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New Subohm Tank


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Hey i'm looking to pick up a new sub ohm-tank. I'm looking for something that looks great and is 22mm diameter. Ascetics are a big thing for me so i hate overhang, so being more the 22mm the TFV4 is out. cheapish replacement coils are a plus also. BTW i already have the subtank mini and the delta 2 atm.


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I just wana know what y'all suggest :)


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Uwell Crown. Top fill, coils last long and the black one looks sweet. The Crown has awesome flavor and it chucks. I have all the Kanger Subtanks, TFV4, and a Russian 91% and I always find myself grabbing the Crown. It also looks great on all my mods especially my SX Mini M Class. I like it so much I'm ordering a stainless one as well. The only con I have is to get good flavor and clouds you really have to run it above 40w or 35j depending on the mod you're using.


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Uwell Crown. Top fill, coils last long and the black one looks sweet. The Crown has awesome flavor and it chucks. I have all the Kanger Subtanks, TFV4, and a Russian 91% and I always find myself grabbing the Crown. It also looks great on all my mods especially my SX Mini M Class. I like it so much I'm ordering a stainless one as well. The only con I have is to get good flavor and clouds you really have to run it above 40w or 35j depending on the mod you're using.

How long do the coils last for you? Its 22mm di? Also how much are extra coils/ where to buy them? Im getting burned with the delta 2 because no one sells extra (that i can find) and when i can there more expensive then getting a new tank of it lol


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How long do the coils last for you? Its 22mm di? Also how much are extra coils/ where to buy them? Im getting burned with the delta 2 because no one sells extra (that i can find) and when i can there more expensive then getting a new tank of it lol has the tank for $20 and the coils they have for $8 a 4 pack but the coils are out of stock now. I'm still on my first coil and its been over two weeks with no loss of flavor or clouds. I only vape in TC mode and use Ni200 in all my tanks. In contrast a Subtank coil usually lasts me anywhere from 7-10 days very rarely 2 weeks. Yes it is 22mm. Hope this helped.


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Unlisted Vendor has the tank for $20 and the coils they have for $8 a 4 pack but the coils are out of stock now. I'm still on my first coil and its been over two weeks with no loss of flavor or clouds. I only vape in TC mode and use Ni200 in all my tanks. In contrast a Subtank coil usually lasts me anywhere from 7-10 days very rarely 2 weeks. Yes it is 22mm. Hope this helped.

LOL anything helps. Ill take a look at it. How is Us based or china? Does it come with a Ni200 or Ti coils? I just got the Evic VTC Mini and it has TC control.... been wanting to try that lol :D


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LOL anything helps. Ill take a look at it. How is Us based or china? Does it come with a Ni200 or Ti coils? I just got the Evic VTC Mini and it has TC control.... been wanting to try that lol :D
US based. Josh the owner is a great guy. Comes with a Ni200 coil to be honest I don't know what the others are because I don't use them. Once you vape in TC mode you'll never go back. Just a smooth and consistent vape all around.


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US based. Josh the owner is a great guy. Comes with a Ni200 coil to be honest I don't know what the others are because I don't use them. Once you vape in TC mode you'll never go back. Just a smooth and consistent vape all around.

I guess your in the same area as him then lol :p :) Do they sell the ni200 coils? Where are you getting yours then?


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Also how does it compare to the Herakles tank? If you know :)


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Hey i'm looking to pick up a new sub ohm-tank. I'm looking for something that looks great and is 22mm diameter. Ascetics are a big thing for me so i hate overhang, so being more the 22mm the TFV4 is out. cheapish replacement coils are a plus also. BTW i already have the subtank mini and the delta 2 atm.
You do know there is the TFV4 Mini in 22mm right? Goblin Mini, Herakles Plus, Crown, Crius, Aromanizer...list goes on for good 22mm tanks


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I guess your in the same area as him then lol :p :) Do they sell the ni200 coils? Where are you getting yours then?
No I'm in NY they are in TX. I ordered a 4 pack when I ordered the tank. At that time they were in stock but like I said I'm still on the same coil that came with the tank. I have not even cracked open the 4 pack yet. When the coils are back in stock I'm ordering 2 packs and another tank. No experience with the Herakles. I don't have one


