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How would you handle an underage vapor?


Bronze Contributor
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So this morning on my way into work I noticed a teenager waiting at the bus stop with a mod in his hands blowing clouds! I wish I kinda had the balls to stop and say something. Granted i don't know this kid and if I did I would have said something. I feel like this is a bad look for the vaping community. Yes yes a lot of us were smoking cigs when we were underage. But I like vaping way more than I ever liked smoking. Wanted to hear thoughts from the community.


Diamond Contributor
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Personally if I had my hands on the parents name and address I'd take a cell phone picture of the bus stop shenanigans and send them the picture asking if they knew what their minor child was up to. But that's just me:)


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How would you have felt if some old yelled at you about smoking when you were a smoking kid? At least he's not smoking. I thought vaping was safe?
Basically I'd say mind your own business.


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does the difference of nic or no nic juice come into play here??
I dont have any issue with no nic juice...
Kinda like the difference of drinking a coke and drinking a rum n coke...


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Heh, nic is probably the safest thing we vape. The volume of flavorings is probably the worst.

Tim Vatic

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Ants are always posting stats on how many teenagers 14 and up have tried vaping....bla bla bla. Its just another stab at trying to make vaping look bad to the general public. I'd say compare those stats with the amount of teenagers ( same age ) who tried smoking in the early 90's. I'm willing to bet that the stats are not that far off.. I know several parents that have bought e cigs for their teenagers when they caught them smoking. I have a 20 year old daughter and I knew she smoked when she was 16, I smelled smoke on her. I asked her why she smoked and she said she liked to blow smoke rings. I got her an Ego kit with no nicotine juice and made her promise not to smoke anymore and she hasn't.....I hope...:D She graduated with a 3.8GPA and now she's off to College. Even tho there is no law in most states. Every shop that I've been in wont sell an e cig to a minor on principal. If a teenager wants an e cig, they're gonna get their hands on one tho. We got our hands on stuff we weren't allowed to have when we were teenagers. Technology improves but history repeats itself fellas.


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maybe he was 19 . sometimes kids look real young to some of us older folks


It's VG/PG not PG/VG
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How would you react if he was smoking instead?
Personally I wouldn't get bothered with it because I don't know him and he is not my problem.
Even if you did confront him he would probably laugh or tell you to fuck off.


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Nic is addicting and we're talking about minors here.
Nic is safe. Was he really a minor? Is it right to tell off kids who are on Ritalin or anti depressants? Which are far worse and more addictive....and more used.
I think people should mind their own business when it comes to other people doing things they don't approve of.

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Diamond Contributor
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I don't know...the only thing that belongs in your lungs is air....I wish to God somebody had broke one of my fingers when I started smoking....I caught my younger brother smoking when he was about 13 I took him out back and forced him to smoke half a pack of cigs in one this day he thanks me for doing cured him of ever using tobacco.I also don't approve of antidepressants ...I've never met an addict of any drug who thought his drug was harmless.

Tim Vatic

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I don't know...the only thing that belongs in your lungs is air....I wish to God somebody had broke one of my fingers when I started smoking....I caught my younger brother smoking when he was about 13 I took him out back and forced him to smoke half a pack of cigs in one this day he thanks me for doing cured him of ever using tobacco.I also don't approve of antidepressants ...I've never met an addict of any drug who thought his drug was harmless.

I have, there's an entire culture formed around them.....they're called "stoners" Even music dedicated to said specific drug. Its most likely about to be or already is legal in your state.

(Staff removed , breaks VU drug reference rules)
sorry!!! Didn't mean to break any rules!! and FYI, I'm not one of said "hippie/stoner/ types..not that there's anything wrong with them, 90% of them are passive as all get out. It just aint my style and besides,... I gotta keep what brain cells I got left intact and getting along. :D
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I have, there's an entire culture formed around them.....they're called "stoners" Even music dedicated to said specific drug. Its most likely about to be or already is legal in your state.

(removed by Staff)
They're still around........I thought that went out with leg warmers and coffee enemas.
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Nic is safe. Was he really a minor? Is it right to tell off kids who are on Ritalin or anti depressants? Which are far worse and more addictive....and more used.
I think people should mind their own business when it comes to other people doing things they don't approve of.

