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Kiberry Yogurt..... Cloned!!!


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Going to try this V2, I also now have the proper Caramel! However, I made the batch with my changes listed above and my girlfriend said she actually liked that better than Kiberry Yogurt, lol.

Awesome! That's one of the things I like about DIY. I almost gave up trying to clone kiberry yogurt a couple of times when I found myself vaping on some failed attempts but enjoying them just as much.


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Thanks for posting! I made a small 30ml batch last night. I vaped some today and I can tell, it's going to be another ADV. However, now I have to wait for my new VG. I hope, I'm not running out of juice by then.


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Thats great, I'm happy you like it. To me at least, this is one of those juices that's so dam tasty I almost want to drink it. Maybe I'll mix up just the flavourings and throw them in a glass of milk :D.

But seriously, low VG = grey clouds for me. I'll have my fingers crossed for you!


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Thats great, I'm happy you like it. To me at least, this is one of those juices that's so dam tasty I almost want to drink it. Maybe I'll mix up just the flavourings and throw them in a glass of milk :D.

But seriously, low VG = grey clouds for me. I'll have my fingers crossed for you!
:D I took inventory of my ejuices, and checked tracking. Tracking said, it should be here by Friday. I think, I'm able to last that long.


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I made it and it is now in my ADV rotation for the time being. Good stuff. As per your instructions the steep sealed it up for me. THANKS!!


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I made it and it is now in my ADV rotation for the time being. Good stuff. As per your instructions the steep sealed it up for me. THANKS!!

That's great, I'm pleased to hear it. And of course can always tweek it here and there to your liking. I'll have a v3 coming soon and confident it will be the last bit of work needed on this recipe. Just waiting a few weeks to test after steeping.


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That's great, I'm pleased to hear it. And of course can always tweek it here and there to your liking. I'll have a v3 coming soon and confident it will be the last bit of work needed on this recipe. Just waiting a few weeks to test after steeping.
I have TFA and FW Yogurt. Is FA worth getting?


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Well in my opinion FA yogurt mixed with some TPA vanilla swirl and FA Caramel as it is here is a great yogurt base for anything. I even used it to make a chocolate mousse.

I'd say its worth getting if looking to clone kiberry or fancy having an alternative yogurt to what you have already.
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Well in my opinion FA yogurt mixed with some TPA vanilla swirl and FA Caramel as it is here is a great yogurt base for anything. I even used it to make a chocolate mousse.

I'd say its worth getting if looking to clone kiberry or fancy having an alternative yogurt to what you have already.
THANKS. On the list.


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Last but not least

1% INW Strawberry Kiss
3.5% FA Kiwi
1.5% TPA Dragon Fruit
3.5% FA Yogurt
2.5% TPA Vanilla Swirl
3% FA Caramel

OP and flavor notes updated.

Back tracked on the CAP NY Cheesecake. This is because of TPA dragon fruit allowing INW Strawberry Kiss to be bumped up to 1%. With that you get more of the faint vanilla candy type flavour Strawberry kiss has.

If anyone tried and liked the previous versions, this is big improvement over those.


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Dammit man, I just made another 50ml of version 2. :p

Ok just a courtesy note to say to anyone who might be thinking about mixing up a large batch of this... Just hold off for a day. Got one last version coming but just getting some feedback before I post here. Want it to be final this time.
Hi @SteppedOutOfTheSMOG Thanks for this detailed version of Kiberry! I have all ingredients in hand waiting for that final V3. By the sounds of the comments on here, i am going to be in for a treat! Just a quick question, I am a bit of newbie DIYer, when you say hot water steep for an hour and lots of shaking, can you just explain this in a bit more detail. Do I use boiling or warm water? Do I put it in the water for an hour then lots of shaking? Sorry for the stupid question but just wanted to get it right first time! Thanks. Tim


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Usually people put it in a glass bottle with the cap on and put it in a crock pot on the keep warm setting for an hour.