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You do know there is the TFV4 Mini in 22mm right? Goblin Mini, Crown, Crius, Aromanizer...list goes on for good 22mm tanks

They have a mini lmfao XD didnt know that. Ive herd that the full drinks juice and leeks is that true?
The goblin is n rta right? im looking for an easy grab on my way to work/class kinda tank. Have a velocity for home use lol


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No I'm in NY they are in TX. I ordered a 4 pack when I ordered the tank. At that time they were in stock but like I said I'm still on the same coil that came with the tank. I have not even cracked open the 4 pack yet. When the coils are back in stock I'm ordering 2 packs and another tank. No experience with the Herakles. I don't have one

Lol im in NY also. Fast shipping?


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They have a mini lmfao XD didnt know that. Ive herd that the full drinks juice and leeks is that true?
The goblin is n rta right? im looking for an easy grab on my way to work/class kinda tank. Have a velocity for home use lol
The TFV4 wil guzzle juice if used above 90w but if you use the rba's like I do even with insane builds it sips juice, havent had any issues with leaking myself. RTA's have the build a coil or 2 then wick and your good for 1-3 weeks and then dry burn and rewick and continue. A prebuilt head you might get 2-3 weeks with it and then you need another and some of them are DOA or you might get a dry hit and have to toss it, it becomes an expensive the RTA's have MUCH better flavor then any subtank besides TFV4 and the Crown tank. Goblin Mini is a beast, even with 26g or 28g single coil and its around $20 everywhere...Your velocity is a good view into what a RTA is, except you dont need to drip anymore...its the lazy man's dripper.


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Crown is 24mm

TFv4 does come in a Mini (finally in black as well as stainless). Though a few things, first IMO TFv4 is the best option IF you're interested in rebuilding your own coils, if not you may be better off with alternate options as the coils are expensive and really suck up the juice, so it's going to make more of a dent on your wallet than something like the Herekles or Crown. Also, the mini heats up fast, so using higher wattages could be a bad idea, for me 80w it was starting to get hot after a few hits, at 50w though it wasn't a concern at all. I'm a big fan of the TFV4, but it has it's pros and cons like everything.

I know for a non rebuildable option the Herekles Plus that's coming soon looks pretty fantastic, sharing coils with the Atlantis (and many others) is pretty sweet and it has all the new bells and whistles (top filling, restrict able juice flow, and additional top flowing air holes). But that's not out yet and I'm not sure in diameter but I've heard good things about the normal Herekles and that is 22mm, don't have one myself though.


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The TFV4 wil guzzle juice if used above 90w but if you use the rba's like I do even with insane builds it sips juice. RTA's have the build a coil or 2 then wick and your good for 1-3 weeks and then dry burn and rewick and continue. A prebuilt head you might get 2-3 weeks with it and then you need another and some of them are DOA or you might get a dry hit and have to toss it, it becomes an expensive the RTA's have MUCH better flavor then any subtank besides TFV4 and the Crown tank. Goblin Mini is a beast, even with 26g or 28g single coil and its around $20 everywhere...Your velocity is a good view into what a RTA is, except you dont need to drip anymore...its the lazy man's dripper.

I use the subtank mini RTA section and its actually good. As with my velocity i havnt started getting into the insane buils, sticking to just the macors and micros for now. I dont have the time to really do that. Im going right from class to work or from work to class so yah :/ Something to just beable to toss in with like a coil head for my long days would be great. I stick with my RDAs when i home nad my subby when im not rushing.

Plus now i wana give the TC a try lol ;) :)


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Crown is 24mm

TFv4 does come in a Mini (finally in black as well as stainless). Though a few things, first IMO TFv4 is the best option IF you're interested in rebuilding your own coils, if not you may be better off with alternate options as the coils are expensive and really suck up the juice, so it's going to make more of a dent on your wallet than something like the Herekles or Crown. Also, the mini heats up fast, so using higher wattages could be a bad idea, for me 80w it was starting to get hot after a few hits, at 50w though it wasn't a concern at all. I'm a big fan of the TFV4, but it has it's pros and cons like everything.

I know for a non rebuildable option the Herekles Plus that's coming soon looks pretty fantastic, sharing coils with the Atlantis (and many others) is pretty sweet and it has all the new bells and whistles (top filling, restrict able juice flow, and additional top flowing air holes). But that's not out yet and I'm not sure in diameter but I've heard good things about the normal Herekles and that is 22mm, don't have one myself though.

