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I'll cook for you, but I warn you,,,,, It's been a couple of weeks since I've been with a lady and you should not bend over and touch your toes near me.

Scooter 72

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Well that's all the wood I wana split for awhile

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That's right ! I'm really hoping good things for you and your business ! Ok it's like 38 degrees out time to wash the car lol. TTYL


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We hit 77 yesterday
Looking forward to 71+ today.
Good day to "play outside"

Scooter 72

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That's right ! I'm really hoping good things for you and your business ! Ok it's like 38 degrees out time to wash the car lol. TTYL
Lol go ahead and in the morn your front-end will be stuck to the ground and you'll year it off when you back out like my neighbor did. It was so funny seeing that bumper just sitting there like that

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High of 37 forecasted for the day here. Sure miss being warm.

Scooter 72

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Kinda like this But the bumper was still in it

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ECF? It's another forum. Very strict rules there, not incredibly friendly crowd. Is this the guy you won juice from?
Wait ECF still exists?
They actually have winable contests?
You serious Miss Huck?
Even my legs can only be pulled so far dear...:p


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LOL. Yeah I was a member there for a bit, but they were banning people left and right for the silliest things. If you do visit there, keep the language 100% clean. A LOT of the people here got tired of all the crap there. And don't look at anyone sideways.

Language Bleach?
I call that censorship...And I can't even talk about how I feel about that without violating RULE #6!

EDIT: Bad Spelling
Last edited:

Scooter 72

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And a few other things...Coughs.
There might be more than 1 way to skin a cat, Conversely there is only 1 reason an average dude is called (SNAKE).

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I disagree. Every bacon lover eventually cooks bacon shirtless, at the very least. It's the mark of the bacon clan. Permanent grease burns on the abdomen are like a badge of honor... ...they show the true depth of one's love for bacon. When you don't even have time to put a shirt on for bacon... ...that's how you know.

Now grease burns on the unit... ...not so good. Definitely wear underwear when yer cookin with grease. Can't be cooking the wrong kind of meat with your bacon. It's a disservice to the bacon more than anything.
It's not so much the abdomen I'm worried about something a bit lower and a heck of a lot more sensitive.


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Ahh yes. Baked bacon is definitely the most savory and hassle-free. But there is a certain charm to standing at the stovetop, no? There's something zen and spiritual about flipping it in the pan and eating some as you go along. It's like, some circle-of-life shit. Like in the lion king.
If it's in the pan long enough to flip you've burned your bacon...Period...Full Stop!

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