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Picking up my riding partner to NC win

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Sitting in a meeting that has nothing to do with me, pretending to listen while browsing around VU win!


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Getting out of bed at 10am, WIN


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^ envious win


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Win hijacking right here son

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Lots of short wins here


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reverse steal ! Ok had my fun you guys can win till later!


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Okay, but I don't think it will work.


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I agree, certainly won't work


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Speaking of work, don't you people have some work you are suppose to be doing?


Excellence In Service
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But Marcus I am working.......I'm busy doing nothing lmao ttyl


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I am working, it is called multi-tasking. My job involves my butt in a chair in front of multiple monitors 9-16 hour\day


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I know jeerz what time is it where you guys are at

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It's 10:49am here in OKC


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11:51 In South Flooriduh


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Damn it's 1855 here in the eu

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For you non military that's 6:55pm

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Since so many people are not working ;) go look at my last post I want opinions about that mod. Win

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1855,,,,,,,,, tomorrow or yesterday?


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Because tomorrow that answer would be wrong.


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as it was yesterday


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Eating at Carolina's win

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Finally out of a meeting win!


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Rainy day win


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Send it this way! I'm tired of the brown spots in front and behind my house where a nice lawn used to be.


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You can have it, we have been getting too much this year. Flash Flood warnings are in effect.


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Sad win.

Orientation started today. But the first thing being done was a DOT Physical. My fucking blood sugar was at 235. Way, way, fucking way to high. So they had to send me home. Type 2 Diabetes does run in the family So now I need to go to the DR get checked for diabetes and get my blood sugar under control. Then I can go back and attempt orientation again.


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Damn, that sucks Z... Good luck getting it all sorted!


Excellence In Service
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Well that sucks in a way. My son has type 1 diabetes. It's perfectly liveable. Not a terminal disease. It might even force you to be healthier ! Better it's caught now before it did damage ! Hope you get everything straightened out. Boy someones making you work for this job !


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I already am living healthier, that's the shitty part.

But, the damage was probably done from unhealthy living in the past. Up to around 6 or 7 years ago I practically lived off of junk food, candy, and soda (over a case a day). Gave up the candy and junk food, switched to eating proteins instead of sugar, and gave up the soda for plain water. In that first year I lost 3 inches off my waist and 50 pounds.

Now, 6 or 7 years later, my waist is down 5 inches, and I'm staying between 200 and 210. Had been over 275. The wait loss only stopped because I've been far more active and building muscle to replace the fat. Now I rarely eat sweets and the only time I drink soda is when going out to eat, which isn't often. It's actually at the point that I barely eat if I'm not being physically active. When working, I got hungry every few hours and would have to eat or I couldn't work. But on days off from work, I wont eat breakfast until 9am, then have a small lunch around 3pm, and then wont start feeling hungry again until 8 or 9pm, when I will have a small dinner. My energy (as a result of ADHD) has climbed as well, if I sleep well overnight, then I can't sleep good the next night unless I do something physical during the day.

I may still have a bit of a gut, but I am definitely not out of shape anymore. Having to put 5-10k or more totes that weigh between 5 and 50 pounds on a conveyor belt every day gets you in shape real fast. And no, that isn't an exaggeration. Up to 1350 totes in a truck and 5 trucks was a slow day. Then there are the trucks that can have up to 4,000 boxes that *aren't* on pallets. I often go for walks at the local park, 10+ mile hikes through the hilly forests without feeling fatigued at all.

Part of me wonders if being constantly physically active could result in a persons blood sugar being naturally higher.
I mean, looking up symptoms of high blood sugar, it doesn't seem to fit.
-Extreme thirst, well, I would sweat my ass off at the warehouse so drank 200+ ounces of water a day. I never wore pants there, even in the middle of winter. It might be 50F on the dock due to all the bay doors and I'd be sweating and have a 4ft industrial fan blowing on me to prevent feeling over heated.
-Urinating a lot. Yea, that tends to happen if you drink 1-2 gallons of water a day. My piss still wasn't clear. lol.
-Wounds that are slow to heal. Nope. My wounds seem to heal pretty fast.
-Drowsiness. Sure, if I wasn't in the path of a fan I'd get light headed and drowsy after 10-15 mins of working.
-Blurred Vision. lol. I am practically blind without my glasses. Don't see how that can be a symptom. Every single member of my family wears glasses.
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I hope you get it all sorted soon Z. I want you out there on those open roads, earning dollars while making sense.

20 hours until I hit my 90 days cig free! It will make about 7'ish months vaping, but 90 with out the stinkies win!


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Part of me still wants to believe that vaping can cause increased blood sugar.

We are inhaling sweet VG and PG.
It is being absorbed via our lungs into our blood stream.
Why wouldn't it cause our blood sugar levels to increase?

Although a google search yields lots of people who have diabetes having done tests by not vaping for a day or more vs chain vaping a ton for hours before checking blood sugar and report barely any change from their normal sugar levels.


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I have been 'borderline' on that blood sugar thing, hovering around 100 since I got fat after my accident 19 years ago. I had blood work done last month after 7 months of vaping and was still around 100. Interestingly though my blood pressure went down some. Since turning 40 I had gone from a lifetime of 120/70 to 130-140/90-100 for the last 2 years. While vaping and smoking at the same time for the first 5 months (cutting down smokes slowly) it stayed the same. I had a doc visit 2 weeks after my last smoke and I was 120/75 :D I know nicotine increases blood pressure, but it seems in my case it was all the other crap that was keeping it there for me.


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I wish you guys nothing but the best ! Your my friends ! That being said......I win!


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ScreenHunter_19 Jul. 07 17.38.gif

momentary win


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Congrats on finishing your 3rd year!

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