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have I gone off the deep's happened before.


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Are we seriously gonna let a DIY thread land in the Mud Pit? This is so not the aspect I'm used to in the DIY area. I'm not calling anyone out. Collectively, this thread got trashed. Calm down guys.


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hey huck if it need to go there send it there,
slush puppy with his elitist mentality started launching personal insults at me and exodus.


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Are we seriously gonna let a DIY thread land in the Mud Pit? This is so not the aspect I'm used to in the DIY area. I'm not calling anyone out. Collectively, this thread got trashed. Calm down guys.
what's all this mudpit crap we back to ECF standards of censorship.


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Mud Pit is made for mud slingin'. ECF standards? This would've been closed way before. Just a feeble attempt to get this back on track to your original topic. Do I want to move a thread there? No. It's not a threat, I'm actually trying to help.


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Mud Pit is made for mud slingin'. ECF standards? This would've been closed way before. Just a feeble attempt to get this back on track to your original topic. Do I want to move a thread there? No. It's not a threat, I'm actually trying to help.
I know you are Huck....and you are right people need to chilax.but christ are we going to go throwing everything in the mudpit everytime somebody gets a little heated?

TF Vaping

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Lmao elitism.

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I know you are Huck....and you are right people need to chilax.but christ are we going to go throwing everything in the mudpit everytime somebody gets a little heated?
Nope. A little heated is one thing. A good debate is just that, a good debate. Threads that invite people to be creative and think outside the box are exciting and encouraged. It's when the name calling and trash talking get started over differing opinions, well, we have an area specifically for that.


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all yall can hate on @Shark Vape all ya want, but he is funny and he has a point. The juice industry may use these methods, but why? becuase you cant achieve the same results another way? or is it more liekly easier to automate the process this way and more time efficient, meaning cheaper to produce?

weve been doing this from day one with shake and vape and steeping. Weve found simple ways to speed up the steep process.

now the OP's point is to avoid oxidation. I do not see the need.... the hours,or days before oxidation starts and becomes noticeable may be days or weeks after you have vaped the juice, unless you making industrial size gallons of a juice

the more important question to me is storing quantities of nic and preventing oxidation.

now on to using vacuums to mix juices. will it work? sure. will it be any better the steeping traditionally or shake and vape? maybe for some people. not everyone has the same ability to taste as others. Some people have extremely sensitive taste buds compared to the common person. And those people may actually be able to notice a slight difference in consistency of flavor. But I think the average person will not notice the difference.i t his faster then traditional steeping? sure, but we have simple tested ways to speed up steeping that dont require anything special or the knowledge to build this stuff, that works well for the average person.

is there a place for this vacuum process..sure if you want to do it
can some people have a little fun with this discussion? sure
but yall poked the deal with it.

to me this is an interesting a point...but it mainly seems like overkill
Obviously a fan of a slinger. And if it's two or more flavors that aren't shaken to by hand its just too toity for ya! But yeah I'm the one who's an immature asshole right? Enjoy the technology as it advances and you just watch.


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Nope. A little heated is one thing. A good debate is just that, a good debate. Threads that invite people to be creative and think outside the box are exciting and encouraged. It's when the name calling and trash talking get started over differing opinions, well, we have an area specifically for that.
I think you're headed down a slippery slope....ECF tried this and now they're history.....they had the "outside", but it didn't work.


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hey huck if it need to go there send it there,
slush puppy with his elitist mentality started launching personal insults at me and exodus.
You're starting to sound like a child...yeah slush was being a bit of a prick, but why not try and diffuse the situation rather than look for blood.....looking for blood is OK when it comes to polotics...but this is vaping....


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@Shark Vape you CRACK ME UP! Really though I was kidding about using a centrifuge, I used to do phlebotomy several years ago and it just popped into my head

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What an interesting thread! Seems I have stumbled here where ALL the experts and perfectionists reside. I am a new diy'er and have been really enjoying mixing various recipes and putting my money into flavors and supplies rather than into premium juices. I enjoy reading about new methods and techniques as to further my knowledge and my taste buds! Hats off to the innovators and truly creative minds on this forum!
I posted in the recipe help section a last week and have had no replies and thou it may be out of place here, with ALL of the respected people following this thread why not!!! I am trying to replicate Teardrips Pearamel. I am close but I am trying to figure out how to get the taste of a burnt sugar!!! I don't even know the proper term for what I am seeking so play nice. is it a creme brulea? (spell checker is confused on that one)
didn't mean to hijack your discussion, just looking for some ideas!