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I didn't say anything about "telling kids off" my comment was hinting that maybe the PARENTS would want to know what was happening at the bus stop, and being at the BUS STOP should be a hint as to roughly how old cloud kid is :)


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I didn't say anything about "telling kids off" my comment was hinting that maybe the PARENTS would want to know what was happening at the bus stop, and being at the BUS STOP should be a hint as to roughly how old cloud kid is :)
Because only minors ride the bus?

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Diamond Contributor
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Percentages are in favor of minors riding on school buses, I'd wonder if there were any that were riding that bus that weren't, but that's a different topic, have a terrific day Cra Cra


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I treat underage vaping the same way I treat underage smoking.

My opinion on whether vaping is better, not better and etc does not matter. It will not be socially acceptable to vape under the age of 18, just like smoking.

So, personally, if I didn't know the kid I would just go about my business. Just like I would if he/she was smoking. If I did know the kid, I might confront him/her, tell parents, or do nothing depending on the kid. Just like smoking.

That is all.


Platinum Contributor
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Percentages are in favor of minors riding on school buses, I'd wonder if there were any that were riding that bus that weren't, but that's a different topic, have a terrific day Cra Cra

Was it a school bus? The OP only said "bus stop".


Diamond Contributor
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I know right? some how we are now talking about a school bus (post # 17) , go figure (rolls eyes)



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Percentages are in favor of minors riding on school buses, I'd wonder if there were any that were riding that bus that weren't, but that's a different topic, have a terrific day Cra Cra
I didn't see anything about it being a school bus, but maybe my reading comprehension is bad........Nope, it just said bus stop.
Percentages are in favor of less minors on public buses.
You have a great day too whi whi.

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I know right? some how we are now talking about a school bus (post # 17) , go figure (rolls eyes)

You are the only one talking about a school bus. That's how somehow WE (you) are talking about school busses


Diamond Contributor
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Really? Tell that to a cancer patient whose life was saved by drugs.

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Sure no problem point me in their direction. you are being purposely obtuse and know full well we are talking about recreatiocanl drug use.
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Sure no problem point me in their direction. you are being purposely obtuse and know full well we are talking about recreatiocanl drug use.
So when people say obtuse things and I call them out I'm the one being obtuse??? I must be so obtuse that I'm missing it.

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I have, there's an entire culture formed around them.....they're called "stoners" Even music dedicated to said specific drug. Its most likely about to be or already is legal in your state.

(Removed by staff)
(Staff removed drug reference)
is not addictive, and is non carcinogenic. Stop beleiving the propaganda.

Really? Tell that to a cancer patient whose life was saved by drugs.

Like (Staff removed drug reference), as it is the most potent anti cancer agent that science has ever found, and it doesn't damage the host cells, unlike chemo which kills you along with the cancer.

(Sorry for the topic whiskey, but I hate propaganda!!!)
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Cannabis is not addictive, and is non carcinogenic. Stop beleiving the propaganda.

Like cannabis, as it is the most potent anti cancer agent that science has ever found, and it doesn't damage the host cells, unlike chemo which kills you along with the cancer.

(Sorry for the topic whisky, but I hate propaganda!!!)
Yeah all that is true, it's medicinal uses seem well a point there is research that points to the fact that is may be addictive..personally I could care less what people do ...I just found it to be a banal pastime.I always enjoyed other...."things"...much more.


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Psychological dependency, perhaps. Physical, no way... Unless the study happened to be funded by the us drag czar, or council for drug control policy, or the dea or Leo who depend on the drug war money.


Diamond Contributor
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Psychological dependency, perhaps. Physical, no way... Unless the study happened to be funded by the us drag czar, or council for drug control policy, or the dea or Leo who depend on the drug war money.
Like I said I always found it to be a banal sort of substance, so I didn't really delve into the research, but prolonged use affected some sections of the brain....who knows...even the traditonal cultures that have used it have never indulged in it to the extent moderen America has nor bred it to the level of potency we have. so who knows.we all tell ourselves our vices are harmless.


