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have I gone off the deep's happened before.


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Member For 4 Years
I just got through building a magnectic stirrer, and I think the thing works great.....I try and mix everything except the nic base in it for about 1 l/2 hours, and then mix the nic basr in for another 1/2 hour..I try and fill the bottle I mix in to the top to keep as much air out as possible while mixing, because I don't want to oxidize the nic and get a peppery taste.
I also mix my nic bases to make sure the nic is evenly distrubuted.....lately I've benn thinking of mixing in a homemade vaccum chamber to keep out even more oxygen.....have I fallen over the edge into OCD land.


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oh fuck yes you are in ocd land now :) it would work,but you need to leave air in the canister.dam that anti-air ocd :)

thinking about it ,vacuum may be a faster way of mixing,if you can implement enough vacuum ??


Platinum Contributor
Vape Media
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oh fuck yes you are in ocd land now :) it would work,but you need to leave air in the canister.dam that anti-air ocd :)

thinking about it ,vacuum may be a faster way of mixing,if you can implement enough vacuum ??

make sure you get a shark, much more suction then a dyson


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
oh fuck yes you are in ocd land now :) it would work,but you need to leave air in the canister.dam that anti-air ocd :)

thinking about it ,vacuum may be a faster way of mixing,if you can implement enough vacuum ??
why would you need to leave air?


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you can take enough oxygen out of the chamber to drasticly reduce the process of oxidation of the nic.....?
yes & no it will be dependent upon how powerful of a pump you use .less power = less air in chamber


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Alright I wasn't going to do this but.... If you want to make sure it's blended. Vac purge that shit. Shake the shit out of it make sure there's headroom because it will expand. I do -29 for about a min. When done there is no strata of different viscosity. It's blended! This technique is used in the juice making industry to homogenize different blends of fruits and veggies. Apple, fruit punch, V8..... It's mixed air added. Then purged air out boom juice!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Oh cool! A whole new strata of trendy, anal retentive juice mixing!
I'ma get me one o' those new electron microscope nuclear steep time testers. :)

...'cause that shakin' the bottle technology is sooo last week. o_O
Some of us evolved into tool users ..and learned how to walk upright.really it's not all that involved.
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Alright I wasn't going to do this but.... If you want to make sure it's blended. Vac purge that shit. Shake the shit out of it make sure there's headroom because it will expand. I do -29 for about a min. When done there is no strata of different viscosity. It's blended! This technique is used in the juice making industry to homogenize different blends of fruits and veggies. Apple, fruit punch, V8..... It's mixed air added. Then purged air out boom juice!
brilliant dude....-29 how strong is that? I've seen guys making vaccum chambers for wood working that used little 10 dollar vaccum pumps, to guys who used carpet cleaners to degass silicone, to 2 hp you think you could get -29 with a carpet cleaner and and an inline shutoff valve.
My biggest concern and the reason I was thinking of mixing in a vaccum chamber is to mix the nic in well without oxidizing it.
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Oh cool! A whole new strata of trendy, anal retentive juice mixing!
I'ma get me one o' those new electron microscope nuclear steep time testers. :)

...'cause that shakin' the bottle technology is sooo last week. o_O
let me think "wine" is just a fancy french word for grapejuice.


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Pulsevape, I am with you, it was a little funny at first but this guy just continues to hammer the same jokes over and over again.

I keep hoping shark vape has something useful to contribute instead of just trolling, luckily there is an ignore function on this site and it is about to be used for the first time on this forum.


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I wasn't trying to shit on anyone's intellect:oops:
I had a hard time trying to mix a certain flavor one time:mad: I had a degassing chamber I used for silicone resin mold making:D this uses a two stage a/c vacuum pump;). I took pump off chamber made a new one out of pressure cooker and half inch thick piece of lexan for a cover. Two and two gave me a clue:). Gas instead of ass! It absolutely worked! Don't be hatin:cool:.


