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Dental-Health Connection Summit​
Hi Jimi,

This is your last chance to unlock these COMPLIMENTARY gifts from Shivan Sarna about integrative strategies for optimizing your oral and overall health! Add them to your virtual medicine cabinet to learn at your own pace!

+ 10 Signs Your Mouth Could Be Making You Sick eGuide
+ 11 Types of Shoddy Dentistry & Mouth Splinters eGuide
+ Homemade Healthy Mouth eGuide
+ 3 Interview Transcripts from the Dental-Health Connection Summit

—>> Unlock these 4 healthy eBooks (and others below) now!

I encourage you to do so. When you do, you ALSO UNLOCK a ton of other free resources from last week’s Dental-Health Connection Summit, including:

+ 3 eBooks from other health experts (titles below!)
+ 22 incredible expert talks this weekend
+ 23 expert masterclasses this weekend
+ It’s encore week (and weekend) at the Dental-Health Connection Summit!

You can start reading (and downloading) these eBooks now:
+ Let’s “Talk” About Oral Health eBook from HealthMeans
+ Essential Oils for Pain and Inflammation & Remedy Guide from Dr. Eric Zielinski
+ 101 Natural Health Remedies Secrets eBook from 365 Daily Health
These assets are all about giving you knowledge about good health.
—> Click here to unlock the eBooks (and reserve your seat) for the encore of the Dental-Health Connection Summit!

Then, this weekend (starting at 10 am US Eastern on Saturday) find time to attend Encore Weekend at the Dental-Health Connection Summit and discover the relationship between your oral and systemic health, as well as strategies to help you start healing your mouth right away to promote health and well-being throughout your body.

Take advantage of this health information by clicking the link below:
—> Unlock your complimentary eBooks today and then join me this weekend for the encore of this important health event!

Your Partner in Health,

Dr. Leigh Erin Connealy

P.S. I encourage you to find time in your schedule to download these eBooks ASAP, since they disappear once the event ends, then learn from 2-3 of the “featured” talks this weekend — you’ll see how incredible this event truly is!​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Think about all the problems that arise from just one bill getting lost in the mail. Your power could get turned off, you might lose your Wi-Fi for a while and be unable to work, it could even end up affecting your credit. There are so many issues that can result from just one message not getting where it needed to go.
Now, imagine that process happening inside your body. And imagine that for every message that wasn’t properly delivered, another gets thrown off course. That is hormone imbalance in a nutshell.
In this episode of The Dhru Purohit Podcast, Dhru takes a deep dive into the topic of hormonal imbalances with Dr. Sara Gottfried, along with what you can do to get them back on track.


Gold Contributor
Member For 2 Years
That's just crazy and sick to pick up that kinda attitude, very sad to see this happenin
Yeah, here the media and gov like iv said before is turning people against each other. Constantly hearing them telling us to dob on others. People are shaming others by taking photos or videos of people supposedly doing the wrong thing and posting them online or sending it to the police. Someone last week spotted a former PM here talking to someone without a mask on so filmed it and sent it to the police and media. He actually got fined. How pathetic.
Im hearing too of people who purchased a car from another towns dealership and have those number plate frames with the car dealerships name on it. They are getting abused for being from another town and being told in words I wont repeat to go back to where they are from. When in fact they are from the town they are being abused in.
I used to love going shopping and to other bigger towns to look at stuff, I now loathe when we need to shop and have no desire at all now to go to the bigger places like Bendigo or Ballarat. My misses is the same now, she was a real people person, now she says she doesn't want to go anywhere other than with me fishing or bushwalking.
There are still nice people around but unfortunately every time your out you meet or are experiencing this new type that the media and gov have created.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Yeah, here the media and gov like iv said before is turning people against each other. Constantly hearing them telling us to dob on others. People are shaming others by taking photos or videos of people supposedly doing the wrong thing and posting them online or sending it to the police. Someone last week spotted a former PM here talking to someone without a mask on so filmed it and sent it to the police and media. He actually got fined. How pathetic.
Im hearing too of people who purchased a car from another towns dealership and have those number plate frames with the car dealerships name on it. They are getting abused for being from another town and being told in words I wont repeat to go back to where they are from. When in fact they are from the town they are being abused in.
I used to love going shopping and to other bigger towns to look at stuff, I now loathe when we need to shop and have no desire at all now to go to the bigger places like Bendigo or Ballarat. My misses is the same now, she was a real people person, now she says she doesn't want to go anywhere other than with me fishing or bushwalking.
There are still nice people around but unfortunately every time your out you meet or are experiencing this new type that the media and gov have created.
That IS truly sad my friend :confused: :confused:


