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Late Night in DIYland, take II


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Sorry Claire, I don't know for sure. We probably bought them at Steam Cigs, but it's also possible we ordered them from

So far the Kayfun's doing a great job as decoration :) I was supposed to take it apart and get everything washed this weekend. Oops :)

My wife and I each have three, and the one you sent makes #7. I need to get it checked out and then put it back into the box as a spare.

Thank you. I ordered from sweetvapes. Got some coils the new style & a new version of the aerotank.

Any reason why I would want to try the sub ohm coils for the aerotank?


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Thank you. I ordered from sweetvapes. Got some coils the new style & a new version of the aerotank.

Any reason why I would want to try the sub ohm coils for the aerotank?
It depends on the device you're running it on. If it's a regulated mod, or battery, it allows a wider range of power, with less power needed to achieve the same results as a higher ohm coil. It it's a mech, it will vape much better than higher ohm coils, since you're working with a decreasing amount of voltage, starting at 4.2v.


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It depends on the device you're running it on. If it's a regulated mod, or battery, it allows a wider range of power, with less power needed to achieve the same results as a higher ohm coil. It it's a mech, it will vape much better than higher ohm coils, since you're working with a decreasing amount of voltage, starting at 4.2v.

So I get more clouds and battery will last longer?

vaping one day at a time


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So I get more clouds and battery will last longer?

vaping one day at a time

I agree with that statement, but some people have said no. I can't remember who, but it was one one or more of the argumentative anal retentive experts over on ECF, so I take it with a grain of salt. I don't remember what their reasoning was, but my reaction was "whatever".

I can say that from my experience, if you run lower ohms, at less voltage, then it requires less battery output to heat the coils, thus longer battery life.

(Edit: I used the first portion of this post to passive aggressively vent about ECF)


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it was one or more of the argumentative anal retentive experts over on ECF, so I take it with a grain of salt. I don't remember what their reasoning was, but my reaction was "whatever".

(Edit: I used the first portion of this post to passive aggressively vent about ECF)
I think some of those to whom you speak of have come over here.


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Watching big brother and tired of storms.

vaping one day at a time
Claire, I know we live fairly close. What are you doing tomorrow afternoon? Me and as Asbestos are going to meet over at steam Cigs and screw around with the coils and stuff.
I just got a couple of those little vapor shark DNA 30s in and we're going to play with those. Going to rebuild three or four Tobes. As Bestos has gone very very sub ohm and back-and-forth to Hell and back. It would be a good time to come visit with us. If you are anywhere near Lawrenceville

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Some of you guys here really crack me up. I haven't had time to breath or respond, but I have been reading the posts. Thank you for the daily chuckles.


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Oh? I haven't paid attention. I only really stick here in the DIY section. There are some "experts" here though too. If I ever sound like an expert, please feel free to call me out on my hubris.
The fact that you know the word hubris and use it correctly in a sentence makes me =)

You've never been an ass, but it will be my pleasure to comment if you are.

I hope no one inferred from my comment that there were any anal retentive buttheads on this thread. You guys are awesome.


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Claire, I know we live fairly close. What are you doing tomorrow afternoon? Me and as Asbestos are going to meet over at steam Cigs and screw around with the coils and stuff.

I just stopped in tonight. Did you see the new Matt's new mod design at the show? They're damn nice. Really damn nice. This round was all brass and lacewood.


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I just stopped in tonight. Did you see the new Matt's new mod design at the show? They're damn nice. Really damn nice. This round was all brass and lacewood.
Yes that is a really cool design. If people could actually put one in their hand, I think he would sell hundreds if not thousands of them.

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The fact that you know the word hubris and use it correctly in a sentence makes me =)

You've never been an ass, but it will be my pleasure to comment if you are.

I hope no one inferred from my comment that there were any anal retentive buttheads on this thread. You guys are awesome.

