see i still think its weird
you all are having serious not,
im wondering if i can help you all becuase thi sis my first rta and besides the deck space ( which is not a real issue- just wish for more) and i do not like the top/side fill. it seem slike it might be a issue at some point.
@AmandaD you keep saying your crius gets hot. that make sme wonder if something is wrong.
Im run mine at .5 ohms with 316l 10 wrap 2mm ID at 48watts
i just tried to suck through about 2-3ml in 5 mins - man my lungs hate me at the moment and that lead to a few slight dry hits. But this thing is a s cool as room temp still. Mine does not heat up. It did the first day or two until I felt I perfected my coils and wicks on it. Now it never seems to heat up .
SO this makes me curious as to why yours heat sup so much. I know you go through twice as much juice as me in a day. But what ohm/build/watts are you running to get it so hot.
Im wondering if that heat combined with the fact if i remember correctly you run heavy PG is thinning your juice, making the metal and other material inside the tank get slightly misshappen and allows yours to leak
because if i also remember correctly you had slight cracks in your ceramic insulator; but i dont remember if you got the deck replaced....if not that may be causing the heat and the leak
is any one else
@TheVapingDevil @vuJim @anyone else having these leaking issues, experiencing their tank heating up above room temp?
Im wondering if all who have this leakage experience the heat up issue and they are connected.