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Watched a good movie this morning.

It was about a man's wife who is brutally murdered by a serial killer and his son is left physically disabled. Then, in a twisted turn of events, his son is kidnapped and the did has to enlist the help of a mentally disabled woman to travel thousands of miles and track him down.


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ok...i guess.
Went for an interview with a Yard Jockey company, but had to turn down the job because they are only offering night shift.

And my fucking lower back is killing me today.


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Feeling just about better enough to squeek out one more win ! Thanks for all the thoughts ! See ya in the AM. Been playing catch up with the house work since this morning. Just have a load of towels left in the dryer to fold and I have to watch Bearing Sea Gold now lol. I watch all the shows where they find Gold !


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Take a load of and relax Breazy. Laundry will always be there tomorrow. And next week.. And the week after.. Reminds me I have laundry to do. ☹️


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Laundry tip:
Way to eliminate the sorting of whites and colors.
Don't buy whites.


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Or, just buy whites. (easier to bleach the stains from spilling juice all over you out)
BTW - I win

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You mean you won (past tense) Now Breazy wins ! Happy Friday everyone ! Have a great day!


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I don't understand how all YOU PEOPLE think you won when it's been said already (and written in stone) I might add, that I WIN!!!
Read back a few it says "THE DUCK WINS".

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Hey my heart emoticon disappeared! Now my heart really hurts so I'll hafta win.

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Excellence In Service
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Winning while your all sleeping ! Have a good Saturday everyone !


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So far so good. Catching up on housework and rocking out. It's a beautiful day here. ☀️


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It snowed 8 inches on Monday and now it's 70 degrees here. Gotta love Reno weather.


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Sounds like a regular indiana day.
My gma used to say "if you don't like the weather in indiana, drive 5 miles and it'll be different"

sent from a dumb operated smart phone

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