To be honest the best thing I find is using one of those milk frothers to mix it. It blends the flavours together really thoroughly. Then leave it sit for 24 hours or overnight if your impatient

Final version coming soon!
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Hi @SteppedOutOfTheSMOG Thanks for this detailed version of Kiberry! I have all ingredients in hand waiting for that final V3. By the sounds of the comments on here, i am going to be in for a treat! Just a quick question, I am a bit of newbie DIYer, when you say hot water steep for an hour and lots of shaking, can you just explain this in a bit more detail. Do I use boiling or warm water? Do I put it in the water for an hour then lots of shaking? Sorry for the stupid question but just wanted to get it right first time! Thanks. Tim

Forgot to quote you into the above.


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Ok just a courtesy note to say to anyone who might be thinking about mixing up a large batch of this... Just hold off for a day. Got one last version coming but just getting some feedback before I post here. Want it to be final this time.
Dammit I just made 160ml.. haha

To be honest the best thing I find is using one of those milk frothers to mix it.
I tape it to my sawzall for a good 60 seconds. lol Sounds dumb but mixed very well.
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2% INW Strawberry Kiss
1% FA Kiwi
2% TPA Dragon Fruit
3% FA Yogurt
2% TPA Vanilla Bean Ice Cream
2% FA Custard
1% FA Vienna Cream
2% FA Caramel

Pinky promise no more changes to this recipe will be made by me from here on or you have my permission to throw tomatoes at me. There truly aren't any left for me to make as this is Kiberry Yogurt 100%. Victory dance! :D
We'll see how honest is your promise. :D
3... 2... 1... GO. :cool:
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I uploaded v2 to ELR, I hope you don't mind. Full credit was given to you and this thread was linked. Let me know if you want me to take it down - I won't mind. Gotta say though, it is absolutely delicious.

The original version gives off a plastic taste to me where this one does not. I think I've finally found an ADV ^___^

After I try your v3 I might edit the ELR listing, with your permission of course.
hi thanks for this i was spending small fortune on kiberry yogurt . lol. i made this recipe a while back when strawberry kiss was at 0.5% .to me it tasted just like kiberry then . which is the best recipe of them all ? heck im gonna try this new version . i dont have the fa custard to do v2. p.s thank you this is the best diy recipe i have tried yet .
Greetings SteppedOutOfTheSMOG,

First of all, thanks a ton for this formula. Really. But I have a quick question. I have tried this mix with the EXACT ingredients from the same exact labs you recommended, and tried them with the same flavors from other labs. I also happen to keep a sample of the original to compare it to. And I have to say, while I like this formula so much, there is something missing. Something in the original juice is just so right and creamy. I let many of my friends smell it since I couldn't decide and some said it has more caramel and others said it has more 'cheese cream' kinda taste. Now I only decided to store 240ml for two weeks now to see what will time do to the flavor. Cannot notice any difference so far. Any idea, what can possibly be going on??

Is anyone else missing something compared to the original?

thank you all



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Is anyone else missing something compared to the original?

Never had the original but I'd sub out the 2% FA Custard with 2% CAP VC v1 right off the bat.
And the FA Vienna Cream would be swapped out with 1-2% TFA Dairy Milk, 0.5% Hangsen Cream, or 1% INW Shisha Vanilla even.
As the latter flavors all seem sweeter/creamier to me.
TFA Caramel Original would also replace the FA Caramel just because I like it better.

Oddly enough I've had the Strawberry Kiss for quite some time but haven't even tried it yet.
Got hung up on the INW Shisha Strawberry cause I like it so much.

I've just been skipping over making anything yet with Kiwi or Dragon Fruit in it just cause I don't like them too much.
Maybe the Strawberry might help to hide them in this one, lol.
May have to try this recipe out when I get some time.


