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They say the same thing here. lol. It's pretty much freezing cold or hot as hell so a spring day is a real treat.


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@RenoMama what are you rocking out to?

tore both my biceps at work yesterday. helped a friend move to a new house today. everything is fail except the momentary win i will get from posting this...


Blonde disaster
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Stepping in for the nightly's everyone doing?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


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@RenoMama what are you rocking out to?

tore both my biceps at work yesterday. helped a friend move to a new house today. everything is fail except the momentary win i will get from posting this...
Just had Pandora on. Made a "Down" station. love some Phillip anselmo


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I'm back, did you miss me?
Did you even know I was gone?
Do you know who I am?
Do you care that I'm winning?
Is this too many questions?
How about now?


Blonde disaster
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Just had Pandora on. Made a "Down" station. love some Phillip anselmo

Pandora pissed me off with the limited skip function. I cancelled my subscription and got spotify instead....much happier now! Oh, and I win.


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Jeez Breazy! Barely gave me a minute. lol. How's your day going?


Excellence In Service
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OK I'm at work :( Have to be here now till 6pm then a two to two and a half hour ride home. Oh well I'm getting 11.5 hours of overtime for today


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Always looking on the bright side. hope the day goes smooth for you.


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That was a long win
But it's over now


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quigley down under...pure gun...popcorn, snuggling with my


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quigley down under...pure gun...popcorn, snuggling with my
i thought all they did in valhalla was drink, hunt and prepare for ragnarok. is snuggles and popcorn a new thing? is odin back in that hippie yoga therapy thing again?


Excellence In Service
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So it was your turn to lurk Mama lol ! Have a good evening. I'll be back later !


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Blonde disaster
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It's been a while since I have stopped by...even so, a lot has happened and changed...except for the fact that I am still the winner....


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Bedtime win!

sent from a dumb operated smart phone


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Hanging in there. Hoping for the stars to go back into alignment soon. How about you?
have you noticed that people are fucking crazy right now? something is winding people up so tight they are just looking for a reason to blow up. saw a three way road rage fight the other day...a huge fire destroyed half of the downtown core, read about another road rage incident where a guy pepper sprayed a family with kids in the car over some bullshit. its nuts, its usually pretty chill here but this week has been a shit show. i have to go grab dinner and im almost not into walking two blocks to the store cause theres all these crazies out there.


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have you noticed that people are fucking crazy right now? something is winding people up so tight they are just looking for a reason to blow up. saw a three way road rage fight the other day...a huge fire destroyed half of the downtown core, read about another road rage incident where a guy pepper sprayed a family with kids in the car over some bullshit. its nuts, its usually pretty chill here but this week has been a shit show. i have to go grab dinner and im almost not into walking two blocks to the store cause theres all these crazies out there.
Couldn't agree more. I work in a doctors office and I understand, people come in, they don't feel good, they're cranky. But my god, the level of rudeness I've encountered lately is insane. Even the drive to work gets to me, I saw a woman have a complete melt down temper tantrum the other day, we're talking screaming, hands waving, threw her coffee cup out the window. Things aren't that bad people. Ugh! Lol I'm a whiner tonight.


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My musical tastes span many Genres from Classic Rock to Blues and mostly anything but Rap and Country.

Please Rappers and Country Music fans do not take offense!:bingo::bingo::bingo:

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