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I Hate Old People

robot zombie

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Which side are you cheering for?
Please be specific when answering...Thanks.
Obviously, the side I belong to. I'm not a masochist (though it could be argued that to even root for either side is masochistic.) Part of me wants one of the youngins to step up and say some really profound shit that puts everyone in their place. Some genuine "mouth of babes" shit.

Though if I'm to be completely honest, I don't care at this point. I don't think that either side is up to it. You all suck equally, albeit for different reasons.


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Obviously, the side I belong to. I'm not a masochist (though it could be argued that to even root for either side is masochistic.) Part of me wants one of the youngins to step up and say some really profound shit that puts everyone in their place. Some genuine "mouth of babes" shit.

Though if I'm to be completely honest, I don't care at this point. I don't think that either side is up to it. You all suck equally, albeit for different reasons.
Don`t bother..
If one single trait I could change in my life`s journey, would be to listen better than I speak..
make sense?

robot zombie

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Member For 4 Years
Don`t bother..
If one single trait I could change in my life`s journey, would be to listen better than I speak..
make sense?
Don't mistake my detachment for indifference. I don't take what I say as seriously as I seem to. I listen more than I let on. I think it's very important that one understands what people are saying and where they are coming from if one wants their words to connect. I started this conversation on the inside. At some point, I realized that I was missing something crucial, so now I'm trying to take a step back and see it through a different lens. That's why I'm not making any real comments anymore. I don't want to interfere, nor do I wish to be involved. I said what I wanted to say, now I'm trying to figure out what the other side wanted to say. I'm thinking it might be too late for that at this point, though.

Unfortunately, all I'm seeing is a bunch of nonsense. Just a buncha people wasting each other's time.

I'm not on guyakaguy's side, if anyone's wondering. He's in a league of his own.

robot zombie

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Is 48 old?...
If I woke up tomorrow and I was 48, I'd probably be feeling pretty old. But that's because I'm 25.

Do you feel old? Not just physically, but mentally, emotionally, and spiritually... much would you say you have learned at this point in your life? Do you feel like you "get it" yet?


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If I woke up tomorrow and I was 48, I'd probably be feeling pretty old. But that's because I'm 25.

Do you feel old? Not just physically, but mentally, emotionally, and spiritually... much would you say you have learned at this point in your life? Do you feel like you "get it" yet?
Well..crap..hang on a second because I just let the tank run dry and had the most hideous hit of all time!..


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Physically, yes a little, I feel beat up a little for only being 48, but I used to work my ass off , meaning used and abused my body to make a living in my younger years. (age 19-30)
Emotionally..I have agreat job now and a family...not as close knit as I feel (it should be)...I love them (wife and kids) more than anything and am proud that I can, and I am a good provider..
Spirititually.. I feel that things that have played out in my life`s journey give me faith...a true understanding of something greater than what many will ever be capable of taking a grasp..that is unfair to say, but just a feeling..
Do I `Get It`..sort of..raising my son and daughter to carry one another and have respected...?


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Don't mistake my detachment for indifference. I don't take what I say as seriously as I seem to. I listen more than I let on. I think it's very important that one understands what people are saying and where they are coming from if one wants their words to connect. I started this conversation on the inside. At some point, I realized that I was missing something crucial, so now I'm trying to take a step back and see it through a different lens. That's why I'm not making any real comments anymore. I don't want to interfere, nor do I wish to be involved. I said what I wanted to say, now I'm trying to figure out what the other side wanted to say. I'm thinking it might be too late for that at this point, though.

Unfortunately, all I'm seeing is a bunch of nonsense. Just a buncha people wasting each other's time.

I'm not on guyakaguy's side, if anyone's wondering. He's in a league of his own.

What do you think your missing something crucial about?

guy would have been fine if he had not misrepresented what had been said. I don't bother with civil discussions at that point.


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Physically, yes a little, I feel beat up a little for only being 48, but I used to work my ass off , meaning used and abused my body to make a living in my younger years. (age 19-30)
Emotionally..I have agreat job now and a family...not as close knit as I feel (it should be)...I love them (wife and kids) more than anything and am proud that I can, and I am a good provider..
Spirititually.. I feel that things that have played out in my life`s journey give me faith...a true understanding of something greater than what many will ever be capable of taking a grasp..that is unfair to say, but just a feeling..
Do I `Get It`..sort of..raising my son and daughter to carry one another and have respected...?