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Greetings SteppedOutOfTheSMOG,

First of all, thanks a ton for this formula. Really. But I have a quick question. I have tried this mix with the EXACT ingredients from the same exact labs you recommended, and tried them with the same flavors from other labs. I also happen to keep a sample of the original to compare it to. And I have to say, while I like this formula so much, there is something missing. Something in the original juice is just so right and creamy. I let many of my friends smell it since I couldn't decide and some said it has more caramel and others said it has more 'cheese cream' kinda taste. Now I only decided to store 240ml for two weeks now to see what will time do to the flavor. Cannot notice any difference so far. Any idea, what can possibly be going on??

Is anyone else missing something compared to the original?

thank you all

Don't know the original either! However, a touch of CAP's NY Cheesecake might do the trick.


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@SteppedOutOfTheSMOG Can I use CAP Vanilla bean ice cream instead of TFA'S without it changing the flavor much? The reason for this sub is because I get peppery notes with TFA vanilla bean ice cream


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Can I use CAP Vanilla bean ice cream instead of TFA'S without it changing the flavor much? The reason for this sub is because I get peppery notes with TFA vanilla bean ice cream

I've used them both and they are fairly close IMO, but CAP may need a bit longer to steep tho.
So I tried the formula V2 EXACTLY as SteppedOutOfTheSMOG recommended. I have been steeping it for 3 days now maybe. I shake it once in the morning and place it in fresh hot water from the sink, covering it all, and again at night. However, the smell is still different from the original. The original is much sweeter and richer in taste. The color is getting closer, but the color is still yellower and clearer in the original. Will the tastes get closer with time. If so, how much longer should I wait? and should I possibly add some sweetner?? like Super Sweet by CAP maybe? Thanks for your feedback. IMG_0144.jpg IMG_0176 (1).jpg


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Okay been away for a while (apologies to anyone who messaged me about this recipe and didn't get a reply), but I didn't stop working on this recipe. It came along way and although the recipe I'm about to post might seem drastically different to the old one here, for me it was a long process of step by step elimination and head scratching that finally led to this. Learned a lot!

Anyways, I don't want to talk it up. Will just say and echo what others have said... The previous version was indeed not as rich in flavor or smell. Good or bad, it wasn't the same as the original kiberry. I assure you I have also kept a close eye and analysed all these things with each attempt when trying to clone this. Those differences have been addressed and kiberry fans will not regret mixing this.

4% TPA Strawberry Ripe
4% CAP Sweet Strawberry
2% FA Strawberry
1% FA Kiwi
2% FA Yogurt
2% TPA French Vanilla Creme
2% TPA White Chocolate
1% TPA Banana Cream DX
1% FA Irish Cream
0.5% TPA Cotton Candy
0.5% TPA Sweetener (Sucralose)

Regarding the inclusion of Banana cream, it does not work as a fruit flavouring here. You don't sense any banana flavor unless you know it's there and you really look for it. It just works to blend the strawberry with the cream to give that strawberry milk effect (or yogurt in this case).

Sorry to all the 5% total flavor FA mixers (I envy you!), I kept flavoring as low as possible until it became all too apparent that 15% just wasn't enough to clone this. Anyways, although some will see 20% flavoring as being quite high, I feel you have to put it into context. Its not quite the same as when someone puts 10 to 15 percent of one flavor in a mix. The percentage of each individual ingredient here is relatively low by comparison. The original kiberry is a big flavor, sweet eliquid. So that is what I have here.

Hope ya'll can dig it.
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I never tried original e liquid if there is but taste seems to me like vaping yogurt love this, thanks a lot for your all efforts.

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Thanks for the update. How close would you say this one is to the original, compared to the version 1 and 2? Cause I used the cheesecake and vanilla swirl and it was totally off!! Btw, I really appreciate your effort, and I can only imagine if I have spent over $150 just following your steps, how much more would you have spent?!! But I'm just trying to compare between this formula and another one posted on E-Liquid calculator.