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all yall can hate on @Shark Vape all ya want, but he is funny and he has a point. The juice industry may use these methods, but why? becuase you cant achieve the same results another way? or is it more liekly easier to automate the process this way and more time efficient, meaning cheaper to produce?

weve been doing this from day one with shake and vape and steeping. Weve found simple ways to speed up the steep process.

now the OP's point is to avoid oxidation. I do not see the need.... the hours,or days before oxidation starts and becomes noticeable may be days or weeks after you have vaped the juice, unless you making industrial size gallons of a juice

the more important question to me is storing quantities of nic and preventing oxidation.

now on to using vacuums to mix juices. will it work? sure. will it be any better the steeping traditionally or shake and vape? maybe for some people. not everyone has the same ability to taste as others. Some people have extremely sensitive taste buds compared to the common person. And those people may actually be able to notice a slight difference in consistency of flavor. But I think the average person will not notice the difference.i t his faster then traditional steeping? sure, but we have simple tested ways to speed up steeping that dont require anything special or the knowledge to build this stuff, that works well for the average person.

is there a place for this vacuum process..sure if you want to do it
can some people have a little fun with this discussion? sure
but yall poked the deal with it.

to me this is an interesting a point...but it mainly seems like overkill


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
it's called exploration nothing ventured nothing for "traditional" methods of steeping...vaping has been around for less than a decade we haven't been around long enough to have habits much less traditions....there's lot of room tor growth...and inquery.vaping would be nowhere if people hadn't tried wierd vapers we get enough crap thrown at us for being wierd, do we really need other vapers doing the same shit.
As for storage I think one of the retailers..I wanna say nude nicotine is now selling large bottles of nic base with argon gas inside the bottle to push out air and increase the shelf life....obviously they are charging a bit more for this than their "traditional" bottles.
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im not knocking you fro exploring either was sharkvape imho at first, till ya poked the bear...but to paraphrase your thread title, you asked if you went off the deep end....and i think you may have in this case..I personally dont think anything mentioned so far is going to have a measurable and notable difference for teh average vaper but for industrial mixing purposes these ideas have merit, if one were going to MASS MASS produce eliquid


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If we haven't moved forward I'd still be vaping shit ass alkaloid juice. You remember the stuff from like 09-10. Gross! I'm glad somebody got the idea to add candy flavor extract. Or else you'd still be vapin poo.


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Oh cool! A whole new strata of trendy, anal retentive juice mixing!
I'ma get me one o' those new electron microscope nuclear steep time testers. :)

...'cause that shakin' the bottle technology is sooo last week. o_O
You keep shaking I'll keep vaping.


Member For 4 Years
it's called exploration nothing ventured nothing for "traditional" methods of steeping...vaping has been around for less than a decade we haven't been around long enough to have habits much less traditions....there's lot of room tor growth...and inquery.vaping would be nowhere if people hadn't tried wierd vapers we get enough crap thrown at us for being wierd, do we really need other vapers doing the same shit.
As for storage I think one of the retailers..I wanna say nude nicotine is now selling large bottles of nic base with argon gas inside the bottle to push out air and increase the shelf life....obviously they are charging a bit more for this than their "traditional" bottles.
Personally I do think it is an overkill to venture into the vacuum arena, but I have been interested and doing some research in magnetic stirrers and in particular, those which have a hot plate to slightly warm the mix while it is being stirred. This is the one that strikes my interest, but it is a bit pricy at $265.00.

Search for:
SCILOGEX MS-H280-Pro Circular-top LED Digital Magnetic Hotplate Stirrer with Temperature Control
on Amazon.

There are many others out there which are cheaper and some more expensive but I do like the concept. If you can make one yourself you might save a bunch of money. There are many ideas out there to build one for less than $30.00 but they might not look as pretty.

There are many folks who have done this DIY so it is certainly possible to build one inexpensively.
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ive taken to mixing my juice in 1 gallon paint cans and stopping over at lowes with them


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ive taken to mixing my juice in 1 gallon paint cans and stopping over at lowes with them

I saw a 5 pawns video on how they make there juice and if I remember correctly they mix into a 5 gallon bucket and use a paint style mixer like they have at Lowes. Those sick bastards shacked it more that twice though ;)


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i tape my bottles to my wheels,,and then drive down a bumpy gravel road real fast


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If you do not mix by weight.......
There's a newbie section around here somewhere that you belong. Not talking with the people who take it seriously. You've probably found some great tasting juices from Dkang and Seduce too. But when you become a real vapor/mixer you will find these do not hit the mark. Starting out is so much fun!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Personally I do think it is an overkill to venture into the vacuum arena, but I have been interested and doing some research in magnetic stirrers and in particular, those which have a hot plate to slightly warm the mix while it is being stirred. This is the one that strikes my interest, but it is a bit pricy at $265.00.

Search for:
SCILOGEX MS-H280-Pro Circular-top LED Digital Magnetic Hotplate Stirrer with Temperature Control
on Amazon.

There are many others out there which are cheaper and some more expensive but I do like the concept. If you can make one yourself you might save a bunch of money. There are many ideas out there to build one for less than $30.00 but they might not look as pretty.