Yah thats what i thought with the TFV4.... I want (like i said above) something to toss and go, not build. Ill leave that for my drippers and subby lol. Plus id rather not need a fill up in the middle of the day because i dont like carrying extra juice with me and most of the time no time to do so (very tight schedule). So prob wont go with that..... $20+ for a pack of coils.... SMH lol

I thought the crown is 22mm at the base? Not 24mm? That may be a deal breaker. You sure its not just the heatsink/ af ring? I was looking at the Herakles just for the atlantis coil compatibility lol. They're cheap and able to get them everywhere lol


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I use the subtank mini RTA section and its actually good. As with my velocity i havnt started getting into the insane buils, sticking to just the macors and micros for now. I dont have the time to really do that. Im going right from class to work or from work to class so yah :/ Something to just beable to toss in with like a coil head for my long days would be great. I stick with my RDAs when i home nad my subby when im not rushing.

Plus now i wana give the TC a try lol ;) :)
I wouldnt hesitate on the new Herakles Plus then, going by what your looking for.
Links for Herakles Plus and Parts (They ship 12/03, they are not in stock....):
Black Version or Stainless Version
NI200 Coilheads
Kanthal Coilheads
SS Coilheads
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Also whats the difference for the Herkales and Herakles plus?


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It is a 22mm, it will fit flush. It has new features and looks. The biggest new feature is the added top airflow adjustment like the Atlantis V2 has but this one actually hels with flavor and density isntead of ruining it when using it. On the Atlantis V2 the top airflow goes from the tip to your mouth, which does nothing but dilute the vape with cold air. On the Herakles Plus the Air comes from the top airflow and heads down a chamber to the coil along with the normal bottom airflow control, So if you need more airflow and want to increase the performance of your vape it is very useful, unlike most other tank with the normal drip tip airflow that destroys the vape. It also now includes Top Filling and Juice Flow Control.
A decent written review of it
VapingwithTwisted420's Review
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It is a 22mm, it will fit flush. It has new features and looks. The biggest new feature is the added top airflow adjustment like the Atlantis V2 has but this one actually hels with flavor and density isntead of ruining it when using it. On the Atlantis V2 the top airflow goes from the tip to your mouth, which does nothing but dilute the vape with cold air. On the Herakles Plus the Air comes from the top airflow and heads down a chamber to the coil along with the normal bottom airflow control, So if you need more airflow and want to increase the performance of your vape it is very useful, unlike most other tank with the normal drip tip airflow that destroys the vape. It also now includes Top Filling and Juice Flow Control.

So its basically the same barring the new airflow?


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So its basically the same barring the new airflow?
Has a few more additions to it also, but thats one of the main new features. It looks very promising for a Sub Ohm Tank.


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Has a few more additions to it also, but thats one of the main new features. It looks very promising for a Sub Ohm Tank.

Still able to use with the Atlantis coils?? If so that may be a very good option :3 tho i am being tempted by that $20 crown atm lol


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Still able to use with the Atlantis coils?? If so that may be a very good option :3 tho i am being tempted by that $20 crown atm lol
Im not sure if it is compatible still, If I were you I would get the Crown now...Herakles Plus wont be availble until the end of December for the Average Joe anyhow, but would make a great purchase nonetheless. What are you using to power your tank? If you say a Tube Mod Ill tear your eyes out...2mm shouldnt stray you away if its for a box or Istick or similar, just be safe!! No Tubes for Tanks (Unless Pin is Adjustable!)


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Yah thats what i thought with the TFV4.... I want (like i said above) something to toss and go, not build. Ill leave that for my drippers and subby lol. Plus id rather not need a fill up in the middle of the day because i dont like carrying extra juice with me and most of the time no time to do so (very tight schedule). So prob wont go with that..... $20+ for a pack of coils.... SMH lol

I thought the crown is 22mm at the base? Not 24mm? That may be a deal breaker. You sure its not just the heatsink/ af ring? I was looking at the Herakles just for the atlantis coil compatibility lol. They're cheap and able to get them everywhere lol
I thought it was and it may be, but I wanted to double check on their website and the infographic and specs say 24mm, but looking at the tank if they're measuring the cap and the airflow control which both protrude the base may be 22mm and just come out an extra mm on all sides from the ring/cap.