Killberry Yogurt
- by MikeC, Dec 18. 2015, 05:25

Also how much should I steep it for? what methods do you use to steep this? Thanks a bunch. And welcome back!! :)



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Ok thank goodness you commented here as just came back and noticed a mistake with the recipe I pasted in. Should be 1% FA Irish Cream and not Caramel. That was the last change made to this about a month ago and I must have not updated my notes

I always thought that Killberry recipe is supposed to be more of an original recipe inspired by Kiberry, as apposed to being a direct clone. Either way, looking at the ingredients, I can tell from my previous experiments that my clone and the Killberry recipe are going to taste very different.

Yes, hands down the version with CAP cheesecake was my darkest hour lol. Definitely not a good memory, but I assure you friend this is one is in a different league altogether.

To put it into words how close this is, as ridiculous as it sounds all I can say is that the original Kiberry was like crack to me. Something about it kept me coming back and no other juice I tried seemed to have that same thing going for it. I'm sure everybody has had that one juice that just nailed it for them and blew all other juices away.

Anyways, my clone now has that same certain thing about it that kept me coming back to the original time and time again. On that basis I do feel very confident that anyone who enjoyed the original should also enjoy this. I now no longer buy the original, which is a day I though would never come.

In regards to steeping, as long as you mix it well first, it goes like this;

1 to 2 days = too sweet and flavours not settled properly.

3+ days = starts to settle and tastes great but still has some changing to do. The banana cream is still a bit too noticeable and the cream elements need to steep a bit more.

2 weeks = perfect! The flavour has blended into one delicious yogurt.

Do not recommend heat steeping this.
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Thanks for the update. How close would you say this one is to the original, compared to the version 1 and 2? Cause I used the cheesecake and vanilla swirl and it was totally off!! Btw, I really appreciate your effort, and I can only imagine if I have spent over $150 just following your steps, how much more would you have spent?!! But I'm just trying to compare between this formula and another one posted on E-Liquid calculator.

Killberry Yogurt
- by MikeC, Dec 18. 2015, 05:25

Also how much should I steep it for? what methods do you use to steep this? Thanks a bunch. And welcome back!! :)


Sorry, forgot to hit reply when posting the above
Ok thank goodness you commented here as just came back and noticed a mistake with the recipe I pasted in. Should be 1% FA Irish Cream and not Caramel. That was the last change made to this about a month ago and I must have not updated my notes

I always thought that Killberry recipe is supposed to be more of an original recipe inspired by Kiberry, as apposed to being a direct clone. Either way, looking at the ingredients, I can tell from my previous experiments that my clone and the Killberry recipe are going to taste very different.

Yes, hands down the version with CAP cheesecake was my darkest hour lol. Definitely not a good memory, but I assure you friend this is one is in a different league altogether.

To put it into words how close this is, as ridiculous as it sounds all I can say is that the original Kiberry was like crack to me. Something about it kept me coming back and no other juice I tried seemed to have that same thing going for it. I'm sure everybody has had that one juice that just nailed it for them and blew all other juices away.

Anyways, my clone now has that same certain thing about it that kept me coming back to the original time and time again. On that basis I do feel very confident that anyone who enjoyed the original should also enjoy this. I now no longer buy the original, which is a day I though would never come.

In regards to steeping, as long as you mix it well first, it goes like this;

1 to 2 days = too sweet and flavours not settled properly.

3+ days = starts to settle and tastes great but still has some changing to do. The banana cream is still a bit too noticeable and the cream elements need to steep a bit more.

2 weeks = perfect! The flavour has blended into one delicious yogurt.

Do not recommend heat steeping this.

