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Member For 4 Years
Really interesting that you think your childish jibes get to me.
But I suppose if it gives you joy in your miserable limited existence.
have fun.

I think maybe you misunderstood what somebody told you.

You obviously didn't qualify as MENSA. I think somebody said you qualify as menstrual. You simply misunderstood. :giggle:


Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Crommie's new nickname... Mensa-Boy! :rolleyes::bliss::rolleyes:
...but he's just too smart to join!!! :)


All that brainpower and he uses it to post 16,651 times on a vaping forum. Sometimes to inform the rest of us that Trump hates pets. Fucking brilliant! :teehee:

The Cromwell

I am a BOT
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All that brainpower and he uses it to post 16,651 times on a vaping forum. Sometimes to inform the rest of us that Trump hates pets. Fucking brilliant! :teehee:
True, I like posting here.
But I do not Tweet, Face book, etc.
I have heard that idiots tweet.

Better watch out you are pushing 5,000 posts I see.

The Cromwell

I am a BOT
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I wonder how many I hate Hillary posts in this and the other Trump lovers political thread?
Prolly more than my anti Trump posts.
What does that say?
And Hillary holds NO political office in our government, but the hate rolls on.
Small minds and lives focused on hate. Such a waste.


Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
True, I like posting here.
But I do not Tweet, Face book, etc.
I have heard that idiots tweet.

Better watch out you are pushing 5,000 posts I see.

In three years and three months. That's 4.3 posts per day average.

Your average is 23.3 posts per day.

I assume your menstrual,,,,,,,I mean MENSA,,,, skills allow you to do math if'n you wanna check my math.

And I do tend to think I spend too much time on VU. I can't imagine wanting to spend enough time to post an average of 23 per day. Holy fuck. But yeah, tell us again how Trump plays too much golf. At least he gets his old ass outside. That's a good thing.
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The Cromwell

I am a BOT
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One thing about it my posts are ALWAYS me and not someone else like some of Trumpy Bears tweets are.
LOL that is funny. Trumps fake tweets :)


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Ohh but he is Trumpy Bear and can do as he likes.

Hell yeah!
Reporters acting like they don’t know! So idiotic!
Off course they use that chopper and landing it at MAR A LAGOO!
That’s a better looking chopper compared to the marine 1!


The Cromwell

I am a BOT
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Hell yeah!
Reporters acting like they don’t know! So idiotic!
Off course they use that chopper and landing it at MAR A LAGOO!
That’s a better looking chopper compared to the marine 1!

Maybe his Fox friends?

The Cromwell

I am a BOT
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What's the use of being filthy rich if you cannot flaunt the rules and regulations?


Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
It is a flight violation pilot could and should have his license suspended.
But as I said rules are only there for the little people.

Parking violation. West Palm Beach does not control any air space. That's the FAA. The F stands for Federal for you menstrual members.

The story is about the landing pad use(parking) that West Palm Beach can control. Not air space. :rolleyes:
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The Cromwell

I am a BOT
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They are forbidden from landing in Palm beach except for Marine1, which was a special exemption.
Pilot can still be punished.

But I expect Trumpy Bear fanboys to stand up for ANYTHING Trumpo and his crew does.
Just shows that you really do not stand for much of anything except what Trumpy Bear wants.
Pretty much a worship thing.


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Member For 4 Years
They are forbidden from landing in Palm beach except for Marine1, which was a special exemption.
Pilot can still be punished.

Pure bullshit.

Landing pads are prohibited. Landing is not.

The pilot is free and clear. The only complaint is with Mar-a-lago and their use of the landing pad. Not the pilot. It's a city ordinance issue, not a fucking flight issue.

The area over Mar-a-lago will be a no flight zone because,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,President. That means the pilot had permision from the FAA to fly and land there. It has not a damn thing to do with the city.

Your blathering get more ridiculous every day. They are simply bitching about the use of the landing pad by Mar-a-lago. It has nothing to do with the fucking pilot.


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ERMAGERD! Parking violation!!!

The Cromwell

I am a BOT
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You trumpies are like silly little girls.
You know that if Obama had a helo illegally parked you would squeal for impeachment or the like.
Such blindly partisan sheeples.
Makes you look pretty pathetic.


Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Must blindly support the Trumpy Bear.

Not blindly.

Lower taxes, reduced illegal immigration, fewer regulations, improved economy and other yuge benifits vs Trump hates pets and a helocopter is parked at Mar-a-lago.

I'm supporting the benefits. You're bitching about bunnies, tweets and parking. :)


Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
You trumpies are like silly little girls.
You know that if Obama had a helo illegally parked you would squeal for impeachment or the like.
Such blindly partisan sheeples.
Makes you look pretty pathetic.

I bet you can't find one post from me bitching about Obama's golf, parking or other such trivial bullshit. You have 5000 + posts to go through. Good luck. :wait:


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All retail sales of cannabis are subject to an additional 15% excise tax.


The Cromwell

I am a BOT
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EJ I am going to leave you to babysit the spoiled children for a while.
Make sure they do not stick a fork in an electrical outlet.

The Cromwell

I am a BOT
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Member For 4 Years
Good night sir

ohh I am going to be around a while. I just tire of associating with such blatant sheeple creatures.
I have them on ignore and will not peek for a while :)

Little Timey will pipe in about my lying about having them on ignore or somesuch.
It is is way, maybe one day he will grow up and see a larger world.


VU Donator
Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
ohh I am going to be around a while. I just tire of associating with such blatant sheeple creatures.
I have them on ignore and will not peek for a while :)

Little Timey will pipe in about my lying about having them on ignore or somesuch.
It is is way, maybe one day he will grow up and see a larger world.

Noooooooooooooo time is not so bad compared to pulsevape! Did he pulsevape die? I don’t see him anymore?!



Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I don’t smoke untaxed Mary Jane.

'Atta boy ej!!!

And Gov. "Moonbeam" Brown will be happy to take yer cash and feed it to the Swamp... the cancerous unions,
The CA ANTI-VAPING campaign... and his stupid train to nowhere.....
He'll spend yer money everywhere except roads and bridges... as Cali continues to fall apart.

Oh and... I'm afraid 15% is just the beginning. The Cali liberal super-majority in both houses
sees marihooney users as the cure to the money problems they caused. Yer boys will have that tax up to 25% in no time.
...and it still won't be enough.
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