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This is not the place for ideas. Someone already has a flavorant that is spot on to paeramel. Just the one flavor and shake is all you need. But WHEN the search fails for that flavor. You may try brown sugar extra. It kills coils but may lend that dark sugar/molasses flavor.


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Better grammar means better insult delivery ,and why are you still so obsessed with the mg\ml rating ,its really not rocket science,in fact it is not worthy of acknowledgement .
Other than a weight to volume calc.
dude you fired the first punch in this by saying your elitist statement about mixing by weight. exodus called you out on that elitist statement. I agree with him. using flavors that require 8+% to taste it. if you are off by 1 % most people will not notice it or CANT notice it. Now if your off by 1% on an FA flavor well yeah even exodus admitted you can notice that

Im sure there are some select people who can taste the miniscule difference in flavors. they can taste a difference between .5% FA caramel and .6% Fa caramel, bu tthey ar enot the average person.

So get off your high horse.
And people can mix just as precisely using a syringe or beaker etc as anyone can by weight. dont be jelly of their skills, scientists do it all day long.

you are the one with the personal attacks and elitist mentality.
scientist use the ISU. This is done by atomic weight. All the syringes doctors fill are weighed medicine per ml. And unless your firing your syringe into a tadpole. There is room for variance when someone weighs more than three pounds. ISU stands for International aka worldwide standard of measure in atomic weight. Ever heard of a mole? Or molarity? Not the ones in the ground. Lol use google to help you out. That's why a 250ml 100 mg/ml bottle is twice as strong as a 250ml 50mg/ml. Get it now? Same volumetric measure however. Hmmmm. I guess I still can't see a reason to weigh shit though.
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I posted in the recipe help section a last week and have had no replies and thou it may be out of place here, with ALL of the respected people following this thread why not!!! I am trying to replicate Teardrips Pearamel. I am close but I am trying to figure out how to get the taste of a burnt sugar!!! I don't even know the proper term for what I am seeking so play nice. is it a creme brulea? (spell checker is confused on that one)
didn't mean to hijack your discussion, just looking for some ideas!
What an interesting thing here, I searched for you and guess what I came across...

#1 by atssec97, wednesday, 00:19
My son in law asked me about this juice and this was the only reference I could find! Made a small 10ml batch and it was good, flavors were not very strong so I upped the percentages to 4,4,8 and 2 respectively! After a 3 to 4 day natural steep this is spot on!!!
Thanks for sharing! If you have not tried this juice give it a shot!! Very Very Good Vape!!
*Source of quote:
By golly it looks like you found it and were so impressed by it that you said it was SPOT ON, my guess is you did find your recipe.


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This is not the place for ideas. Someone already has a flavorant that is spot on to paeramel. Just the one flavor and shake is all you need. But WHEN the search fails for that flavor. You may try brown sugar extra. It kills coils but may lend that dark sugar/molasses flavor.

Thanks Slush! Honestly was just trying to lighten the mood here. Seems silly to me for grown folks sitting in front of a computer, phone etc. hurling insults at one another. Just saying! This is a great forum and I for one enjoy all of the different ideas and methods one can explore here. Kinda partial to the shake weight method! Hope all have a wonderful day!!


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What an interesting thing here, I searched for you and guess what I came across...

*Source of quote:
By golly it looks like you found it and were so impressed by it that you said it was SPOT ON, my guess is you did find your recipe.
Yes sir I did in fact! Son in law says its really good!! I couldn't find anything here on VU so I posted in the request thread. I do want too try the Brown sugar in that recipe and see how it changes it! Thanks!!


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Other than a weight to volume calc.

scientist use the ISU. This is done by atomic weight. All the syringes doctors fill are weighed medicine per ml. And unless your firing your syringe into a tadpole. There is room for variance when someone weighs more than three pounds. ISU stands for International aka worldwide standard of measure in atomic weight. Ever heard of a mole? Or molarity? Not the ones in the ground. Lol use google to help you out. That's why a 250ml 100 mg/ml bottle is twice as strong as a 250ml 50mg/ml. Get it now? Same volumetric measure however. Hmmmm. I guess I still can't see a reason to weigh shit though.

the price of tea in china is what ??

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