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Late Night in DIYland, take II


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Happy Monday!

Yesterday was making a bunch of samples day, need to finish some clean up. Might make more of my ADV / energy drink. Cause I realized if I had to bug out away from house for any length if time - I want too know I have enough juice of my own made to grab and go.

Any one have a vape BOB?

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk


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What does BOB stand for? I don't know if I have one or not.


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What's a bug out bag? o_O Emergency stash?


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In case of war famine pestilence or zombies you have a bag ready to grab on zero warning and head for the hills.has everything you need to take with you.


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Any one have a vape BOB?

Sorta, but you probably could have guessed that :)

I keep a pair of small cases loaded and sitting on the counter. They're the Vaultz pencil box / diabetic med cases; a hard side 5x8x2ish box. One is full of RBA supplies and tools, the other is loaded with bottles of juice. When we pack up and head out for an overnighter or a weekend escape, they get closed up and tossed in the bag.


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My daily carry is pretty close. 18650 charger with auto and wall plugs. USB plug for phone and dna. 4 Spare 18650s. 4-6 RDAs. 60-120ml juice. Wicking material. 1 mod. 1 dna30.

Smoky Blue

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I do.. i keep around a liter of juice by my front door..
a spare charger in my van, with a few extra batteries.. one mech and a dripper..

I won't even talk on my spare nic..
i'd like to quadruple my vg and will feel better, but think my 5 gallons will last me a bit.. :p


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A little too convenient when the fridge is empty and you REALLY don't feel like going to the store.
I don't have a bug out bag for vape supplies or anything else. I keep meaning to do the hurricane preparedness thing but we wind up eating all the tuna and drinking all the bottled water.


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I'll have to take some pictures of my 'fun' socks, as I call them.


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I don't have a bug out bag for vape supplies or anything else. I keep meaning to do the hurricane preparedness thing but we wind up eating all the tuna and drinking all the bottled water.
Lol. At least you've got half of the plan right: store what you eat, eat what you store.
Now we just need to get you talked into restocking :)


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Lol. At least you've got half of the plan right: store what you eat, eat what you store.
Now we just need to get you talked into restocking :)

I tried to buy a case of something I don't like so 'we' wouldn't eat it. #1 son ate it. He's not a picky eater (it was canned chili. hurk) and he sleep eats. It's the weirdest thing.


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Omg!!! Are the socks resting on your comforter? It's the same pattern as a shower curtain I had when I needed a shower curtain. I don't need curtains with the glass, but I still have it since it was so purdy.
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Ok, question. To those of you that mail stuffs out... anytime I've mailed a package, they've asked about the contents, especially liquids. Is there any hassle mailing flavorings? This part is new to me.
It depends on your local post office and their level of ineptitude.

Example I had to mail eliquid to a few friends a couple weeks ago. The conversation went like this:
me: "I need these 3 packages marked fragile/liquid. They're wrapped in bubblewrap, packing peanuts and this is a weight rated box."
her: What kind of liquids.
me: "E-liquids."
her: "Ew liquids? What are those?"
me: (thinking this will be interesting) "E-liquids, not ew liquids. Food safe flavors in a viscous liquid base of propylene glycol, nicotine, and vegetable glycerin"
her: "I don't think you can mail hazardous substances. Let me get my boss."
me: "oy...ok"
Postmaster: "What are you trying to mail, you can't mail body parts."
me: "Nope no body parts, just e-liquid. You've delivered 30 of these packages to me this year, why are you saying I can't mail them?"
PM: "What's in it? She said you're trying to mail hazardous liquids"
me: Nicotine, propylene glycol, vegetable glycerin and food safe flavorings in glass bottles, wrapped in individual zipper bags, bubble wrap, outer zipper bags, and packing peanuts. Actually those 2 - have nicotine in them, the 3rd one contains just the other 3 ingredients.
PM: "Hmm - none of those things are listed on the hazardous list. Go ahead this time.
me: "so you're telling me you won't let me ship this stuff in the future?"
PM: "What is it used for?"
me: "These liquids are used to refill e-cigarette tanks so that people can quit smoking." (While this has gone on one of the town cops - who vapes comes in to pick up the PD's mail)
Cop: "There's no USPS prohibition on mailing what she's trying to mail, your lack of being informed, doesn't mean she can't mail what you're harassing her about."
me: "To answer the PM again - the ingredients - save for the nicotine are also used in sex lubricants, I can mail those right?"
PM: "uh yep." (to the postal teller) "Just mail it, nothing in it is hazardous, and know that she'll be back in, in a week with more to mail. She's more informed than I am on a lot of regulations, I trust her."
(I've dealt with our post master on lots of weird things, she's right, I know more than she does, and she has a $28.00/hour job, I can't get a job there, likely because I know too much info)

