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When I saw him on stage at the acceptance party, where Trump was back slapping all his pals, I thought his kid acted like he was autistic.

He was acting strange, so I assumed that from the way he was acting.




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Just a few more hours...........then all the little pink snowflakes can throw themselves on the ground, arms and legs waving in the air, and start crying for somebody to comfort them. :tantrum: Kinda like helpless little babies.

Both sides have done nothing but bitch, cry, piss, winge and moan. As far as I'm concerned, its a fucking blizzard of sensitive "snowflakes" (god that term is so played and lame) and just like the real thing, I can't tell one from the other. IMO, anyone who hasn't seen through the bullshit and is still rallying behind either party is a dupe.


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I can't tell one from the other.

If you can't tell the difference, there is something wrong with you.

As the feeds below from Washington demonstrate, the violence is escalating in the form of clashes between protesters and D.C. police. Black-clad activists angry about U.S. President Donald Trump's inauguration have smashed store car windows and blocked traffic in Washington on Friday and fought with police in riot gear who responded with tear gas and stun grenades.

About 500 people, some wearing masks, marched through the city's downtown, using hammers to claw up chunks of pavement to smash the windows of a Bank of America branch and a McDonald's outlet

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Just want to share this

So on the way to the airport i had to take a shuttle. I was greeted by a older white gent inside. We made small talk and asked where i was going and he informed me that he was traveling to DC to protest the trump inauguration. I thought cool one of my people. Then we started talking about all the shit trump had said and so forth. I started to mention that he called my people rapists and criminals to wich the guy chimes in" well lets be honest most of you are"..... i was like did this fucker really just say that? Here this guy is about to go protest against hate and basically say fuck you to our next president when he him self just said something so idiotic! Spewing the same hate that he's protesting against. I guess i was wrong... I'm still kinda in shock that one of "my people" as i said earlier really wasn't. A lot of work needs to be done in this country and im not just gonna sit here and let it happen. Change starts with me. This was my welcome to the Trump Era....


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Borrowed from another member

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A Snowflake Manifesto by John Pavlovitz
"Snowflakes are fragile, temporary, inconsequential little things. They are delicate and brittle and quite harmless—on their own. But when they begin to attach to other snowflakes, they become stronger, more powerful. They become dangerous. They become a force of freakin’ nature.
Trump lovers like to call his detractors “snowflakes”, as if their feelings are a liability, their passions a reason for embarrassment, their grief a sign of weakness. (The attempted slur is especially ironic, given the absolute historic white fragility of the President-Elect, whose Twitter feed rings like the petulant cries of a perpetually offended middle schooler—but that is neither here nor there.)
Is that all you got?
I’ll take it.
As a guy who grew-up in Central New York, I spent my entire childhood watching lake-effect snow systems roll in and in the blink of any eye, quickly blanket everything in shimmering, frozen white. I marveled at their ferocity.
I’ve seen snow storms paralyze cities. I’ve seen them shut down entire parts of the country. I’ve seen them derail and disrupt everything. Snow storms alter the landscape. They stop traffic. They wreak havoc.
No, one snowflake isn’t likely to make an impact—but I’m betting 65,788,853 can.
I imagine that the shared strength of that many snowflakes is something to be reckoned with. In fact I’m certain that it is. I’ve already seen it happening in the weeks since November 8th; millions of good, compassionate, intelligent people connecting their individual, jagged, beauty into a glorious and forceful response to the hateful environment around them.
Right now a massive, diverse collection of Americans of every faith perspective, every political persuasion, and every walk of life are assembling, and this is why hope isn’t hard to come by these days—because I can feel the weather changing by the minute.
The current climate of bigotry will not stand, because we will alter it. We will change the weather.
We will not allow people to be vilified for their religious traditions.
We will not tolerate the civil rights of any group to be removed.
We will not be divided along lines of color, gender, religion, orientation, or politics.
We will not accept the physically and mentally ill to be left without healthcare.
We will not allow people of color to be discarded by those sworn to protect them.
We will not allow women to be devalued or overlooked with regard to pay, opportunity, or safety.
We will not tolerate elected officials whose allegiances are not with all those they represent.
This is simply the truth. This is the storm that’s gathering. This is the forecast for this nation.
So yes, feel free to call us snowflakes simply because we care deeply, because we feel fully, because we lament the bitterness we’re witnessing. We will gladly wear that title. We’ll revel in it as we gather together.
Because trust me, the coming days will be defined not by the hatred in this land, but by the fierce and loving avalanche that comes against it.
Hang on tight and gird your loins, Donald—winter is coming."