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
WOW, what a first day!

The feedback is already pouring into my inbox from today’s incredible workshop where I shared the first of 3 keys needed to create LASTING sugar freedom.

Thank you to each and every one of you who were able to join live and dive into the incredible conversion today.

Did you miss the live workshop today? Or perhaps you want to watch it again to get even more out of everything I shared.

Not to worry, I recorded it just for you!

Come on over here to our main hub page for this entire weekend.

You’ll find each of the recordings as they become available each day as well as your workbook to download and start working through if you haven’t already.

And, as promised, I have some BIG things coming in tomorrow’s workshop.

Tomorrow’s workshop will be the most powerful and eye opening of them all.

So, you won’t want to miss this one LIVE at 12 PM PDT (3PM Eastern). Keep an eye in your inbox for your 1 hour reminder and Zoom link.

We’ll be working through some eye opening questions and begin to take action during the workshop which is why it will be key to be there live with us if you can make it happen.

Thank you again for an incredible first day today and I can’t wait to see you tomorrow.

Love & Light,


Quit Sugar Summit Co-Host & Sugar Freedom Coach

P.s. Did you miss today’s live workshop? Aww shucks! But not to worry, I’ve recorded it for you and you can catch the replay right now over on this page.

Be sure to watch today’s video BEFORE we go live tomorrow as each one builds on the last in an important way.


Diamond Contributor
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Remember in 2019 when Fauci said that masking and social distancing for viruses was “paranoia,” urging healthy eating and exercise instead?​



Diamond Contributor
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FACT CHECK: At least HALF of all “covid hospitalizations” are just meaningless asymptomatic “cases”​



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Walgreens security breach leaked millions of patients’ covid test data to hackers, including your birthday and home address​

This vaccine pushin outfit deserves to be sued for this


Gold Contributor
Member For 2 Years
Hey @Jimi how about some recent health advice from Circus Oz.
Did I show you this vax beer graph before from our leader? Might have but its still stupid enough to get a second showing 🤣
People who are vaxxed can now have picnics in groups of 5 and remove their masks to eat and drink. But...if you want to drink an alcoholic beverage at the picnic you must leave your mask on, insert a straw up under the mask and then you can proceed to drink it. :crazy:


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hey @Jimi how about some recent health advice from Circus Oz.
Did I show you this vax beer graph before from our leader? Might have but its still stupid enough to get a second showing 🤣
View attachment 186284
People who are vaxxed can now have picnics in groups of 5 and remove their masks to eat and drink. But...if you want to drink an alcoholic beverage at the picnic you must leave your mask on, insert a straw up under the mask and then you can proceed to drink it. :crazy:
View attachment 186286
Yes crazy what "they" come up with, I sure am gettin a completely different opinion of OZ. How did these people get in power :tantrum:


Diamond Contributor
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Vaccine mandates ‘potentially harmful, damaging act,’ physician says​



Diamond Contributor
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Your Daily Motivation​


Dealing with things out of your control is unbelievably frustrating. But you do have control over the way you respond to what is happening.

You have control over what you do with your feelings. Practice acceptance. It isn't easy, but it's a much better alternative than constantly resisting the situation and staying angry.

Be in the present moment and maintain your connection to your inner power. This will help you create the headspace to make better decisions.