I'm 48 and yeah, it's old. lol

For what it's worth though, I felt old at 22.


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I'm 48 and yeah, it's old. lol

For what it's worth though, I felt old at 22.
I remember as a kid and the neighbors father was 40!! that sounded ancient!..
I never started to feel old..untill a few years ago when my vision started to fade (close up) ..
This past summer I traded some stuff for a dirt bike...that experience was a wake up call that age 48 was way different from 18..
I`m not quite ready to throw in the towell...
What are these youngster`s doing dissing their elders?


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Goddamn. RZ What are you doing here?

Old People. I am now one. Don't worry, if you're lucky, it will happen to you too!

Here are the words to live by:

Don't Be A Pussy

OMG!! Hypnophone to the rescue!
serious brothers let`s tune out...


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I remember as a kid and the neighbors father was 40!! that sounded ancient!..
I never started to feel old..untill a few years ago when my vision started to fade (close up) ..
This past summer I traded some stuff for a dirt bike...that experience was a wake up call that age 48 was way different from 18..
I`m not quite ready to throw in the towell...
What are these youngster`s doing dissing their elders?

After Desert Storm I had health issues. My grandpa, in his mid seventies, asked about them one day. I said well, I'm stiff everyday, my joints hurt, I'm always tired, I sleep 12-14 hours and a few other things. My grandpa was unimpressed. He said, "Hell, I feel like that every day." I told him, I realize that grandpa but I'm 22 years old. He said that I have a point. That's when I knew I was old, lol.

I'm doing good. Rode my Harley to Florida from Idaho and back this fall. The world doesn't look to be going in a good direction so I'm getting back in shape. It hurts more now than it used to but I'm up to 4.5 miles running. By spring I'll be fit. At least, fit for an oldish dude with a body that always hurts.


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After Desert Storm I had health issues. My grandpa, in his mid seventies, asked about them one day. I said well, I'm stiff everyday, my joints hurt, I'm always tired, I sleep 12-14 hours and a few other things. My grandpa was unimpressed. He said, "Hell, I feel like that every day." I told him, I realize that grandpa but I'm 22 years old. He said that I have a point. That's when I knew I was old, lol.

I'm doing good. Rode my Harley to Florida from Idaho and back this fall. The world doesn't look to be going in a good direction so I'm getting back in shape. It hurts more now than it used to but I'm up to 4.5 miles running. By spring I'll be fit. At least, fit for an oldish dude with a body that always hurts.
stop moving,'ll stop moving..

robot zombie

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Physically, yes a little, I feel beat up a little for only being 48, but I used to work my ass off , meaning used and abused my body to make a living in my younger years. (age 19-30)
Emotionally..I have agreat job now and a family...not as close knit as I feel (it should be)...I love them (wife and kids) more than anything and am proud that I can, and I am a good provider..
Spirititually.. I feel that things that have played out in my life`s journey give me faith...a true understanding of something greater than what many will ever be capable of taking a grasp..that is unfair to say, but just a feeling..
Do I `Get It`..sort of..raising my son and daughter to carry one another and have respected...?
Sounds like you've still got a lot of livin' to do, then. Perhaps now, more than ever.

If "old" is defined by how close you are to the end of your life, then I'd say you're still a ways away from being truly old. But what the hell do I know about being old? Maybe someone older than me or you (or me AND you) would have more to say about it. Such a weasely thing, this word 'old' is. It makes the subject hard to broach. Everyone's arguing for their 'old' your 'old' my 'old'. I think its much easier to define what it means to be young, which is strange considering that there doesn't seem to be a clear threshold for when you stop being young.

I don't think 48 is that old. I'm still trying to wrap my head around where a quarter of my life has gone... ...not to mention how much further I have to go.

What do you think your missing something crucial about?
Mostly that I don't know what its like to have been there, to have lived another 3-4 decades. I feel like there's a clear disparity between my understanding of what it means to live and grow and that of people who have been at it for much longer. I caught a glimpse of my own ass and didn't recognize it. That's all. Some of the reactions I got made that, if only that, crystal clear to me. Got me thinking maybe I didn't know as much as thought I did, and that maybe the scope of my experiences was narrower than it looks from where I'm at. The world inside oneself always seems so big until you start playing the "Let's compare worldviews" game.

guy would have been fine if he had not misrepresented what had been said. I don't bother with civil discussions at that point.
Yeah, its understandable. I think guy was just looking for a new crusade. He just wanted a new bone to pick and he made that much clearer as time went on. He just wants to fight the good fight, as they say.