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So in your world, it's OK to physically assault someone because they hold views that you don't like?

I do however believe that he was or is in the employ of the DNC to discredit trump and his supporters. His well timed stunt was just a little to convenient and benifical to Hilary. Does that warrant a punch in the face? I don't know but I won't lie and say i didn't enjoy watching him get punched.

Btw - I'm no trump supporter but don't think they all deserve to be lumped in with white nationalist Because of the actions of a few idiots. Just like I don't like to be lumped in with Hilary supporters and democrats because I don't like trump.

Edit to add - if it had been, say, Hashim Nzinga who had been punched in the face and I made the comment, would you have replied the same?
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if it had been, say, Hashim Nzinga who had been punched in the face and I made the comment, would you have replied the same?
I don't know that much about Hashim Nzinga, but sucker-punching anyone who is conducting themselves peaceably is simply not acceptable to me. Heck, I would condemn that even if it was done to Stanton Glantz! ;)


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As a guy who grew-up in Central New York, I spent my entire childhood watching lake-effect snow systems roll in and in the blink of any eye, quickly blanket everything in shimmering, frozen white. I marveled at their ferocity.
I’ve seen snow storms paralyze cities. I’ve seen them shut down entire parts of the country. I’ve seen them derail and disrupt everything. Snow storms alter the landscape. They stop traffic. They wreak havoc.
No, one snowflake isn’t likely to make an impact—but I’m betting 65,788,853 can.
I imagine that the shared strength of that many snowflakes is something to be reckoned with. In fact I’m certain that it is. I’ve already seen it

Oh, a good snowstorm can shut down a city for a day or two. But when it's over, it doesn't look so good, just like a snowflake protest.The rest of the country moves right along despite the ugliness in the city.




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I don't know that much about Hashim Nzinga, but sucker-punching anyone who is conducting themselves peaceably is simply not acceptable to me. Heck, I would condemn that even if it was done to Stanton Glantz! ;)


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I think the president and the vp are not against women.... i like pence !

You know Pence's stand on vaping right. He is the one that made those outrageous laws in Indiana. The law that was that each ejuice manufactorer had to hire one specific security company to guard there building. I dont know all the details of it but he is no good. I think it was Indiana but i could be wrong. You can look it up. He he so anti vaping it aint funny. I hope he doesnt have any influence at the national level. He could single handly cripple the vaping industry.


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I think the president and the vp are not against women.... i like pence !

Pence would be more likeable to me if he wasn't anti vaping. He is an "establishment" good ol' boy bro. Indiana was investigated by the FBI because of the vape laws they passed, created a monopoly on security. The fuckers knew it, vape shops screamed it, it put vape shops out of business, and he and his cronies didn't care until the FBI stepped in.


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LOL. I watched Madonna, Judd and the rest of the little womins rantings yesterday. Not a single one of them mentioned vaping. I didn't see any pro vaping signs in the crowd.

I don't even know, why you and the others pay so much attention to what the liberals do.... you all sound and look butthurts than the others....
focus man,, trump is the president, be happy...


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I don't even know, why you and the others pay so much attention to what the liberals do.... you all sound and look butthurts than the others....
focus man,, trump is the president, be happy...

They can't be happy
It's the same nonsense as winning the lottery; and, bitching about the taxes, they would have to pay.

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Then you have your head in the wrong place. I have good reason to pay attention to what the liberals do.


Oh... please!!
Don't worry about the breaking and loitering
We tax payers will take care of it... sit back n enjoy the show

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Oh... please!!
Don't worry about the breaking and loitering
We tax payers will take of it... sit back n enjoy the show

Funny thing is watching the trump people continuing to bitch, complain and call people crybabies while they are crying

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Don't you have a Trump is Hitler meme handy?
Hahaha!!! There ya go, not shocked to see who is trying to stir hate speech.
Oh wait it's a trump supporter they are innocent of everything

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Damned it, you had so many others you could have used, That one, Well..... left you a bit.....short:teehee::teehee:

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Haha!!! Funny how the only people in this thread spreading any negativity or unhappiness is you.
But that's just my perception.
Everyone else seemed pretty light-hearted lately

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