I just stumbled into this thread tonight for the first time. I noticed you posted that right after I came in...... (don't know how to do smiley face on Tapatalk )

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I just stumbled into this thread tonight for the first time. I noticed you posted that right after I came in...... (don't know how to do smiley face on Tapatalk )

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I don't either, hence the emoticons.
I like this one =)

Some prefer the nose

This is my favorite
= ^. .^ =


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Oh wow. That was an accident. Thunder... Just type :space)


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Dammit. A donut shop right here would be cool! I have coffee. Lots o'vapes. I could whip one up with TFA KY Bourbon, FA Red Wine, FA Brandy or FA Irish Cream? They'd only taste a bit like a drink. I use those for additives in bakery stuff cuz HIC said so, lol.


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Bwahahahaha! Second quote is priceless. I can relate, my son does the same thing. But he vapes.
Yep I understand that enthusiasm, and not being appreciated way too well. I get all hyper about new ejuice, new mod charms, new earrings, pretty much any new thing I create and always there's "I'll try it, look at it, or smell it later"...bah I was happy and wanted to show you what I made and here you are not wanting to look, try, sniff etc...fine.

Yep I understand that feeling.


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My signature images may blink on and off a couple more times. Figured out what the issue was before, now I'm just rebuilding my system software to be the most secure I can make it. :)


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Anyone interested in buying or selling vape gear anytime soon, or know a bunch of vendors that sell vape gear online regularly care to volunteer to test out a bit of a project I have going?

PM (Start a Conversation) for a link. :)

I need some opinions to see if this might even be viable.

Once I have a few experienced buyers' opinions, I'll open this up to everyone.


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I'm in a bad mood. My foot is killing me. I think I have plantar fasciitis. All this news of fighting, violence, religious fanatics, and crazies has me depressed. I'm irrationally waiting for the world to end. I shouldn't read the news, but I do, and I REALLY shouldn't read the comments. People are disgusting, nasty, and filled with venom. Doesn't matter which side of the isle they're on. I hate people in general. They're the problem with this world.

On another note, I have 8 NETs steeping. I pulled one out today, and am letting it filter (American Spirit Red loose rolling tobacco). We'll see how it turns out.

I made some killer flank steak for dinner, so that's good.


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I'm in a bad mood. My foot is killing me. I think I have plantar fasciitis. All this news of fighting, violence, religious fanatics, and crazies has me depressed. I'm irrationally waiting for the world to end. I shouldn't read the news, but I do, and I REALLY shouldn't read the comments. People are disgusting, nasty, and filled with venom. Doesn't matter which side of the isle they're on. I hate people in general. They're the problem with this world.

On another note, I have 8 NETs steeping. I pulled one out today, and am letting it filter (American Spirit Red loose rolling tobacco). We'll see how it turns out.

I made some killer flank steak for dinner, so that's good.
I like steak.

Pity party for cramps!!!

A few days a week, teaching would be awesome without students.

I know whatcha mean though. I had a similar thought this morning about how there's such a barrage of violence simultaneously. Media, let alone humans, can't handle another tragedy, and sadly, we've had more shootings around where I teach. There's so many other events, the loss of life locally isn't being addressed.


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I'm in a bad mood. My foot is killing me. I think I have plantar fasciitis. All this news of fighting, violence, religious fanatics, and crazies has me depressed. I'm irrationally waiting for the world to end. I shouldn't read the news, but I do, and I REALLY shouldn't read the comments. People are disgusting, nasty, and filled with venom. Doesn't matter which side of the isle they're on. I hate people in general. They're the problem with this world.

On another note, I have 8 NETs steeping. I pulled one out today, and am letting it filter (American Spirit Red loose rolling tobacco). We'll see how it turns out.

I made some killer flank steak for dinner, so that's good.

There are exercises for that. Before you get out of bed in the AM, stretch your foot so you're trying to touch your toes to your shin. I was kinda shocked how quickly and well it works. I can't help with the other stuff because yeah. People suck in the news. Thank gawd for all the awesome people not in the news that don't need their 15 minutes of attention/sensationalism/bullshit.

I've never bought or had flank steak.


