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New God 180 Box Mod - 180 Watts


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All that sub-ohming has clearly turned you into a dickhead.

If you really don't like the forum - please feel free to take your 94 days of 'superior vaping knowledge' and fuck right off.
Lol you people make me laugh. "Oh man this person quit cigs 94 days ago so that MUST mean he only started vaping then." Um clearly you're the dick head. I started vaping years ago(quit cigs 94 days ago) and I still wouldn't care if somebody started vaping a day ago or not. If he has something to say I don't look down on that person even if I don't agree with him. Show me where I even came out hostile? Try reading what you quoted and stop making this a big circle jerk. Okaaay~dickhead?
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I got quoted! I hope I didn't say anything wrong!! I was stayingthey don't know how to have ta that shit storm LOL
On an honest note- we are all very passionate about vaping that's why we spend time on a vaping forum.
Sometimes that passion gets the better of us. Also when you read it can become hard to understand the context of the message, versus talking face to face.
I thought scary was the one that said that? But see I don't mind people like you. Instead of attacking because they don't know that people have different opinions they need to learn from you or scary about having a normal debate or conversation. I hope they are just internet warriors only for their sake or thry won't have a lot of good nice friends acting like that.


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Lol im sorry but all your comments are pathetic. Seriously, show me exactly where I tried to act like I knew things. Oh look at me I've been vaping for 3 years now so I know everything about it.

I've vaped for longer than 94 days. I quit cigs offically 94 days ago. I still have my blu and prosmoke kits and some disposables in my closet somewhere.

Show me exactly where I acted like an elitist. I just said I vape between 50-240 watts. You guys got so defensive and pissed because I said nothing wrong. I didn't even write it in a attacking way. But look at how you guys respond. At least I now know who cant take some criticism.

As for the coke can, people looking down on designs are the retards. Look at you thinking the coke can is a joke. Um no, like I said if somebody likes it good for them. I dont bitch and say all the vape gear you have is a joke.

This forum is becoming a big circle jerk just by looking at the people who post in this thread.

Again you all are pathetic it's kind of sad to see. Make yourselves feel better with the forum by attacking anybody with an opinion. Whatever floats your boat. Oh and really calling me a kid? Interwebz at its finest.

You're the one who is doing the attacking

We all bow down to your 'superior' vaping knowledge - all 94 days worth.

You don't like the forum?
Please feel free to fuck right off.
Lol you people make me laugh. "Oh man this person quit cigs 94 days ago so that MUST mean he only started vaping then." Um clearly you're the dick head. I started vaping years ago(quit cigs 94 days ago) and I still wouldn't care if somebody started vaping a day ago or not. If he has someyhing to say I don't look down on that person even if I don't agree with him. Okaaay~dickhead?

Go away ya silly lttle boy.


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You're the one who is doing the attacking

We all bow down to your 'superior' vaping knowledge - all 94 days worth.

You don't like the forum?
Please feel free to fuck right off.

Go away ya silly lttle boy.
Again, you look pathetic. Just some advice, don't act like you are now in person because you'll end up alone with no friends besides your internet buddies(not saying internet buddies are bad).


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Also I love all you guys (ladies definitely included)

we love you too. now let's fight like everybody else.


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I think the watts thing is getting out of hand. When will it stop? 500 or 1000w? I personally vape around 15-20w, so I have no need for 180w. I do like the dual 18650. That would last me a couple days at 15w.

That is a lot of power very close to your face.

I have to say, it is a very nice looking mod though.

Has anyone even heard of this crowd before?
I don't know if I'd be super happy about putting 3 x 18650's next to my face in a device putting out 180+ watts

There's a total lack of anything that refers to safety features on their Alibaba listing, they do say this though;

The cossing design comes from the Jesus.Popular and nice! Show respect to our god!

This is what 1 hard shorted 26650 does;

Let's hope that these folks safety features are better than their English.


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3x18650 at 180w on .3ohm will pull 8.17 amps per battery. The more batteries you have to pull the same wattage will stress each battery less. Use your head instead of posting useless videos.


