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not about JH thread, its just a whine about whatever you want and stupid ass picts thread


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Just because it is a super cool pic.


LOVE this , thanx


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Gotta vent, can't find any other "whatever" threads, so I chose this one: I'm gonna bitch about something. I made a dumb dumb mistake today.

Woke up at 4 to start doing up the bird this morning (Hey, Happy Thanksgiving everyone!) and decided to check emails and whatnot before I got started. VaporDNA sent out a doorbuster Black Friday sale email, so I click into it. Top of the list, right off the bat, we're looking at a Sigelei T150 Touchscreen mod for $30. Thirty bucks is a great deal, but I'm already in hot water with the wife over the vape budgets and whatnot, so I put it off.

It didn't leave my mind, though.

So while I prepped the turkey, I started justifying it to myself. Thirty bucks, their asking price is a solid bill - that's a helluva discount. It's early, so if I throw down the order now, I'm guaranteed to get something I... well, kinda want. I guess I want it, I am in the market for a new mod (why not?), this is nice and modern and high-tec, good manufacturer, great sale price... fuck it, I'm doing it.

Ahh, there we go. Confirmation email.

So here I sit on the john, let's take a little better look at this bad boy before it gets here. Let's get amped, burley! WOO! To Google I go, with a search result and bright, daydreamy eyes. First review.

"Hard on battery wraps, this thing chews 'em up." Shoot, that's a pet peeve of mine. A specific pet peeve no less, that's more or less why I stopped using my XCube II. Fine, whatever, I can get past that.

"Lock doesn't stay locked..." Shit. Again, that's another thing the Cube did that I didn't appreciate in the slightest. Fine... whatever... still jazzed. Still jazzed.

"No usb, so no firmware updates." Ugh, that's... that's not all that impressive. Considering at one point it probably did have a port, as per manufacturer pics. Dang. Well, that's okay, I can overlook all this.

"No SS in TC." Say what? That's pretty stupid "In fact, if you use SS coils in wattage mode, it'll kick you into TC Nickel mode."

Son. Of. A. Bitch. SS is about all I use for coils nowadays... and... son of a bitch! For thirty bucks, I mean, it'll make... a good... back up? For my tanks that all need to be swapped back over to kanthal, nevermind trying TC on it unless I go on and buy some Nickel wire. UUUUUGGGGGHHHH, or not, I've got kanthal, eff-it.

In the grand scheme of things, it's not that bad. I'm excited to play with the screen and whatnot, and it's probably wrappable - so that's a plus there, too.

I just wish I had clicked a few reviews before I purchased it.


Guess I'll give it a whirl when it gets here and see if it's worth keeping around, otherwise expect this guy to pop up in the classified section at some point.

Lesson learned: jump at something you don't know a lot about because of a sale price, you get what you deserve. I did, and am, anyways. Don't pull a burley, do your damned research before clicking 'Place Order.'

edited to add: It's not VaporDNA's fault or anything, they list everything in the description - it's my bad for skimming and jumping on it without doing my own legwork.

So there. I ranted. You read it. Happy Turkey Day, gobble gobble, and may your clouds be tasty and full.

~mic drop~

First thanks for deciding on THIS thread to vent. Im honored.

WOW, been there too, Im sure we all have. One good thing is that you did not pay full price for realizing you made a mistake.

Ive done that with RTAs. First thought is, I can just sell it and loose the shipping , no biggie.

Then it sits, and sits.. Not even a PM asking you to reduce it to less than half on an item that is been in your hands less than 8 hours and not even set up and smelled up.

When you finally do sell it youve lost half of what you paid. THAT sucks :)

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone.

Photo my ME. copyright 2012 Rhodes Digital Photography


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
First thanks for deciding on THIS thread to vent. Im honored.

WOW, been there too, Im sure we all have. One good thing is that you did not pay full price for realizing you made a mistake.

Ive done that with RTAs. First thought is, I can just sell it and loose the shipping , no biggie.

Then it sits, and sits.. Not even a PM asking you to reduce it to less than half on an item that is been in your hands less than 8 hours and not even set up and smelled up.

When you finally do sell it youve lost half of what you paid. THAT sucks :)

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone.

Photo my ME. copyright 2012 Rhodes Digital Photography
The pic reminds me of stuff from Wound & Wound.


Jai Haze

Haters Make Me Famous
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Is he still around?
yup just not responding to corny shit. Haters gonna hate; here ill post something that will hold some value

“Haters don't really hate you, they hate themselves;
because you're a reflection of what they wish to be”
-Yaira N

“No matter how good you are, someone is always going to be against you. But never let them be the limit of your success.”
-Terry Mark


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So..... Its a sad day in vape history..... Provape is no longer.......

For many it was what got them off cigarettes. It was the best of the best for a long, long time. Its still some of the best, long lasting and SAFE devices.

I tried to avoid them, due to the constant harping " get a Provari, get a Provari, dittto , ditto, ditto. No matter what your problem was, or what you were asking about, it could all be solved if..... you got .... get a Provari......

My answer always was " I DONT need one...." " Im sure they are good, but I think they are ugly" or " too damn big" and finally I hate the slants, or the designs .....

I have 3 now. What can I say, they ARE good, fantastic actually. I cant fault them and power? Hell I never go past 13 watts.

So here is my tribute, my Provari's....







Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Member For 3 Years
This is punk

so is this

and this

Dee was 80s glam/ pseudo "punk:" in the same category as Billy Idol

I love that style of music too... but.... :)

almost forgot the band that made Punk a news worthy item


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
This is punk

so is this

and this

Dee was 80s glam/ pseudo "punk:" in the same category as Billy Idol

I love that style of music too... but.... :)

almost forgot the band that made Punk a news worthy item
yeah it is but The Who are considered the Godfathers of Punk.. they were wrtiting about the same stuff the Sex Pistols were writing about a decade or so ahead of them.the plight of Englands disaffected and unemployed poor.


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