If all else fails - tell your local postal worker that its flavored sex lube. They'll blush and be happy to ship it for you.
Things to know:
a. Flammable liquid means a liquid that has a flashpoint of not more than 141°F (60.5°C), or any material in a liquid phase that has a flashpoint at or above100°F (38°C). (anything that will catch fire, with a spark between 100-141°F.)

b. Combustible liquid means any liquid that does not meet the definition of any other hazard class and has a flashpoint above 141°F (60.5°C) and below 200°F (93°C). (anything that will flash at 141-200 F)

PG's flashpoint is 210.2°F in a closed container (above the limit for prohibited mailings)
VG's flashpoint is 320 F in a closed container (even more well above prohibited mailings)
Nicotine base at 100mg/ml is not flammable or combustible - per wizard labs msds
Most flavors that have ethyl alcohol in their ingredient list - will have a very low flashpoint - but not enough to throw off a high vg mix to being hazardous to ship. I pulled up 2 flavors at random from TFA's MSDS List - absinthe has a 48 F flashpoint; Dairy/Milk has a >200F flashpoint - the former would have to be shipped in straight flavor form - using UPS ground only; the latter is usps priority safe to mail.

Lots of math, chemistry and rules to know, but in our usual diluted portions - its perfectly safe to mail - unless you're mixing in a lot of ethyl alcohol as a diluent.

Hopefully that helps. If you ever need shipping help - for vape gear or other stuff - feel free to pm me and ask for help. I'll give you the info I have, or point you where to ask.


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So I finally had some time to take notes and do some mixing today. I mixed up a bunch of samples of single flavors then got to lazy to test them all tonight. Haha...Anywho I did get to throughly test flavor west salt water taffy and there is no was I cannot get it to taste like feet..Ick but that's what small bottles are for, so no harm no foul. Into the swap pile it goes


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So I finally had some time to take notes and do some mixing today. I mixed up a bunch of samples of single flavors then got to lazy to test them all tonight. Haha...Anywho I did get to throughly test flavor west salt water taffy and there is no was I cannot get it to taste like feet..Ick but that's what small bottles are for, so no harm no foul. Into the swap pile it goes

I almost bought that flavor last night. I was hoping it would be good. Shoot.


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I almost bought that flavor last night. I was hoping it would be good. Shoot.
I couldn't get it to work at all but if anyone could I bet you could. I'll send it too ya if you want it


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That's awesome of you to offer, but I hate for you to spend postage for 1 flavor.


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You have ink @ClaireW so you have fun skin. That's more fun than fun socks.
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Sorta, but you probably could have guessed that :)

I keep a pair of small cases loaded and sitting on the counter. They're the Vaultz pencil box / diabetic med cases; a hard side 5x8x2ish box. One is full of RBA supplies and tools, the other is loaded with bottles of juice. When we pack up and head out for an overnighter or a weekend escape, they get closed up and tossed in the bag.

If you didn't chime in I'd think something was wrong!

I have a mini back pack. That I sling over my shoulder when I run out to do errands.

There's always a few extra coils and the short batteries that work with vamo. Phone cord. But other than that I haven't kept up on making sure there's enough of my two ADV flavors.

maybe if I throw kayfun in there I might be forced to use it one day!

Even my regular gear is scattered. Loads of dehydrated foods. MREs. Small Portable charger. Lighting. Pocket sToves. Shelter. Ammo. Water. Water filters etc..

Time to clean gear closet.

vaping one day at a time


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Okay. Sorry for all the whoops. I was on my phone, and I thought I was in a conversation with someone till I realized I was in a thread. lol. That could have been really bad if I was a shit talker. Anyhow, my apologies for all the whoops.

@Cramptholomew I teach junior and senior English

@Huckleberried YOU'RE AMAZING!!!! Got my flavor mail today. Thank you! Btw...great handwriting.


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You have ink @ClaireW so you have fun skin. That's more fun that fun socks.

No ink yet. Was going to go a few weeks ago. But had appnt next day to be with mom at her surgeon.

Moms dr appnt was going to be a long day. Decided not to get tattoo the day before just in case I had some sort of reaction. Had originally planned to get work done on side of lower leg.

I didn't Think It was a good idea to be on feet all day after getting lower leg tattoo. didn't want to be the casualty when I had to be there for mom.

Have changed my mind and going to get cancer ribbon with dragon fly on arm. I have a feeling tattoos are like potato chips.

For now my everything is on hold.

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Discovered today how much I like kona cream vape.

Back when I started vaping my ADV was a tobacco - Was also doing a little butterscotch or kona cream.

Then got into adding the kona to the tobacco.

I had NF kona cream flavoring hanging around. MIxed up a small amount yesterday.

When I was labeling samples today I decided to add a little kona to the ry4 I always vape.

vaping one day at a time

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