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Sorry, no. Passion explains many things, but not people talking crap and insulting people, such as Mr. Two-hundred-and-forty-watts over there.
You're pathetic too. I don't give a shit about how other people vape. Also I did say I vape between 50-240. Seriously I can tell some of you are pathetic losers. Keep being a internet warrior if it makes you feel better. Whatever floats your boat.

Celtic Fog

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someone needs to report him for belittling people so much. A little back and forth is understandable, but he is getting ridiculous with it.


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I got quoted! I hope I didn't say anything wrong!! I was staying outta that shit storm LOL
On an honest note- we are all very passionate about vaping that's why we spend time on a vaping forum.
Sometimes that passion gets the better of us. Also when you read it can become hard to understand the context of the message, versus talking face to face.
No I was quoting r2beat @st_andrew you just got tossed around in there like a bag of potato's hehe

Celtic Fog

Tir Na Nog
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boom goes the iggy stick. Good call @Anson


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Hey Celtic and everyone else that's sick of listening to the little turd - use the ignore function - its great
hahaha thats part of the fun man everyone has an opinion even if they are so wrong only a tactical nuclear weapon could be the cure I never ignore anyone its not really needed I myself think the God mod is so big that I would probably use it as a backup generator :)

Celtic Fog

Tir Na Nog
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hahaha thats part of the fun man everyone has an opinion even if they are so wrong only a tactical nuclear weapon could be the cure I never ignore anyone its not really needed I myself think the God mod is so big that I would probably use it as a backup generator :)
hey bro, i already got warnings on my account for using adult language and sexual innuendos against someone that was physically threatening one of the ladies here(which i guess they were fine with, go figure since that is actually against the rules lol and language and innuendos are not)...I don't want to give them a single inch to play with anymore lol. Im a nice guy till pushed, so it is safer for me to use the iggy stick now...


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hey bro, i already got warnings on my account for using adult language and sexual innuendos against someone that was physically threatening one of the ladies here(which i guess they were fine with, go figure since that is actually against the rules lol and language and innuendos are not)...I don't want to give them a single inch to play with anymore lol. Im a nice guy till pushed, so it is safer for me to use the iggy stick now...
nothing in the rules about Tactical nuclear weapons but see we do not use them anymore we use atomic weapons hahaha


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hey bro, i already got warnings on my account for using adult language and sexual innuendos against someone that was physically threatening one of the ladies here(which i guess they were fine with, go figure since that is actually against the rules lol and language and innuendos are not)...I don't want to give them a single inch to play with anymore lol. Im a nice guy till pushed, so it is safer for me to use the iggy stick now...
Ive never been warned and if I did it would have already happened for the all out wars I have had I have settled down now... my passion toward VU has waned so be it..


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Round and round goes the big circle jerk. Yeah nobody notices how they all got butthurt and came attacking me first. W/e you all are jokes. I can tell some of you are over 40 and just found out about the internet a couple years ago.

chris damron

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to get back on topic here, I just saw that this uses pulse width modulation. instant turn off for me. same bullshit as the variAnt.


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I think I am going to make adapters for the God mod... a Frying pad with a .510 connector an backup generator for lights only in your house..
and a lazer what ya guys think hehehe


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Personally I'm gonna slap one of my Aspire nautilus tanks on it and vape for a week without charging.
Not me I am going to also make a Tazer system out of it... And maybe a rail gun.... It wont last a week for me vaping


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I have oversized hands so I rather like the larger mods.

Easier for me to hold onto and not drop.

But I am thinking that this one would really be pushing the limit and doubt it would fit into my shirt pocket which is a feature I insist on.

And I am guessing 6 to eight hours to charge using the usb charger so screw that and just use an external charger.


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I have oversized hands so I rather like the larger mods.

Easier for me to hold onto and not drop.

But I am thinking that this one would really be pushing the limit and doubt it would fit into my shirt pocket which is a feature I insist on.