And I've seen no mention of new coils on the Herekles, the airflow is a nice addition but the solid top fill design and juice control is what has me more intrigued. I'm certainly more of an RTA guy though, I've thrown enough money away on coils that simply don't perform as much to my liking as I could make myself, plus everytime I get a dud I want to punch someone. If it werent' for that I'd certainly be pre-ordering that Herekles... and I still might. As far as RTA/RBA goes though, if you do it right it's really no more work than replacing the coil every week or two, just a little more fun. The downside is do it wrong and you end up wtih a leaky mess in your shorts. So I can certainly respect wanting premade coils for the ease of use.


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Im not sure if it is compatible still, If I were you I would get the Crown now...Herakles Plus wont be availble until the end of December for the Average Joe anyhow, but would make a great purchase nonetheless. What are you using to power your tank? If you say a Tube Mod Ill tear your eyes out...2mm shouldnt stray you away if its for a box or Istick or similar, just be safe!! No Tubes for Tanks (Unless Pin is Adjustable!)

LOL i dont like tubes anyways so (yet ;) )..... yah. No right now im using a Evic VTC mini with the 75watt upgrade. LOVING IT SO MUCH. That or my subox mini lol. I think ill pull the trigger on the crown then. Experience has told me to avoid pre-orders if possible! But i like flush that and my OCD wont allow anything different.


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I thought it was and it may be, but I wanted to double check on their website and the infographic and specs say 24mm, but looking at the tank if they're measuring the cap and the airflow control which both protrude the base may be 22mm and just come out an extra mm on all sides from the ring/cap.

And I've seen no mention of new coils on the Herekles, the airflow is a nice addition but the solid top fill design and juice control is what has me more intrigued. I'm certainly more of an RTA guy though, I've thrown enough money away on coils that simply don't perform as much to my liking as I could make myself, plus everytime I get a dud I want to punch someone. If it werent' for that I'd certainly be pre-ordering that Herekles... and I still might. As far as RTA/RBA goes though, if you do it right it's really no more work than replacing the coil every week or two, just a little more fun. The downside is do it wrong and you end up wtih a leaky mess in your shorts. So I can certainly respect wanting premade coils for the ease of use.

Yah im going for the premade for convenience sake on a full day. I use the RTA for my subtank and love it (tho i did have one or two NASTY spills with it lol).


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* Waves around his Atlantis Mega on the old CF subohm tube mod *


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You will enjoy the Crown, The AFC is what is 24mm on the Tank, 22mm Elsewhere.


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LOL i dont like tubes anyways so (yet ;) )..... yah. No right now im using a Evic VTC mini with the 75watt upgrade. LOVING IT SO MUCH. That or my subox mini lol. I think ill pull the trigger on the crown then. Experience has told me to avoid pre-orders if possible! But i like flush that and my OCD wont allow anything different.
One thing I've read about the Crown is that it is one that you want a bit of power going into. Not having it myself I don't know but I think you may be riding that line with 75w... but again I don't own it just remember seeing 80w thrown around quite a bit for it.


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One thing I've read about the Crown is that it is one that you want a bit of power going into. Not having it myself I don't know but I think you may be riding that line with 75w... but again I don't own it just remember seeing 80w thrown around quite a bit for it.

I like cool vape so that will be fine. I tend to go low on my wattage.

Anyone know how ecigs shipping is?


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LOL Thats a made combo you dick :p
:p Yeah I like the tube mods, wish there were some solid ones out there.

So I had original Atlantis + the battery designed for it, and got the Mega + battery designed for it. When I flip them it's funny looking :D

@drackeo Mega is 30mm, the battery is 22mm :cool:


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:p Yeah I like the tube mods, wish there were some solid ones out there.

So I had original Atlantis + the battery designed for it, and got the Mega + battery designed for it. When I flip them it's funny looking :D
I liked those CF Mods, some of the colored carbon styles were very nice. I think thats where the Ijust2 was developed off of, just everyone forgot about the CF Mods by then...Nice looking regulated 4V with long life and up to 100w.

Ive never dealt with Ecigs site before, most of my purchasing is through Ebay, Angelcigs, Gearbest or Fast Tech


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:p Yeah I like the tube mods, wish there were some solid ones out there.