Thank you for the reply. I did steep it for a week already, and I didn't see the Irish Cream so I didn't order it. Too late for this one now I guess. You feel exactly how I feel about the original Kieberry Yogurt. I can vape this thing all day and night. But I can't help but try every possible version out there to nail the original, which sad to say I know i'm not going to be able to get. Here is why. I have tried all of your 3 versions, and I'm confident that you've lost so much sleep and money on doing this, way more than I can possibly afford. With that said, I still don't think it tastes the same. I tried your latest version and something about it tastes really peppery!!!!!!!! it drove me insane, cause I cannot think of anything that would give it that flavor. I promise you that I got everything you recommended from its maker, and it doesn't taste the same. Also, you're so right about the killberry yogurt. The Bilberry tastes and smells so different from the original!!! also been steeping that for a week. Both without any heat. Just shaking, and they both sadly don't taste the same as the original. And btw, I still keep buying the original so I have the real thing to compare them to. Otherwise, I would've sworn that my taste buds have gone bad. It's really frustrating cause every time you update something, I run and order it even it would cost just as much to buy 120ml of the original. lol.. It doesn't make sense but I really wish to get the original so I don't have to spend $40-$50 every few weeks or so. Anyways, I can only cross my fingers that something is going to change in those flavors within the next week or two. Thanks again, and please let me know what you think.


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I tried your latest version and something about it tastes really peppery!!!!!!!! it drove me insane, cause I cannot think of anything that would give it that flavor.

I have heard that some folks get a peppery taste from the TPA VBIC ...


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Okay been away for a while (apologies to anyone who messaged me about this recipe and didn't get a reply), but I didn't stop working on this recipe. It came along way and although the recipe I'm about to post might seem drastically different to the old one here, for me it was a long process of step by step elimination and head scratching that finally led to this. Learned a lot!

Anyways, I don't want to talk it up. Will just say and echo what others have said... The previous version was indeed not as rich in flavor or smell. Good or bad, it wasn't the same as the original kiberry. I assure you I have also kept a close eye and analysed all these things with each attempt when trying to clone this. Those differences have been addressed and kiberry fans will not regret mixing this.

4% TPA Strawberry Ripe
4% CAP Sweet Strawberry
2% FA Strawberry
1% FA Kiwi
2% FA Yogurt
2% TPA French Vanilla Creme
2% TPA White Chocolate
1% TPA Banana Cream DX
1% FA Irish Cream
0.5% TPA Cotton Candy
0.5% TPA Sweetener (Sucralose)

Regarding the inclusion of Banana cream, it does not work as a fruit flavouring here. You don't sense any banana flavor unless you know it's there and you really look for it. It just works to blend the strawberry with the cream to give that strawberry milk effect (or yogurt in this case).

Sorry to all the 5% total flavor FA mixers (I envy you!), I kept flavoring as low as possible until it became all too apparent that 15% just wasn't enough to clone this. Anyways, although some will see 20% flavoring as being quite high, I feel you have to put it into context. Its not quite the same as when someone puts 10 to 15 percent of one flavor in a mix. The percentage of each individual ingredient here is relatively low by comparison. The original kiberry is a big flavor, sweet eliquid. So that is what I have here.

Hope ya'll can dig it.
Never tried the real deal, but this sounds good and I have all the flavors.

I'll give it a shot this weekend....thanks!


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I have heard that some folks get a peppery taste from the TPA VBIC ...

There's no longer any VBIC in this. Although it could be used as a sub for French Vanilla deluxe and some may prefer it. I never had the peppery taste with VBIC at 1 or 2 percent in a decent mix.


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Thank you for the reply. I did steep it for a week already, and I didn't see the Irish Cream so I didn't order it. Too late for this one now I guess. You feel exactly how I feel about the original Kieberry Yogurt. I can vape this thing all day and night. But I can't help but try every possible version out there to nail the original, which sad to say I know i'm not going to be able to get. Here is why. I have tried all of your 3 versions, and I'm confident that you've lost so much sleep and money on doing this, way more than I can possibly afford. With that said, I still don't think it tastes the same. I tried your latest version and something about it tastes really peppery!!!!!!!! it drove me insane, cause I cannot think of anything that would give it that flavor. I promise you that I got everything you recommended from its maker, and it doesn't taste the same. Also, you're so right about the killberry yogurt. The Bilberry tastes and smells so different from the original!!! also been steeping that for a week. Both without any heat. Just shaking, and they both sadly don't taste the same as the original. And btw, I still keep buying the original so I have the real thing to compare them to. Otherwise, I would've sworn that my taste buds have gone bad. It's really frustrating cause every time you update something, I run and order it even it would cost just as much to buy 120ml of the original. lol.. It doesn't make sense but I really wish to get the original so I don't have to spend $40-$50 every few weeks or so. Anyways, I can only cross my fingers that something is going to change in those flavors within the next week or two. Thanks again, and please let me know what you think.

