.
#1 MCL 135: Vampires: Evolution of a Sexy Monster (University of Kentucky)
#2 HIST 336: Saints, Witches, and Madwomen (University of Nebraska)
#3 WOMGEN 1225: Leaning In, Hooking Up (Harvard University)
#4 SOAN 261: Campus Sex in the Digital Age (Washington & Lee University)
#5 GSWS 434: The Politics of Ugly (University of Pennsylvania)
#6 AMS 398: FAT: The F-Word and the Public Body (Princeton University)
#7 GWS 462: Hip Hop Feminism (University of Illinois)
#8 GWS 255: Queer Lives, Queer Politics (University of Illinois)
#9 SOC 388: Marriage in the Age of Trump (Davidson College)
#10 HISTORY 330-0: Medieval Sexuality (Northwestern University)
#11 AI 318: Zombies: Modern Myths, Race, and Capitalism (DePaul University)
#12 SOCI 332: Alternative Genders (Texas A&M University)
#13 AMCULT 103: Drag in America (University of Michigan)
#14 AMCULT 334: Race, Gender, Sexuality and U.S. Culture in Video Games (University of Michigan)
#15 AMCULT 411: Rednecks, Queers, and Country Music (University of Michigan)
#16 WGS 255: Deconstructing the Diva (DePaul University)
#17 GLBT 3404: Transnational Sexualities (University of Minnesota)
#18 GSFS 0208: Unruly Bodies: Black Womanhood in Popular Culture (Middlebury College)
#19 MC 2002: Media, Sport and Culture: Amplifying the Sporting-Ism (Louisiana State University)
#20 THEO 025: The Bible and Horror (Georgetown University)
#21 SOAS 3500: Queerness in South Asian Literature and Cinema (University of Iowa)
#22 AADS 2204: Black Women and the Politics of Blackness and Beauty (Vanderbilt University)
#23 AFR 334: Radical Theories of Political Struggle: Anti-Black Racism and the Obama Administration (Williams College)
#24 COLT 0510F: Fidel Castro and Che Guevara, The Men and the Myths (Brown University)
#25 HIST 379: Queering Colonialism (Washington & Lee University)
#26 AMST 274: Rainbow Cowboys (and Girls): Gender, Race, Class, and Sexuality in Westerns (Wellesley College)
#27 AFA 4430: Black Lives Matter (University of Florida)
#28 RELI GU 4355: The African American Prophetic Political Tradition from David Walker to Barack Obama (Columbia University)
#29 RELG 032: Queering God: Feminist and Queer Theology (Swarthmore College)
#30 RELG 033: Queering the Bible (Swarthmore College)
#31 ENVS 042: Ecofeminism (Swarthmore College)
#32 FRSEMR 61D: Trying Socrates in the Age of Trump (Harvard University)
#33 GSWS 2219: Deconstructing Masculinities (Bowdoin College)
#34 GSFS 0325: American Misogyny (Middlebury College)
#35 BLSTU 3850: Gender, Hip Hop, and the Politics of Representation (University of Missouri)
#36 AAS 301: Black to the Future: Science, Fiction, and Society (Princeton University)
#37 SOC 105: Race, Religion, & Donald Trump (Davidson College)
Trump would make a great Santa Claus.
Only small children believe in him.
Trump would make a great Santa Claus.
Only small children believe in him.
People with the minds of small children?I like it...but not true bro!
Trump has a lot of supporters..
Them fuckers believe everything that comes out of that idiots mouff!
People with the minds of small children?
Gullibilis Extremis?
STFU dude! post that shit on the
Trump thread!! Don’t put that bitch here!
Every Hillary hater forgets the Karl Rove deleted emails....
Worse he gets em elected....When did Karl Rove run for Pres?
Worse he gets em elected....
The evil behind the throne.
He was In the White house when it happened though....
Kind of like what is going on the the #1 Son In Law....
Lots of people ran for president and lost....
I fail to understand your blindly partisan illogical thought processes.Never.
See how much easier that was then writing all that drivel?
I fail to understand your blindly partisan illogical thought processes.
That is all in your point of view Timmy.You fail to understand a great number of things. It's not really something to brag about.
That is all in your point of view Timmy.
And your point of view sucks
And children believe in Trump just because he is the president.Naturally.
Children think adult points of view suck. Most of them get over it once they understand. Some never do understand.
And children believe in Trump just because he is the president.
Our president is sure giving himself a massive tax cut as he drains the swamp and is Making America Great.