Stop obsessing over what you can't change. Focus on what you can do to make things better.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

CDC: Adult Obesity Rates on Rise​



Diamond Contributor
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*-- Tips for Tackling Fall Allergies --*

First things first, check your weather daily. The weather channel or their website will tell you the pollen count for your area based on your zip code. If it's really high, make sure to restrict what you're doing outside. If you want to go out, try to do it in the middle of the day when the pollen levels are at their lowest. If you have to go out at other times of the day, when you get home, make sure to put your clothes in the washer and take a shower to make sure that any pollen attached to you won't spread in your home.

If you have a pet, make sure to bathe them or at least rinse them off, more often to make sure they're not spreading pollen in the house.

Make sure to vacuum your floors regularly. This will help remove any allergens that may be trapped inside your home. If possible, get a vacuum with a double-sealed HEPA filter. This will prevent the dirt and allergens from being blown back out into your environment if they get trapped into the vacuum.

This is a no brainer. Make sure to change your furnace and air conditioning filters every 3 months (or as directed by the brand you're using). Take the time to clean the furnace and air conditioner at the end of each season as well if possible. HEPA filters are great, they can remove at least 99% of pollen from the air in your home. HEPA filters are not cheap, but depending on what you need for your home, there are some alternatives for less expensive prices. Check with your local hardware store for best comparisons.

Run an air purifier during peak allergy months (or all year long if you or someone in your house has more severe breathing issues, or if you just want to). This will help to circulate any pollen out of the air that may be brought into your home, as well as pet dander, mold spores and even dust.

Keep in mind there is medication you can take to help alleviate these symptoms and the ideas above are really for people who prefer not to take the medication and want to find a more natural way to handle the allergies.

It may seem like a lot of this is "Stay Indoors" but honestly, that's not the case. Below are some facts that can help you to determine the best time to be out and about during this season!

- Rain washes pollen away, but remember that pollen counts can soar after a rainfall, so watch the counts, but enjoy the wash away while it lasts!

- On a day with no wind, airborne allergens are grounded so breathing is easier for you!

- Ragweed pollen, a huge culprit of allergies, as well as tree and grass pollen thrive during cool nights and warm days. So remember that if the temperature stays cool the next day, allergies are going to be easier to deal with!

- Sometimes bonfires, or even fireplaces, can cause allergies due to the pollen being attached to the wood. However if you stay out of the direct smoke from the fire and in the opposite direction of the wind, you should be able to enjoy a bonfire during the fall months!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Ari Whitten

Dear Friends,

Today I welcome best-selling author and the creator of the Energy Blueprint as well as the breathing for energy program, Ari Whitten. Ari is here today to discuss general fatigue and energy enhancement through breath-work. He’ll go into adrenal fatigue and why you might not be able to find the answers you’re looking for. Could proper breathing be the answer?​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Happy Friday Jimi!
Today I'm sharing a "Chris Beat Cancer Classic," my interview with the incomparable Ruth Heidrich, PhD.
Ruth is the winner of more than 900 trophies, 6 Ironman Triathlons, 8 Senior Olympics Gold Medals, and 67 marathons including Boston, New York, Moscow and The Great Wall of China.
She is a World Fitness Record holder and was named “One of the Ten Fittest Women in North America”.
She's the author of six books...
And ALL of these accomplishments occurred AFTER Ruth healed stage IV breast cancer in 1982 with a plant-based diet.
Today she’s 85.
And she's outlived her oncologist by 35 years!
Incredible lady = Incredible interview.
Prepare to be inspired!
Watch our interview here
To your life and health!


