OK, now that my rDNA has a full day of use under its belt I think I can say everything is near perfect, as far as I can tell. It did take me a little while to get used to the increased size (compared to the smaller vaporshark dna, which has been my main device for over a month now), but ultimately this device is pretty small and fits in my hand very well. I do like the feel of the buttons better on the vaporshark dna, but there is nothing wrong with the rDNA’s buttons at all - I think this is what caused my previous comment that the rDNA doesn’t feel quite as solid somehow.
One small quibble - and this isn’t related to the rDNA itself but rather the sharkskin... it is much slipperier than my small vaporshark’s sharkskin. Also, there is spot on the sharkskin near the fire button which is discolored (barely noticeable, but just enough to bring out the OCD in me). Both of those things have me thinking I might just go naked with it.
For what its worth, in case someone reads this who is on the fence about buying the rDNA, I think that since my only real complaint so far is with a $7 accessory, it means this device is a winner! For the money I doubt if there is a better device available at the moment. If I had to choose between the vaporsharks (I don’t because I have both now, but if I did) I’d choose the rDNA over the regular vaporshark dna, mostly for the battery.