Hey man, of course everyone's tastes is different. For me at least this latest mix (with the Irish cream) gives me that certain something I enjoy about the original, so I'm happy . Yes it does take some steeping to get there.

You mention peppery though and no matter how close or far away this is from the original, one thing it definitely isn't is peppery. I can't stand that peppery taste and I'm still vaping this all day. Pepper taste sounds like it could be a nicotine issue to me. Not sure what nic level you are mixing at but I always found the higher nic level, the longer steep required.

Anyways, for me this hits the spot. But for you, maybe you could think a little about the flavors in there and what you feel there needs to be more or less of. Then you can tweak your own version until it hits the spot for you. That's all that I've been doing all this time and I also have the original to compare.
Hey SMOG. I just created an account so I could thank you for your work on this, dude. I wasted a lot of time / money trying other people's recipes only to get shit results. Just filled the TFV4 up with some 3 day steep and man, this is spot on. About to mix up a 120 of it.

Bavle: I have seen you posting on other recipes (I think mostly the Killberry Yogurt) and have seen your troubles. I am getting nothing peppery out of this mix, just straight Kiberry goodness. I think SMOG may be on to something with your Nic; maybe it's not playing nicely with this complex blend. I am using Wizard's 48MG/ML (I'm a cheap ass and love buying VG I guess.) What are you using?


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Hey SMOG. I just created an account so I could thank you for your work on this, dude. I wasted a lot of time / money trying other people's recipes only to get shit results. Just filled the TFV4 up with some 3 day steep and man, this is spot on. About to mix up a 120 of it.

Bavle: I have seen you posting on other recipes (I think mostly the Killberry Yogurt) and have seen your troubles. I am getting nothing peppery out of this mix, just straight Kiberry goodness. I think SMOG may be on to something with your Nic; maybe it's not playing nicely with this complex blend. I am using Wizard's 48MG/ML (I'm a cheap ass and love buying VG I guess.) What are you using?

Hey thanks. Appreciate your feedback and really pleased to you like it too. You know, I'm sure there will always be a few differences but hey its close enough for me.

You're not alone on wasting time/money on dud DIY recipes out there. I'm always conscious of that and try to keep it in mind before posting a recipe myself. Sure I will post a stinker one day if I haven't already but happy to say this mix isn't it :)


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It could be the TFA White Chocolate or a combination of the NIC that @bavie is using and the white chocolate. I have some of the TFA White Chocolate and have tried it in a couple of recipes all I get is a peppery taste from it. My suggestion to @bavie is to make a small batch and leave out the white chocolate or try Flavor West White Chocolate which is much better for me.


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It could be the TFA White Chocolate or a combination of the NIC that @bavie is using and the white chocolate. I have some of the TFA White Chocolate and have tried it in a couple of recipes all I get is a peppery taste from it. My suggestion to @bavie is to make a small batch and leave out the white chocolate or try Flavor West White Chocolate which is much better for me.

Strange indeed. I'm interested what % you had tpa white chocolate at when you got a pepper taste because all I get from tpa white chocolate at 2% is that rich milkybar flavour. Perhaps it's an individual thing and some are sensitive.


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Strange indeed. I'm interested what % you had tpa white chocolate at when you got a pepper taste

I got the pepper taste at 1% in one recipe and 2% in another. The one in which 2% was used was a recipe released by Gremlin Juice called White Gremlin which is

10% Vanilla Cupcake - TFA
8% Strawberry (Ripe) - TFA
2% White Chocolate - FW

I did not have FW White Chocolate when they released the recipe so I used the TFA I had and got a peppery taste. After reading some others having the same deal with TFA, I purchased FW as the recipe calls for. No more pepper taste...

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