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Member For 5 Years
Dear Jimi,
It’s not too late for you to add your name to the growing list of signatures calling for an investigation into the CDC and FDA. It’s more important than ever, on the heels of the White House calling for illegal, unnecessary and unethical medical mandates across the U.S. Join more than 62,000 Americans by signing the official online petition, this willful misconduct by agencies charged with guarding public health paved the way for massive collateral damage and destruction in America and beyond.
Oregon Senators Filed a Grand Jury Petition for Investigation into CDC and FDA.
Our aim is also to help replicate this grand jury effort as a template for leaders across other states. We need to hold public health agencies accountable to ensure data integrity for national health policies is reliable and does not inflict greater harm than good on our nation.
If you would like to help us launch an investigation in your state, contact our team by emailing [email protected] with “Grand Jury” in the subject line so we can assist you and connect you with others taking a stand in your state!
Thank you all for your incredible support!
Sayer Ji
Founder of
Co-founder of Stand for Health Freedom


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How to Reverse Premature Aging and Enhance Longevity

Brian Vaszily has been a prominent leader, researcher, and advocate in natural health and wellness for over 20 years.

He’s the founder of The Art of Anti-Aging, whose mission is to empower people with the most effective evidence-based natural solutions to look and feel their best, avoid and overcome disease, and live long doing it.

Brian is also founder of Purity Woods, one of the world’s only providers of premier-quality and fully USDA Certified Organic anti-aging skincare products.

This interview covers:

  • The 2 biggest enemies that cause premature aging
  • How to live healthier with more vitality at any age
  • The most deadly thing to know about the cosmetics going on your skin
  • The most largest and most important organ in your body which is the frontline to your immune system
  • The #1 thing to look for in your cosmetic products (Fragrance - could be any of 4k chemicals)
  • The top actions you can take today to stop premature aging today
  • And more!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hey friend,
It's no surprise that we live in an increasingly toxic world.
But did you know that over 80,000 chemicals contaminate the air, water and food supply?
(Many of them have NEVER been tested to find out the effects of long term exposure in humans.)
Here are the top 10 toxins that we're exposed to on a daily basis...
  1. Alcohol
  2. Tobacco smoke
  3. Prescription and OTC medications
  4. Artificial sweeteners
  5. Dental fillings (mercury is a toxic heavy metal!)
  6. Bisphenol A (found in water bottles and food storage containers)
  7. Artificial fragrance (3,000 chemicals in this category!)
  8. Teflon (from anti-stain coatings on furniture and carpets)
  9. Air pollution (indoor and outdoor)
  10. Pesticides (RoundUp is the worst and it's everywhere!!)
>> Discover 10 Toxin-Fighting Remedies
Do you know who's responsible for neutralizing all these toxins so that they don't kill you?
That's the job of your liver!
Which is why most people are walking around with a compromised liver that's been beat up by working overtime... for decades... without a break!
Why this is a big deal is because poor liver function can increase the risk of many diseases like:
  • Autoimmune disorders (Hashimoto's, lupus, MS, etc)
  • Cancer
  • Dementia
  • Diabetes
  • Heart problems
  • Hormone imbalances
  • Thyroid problems
  • Skin issues
This is why it's more important than ever to learn how you can...
>> Regenerate Your Liver
That's the latest eBook by my friend Jonathan Landsman, creator of NaturalHealth365 - one of the most popular natural health websites in the world.
Inside you'll find 10 powerful, all-natural remedies that can help you save your distressed liver... and your health!
Get it now and give your liver a much-needed break.
Dr. Brian Mowll
The Diabetes Coach™
Master Diabetes Educator
IFM-Certified Functional Medicine Practitioner
PS When you receive this eBook you'll also get a free spot to Jonathan Landsman's Fatty Liver Docu-Class. For the first time ever, Jonathan has brought together 33 of the world's brightest minds to tackle the Fatty Liver epidemic that now affects 1 in 3 people.
Get your free gift to learn more!



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The second live workshop for the three part workshop series: the 3 Keys to Sugar Freedom Workshop is starting in a few minutes at the top of the hour (noon PDT / 3 PM Eastern).

If you haven't registered yet, you can do that now and hop right into the live call.

Register here.

