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Remind me, what's it called when a person copies & pastes another person's writings without any attribution?

I had to do it this way to expose the stupidity of motherfuckers like you and the rest of the small brain redhaters... and white nationalist!
almost forgot!

You are always free to stay at the tpat thread, you don’t have to come here. I STARTED THIS THREAD
and you are free to get the fuck out... thank you!



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In 1931 a group of government and private experts were summoned to a congressional hearing to answer basic questions about the economy. It turned out they couldn't: the most recent data were for 1929, and they were rudimentary at that. In 1932, the last year of the Hoover Administration, the Senate asked the Commerce Department to prepare comprehensive estimates of the national income. Soon after, the department set a young economist by the name of Simon Kuznets to the task of developing a uniform set of national accounts. These became the prototype for what we now call the GDP.

As the thirties wore on, a new kind of economic-policy thinking started to take hold among some New Dealers. In their view the role of the federal government was not to coordinate industry or to prevent industrial concentrations, as the New Deal had initially done. Rather, the government should serve as a kind of financial carburetor to keep a rich mixture of spending power going into the engine, through deficits if necessary.

This theory is generally attributed to John Maynard Keynes, of course, but numerous New Dealers had earlier approximated it in an instinctive and practical way. Since Keynesian management worked through flows of money rather than through bureaucratized programs, the new national accounts were essential to it. The Nobel Prize-winner Robert Solow, of MIT, has called Kuznets's work the "anatomy" for Keynes's "physiology."

The two formally came together during the Second World War, and in the process the GNP became the primary scorecard for the nation's economic policy. The degree to which the GNP evolved as a war-planning tool is hard to exaggerate. Keynes himself played a central role in Britain's Treasury during both world wars. At the start of the second he co-authored a famous paper called "The National Income and Expenditure of the United Kingdom, and How to Pay for the War," which provided much conceptual groundwork for the GDP of today.



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First of all.... I didn’t say anything about corruption,2nd of all, do I know who the deep state are/is? NOPE! But,since small brainers believe in it,without knowing who they are, I’m gonna have to side with the imaginative figure on this one...I don’t know man, I feel like people need to embrace the deep state and normalize it, then when that happens, Alex jones and all the conspiracy conservatives small brains will just gonna create a new one to scare small brainers like you!
So when I say I LOVE THE DEEP STATE... what I’m actually saying is I LOVE THE USA!

nice try ! The deep state is exactly about corruption and elitism, it the individuals in power who abuse that power for their own gain like Finestien,Shummer, Comey Brennan , Strok and his mistress , polosi , Ohr ,Hillary and most all Obama leftovers .
People that think they decide who should be in power no matter what the people think . Treasonous criminals that steal from us is something you feel we should go with huh ?
You are beyond dumb , and would be the first one to jump on the free train ride to camp !
Idiot !

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Here’s a good article to read back in 1995 about the GNP/GDP.....please read it... this was during Clinton presidency....


The GDP is simply a gross measure of market activity, of money changing hands. It makes no distinction whatsoever between the desirable and the undesirable, or costs and gain. On top of that, it looks only at the portion of reality that economists choose to acknowledge--the part involved in monetary transactions. The crucial economic functions performed in the household and volunteer sectors go entirely unreckoned. As a result the GDPnot only masks the breakdown of the social structure and the natural habitat upon which the economy--and life itself--ultimately depend; worse, it actually portrays such breakdown as economic gain.

Yet our politicians, media, and economic commentators dutifully continue to trumpet the GDP figures as information of great portent. There have been questions regarding the accuracy of the numbers that compose the GDP, and some occasional tinkering at the edges. But there has been barely a stirring of curiosity regarding the premise that underlies its gross statistical summation. Whether from sincere conviction or from entrenched professional and financial interests, politicians, economists, and the rest have not been eager to see it changed.

HA HA how convenient that since Trump turned the number up for us all of a sudden.........its a meaningless measure . Why did we even have it in the first place ? Smh

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nice try ! The deep state is exactly about corruption and elitism, it the individuals in power who abuse that power for their own gain like Finestien,Shummer, Comey Brennan , Strok and his mistress , polosi , Ohr ,Hillary and most all Obama leftovers .
People that think they decide who should be in power no matter what the people think . Treasonous criminals that steal from us is something you feel we should go with huh ?
You are beyond dumb , and would be the first one to jump on the free train ride to camp !
Idiot !

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You damn right about everything you said....
So what do you call the people under the trump administration? HONEST PRO AMERICA?
Get the fuck out of here man! Wake up!



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There is an urgent need for new indicators of progress, geared to the economy that actually exists. We are members of Redefining Progress, a new organization whose purpose is to stimulate broad public debate over the nature of economic progress and the best means of attaining it. Accordingly, we have developed a new indicator ourselves, to show both that it can be done and what such an indicator would look like. This new scorecard invites a thorough rethinking of economic policy and its underlying premises. It suggests strongly that it is not the voters who are out of touch with reality.


another one we gotta change the rules ! Trumps making us look bad ! Ha HA !
You guys are funny what shit will they try to throw out next

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another one we gotta change the rules ! Trumps making us look bad ! Ha HA !
You guys are funny what shit will they try to throw out next

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I’m only responding to how our government use the GDP narrative for political advancement!
Democrats and republicans!



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Pretty much the same thing it seems.

I disagree, I think small brains are still capable of using whatever brain they have, the white nationalist have full functioning brain but don’t use it cuz they blinded by the white light!



