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Gold Contributor
Member For 2 Years
Public Hospital

Yrs ago I was being checked up here in Victoria for an issue that thankfully I didn't end up having. First was at a Public Hospital (yeah I seem to have a story here and there) anyway, I was then sent by reference to a Private one here in a town called Ballarat. Sometimes patients are sent to them covered by the public system for tests. Anyway, during a stress test my blood pressure crashed bad, I went pale, and the specialists there at the time, three of them suddenly went "o oh" first thing said and done was, now get this "do you have private hospital cover?" I said no I'm in the Public system".
I kid you not, they put me in a wheel chair, all whilst my blood pressure had crashed and I was near passing out, and pushed me out of the hospital, onto the street, then across the road to the Public hospital on the next block! They took me into the emergency waiting room area, left me in the wheelchair, went to the counter and said "this guy needs assistance". Then left.
I was dumbfounded! I'll never forget that.
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Gold Contributor
Member For 2 Years
General Mills- they make some popular cereals here in the US

View attachment 187857
Ahh, ok, yeah we get some of those here just branded a bit different name wise. We do get Cheerios, Wheaties and Rice Chex. I do recall Lucky Charms, but our town is "new, new, what's that!?" Unfortunately many new stuff doesn't last long here in our country town even though in the major ones they do. Often we see and think "oh cool we got these, weeks later they dont sell, go on clearance and are never seen again. :confused:
Lots of seafood is like that here. Octopus, pilchards, lots of great European foods...they come and we think great, weeks later gone to never be seen again. Stupid Aussie hillbilly town we live in, im sure they look and go "what in the world is that!? I aint buying that wierd stuff!?" :giggle:
Hey, ok if I put up on this thread some pictures of an awesome day I had in the bush today?
I usually put then up elsewhere but in my mind the the majority of my friends are here. The others dont look anyway on the other thread.
Was a magic day.


Chain Saw


Gold Contributor
Member For 2 Years
Thought id share these with you all here in my favourite forum section.

Here's yesterday. Perfect weather, 21c light breeze and blue skies.
This is the area I was at. This from when I headed home, but the exact place off to the right.
Get there and not a human sound to be heard. Just birds singing everywhere. Look up as I get my gear ready and a huge vapour trail across the sky.
Saw a weird moth go past, was all fluffy looking so I followed it to the shrub it landed on. Unfortunately I had my phone camera on the wrong setting and wasn't a clear shot. You can see its fluffy head though. I didn't realise at the time but there were bad ants on the shrub and I was holding it with my right hand to steady it for the picture. You can see one to the left just waiting for me. Luckily no sting for me that time.
Speaking of bad ants this is a typical nest of bulldog ants. This wasn't far from where the car was parked. But really, there are nests everywhere. Anywhere you go in this area there would be several nests in any direction within a 100 meter radius.
We had some great rains recently, so much that the run offs in the bush have swept the ground clean. You can see the leaf litter in rows looking like it was raked.
That little stump in the centre of the above picture caught my eye as I saw something briefly move there.
Inside it. Not sure what type of bird these eggs are. I saw the mother or father flitting about the above trees but couldn't get a shot. Perhaps a honey eater.
Not far from here and success, 3 nice bits of yellow. The bigger bit I only just heard and nearly dismissed it as a ground noise from mineralisation.
Time to go, packed up and had one last look around at the area as I stood there about to get in the car, looked up and couldn't believe it, just like when I arrived.
Those small mounds to the right are the small reef workings from the 1800s, thats the reef that shed the gold I found on the hillside below it.
Perfect day.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Thought id share these with you all here in my favourite forum section.

Here's yesterday. Perfect weather, 21c light breeze and blue skies.
This is the area I was at. This from when I headed home, but the exact place off to the right.
View attachment 187862
Get there and not a human sound to be heard. Just birds singing everywhere. Look up as I get my gear ready and a huge vapour trail across the sky.
View attachment 187863
Saw a weird moth go past, was all fluffy looking so I followed it to the shrub it landed on. Unfortunately I had my phone camera on the wrong setting and wasn't a clear shot. You can see its fluffy head though. I didn't realise at the time but there were bad ants on the shrub and I was holding it with my right hand to steady it for the picture. You can see one to the left just waiting for me. Luckily no sting for me that time.
View attachment 187864
Speaking of bad ants this is a typical nest of bulldog ants. This wasn't far from where the car was parked. But really, there are nests everywhere. Anywhere you go in this area there would be several nests in any direction within a 100 meter radius.
View attachment 187865
We had some great rains recently, so much that the run offs in the bush have swept the ground clean. You can see the leaf litter in rows looking like it was raked.
View attachment 187866
That little stump in the centre of the above picture caught my eye as I saw something briefly move there.
View attachment 187867
Inside it. Not sure what type of bird these eggs are. I saw the mother or father flitting about the above trees but couldn't get a shot. Perhaps a honey eater.
View attachment 187868
View attachment 187869
Not far from here and success, 3 nice bits of yellow. The bigger bit I only just heard and nearly dismissed it as a ground noise from mineralisation.
View attachment 187870
Time to go, packed up and had one last look around at the area as I stood there about to get in the car, looked up and couldn't believe it, just like when I arrived.
Those small mounds to the right are the small reef workings from the 1800s, thats the reef that shed the gold I found on the hillside below it.
Perfect day.
View attachment 187871
that's beautiful, thank you for sharing

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