There are many folks who have done this DIY so it is certainly possible to build one inexpensively.

yeah I built my own andwhen I want heat I just set it up under a heat lamp.


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If you do not mix by weight.......
There's a newbie section around here somewhere that you belong. Not talking with the people who take it seriously. You've probably found some great tasting juices from Dkang and Seduce too. But when you become a real vapor/mixer you will find these do not hit the mark. Starting out is so much fun!

so you are saying wehave to keep up with the jones or you are just plain ignorant

i've been at this longer then the majority here ,and i see no need to mix with a scale


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Other than consistency? What would we want that for. unfortunately that's the standard for accuracy. Other than that your a hacker. Sorry bro. I'd love to see someone make the same thing twice by eye. Don't forget about the meniscus line! Why do you think they list SG in the MSDS for your reading pleasure? I'm not saying anybody has to do anything. But if consistency is what your after. Measure by weight. I think anybody who has any experience would absolutely agree.
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Other than consistency? What would we want that for. unfortunately that's the standard for accuracy. Other than that your a hacker. Sorry bro. I'd love to see someone make the same thing twice by eye. Don't forget about the meniscus line! Why do you think they list SG in the MSDS for your reading pleasure? I'm not saying anybody has to do anything. But if consistency is what your after. Measure by weight. I think anybody who has any experience would absolutely agree.

yea,,who said anything about measuring by eye ?? WTF

i'e diy for over 4 years now and i can guarantee one thing ,nobody can tell the difference in a 1% +- fact !! anybody that thinks or says they can is a dam liar and can't be trusted


Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
yea,,who said anything about measuring by eye ?? WTF

i'e diy for over 4 years now and i can guarantee one thing ,nobody can tell the difference in a 1% +- fact !! anybody that thinks or says they can is a dam liar and can't be trusted

In an 8% mix of different flavorings, I disagree! I made a recipe the other day that called for 0.5% of a flavor, and I accidentally used 1.5% - totally different taste, and I'm far from a super taster:eek:


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In an 8% mix of different flavorings, I disagree! I made a recipe the other day that called for 0.5% of a flavor, and I accidentally used 1.5% - totally different taste, and I'm far from a super taster:eek:

guess i should have been a little more specific,

with the flavoring i use which is NOT FA
i only have one mix that uses more then one flavoring


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Oh I get it now. Well when your looking to make good juice hit me up. I'll show you how to stack many flavors. For this method it is absolutely necessary. In four years your still knocking at the door. Come on in and learn or move on and troll something else. And by no means is time a factor in ability. Creativity is in this instance. Look past the end of your nose.


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Oh I get it now. Well when your looking to make good juice hit me up. I'll show you how to stack many flavors. For this method it is absolutely necessary. In four years your still knocking at the door. Come on in and learn or move on and troll something else. And by no means is time a factor in ability. Creativity is in this instance. Look past the end of your nose.
ok that was just being arude condescending asshole. shut your face.

there is nothing wrong with 1 flavor juice and that does not make it inferior then multi flavored juices. It does not make you a better mixer or more creative. using multiple flavors versus his 1 flavor profile
you sir just pissed me off now. how dare you being so asinine


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Member For 4 Years
ok that was just being arude condescending asshole. shut your face.

there is nothing wrong with 1 flavor juice and that does not make it inferior then multi flavored juices. It does not make you a better mixer or more creative. using multiple flavors versus his 1 flavor profile
you sir just pissed me off now. how dare you being so asinine

There is a huge difference between weighing/measuring out 10 different flavors vs weighing/measuring one. I think that is the issue.


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There is a huge difference between weighing/measuring out 10 different flavors vs weighing/measuring one. I think that is the issue.
no that is not the issue. it is the reason exodus has no need to use a scale, but th epost by slsuh puppy was uncalled for rude condescending asanine ignorant,elitist and just wrong
he owes exodus an apology


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ok that was just being arude condescending asshole. shut your face.

there is nothing wrong with 1 flavor juice and that does not make it inferior then multi flavored juices. It does not make you a better mixer or more creative. using multiple flavors versus his 1 flavor profile
you sir just pissed me off now. how dare you being so asinine
If you gonna shout from the rooftops. Know your craft. And yes I am a very condescending asshole when someone starts talking shit. And then realize there way over their head. As apparently linear boy is doing right now. And yes one flavor juice is quite inferior. Wanna put it to a vote? How's that MBV treating ya. Apparently you can taste a 1% <> without having a discerning pallet. I didn't hear liar! So who's talking shit?

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