For what it's worth though, I felt old at 22.
See, now that's interesting to me. I did too. I think when you first start truly experiencing life, there's a special form of burnout that occurs as the child inside you is put to bed. It's easy to become a bit disheartened and therefor hardened when you start realizing that you don't own your life and that many of the things that happen to you as an adult are beyond your control, just as they were when you were still living at home. That being said, I'm facing tougher challenges than ever now, at the age of 25, and I'm feeling adventurous about it. I think at some point, you just gotta nut-up and dive in... ...stop searching for answers and let them come to you - get excited about the shit you don't know. Once you do that, shit gets a lot easier to wrap your head around.

Goddamn. RZ What are you doing here?
Even I don't know. You old fucks just keep drawing me back in. Mostly its because it gets me thinking about things I otherwise wouldn't. I'm enjoying it.

Here are the words to live by:
Don't Be A Pussy
Well, yeah... ...that should be obvious...'d think. Having fear isn't an option when life is scarier than it is perilous. If you want to truly live, then you have to experience pain. And one day, you'll even die! Them's the going rates for livin'.

I guess I'm just a dumb kid for even bothering with these thoughts. Can't help it sometimes. At the end of the day, I'm still a kid. I'm okay with that though!


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I looked at your stats/page..whatever..Time, thank you for your service..I did not join when a few friends did..
we are the same age, so I know where you are coming from..


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I wish I'd have spent my early/mid-twenties spouting off shit as profound as @robot zombie - instead for the large part I was the libtard tilting at a windmill guarded by an army of conservatards, as our other friend here got caught up doing. Then I became a stepdad with a toddler to raise and got old really quick...


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I never joined because stepfather once told me...never sign do that and they own you..
Scared me off...
Current day, his time and sacrifice the government takes care of him well....


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getting back to old people and hating on them...


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Mostly that I don't know what its like to have been there, to have lived another 3-4 decades. I feel like there's a clear disparity between my understanding of what it means to live and grow and that of people who have been at it for much longer. I caught a glimpse of my own ass and didn't recognize it. That's all. Some of the reactions I got made that, if only that, crystal clear to me. Got me thinking maybe I didn't know as much as thought I did, and that maybe the scope of my experiences was narrower than it looks from where I'm at. The world inside oneself always seems so big until you start playing the "Let's compare worldviews" game.

About the only thing I can tell you is that the saying, "If i knew then what I know now,,,,,,,,,," is legit. And I'm still learning.


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I never joined because stepfather once told me...never sign do that and they own you..
Scared me off...
Current day, his time and sacrifice the government takes care of him well....

I can't complain too much,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,now. It was rough for awhile.


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all I can say, as I get older, ...going to be sure and keep my ass washed up, clean shaved and shit, hopefully not smell too bad...
be friendly to the next generation...(te,he,he,he,..they will get old too..te,he,he,he)..
and leave here with some dignity..hope it is a long time from now


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Thanks. But in all honesty, I wouldn't do it again. Not for other people in other countries. That would be an interesting thread, lol.
Still, thank you. I had a big post typed out as to why I respect the military but still feel I made the right decision in not choosing to serve, but to avoid further feather-ruffling I'll settle on "thank you."


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Thanks. But in all honesty, I wouldn't do it again. Not for other people in other countries. That would be an interesting thread, lol.
Interesting thread indeed...
It`s never for nothing though..that you can be sure of, and something I`m damn proud of...thank you


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Probably because it's self-explanatory. I could always be evil and change it to a shortlink and edit your post to eliminate the evidence, but I'm not going to get my flashy badges ripped for post-tampering over an ass hair joke...and everyone would see what I did anyway.

robot zombie

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I wish I'd have spent my early/mid-twenties spouting off shit as profound as @robot zombie - instead for the large part I was the libtard tilting at a windmill guarded by an army of conservatards, as our other friend here got caught up doing. Then I became a stepdad with a toddler to raise and got old really quick...
Thanks for saying so! I really do put a lot of effort into getting the thoughts out, though honestly, I feel like I'm probably not any better or worse off for it. It's easy to say the things I'm saying and make the connections. I'm just spinning my wheels and rambling on like I've got something to say, much like the armchair political analysts you describe yourself and others as having been. These little endeavors in observation that we all go on being what they are, I try not to get too attached to my views. I maintain the belief that my thoughts and observations do not implicitly belong to me. They're just passing through.