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I don’t know..... but, it’s just good to know when talking heads like Arthur brag a meme that he doesn’t really know about! LIES

ha ha you are a funny guy ej ! You just answed the question he asked with I DONT KNOW ...............You know nothing .
Mr I love the deep state
Shut up dummy !

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The Cromwell

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Everything Demoncrats do = BAD
Everything that Rebuttlickens do =GOOD
Easy for small brains to figure out.

Just flop the flip the Good and BAD around and you have the other side small brians as well.
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Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Remind me, what's it called when a person copies & pastes another person's writings without any attribution?
let him go it makes him feel smart . The truth of things cannot be absorbed by the lib brain

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You damn right about everything you said....
So what do you call the people under the trump administration? HONEST PRO AMERICA?
Get the fuck out of here man! Wake up!

I'm woke I'm trying to wake you ! Trump may be a dick but he loves AMERICA and her people !!

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ha ha you are a funny guy ej ! You just answed the question he asked with I DONT KNOW ...............You know nothing .
Mr I love the deep state
Shut up dummy !

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Please explain the history of GDP



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Everything Demoncrats do = BAD
Everything that Rebuttlickens do =GOOD
Easy for small brains to figure out.
now come on crommie when bill Clinton wanted to kick out and stop illegals I was all for it .
Remember the soldier holding the M16 to the kid hiding in the closet sent that 10 year old right back to Cuba !

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Please explain the history of GDP

you already did that buddy ! Now explain how Obama had record unemployment away ,and the most people on food stamps ? And the loss of the middle class and more race riots since the 60s
Go !

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you already did that buddy ! Now explain how Obama had record unemployment away ,and the most people on food stamps ? And the loss of the middle class and more race riots since the 60s
Go !

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Stop posting stupid shit that you can’t prove, I still believe in you.... you’re not as dumb as the others sometimes!
I refused to answer lies!


The Cromwell

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A government photographer told investigators that he intentionally cropped photos of President Donald Trump's inauguration to remove empty space and make the audience look larger, according to newly released documents.

The admission, contained in newly-released records from a 2017 investigation, shed new light on what happened after the National Park Service shared a social media post comparing the crowds that attended the inaugurations of Trump and former President Barack Obama.
Trump claimed footage of the event did not jive with the number of people he saw from the stage. His then-press secretary, Sean Spicer, gathered reporters the following evening and claimed, "This was the largest audience to ever witness an inauguration -- period.


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A government photographer told investigators that he intentionally cropped photos of President Donald Trump's inauguration to remove empty space and make the audience look larger, according to newly released documents.

The admission, contained in newly-released records from a 2017 investigation, shed new light on what happened after the National Park Service shared a social media post comparing the crowds that attended the inaugurations of Trump and former President Barack Obama.
Trump claimed footage of the event did not jive with the number of people he saw from the stage. His then-press secretary, Sean Spicer, gathered reporters the following evening and claimed, "This was the largest audience to ever witness an inauguration -- period.
CNN breaking fake news

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Stop posting stupid shit that you can’t prove, I still believe in you.... you’re not as dumb as the others sometimes!
I refused to answer lies!

do you need me really to prove it ? You know its the truth !

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The Cromwell

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Can't use Google, it is biased against poor widdle everyones out to get me Trump.
According to trump.


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do you need me really to prove it ? You know its the truth !

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I don’t believe anything coming out of con Administration!!! Sorry, be stupid all you want!
Typical small brains


The Cromwell

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Apple Inc said on Friday that it had banned from its App Store the Infowars app belonging to popular U.S. conspiracy theorist Alex Jones after finding that it had violated the company's rules against "objectionable content".

The Cromwell

I am a BOT
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So trump is now a movie star too?

Filmmaker Michael Moore compares U.S. President Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler in his provocative new documentary, "Fahrenheit 11/9" that got its world premiere at the Toronto International Film Festival on Thursday to a sold-out audience.


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Apple Inc said on Friday that it had banned from its App Store the Infowars app belonging to popular U.S. conspiracy theorist Alex Jones after finding that it had violated the company's rules against "objectionable content".
you sound like a neo-nazi bobbie.


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So trump is now a movie star too?

Filmmaker Michael Moore compares U.S. President Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler in his provocative new documentary, "Fahrenheit 11/9" that got its world premiere at the Toronto International Film Festival on Thursday to a sold-out audience.
Michael Moore what a fat worthless hack !

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Apple Inc said on Friday that it had banned from its App Store the Infowars app belonging to popular U.S. conspiracy theorist Alex Jones after finding that it had violated the company's rules against "objectionable content".
what's with you.libs ?shouldn't you be outraged that his freedom of speech has been taken away ? That corporate America has censored him ?
Or is for only things you agree with ?
Talk about Hitler .......

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Add another to the Clinton body count

DISTURBING: Yesterday, DNC lawyers wrote in court filings that Joseph Mifsud “is missing and may be deceased”

Mifsud is a UK professor who reportedly told George Papadopoulos that Russia had “dirt” on Hillary Clinton.

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Much like football, this whole kneeling fiasco is a big waste of time. I'm just as offended by someone kneeling for the Oscar Myer wiener song. The flag is just another logo for what has become a giant, blood sucking corporation.


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Much like football, this whole kneeling fiasco is a big waste of time. I'm just as offended by someone kneeling for the Oscar Myer wiener song. The flag is just another logo for what has become a giant, blood sucking corporation.
That's because your a privliged idiot ,who has no clue to how lucky you are to live under the great flag ,it is a symbol of Freedom it is a symbol of the good we have done in the world , Many a man has died and suffered to keep that flag flying it is an important symbol that should be respected .

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