And I am guessing 6 to eight hours to charge using the usb charger so screw that and just use an external charger.
You may have to get like a huge leather belt to carry it... I just keep thinking each time you vape you have to pull this to your mouth that may just be a workout if I do decide to get it... I will have to use a gooseneck so I do not have to lift it constantly :)


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You may have to get like a huge leather belt to carry it... I just keep thinking each time you vape you have to pull this to your mouth that may just be a workout if I do decide to get it... I will have to use a gooseneck so I do not have to lift it constantly :)

..... Now you are just plain over exaggerating it. I've seen Hammond box mods with three batteries in it that probably weigh more than this will. Definitely bigger than this.


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How does PWM turn you off? As long as the frequency is high enough, you shouldn't even notice it.

Aah yes, another one of the vaping world's myths: you can taste PWM, and apparently it tastes nasty. The true connoisseur only vapes out of mods that put out "pure" DC.

Of course, anybody with a passing knowledge of physics and electronics knows better, but the true vaping connoisseur is unphased by facts :)


Member For 4 Years
Aah yes, another one of the vaping world's myths: you can taste PWM, and apparently it tastes nasty. The true connoisseur only vapes out of mods that put out "pure" DC.

Of course, anybody with a passing knowledge of physics and electronics knows better, but the true vaping connoisseur is unphased by facts :)



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..... Now you are just plain over exaggerating it. I've seen Hammond box mods with three batteries in it that probably weigh more than this will. Definitely bigger than this.
Yeah it was intentional just for the Hell of it :)


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to get back on topic here, I just saw that this uses pulse width modulation. instant turn off for me. same bullshit as the variAnt.
Get out! Ya, NO


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Aah yes, another one of the vaping world's myths: you can taste PWM, and apparently it tastes nasty. The true connoisseur only vapes out of mods that put out "pure" DC.

Of course, anybody with a passing knowledge of physics and electronics knows better, but the true vaping connoisseur is unphased by facts :)

I have never heard that myth before honestly .. I don't like the rattle snake sound, that is the turn off for me.


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Is it just me, or did that girl in the video at the end say something like "wow. big healthy vapor?" LOL

If she was Chinese, then prolly yes :p


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I have never heard that myth before honestly .. I don't like the rattle snake sound, that is the turn off for me.

Not all PWM mods do it - thank goodness. It really depends on the quality of the PCB's design.
Almost all my mods are PWM , but only my Coolfire II rattles like a sumbitch. Annoying, but still perfectly functional though...

As for the PWM taste myth, look around on the other vaping site: there are pages after pages of posts from people who seriously claim each pulse "shocks" and burns the juice, and create a typical taste you don't get with buttery-smooth filtered DC :) It'd be funny if it wasn't pathetic.


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Not all PWM mods do it - thank goodness. It really depends on the quality of the PCB's design.
Almost all my mods are PWM , but only my Coolfire II rattles like a sumbitch. Annoying, but still perfectly functional though...

As for the PWM taste myth, look around on the other vaping site: there are pages after pages of posts from people who seriously claim each pulse "shocks" and burns the juice, and create a typical taste you don't get with buttery-smooth filtered DC :) It'd be funny if it wasn't pathetic.
Which ones do it and which ones do it that people claim they can taste?


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Most pwm that I have used made it sound like I was shaking baby rattlers. I did use cheap ones though. I never tasted a difference. As for the size of the mod, if a hammond box is too big for you, this is probably too big fot you.


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Has anyone even heard of this crowd before?
I don't know if I'd be super happy about putting 3 x 18650's next to my face in a device putting out 180+ watts

There's a total lack of anything that refers to safety features on their Alibaba listing, they do say this though;

This is what 1 hard shorted 26650 does;

Let's hope that these folks safety features are better than their English.
Yeah...shrapnel is the killer with small explosives too...sigh..haha.

Aka...dumb ass checking to see if there are any holes in him. Haha.
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The mod looks huge in her hands...haha.. I guess I understand that fetish now..

But it didn't look monstrous, well except that wick you need for, in the second person's hands.

I don't need 100watts... but I'm intrigued by this mod.


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Which ones do it and which ones do it that people claim they can taste?
The biggest difference I can tell as I was playing devils advocate was with a DNA 30 vs one of my old Sigelei's its a smoother draw but chaning the taste I tested it last night with several and I think what they are actually meaning how the vapor is delivered...

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