If you HAVE registered, but don't feel searching around your inbox to find your Zoom link (like me :)...

just re-register HERE, and join the call:


Love & Light,



Diamond Contributor
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SPIKE PROTEIN SYNDROME: WebMD Covid vaccine complaint board plastered with horrific descriptions of sustained critical injuries from toxic clot shots​



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Same ivermectin that US government doesn’t want Americans to receive is saving lives across India​



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TOTAL FRAUD: CDC allows hospitals to classify dead vaccinated people as “unvaccinated deaths”​



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Nearly all covid cases at public high schools occurring in “fully vaccinated” students​



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STUDY: Delta variant could become completely immune to all existing vaccines​



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Dr. David Brownstein, M.D., writes:

Researchers looked at 11 studies of blueberries, including those conducted with children and those with adults. The scientists reported in the Journals of Gerontology that blueberry ingestion improved cognitive functions including delayed memory and executive function in children.

In older healthy and mildly cognitively impaired adults, it improved delayed memory, executive function, and psychomotor function. Executive function refers to skills such as paying attention, organizing, planning, and prioritizing, as well as starting and completing tasks and regulating emotions.

Special: Doctor's Simple Solution for Age-Related 'Brain Drain'

Studies have also shown that blueberry intake reduces the risk of diabetes, cancer, heart disease, and cognitive decline.

Blueberries contain flavonoids. There are more than 6,000 types of flavonoids, and blueberries contain many different kinds. Scientists think that may be why they are so beneficial.

Blueberries aid memory better than any pharmaceutical product on the market. The medicines prescribed for cognitive problems such as in Alzheimer’s disease are a disaster; they simply do not work. Furthermore, they are too expensive and are associated with serious adverse health effects.

To avoid cognitive decline and to treat brain issues, my advice is to eat a whole food diet free of refined sugar, flour, salt, and oils.

And eat flavonoid-containing foods like blueberries on a daily basis. Your brain will appreciate it.

Dr. David Brownstein, M.D., editor of the Natural Way to Health newsletter, is a board-certified family physician and one of the nation’s foremost practitioners of holistic medicine. In addition to his practice, Dr. Brownstein has lectured internationally to physicians and is the author of six very popular books.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,
Yes, I share a lot of educational events. Please explore these opportunities to see what supports your health journey. Every day is a chance to live better.

>> Click here to check out the Gratitude Builds Fortitude Summit – Growing Resilience with Autoimmune Disease.

It is not easy to navigate a health issue for weeks, months and years. Even if you’re steadily improving, one setback can feel like you’ve lost all momentum.
If you have an autoimmune condition or chronic illness and have “stalled” on your healing journey… I want you to know that gratitude is a powerful way to build fortitude and tenacity.
The Gratitude Builds Fortitude Summit is your opportunity to connect with some of the greatest female autoimmune and mindset doctors, health coaches and experts.
These 30 women are today’s biggest industry leaders, and they know the power of gratitude and mindset when it comes to nutrition, trauma, stress, fitness and healing.
The truth is that fortitude and the deep self-worth needed to rally through a long health journey does not happen with typical motivational techniques or gimmicks.
When you join this event, you will discover:
  • How to activate your attitude of gratitude and the science behind how gratitude rewires your brain… especially when you’re fatigued, in pain and even angry at God.

  • How to eliminate the blocks to true healing and self-worth especially during the times of stress, uncertainty and depression.

  • Why gratitude is more than mindset and how to get started with a mindfulness practice so that you can live more authentically and purposefully when you feel “stuck” in an unhealthy body.

  • How to rediscover your passion for family, food, and fun, so that you can live a full and abundant life when everything seems to be changing around you.

  • How to unleash your inner fortitude and resilience so that you can get out of the funk and rise up from adversity.

>> Please join the Gratitude Builds Fortitude SummitGrowing Resilience with Autoimmune Disease!

It’s ALWAYS time to give your body, mind and spirit a little positivity boost.
To your health,
Dr. Tom O'Bryan

PS – The Gratitude Builds Fortitude Summit is taking place online and FREE beginning Monday, September 27. Click here to attend as my guest.


