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NASCAR starts in 30 mins


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Only I be the winner winner chicken dinner

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No chicken supper for you.


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(insert clever remark here)


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I wouldn't call it a real holiday.

Working in retail and warehousing for 15 years has killed my pleasure of major holidays.
Valentines, Easter, July 4th, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years. Fuck em all.

Jan 1st comes around and I'm thankful that Halloween isn't for 10 months.
It's July 5th now. Yay, still another 3 months until Halloween comes.


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I must be nobody then...


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Groundhog Day: How can you NOT like it?


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Because we don't get winter here, so it is an irrelevant day to me


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That's the point, nothing is expected of you, no presents , costumes ,etc.


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Just a regular day then, nothing special.


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Well, for me it's special. It's the anniversary of several business ventures , building projects , major loan pay offs and the day I quit smoking. It's the first holiday after I was born.


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Well then, you certainly have a reason to like it!

Goodnight VU.


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Groundhog Day.
A. I always thought it was a fun tradition to follow.
B. I especially enjoyed the movie, and still enjoy watching it from time to time.
C. It makes me think of my Mom. The movie was filmed in Woodstock, IL, a tiny little town outside of Chicago. Mom lived there, after a whirlwind relationship, her Prince Charming swept her off her feet and that's where they landed. I used to love to visit her there. She took me on a tour of the small town, showing me all the locations where they filmed. There was still fake snow in some areas, where they used so much!

A few years back I was browsing around vintage Tshirts on Ebay. I found one that said "Groundhog Day!" with a picture of a groundhog in the center of the shirt, underneath that, it read, "filmed in Woodstock, IL".



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I wouldn't call it a real holiday.

Working in retail and warehousing for 15 years has killed my pleasure of major holidays.
Valentines, Easter, July 4th, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years. Fuck em all.

Jan 1st comes around and I'm thankful that Halloween isn't for 10 months.
It's July 5th now. Yay, still another 3 months until Halloween comes.
I got married on Halloween, pissed Everybody off.:)


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Game, set match.... HUCK!



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My A/C broke Thursday evening, The places that sell parts closed Friday,Sat & Sunday. I've got two travel trailers with a/c, but no beds(gave them to friends that needed them). It got up to 94 in my house this weekend. Got up this morning and went a got a new blower motor for the A/C. It's working but will take a while to cool the house.


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Hooooray for working AC!


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So is mine. Well roommate = wife, but she is a vaper too!


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Sweet, it isn't 100 degrees today with high humidity.


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So quick question I got a rental car today gotta drive to NC in the morning can I vape in the car it says no smoking in it but doesn't say anything about vape??

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If it's a Hurtz car, the answer is yes. We do it all the time.


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All rental cars say no smoking. I used to smoke in them anyway when I smoked. I would keep a bottle 1/2 filled with water to drop butts into and vaccum the car before returning. I always smoked with all the windows opened and never got an extra fee for it.

Vaping should be fine unless you are vaping straight heavy tobacco flavors with the windows up. Fruits, desserts, candies, drink flavors, etc. all leave pleasant aromas, so should not be an issue if you vape them.


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It's entetprise

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I had always smoked in my car. As long as the windows were down it never smelled like smoke. Vaping wont leave any bad scent at all.


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Unless you are vaping a tobacco flavor, I don't think they will notice/care.


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I'm in for a win ! Leaving work now see ya later.


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Last win for me for possibly a few weeks.
Heading to job orientation for 3 weeks. Don't know what internet will be like.
Big Thumbs Up/ always asked if you need to orientate me on how to do the job, why in the Hell did you hire Me? :cool:


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Storms headed my way,, just a normal day in tornado alley.


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I just hit my pen walking by the smoke detector didn't think nothing about it blew it out next to it came in living room say down and it went off wth? Its vape not smoke......maybe it was just too

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