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Pepper Pig
(Only reason Pepper Pig was in my mind was a very bizarre press conference I saw yesterday from Boris in the UK. He obviously had no idea on any subject he was talking about and was relying on his notes from his, shall I say Monkeys giving them to him. The notes were obviously not in the right order and he was in no mans land and lost with what to say. If he really knew what he was going to say he would of at least been able to mention things from each issue.
As he frantically looked through the obviously mixed up notes he then mentioned, no joke, going to Pepper Pig World in the UK and how great it was at Pepper Pig World with the streets and the schools there! It was the most bizzare speach I have ever heard or seen ever. It was hilarious, but also scary to see a world leader do that! Then, it got worse and he mentioned petrol cars vs electric and made brooom broooom broooom noises, you gotta see this)


Cranky Old Fart
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Chili pepper

Tamales are wonderful and they are a Christmas tradition in Mexico and Mexican communities here in the states. They are corn masa wrapped around different meat chilis with a corn husk to keep everything together. There's even a sweet version with cinnamon. Then you steam them until they are cooked. My son-in-law's family will probably be making them this weekend.


Cranky Old Fart
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Pepper Pig
(Only reason Pepper Pig was in my mind was a very bizarre press conference I saw yesterday from Boris in the UK. He obviously had no idea on any subject he was talking about and was relying on his notes from his, shall I say Monkeys giving them to him. The notes were obviously not in the right order and he was in no mans land and lost with what to say. If he really knew what he was going to say he would of at least been able to mention things from each issue.
As he frantically looked through the obviously mixed up notes he then mentioned, no joke, going to Pepper Pig World in the UK and how great it was at Pepper Pig World with the streets and the schools there! It was the most bizzare speach I have ever heard or seen ever. It was hilarious, but also scary to see a world leader do that! Then, it got worse and he mentioned petrol cars vs electric and made brooom broooom broooom noises, you gotta see this)
Our own Sleepy Joe has been known to go rambling off into who knows where even with TOTUS (teleprompter of the US). Yesterday he went rambling on about Valentine's Day while dishing out Thanksgiving Dinner to the troops. Everyone was going WTF.


Cranky Old Fart
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Over Under

That's a betting term where you bet if the total score of a game will be over or under a certain score.


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Sunny sky

! WAKE UP ! from the MEDIA SPELL !
Not too many of those here in recent months. Crazy unseasonal weather in our region. Never seen so many cloudy days and rain every week, every week for the past 11 months, ever.
I know because we have been waiting for a 2 week dry break to get the garage concrete cracks fixed to stop the conrete salts falling on my car as it wrecks the paint, even the concrete guy told me do it or it'll wreck it.
Its driving me mad, and no pun either, covering it up with sheets every night!
He even said in all his years he's never seen weather like this last so long.
We usually get weeks on end and months with zero rain here.
I just want 2 weeks with no rain :cry:

Where was I....:huh:...oh yeah... Sky Blue
Carry on....


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Blue Moon (what a great old song that is, have it on my usb car play list)
This version, love some of Deanos stuff. I have old music to new, the lot.
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Scarlet Fever
Ha, now there's a story in that I gotta tell.
As a child, kid, teen, till about 15 I was allergic bad to any antibiotics, all.
I got Scarlet Fever at about 12 yrs old. It nearly killed me. It took I dont know how many months to recover. I missed I think 2/3 of a school year. I can just recall bits and pieces of it.
I spent most of the time in bed seriously sick, delerious, unconscious, half there and not there. A Dr came twice a week my mum said to check on me. I lost so much weight it was crazy and when I could finally eat, id gone so long not eating, just having fluids to survive, I couldn't taste a thing when I ate. My first meal, still remember, scrambled eggs on toast. I couldn't taste a thing. Piled on the salt, nothing.
I struggled to walk for several weeks after it was gone I was so wasted.
My skin, it was crazy! I remember having to have my hands bandaged. It was because my skin on my palms and bottom of my feet died so to speak. It felt itchy bad. So I scratched my palm. I screamed! My skin scratched off, deep lines into my palms, skin on my nails! Thats why I had to wear bandages on my hands and feet for several weeks.
I was expected to die I was told as I didn't respond to any treatments. I give my late mother full credit for keeping me alive through it. She put a bell by my bed to ring for help. She was awesome and I cant imagine how she must have felt, but I do know she showed undying love. She was amazing!
Even today when I tell Drs about it they say im lucky to be alive as how I went through it was like olden days where it was a near death sentence. I made it through my mother's help and love, no medical help worked. I could have zero antibiotics. Two of my older sisters got it when I did, had penicillin, recovered in just 3 weeks.
It ruined me at school by the time I finally returned, I was totally lost with everything and back then was no help to catch up. I left early 2 yrs later, it was useless and a waste of time, and became a labourer. But iv lived a good life and am happy. No crying or regrets. All good.
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SnapDragon NY

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Ha, now there's a story in that I gotta tell.
As a child, kid, teen, till about 15 I was allergic bad to any antibiotics, all.
I got Scarlet Fever at about 12 yrs old. It nearly killed me. It took I dont know how many months to recover. I missed I think 2/3 of a school year. I can just recall bits and pieces of it.
I spent most of the time in bed seriously sick, delerious, unconscious, half there and not there. A Dr came twice a week my mum said to check on me. I lost so much weight it was crazy and when I could finally eat, id gone so long not eating, just having fluids to survive, I couldn't taste a thing when I ate. My first meal, still remember, scrambled eggs on toast. I couldn't taste a thing. Piled on the salt, nothing.
I struggled to walk for several weeks after it was gone I was so wasted.
My skin, it was crazy! I remember having to have my hands bandaged. It was because my skin on my palms and bottom of my feet died so to speak. It felt itchy bad. So I scratched my palm. I screamed! My skin scratched off, deep lines into my palms, skin on my nails! Thats why I had to wear bandages on my hands and feet for several weeks.
I was expected to die I was told as I didn't respond to any treatments. I give my late mother full credit for keeping me alive through it. She put a bell by my bed to ring for help. She was awesome and I cant imagine how she must have felt, but I do know she showed undying love. She was amazing!
Even today when I tell Drs about it they say im lucky to be alive as how I went through it was like olden days where it was a near death sentence. I made it through my mother's help and love, no medical help worked. I could have zero antibiotics. Two of my older sisters got it when I did, had penicillin, recovered in just 3 weeks.
It ruined me at school by the time I finally returned, I was totally lost with everything and back then was no help to catch up. I left early 2 yrs later, it was useless and a waste of time, and became a labourer. But iv lived a good life and am happy. No crying or regrets. All good.
Oh my- so sorry to hear about this- glad that you made it thru .



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Oh my- so sorry to hear about this- glad that you made it thru .

Was a lifetime ago now. Just fading memories. My take out from it was my mother's love and help. She was such a little lady, but a wonderful person.
You know, we all go through things that shape us to who we are now.
If you asked me then im sure I'd say "No, change this, dont let it happen!"
But now!? I dont think I want it changed, im glad it happened. I think it was a part of making me who I am. Im far from perfect but I'm comfortable who I am these days.
Like they say, its rough sandpaper that makes things smooth out, not butter.

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