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Get Proven Solutions to Protect Your Health and Family From the Dangerous Effects of 5G, EMFs and Electropollution


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Your Daily Motivation​


There will always be some people who will find a way to put you down. They will make rude and hurtful comments on who you are and what you do.

But don't let these petty, cruel people have any power over you. Ignore them. Don't give toxic people any space in your mind or life. They don't matter.

People who talk behind your back aren’t important in your life. Remember, there are decent people in this world who will have your back and make you feel loved.

Just try to be a good person and do what you think is right.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Professors are forcing healthy students to take COVID shots. But can they answer any of these questions?​



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Jordan’s story speaks to the heart of much of our suffering.

We seek ways to numb the pain and look for “band-aid” solutions outside of ourselves to fix us and make us whole, only to come up empty.

What started off with a prescription for Zoloft for an eating disorder as a child, eventually led to the doubling of her medication after a diagnosis of postpartum depression following the birth of her second child.

“I was also going through a lot of family mom and I no longer was just, for me, it was a lot to deal with.”

“Even though I said ok, let me just get through this dark hole that I feel like I’m in every day...something felt wrong.”

It was then that Jordan saw an article featuring a friend of hers and our Vital Mind Reset program, and decided to reach out.

Over the course of the next few weeks, Jordan got a chance to go inward and say "yes" to herself, to honor her own feelings, body, and needs. That’s when she discovered that healing is an inside job.

“It was the best decision I’ve ever made. I know that I am the greatest healer for myself. And I will take care of myself from this day on.”

“I’m just so truly grateful to have had this opportunity, and to be able to share this journey with others, and I hope they’ll take this journey as well.”

“Because you deserve it. We all do.”

Yours in transformation,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Time-Restricted Eating Can Benefit Anyone

By Dr. Oz and Dr. Roizen, MDs

Time travel that lets you zip ahead 1,000 years to see what's going to happen in the future is a concept that's fascinated everyone from H.G. Wells, who wrote "The Time Machine" in 1895, to Stephen Hawking, who wrote about it in his posthumously published book, "Brief Answers to the Big Questions."

But it's only recently that people have been talking about the far-reaching possibilities of time restriction — as in time-restricted eating (TRE).

Special: Top Surgeon Explains: How to Properly Speed Up Your Metabolism

Dr. Mike set out the guidelines for TRE in his book "What to Eat When": Eat when the sun is up, have most calories before 3 p.m., and confine eating to nine to 12 hours a day.

A new study on mice now delves into differences in TRE's benefits for males and females (prior lab studies were only of male mice).

In a study published by the journal Cell Reports, researchers found that TRE has significant benefits for people young and old, male and female. The benefits include protection against fatty liver disease, prediabetes and diabetes, and infectious diseases and sepsis, which is a life-threatening response to infection.

For males, TRE also helps with managing weight, preserving and adding muscle mass, and muscle performance, no matter what their age.

For women to gain the weight-managing benefits of TRE, they should try adding another 30 minutes of exercise or strength training five days a week.

If you're interested in trying TRE, remember time-restricted doesn't mean that what you eat is unrestricted. It's still essential to stick with a plant-based diet; animal protein as a side, not an entree; and healthy fats from olive oil, avocados, walnuts, and salmon.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
As I’ve been working on my own health optimization this year, I’m tuning into my body’s balance between the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system.

We’re all dealing with stress, and our gears get stuck in the sympathetic’s fight-or-flight all too easily…

I’ve been fascinated with improving my body’s ability to not only switch out of my sympathetic nervous system to help with relaxation and sleep … but I’ve also been learning about the parasympathetic nervous system’s big driver: our vagus nerve and a thing called vagal tone.

Vagal tone is is the ability of the ventral vagus nerve to regulate the heart beat. It is referred to in medical literature as “cardiac vagal tone.”

Higher vagal tone means that the body can return to a calm state quickly after a stressful experience ends.

Higher vagal tone does not mean a person will be less activated by stressful events, but that they will recover more easily after safety is restored.

People with low vagal tone do not recover as quickly after safety is restored. If you have low vagal tone, you may feel stuck in high or low activation for a long time after a stressful incident has ended, or even flip-flop between those two up and down states.