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People suck.
There's a quote from a book written by Michael Moorcock "man may trust man but we will never have a truly sane world until men learn to trust mankind"

the problem is mankind is not trustworthy. fun thought huh?


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Claire, I know we live fairly close. What are you doing tomorrow afternoon? Me and as Asbestos are going to meet over at steam Cigs and screw around with the coils and stuff.
I just got a couple of those little vapor shark DNA 30s in and we're going to play with those. Going to rebuild three or four Tobes. As Bestos has gone very very sub ohm and back-and-forth to Hell and back. It would be a good time to come visit with us. If you are anywhere near Lawrenceville

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Thanks for invite! I'm over in Acworth. Think I was over that way once -- is there a micro center in that area?

Been working on and off all day. Was on the phone with client at 9 tonight which I don't typically do but it's been one of those days. The benefit of self employment / working from home.

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I wanna come! I can bake some really good treats. Boyfriend is an excellent cook. He's making us dinner as I type this, and also strutting around the kitchen, literally strutting because he's so pleased with the way it's turning out. I got a sample. OMG delish. Roasted Red Pepper Chicken Alfredo with 4 cheese Tortellini.

Man @Cramptholomew , I hear ya. The good news about all that bad news is that it gets to you, which means you're one of the good guys. It really is truly sad how things are.

@RocketPuppy , please be safe. I always get so MAD when I hear those stories on the news. It's horrifying.


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Huck - I don't want you to visit. I want you to be my neighbor forever.


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Cool, let me know when a house next door or down the street becomes available. We'd have so much fun. And we'd have play dates for our pets when we got together. Lock 'em all away and mix!

Man, I'd love to have a friend local that enjoyed vape stuff. For now, it's the peeps at the vape shop. Boyfriend isn't into it like I am. He's the one that got me started.


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Sorry I've been MIA - work has been busy - the problem employee got canned on the 9th for lying to the boss about what she did, setting us up to look like we screwed up but my notes to the boss were left after the problem employees were, and I was asked by the boss to text photos of the other employee not doing her job. So we're getting many more hours, including opening and closing the shop a couple days a week while boss has family/medical obligations.

I've been mostly not online or not posting because I've been busy, trying to get sleep, and I had major dental surgery Monday morning. Had a tooth issue, $1800 root canal + crown (I really couldn't afford) or a $450 extraction and collagen plug I also couldn't really afford but the tooth had a root touching into the sinus so I had to get it taken care of before it abscessed and I needed surgery on my sinus, which I can afford a lot less than the other option. No straw drinking, no vaping (until today), I can't vape on any of my gear, sucking hurts. Uh yeah I can't fix the statement to not sound dirty/wrong. The act of pulling in vapor hurts unless its on boyfriend's cloud chasing rig - because it produces so much vapor with so little effort on my part, and I don't have to force the pull of vapor. Its still not enjoyable but its better than on my own gear right now. Its the sinus involvement that will take 10-14 days to seal off so I don't have pain on making any sort of yawn/stretch/pull/sucking motion. Mostly I sit with ice packs on my face and it takes enough of the edge off the pain I don't need the painkillers, until I try to vape on my own gear, and want to kick my own ass for trying to vape (after being granted permission by the dentist to 'try it and see if it hurts, if it does, don't do it again'). I'll just wait til Tuesday when my stitches come out and ask the dentist then if it should still suck to suck...*bah* I give up.

@Cramptholomew - for your PF - try one of these: I've had it before, it sucks. There are exercises, alternating hot & cold water soaks can help, and doing regular home-based PT, as well as getting a night-time's a couple links. (they have an email list and always have sales) (same thing - email w/sales)
I'll let you flip through the products, compare results, and find something in your own price range.
This one - is similar to what I had prescribed by my ortho when I was suffering most of the time. I also invested the $40 in the Dr Scholl's custom fit orthotics - for my foot type. I've had far fewer foot issues, and my knees hate me less too. My back is still a pain but the rest of me feels better since fixing my feet.

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