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You don't have to know my tax returns
Who cares I WON ALREADY!!
it's true though!! Foolzzzz‍♂️


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The only trump supporters I've seen make that face is you and nomind. The rest of us are still pleased Trump is President.
Another round of drinks!!!

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Biden is a real piece of shit, he's the primary architect of the legislation that we know as the war on drugs and still pushes it. He's also the piece of shit who back in 1995 is the architect of what we know now is the Patriot Act.

Fucking major Piece of Shit.
The only thing good about Joe the Biden are his off the cuff comments. - good for a laugh

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I know. Better than the original.

He has some bright, and gifted students, and he is in your backyard. Okeefe is from Ohio.
No shit! It's good to hear, I was afraid I left a town with a wealth of music and art and came to a musical wasteland.

The radio here has me more thankful for Pandora than I thought possible.

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I don't know how far you are from bigger towns like Toledo or Cleveland, but they usually have decent music and bands in larger cities.

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I don't know how far you are from bigger towns like Toledo or Cleveland, but they usually have decent music and bands in larger cities.
Yeah, Roger that.
Im 45minutes to an hour from Cleveland and about 30minutes from Akron.

Still a far cry from being 5 minutes from the French quarter or walking distance from a good club. Lol

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I'm an hour from fort wayne, and 1.5 hours from Toledo. Small town life here. This town got excited when DQ closed down, remodeled and reopened.

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I'm an hour from fort wayne, and 1.5 hours from Toledo. Small town life here. This town got excited when DQ closed down, remodeled and reopened.
Lmao!!! It's small town here, for sure.

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I'm an hour from fort wayne, and 1.5 hours from Toledo. Small town life here. This town got excited when DQ closed down, remodeled and reopened.
People around here fought tooth and nail to keep Starbucks out. We have a gas station, dollar general and one terrible restaurant. Well worth it for a little peace and quite.


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People around here fought tooth and nail to keep Starbucks out. We have a gas station, dollar general and one terrible restaurant. Well worth it for a little peace and quite.
We got one in our town a few years back. They bought the land, built a store, and closed it out in 6 months. No sales I guess. Now it's a Verizon store.


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We got one in our town a few years back. They bought the land, built a store, and closed it out in 6 months. No sales I guess. Now it's a Verizon store.

Never heard of a starbucks closing down. I spend part of my week in the D.C. / Metro area so I get my share of city living.
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