Nervous system dysregulation (poor vagal tone) has been linked to gut issues including leaky gut, dysbiosis and SIBO.

Vagal tone is affected by a number of different factors but it is IMPOSSIBLE to optimize your vagus nerve function, and therefore your gut, without addressing psychoenergetic healing.

My friend Dr Eva Detko has designed a 3-part FREE video masterclass in which she teaches about the role of psychoenergetics in health and disease…

And how you can address the different psychoenergetic factors to deepen your healing; fascinating stuff!

Sign up for Dr Eva’s free masterclass: Addressing Psychoenergetic Root Causes of Chronic Illness

Dr Eva has been studying mind-body medicine for 23 years. She has successfully recovered from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, fibromyalgia and Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. She now uses a unique combination of tools and protocols that she has tested and perfected to help others optimize their healing.

You can sign up to attend for FREE here!



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Dr. Warns FDA: 46-Fold Increase in Vaccine Deaths reported thus far in 2021 relative to 2020! [Sayer Ji's Video Report]
Sayer Ji gives an important update on recent indications through government databases (including the WHO's VigiBase resource) that the Covid-19 vaccines are causing unprecedented levels of adverse events and deaths -- none of which are being openly reported on within the mainstream media.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
If you know someone with cancer, they need to watch this....

A new study from the UK recently revealed that your risk of being hospitalized with C0V!D DOUBLES if your liver contains over 10% fat!

How is this possible?

Well, your liver is the largest internal organ — and the reason it's so big is because it's involved in over 500 bodily functions.

So when your liver is compromised it affects every organ and system in your entire body.

Why haven't you heard about this before?

Well it's no secret — all the latest medical studies are shouting it from the rooftops — but for some reason the mainstream media hasn't picked up on it yet.

(Makes me wonder if they're hiding something!?)

My friend Jonathan Landsman, creator of NaturalHealth365 - one of the most popular natural health websites in the world - is going to tell the world about it in his upcoming Fatty Liver Docu-Class.

You do not want to miss this life-changing "LIVE" event if...
  • You've been diagnosed with cancer
  • You're overweight or obese
  • You have Hepatitis (A, B, or C)
  • You have cirrhosis
  • You're on the liver transplant list
  • You've been diagnosed with fatty liver

Jonathan has been a leader in the natural health field for over 30 years now — and known for being controversial — but he's really rocking the boat with this one!

It's a huge deal — and it's 100% free — so save your seat before September 21st.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Minute Walking Miracle

By Dr. Mehmet Oz and Dr. Mike Roizen, MDs

Cloudy mind? Damaged arteries? Spreading backside? A new study confirms that the remedy for these health woes is precisely what the fourth-century B.C. Greek philosopher Diogenes figured out: "Solvitur ambulando," he said.

It is solved by walking!

Up to 70% of North Americans spend six to eight hours a day sitting, and many spend much more.

Special: Doctors Witness Amazing Joint Pain Changes

Here's how it can add up: four hours watching TV, two hours commuting, seven hours at the office.

The toll is astounding — even if you're relatively young: Researchers looked at guys 20-35 and found that prolonged sitting causes blood to pool in the legs and reduces blood vessels' ability to expand by 50%. That contributes to heart disease, diabetes, and cancer — and just feeling lousy!

But if you go ambulando for five minutes every hour, you'll preserve blood vessel flexibility and dodge all kinds of health problems! So . . .

Download a free hourly reminder app or set your smartphone timer to go off every hour.

When the alarm sounds, walk up and down the stairs in your office building or home. Or head for the parking lot or backyard, and do a fast once-around. Watching TV? March vigorously in place. You can always steal five minutes to save your health!

Get a pedometer. You'll be amazed at how many steps you get in by walking for five minutes during each of the hours you're sitting!

Over time, increase your steps while staying with five-minute breaks. Then you'll be walking tall and sittin' pretty!

VU Sponsors