So I had original Atlantis + the battery designed for it, and got the Mega + battery designed for it. When I flip them it's funny looking :D

@drackeo Mega is 30mm, the battery is 22mm :cool:

....that would drive me CRAZY lmfao

Tho i know a guy who has a 55MM custom dripper..... he uses it on a 22mm 18650 tube mod.............. I hate him lol i mean 55 freeking mm....... just why


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yeah shipping is like everyone else 2-4 days

Okay cool :) i wasnt sure lol. Tho could be better... i get orders from myvaporstore in one day or less ;) so yk lol


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....that would drive me CRAZY lmfao

Tho i know a guy who has a 55MM custom dripper..... he uses it on a 22mm 18650 tube mod.............. I hate him lol i mean 55 freeking mm....... just why
Cuz Cloudz Bro, Cloudz :eek::cool:

I feel the same when it comes to tube but boxes I like the same or smaller then the width of the box. I am looking into a 28mm rda though...might have to pick up a 26650 mod if its too big on the Xcube or Snow Wolf..


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Cuz Cloudz Bro, Cloudz

but still.... it uses like 10mL of juice each drip and he can only it it like 3 times before he has to change batteries..... Clouds are thin also x'D i dont get it lol


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but still.... it uses like 10mL of juice each drip and he can only it it like 3 times before he has to change batteries..... Clouds are thin also x'D i dont get it lol
IDK, Self Size Issues then I guess...If it doesnt have a nice return then I dont cash out..


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LOL i dont like tubes anyways so (yet ;) )..... yah. No right now im using a Evic VTC mini with the 75watt upgrade. LOVING IT SO MUCH. That or my subox mini lol. I think ill pull the trigger on the crown then. Experience has told me to avoid pre-orders if possible! But i like flush that and my OCD wont allow anything different.
You'd love the crown on your VTC mini! I have that combo, running the 0.5 Ohm coil, that came with the tank in TC for SS, since the regular coils are SS coils. Besides the Ni200, and the SS 0.5 Ohm coil, you also get a SS 0.25 Ohm coil.


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You'd love the crown on your VTC mini! I have that combo, running the 0.5 Ohm coil, that came with the tank in TC for SS, since the regular coils are SS coils. Besides the Ni200, and the SS 0.5 Ohm coil, you also get a SS 0.25 Ohm coil.
Do you have a pic to show it? This may interest me to buy for the wife, she ues a Istick 30w/Goblin Mini and wants to upgrade...and then I can steal the Goblin Mini for myself!


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IDK, Self Size Issues then I guess...If it doesnt have a nice return then I dont cash out..

You know he does drive a big ass truck thats lifted like a foot or something like that.... Tires to match also. I think your onto something lol


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You'd love the crown on your VTC mini! I have that combo, running the 0.5 Ohm coil, that came with the tank in TC for SS, since the regular coils are SS coils. Besides the Ni200, and the SS 0.5 Ohm coil, you also get a SS 0.25 Ohm coil.

....wait the regular coils are SS??? So i can use the Ni TC and the SS Tc for the VTC Mini????? WTF IM GETTING THAT NOW lol


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You know he does drive a big ass truck thats lifted like a foot or something like that.... Tires to match also. I think your onto something lol
Ive notice short people or people with "size issues" usually compensate in ways that show it well, also they usually have "Little Man Syndrome" and act violent for very small reasons.


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Do you have a pic to show it? This may interest me to buy for the wife, she ues a Istick 30w/Goblin Mini and wants to upgrade...and then I can steal the Goblin Mini for myself!

Also i may pick up a Goblin mini.... just looked at it its nice. who has it cheapest?

Ive notice short people or people with "size issues" usually compensate in ways that show it well, also they usually have "Little Man Syndrome" and act violent for very small reasons.

Hes on the short side lol. Tho hes melower then some stoners i know XD


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I like my Triton 2 tanks.....they are 22.5mm but the Clapton coils are nice!

Posted via my phablet using Tapatalk


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....wait the regular coils are SS??? So i can use the Ni TC and the SS Tc for the VTC Mini????? WTF IM GETTING THAT NOW lol
The VTC mini and the Crown, a pair made in heaven! :) I love it!

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