To think it was anything more than a crazy ride I'm on would be something akin to discovering a vast continent and declaring that it was mine simply because I found it. We all know how that goes... ...the only thing more powerful and fearsome than an idea or observation is the ego that sees fit to try and take ownership of it.

Perhaps that's why I've never been much of an ideologue or a politically-oriented thinker - not in the typical sense, anyway. I often devote myself to reading as deeply into things as I can, but at the end of the day, I still don't take myself all that seriously for doing so. I've never seen fit to claim to know what's right or what the truth is simply because I ask big questions. There's no higher purpose behind it. I merely seek to ask them for the sake of doing so, because it interests me.

One day, much like you have, I will likely either tire of these thoughts or simply run out of room to have them in my life. I don't fear it. I've got the sneaking suspicion that not all that much will change about who I am as a person, not in any way that wasn't inevitable to begin with, at least...

And oooooo! You reminded me of a J.D. Sallinger quote that I've always been fond of: "The mark of the immature man is that he wants to die nobly for a cause, while the mark of the mature man is that he wants to live humbly for one."

That line has always resonated with me. It's such a beautiful notion, one that I thinks rings true for you, as well. To trade in your ideological guns for the boots of a father is very noble and undoubtedly much more worthwhile, even if there's no glory in it.

getting back to old people and hating on them...
Aren't we past that by now? I thought we were talking about life and shit, now... ...and lizards... ...and batman.

About the only thing I can tell you is that the saying, "If i knew then what I know now,,,,,,,,,," is legit. And I'm still learning.
Yeah, it seems that we're simply wired to have that experience over and over again. I like to think that regret is a counterbalance to our innate forgetfulness. I find that I'm learning, as I grow older, the difference between conceptual humility and genuine, earned humility. Sometimes it isn't enough to listen and have an open mind... take the tales of others' hard-earned life experiences to heart and react to situations accordingly. You can understand it all perfectly well, but the reality doesn't fully become a piece of your puzzle until you actually go out there and make the mistakes.

And even then, there are some lessons that need to be re-learned periodically.

To me, that's the difference between being mature/self-actualized and simply being old. I don't think the two are mutually exclusive. The chances are higher that if you live to be old, that you'll be wiser for it, but its not a given. It is entirely possible to live by wisdom that you yourself do not truly possess or simply aren't aware of and thus can't benefit from. I suppose that's the real danger in living vicariously through others.
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Down into the deepest depths RZ...
that`s where we are driven to....shaved butts and all...other may decide to be stinky in old age..
not me..I want to go out smelling fresh...clean
logging out now, and have no clue why I`m up at near 4 AM..?????


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o_O;),,nevermind wink, wink, nudge, nudge, ..I could aways use a big hug...! really I could..
Obviously, the side I belong to. I'm not a masochist (though it could be argued that to even root for either side is masochistic.) Part of me wants one of the youngins to step up and say some really profound shit that puts everyone in their place. Some genuine "mouth of babes" shit.

Though if I'm to be completely honest, I don't care at this point. I don't think that either side is up to it. You all suck equally, albeit for different reasons.
So you're still straddling the fence...Gotcha.


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Goddamn. RZ What are you doing here?

Old People. I am now one. Don't worry, if you're lucky, it will happen to you too!

Here are the words to live by:

Don't Be A Pussy

Actually I think John Mellencamp said it best when he said "Growing old ain't for pussies"


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Mostly that I don't know what its like to have been there, to have lived another 3-4 decades. I feel like there's a clear disparity between my understanding of what it means to live and grow and that of people who have been at it for much longer.
Easy way to find out is to actually LIVE & GROW.
Lots of people have lived in interesting times few can say they lived interesting lives.


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Easy way to find out is to actually LIVE & GROW.
Lots of people have lived in interesting times few can say they lived interesting lives.
true words....thinking wieghty thought and reading dusty tomes, is a circle jerk.......for the most part.

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Diamond Contributor
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Actually I think John Mellencamp said it best when he said "Growing old ain't for pussies"



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and..I didn`t mean to keep my butt meant my face hairs...and kind of a challenge anymore to keep the EAR HAIRS trimmed..
whats up with that..more freakin` hair growing out of my ears these days...??

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