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It follows the same rationale as people whom are against sub ohming. Its more potent, therefore it must be worse for us.

Difference is, with vaping we really don't know. Canna has been around for thousands of years, and the only victims have been those related to prohibition.

Kinda fucked that a kid could get caught with residue, and have his college funding yanked and be discriminated against for the rest of his life.

The policy is infinitely more harmful than the plant ever was, or ever will be. Uncle Sam (and uncle Stevie are some lying cocksuckers.
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Diamond Contributor
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It's a hard one...neither side is open to any other idea or information other than what they want to hear....I have no dog in the fight,and as you say it's been around for thousands of years and yet it is not used in any culture really except by fringe groups within the culture.


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They found it with the mummies when they went into the pyramids, the Chinese have documented its use for about 3000 years, rastafari's, mexico...

The only reason its used by fringe groups is because the us government waged an all out international war on a plant that grows naturally, spreading fear and propaganda across the globe. They pushed their will onto other countries and cultures and essentially told the world that if they didn't fall in line that they'd end up as an enemy of the USA. So, we ended up with what essentially amounted to a world wide ban, and the incarceration (or execution) of anyone who didn't follow their new rules.

It was probably the most widely used plant ever for not only its obvious recreational reasons, but medicinal, and fiber, fuel, etc.

Watch the film "Hemp for war" distributed by the us government, which forced farmers to grow it to aid in the war effort.

The first automobiles didn't run on gasoline or diesel, they ran on ethanol produced from hemp. Henry Ford had acres upon acres of the stuff.

Another interesting factoid. Anything that burns releases co2. Plants absorb co2 as they grow and release oxygen. Grow more than you burn, and you literally improve the air quality. Also, the problem we all have with petroleum based plastics was solved before petroleum based plastics were even invented. The model t had plastic panels, made from hemp, and they were 100% biodegradable. Only now do we see some plant based plastics popping up, and even then they're like 30% plant and 70% petroleum.

Did you know that the us government holds a patent on the use of (Staff removed) to treat a wide variety of ailments? Patent 6630507. They lie to us out of one side of their mouths, while simultaniously cornering the market out of the other.

I've done the research, honestly, and could literally go on for days.
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Bronze Contributor
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Was it a school bus? The OP only said "bus stop".
Yes it was a school bus stop. Sorry for not clarifying that. Back pack on, hanging with other high schoolers and everything. Couldn't have been older than 15-16 tops!

If I knew the kid I would have said something to his folks and let them handle it from there. Being that I didn't know the kid, let buygons be buygons.

I have to agree with some of the folks here its going to be taboo for anyone underage to be vaping same as smoking. Maybe it was 0 nic but then why bring it to school where there is a chance for it to be taken away? Just leave it in the house.
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(Staff removed drug reference) is not addictive, and is non carcinogenic. Stop beleiving the propaganda.

Like (Staff removed drug reference), as it is the most potent anti cancer agent that science has ever found, and it doesn't damage the host cells, unlike chemo which kills you along with the cancer.

(Sorry for the topic whiskey, but I hate propaganda!!!)
sorry but it is not the only choice google cuba cancer cure and see what you get. our government dont want us to know about this . they have been using this drug for 25 years and it has cured lung cancer and other types of cancer


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
sorry but it is not the only choice google cuba cancer cure and see what you get. our government dont want us to know about this . they have been using this drug for 25 years and it has cured lung cancer and other types of cancer

I see your point and understand the different views, I'm not the government, I am Staff on an E-cigarette forum just doing my job, take a few breaths and count to 10, that always works for me:)


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I see your point and understand the different views, I'm not the government, I am Staff on an E-cigarette forum just doing my job, take a few breaths and count to 10, that always works for me:)
this has nothing to do with you ,its the us government and it is not an illegal drug


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its a cure for cancer that is not (Staff removed drug reference)
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Diamond Contributor
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wow lung cancer is the fourth leading cause of death in Cuba.......I say we get over there with a boatlaod of gear and make up some Havan NETs..we'll make a fortune.

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